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Caged Page 13

by Tricia Wagner


  We enter the warehouse and just as we’re about to go through the main door we hear a gunshot. No. This can’t be happening. We run through the door Gavin’s team following and I see two bodies on a bed. Neither of them moving. The bastard is on top of her with his pants down. Please tell met his isn’t happening. Gavin gets there first and flings James off of Addy. I see her laying there and I see the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her chest is rising and falling. She’s breathing. I look down to James on the ground and can clearly see he is the one who was shot. “Is this all his blood?” “It looks like it.” I run my hands up and down Addy’s body to make sure she’s not hurt. “Why isn’t she awake?” “Shock probably. Let’s get her out to the ambulance, Preston. This guy will need medical attention. I’m not sure if he’s going to make it. We should just let him bleed out.” I give Gavin a look that tells him we can’t do that even though I wouldn’t mind with what I’m looking down at right now. If he dies that’s just something else I need to worry about. Not only do I have to worry about what has happened here to Addy, but now I have to worry about her reaction to killing someone. Justified or not, Addy is a good person and that will bother her. I pick her up in my arms wishing that I knew our baby was ok too. I get her to the paramedics and let them know that she is also five weeks pregnant. We take the short ride to the ER where my family and Adrionna will meet us. Addy is still sleeping, but they are hooking her up to a monitor so that we can check on the baby. The doctor comes in with the sonogram machine and when I said that Adeline’s chest rising and falling was beautiful, the sound of our baby’s heartbeat filling the room was even more beautiful. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat. Strong and steady. Looks like the baby is a fighter, too. It also looks like all of your wife’s vitals are checking out to be ok. We didn’t find any major injuries. I’m sure she has a concussion from the multiple blows to the head. Once she wakes up we will have a better chance at knowing her recovery time.” “Thank you Dr. Thank you so much.” I know that sounds desperate, but I’m literally at the point where I have tears flowing from my eyes as I listen to the baby’s heart. “Can we leave that attached for right now?” The doctor half smiles down at me, “Of course.” With that the doctor leaves and I have to leave Addy’s side to go tell the family all of the news. I get to the waiting room and I see our entire entourage. Everyone asks the same general question so I answer quickly. “Addy, is still not awake. Her vitals are good, but she had multiple blows to the head. We won’t know her recovery time until she wakes up. The baby, the baby, God I can hear the baby’s heart beating strong and steady. They said we will monitor that while she’s here, but so far we’re all looking good.” I hear a collaborative sigh as I turn to head back to Addy’s side. “Visitors are allowed two at a time and I’m not leaving so you can take turns.” Everyone in this place probably thinks I’m a crazy person, although it is Vegas so maybe not. I’m still wearing my fight gear. I hope someone brought me something to change into. I look up to see my mom hurrying down the hall toward me. She catches up and hands me a bag. I knew she would think of everything. “You’re going to be a Dad. I just, I have no words. We are so excited for you even after the day you’ve had.” “I know, Ma. It’s an amazing feeling.” She gives me a squeeze as we sit down in the room with Addy. The baby’s heartbeat still filling the room. I’m never going to want to leave here unless we can take that thing with us. “Any news on James?” “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for one of your brothers. They won’t tell me anything.” I nod and indicate that I’m going to get changed and she grabs onto Addy’s hand. I hurry through the motions of changing and get back to my seat at her side. Please wake up soon. I need you. I need to see your eyes open and that smile of yours. Please.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Why do I feel so sick? My whole body just aches all over. Do I have the flu? I feel like I got hit by a train. I blink my eyes a couple of times and try to take in my surroundings. I see Preston at my side holding my hand and I hear a really weird rumbling sound. That on top of a beeping. I’m clearly in the hospital. Why am I in the hospital? Oh no. The baby. My hand flies out of Preston’s and reaches for my stomach. Is our baby ok? Preston’s head snaps up and he takes in the fact that I’m looking at him while he releases a big breath. I go to talk, but my voice is all scratchy. “Don’t try and talk baby. Let me get you some water.” I nod as he turns to leave. I look at the monitor and realize that noise must be our baby’s heart. Oh God. It’s beautiful. I feel the tears running down my cheeks. I see Preston return with a doctor at his side. He lets me sip a bit of the water as the doctor starts to ask me some questions. “The baby?” is all I manage to get out after he asks his first question. “The baby is doing great. Strong and steady heartbeat. All the measurements point to a healthy baby.” I sag with relief and Preston kisses my hand. The doctor begins to ask me more questions. I go through the whole ordeal and I feel Preston’s body go tense when I go into what was happening when I…Oh my God I shot James. “Is James? Is he alive?” Did I kill someone? “He’s alive. He was brought in with just enough time to save him. He will make a full recovery.” Ok. Now I’m not sure which was scarier. Did I want him to make a full recovery? That’s when my whole body started shaking. “Baby, he will not get near you ever again. Where he is going he’s barely going to see the light of day.” The doctor gives me a nod and I tell him to proceed with his analysis. “It looks like you are having normal brain functions just like we figured you would. I think since you’re awake we could probably just keep you overnight and send you home in the morning.” I give him a nod. He walks out and Preston starts to speak. “I-I-I thought I lost you. I walked into that building and saw him on top of you and neither of you were moving. Oh God.” I had never seen him show so much emotion and here he was crying because he thought he had lost me. I sit up as best I can and fold myself over him so that he can feel me there. “Preston, I’m ok. I knew you were coming to save me. Most of the time I was with him I spent knocked out cold. That and the throwing up were probably my saving grace.” He sets me back gently in the bed. “Baby, there’s a lot of people waiting to see you out there. I need to go tell them you’re awake. Are you up for visitors?” “The baby.” “They know. I had to honey. I’m sorry.” “No, it was the right thing to do. It sounds like he or she is doing great in there so it should be ok that people know now anyways.” He gives me a nod stands kisses me and walks out of the room. It doesn’t take long and I hear the Bennett Brigade with Adrionna in tow walking down the corridor. Everyone comes rushing into the room with worried looks on their faces. Adrionna is the first to make a scene. “Oh my God. Addy, don’t ever do that ever again! These guys are never going to let either of us go into a bathroom on our own ever again.” I try to let out a little laugh, but my whole body seriously hurts. “Can I just say? Asher and I are over the moon that you are awake and that beautiful noise we hear is our little grandbaby.” To this I smile. Genuinely. One at a time they all give me hugs and kisses on the cheek or forehead. I see Gavin turn and pull Adrionna into him. I shake my head and he gives me a “what?” look. Seriously, my best friend and Gavin? Is that even possible? Preston keeps close and always has at least one hand on me somewhere. The contact helps both of us as everyone discusses the events of the past twenty-four hours. I guess I’ll never forget my wedding day. Sigh. “What’s wrong baby?” “I was just thinking that tomorrow we were supposed to be leaving for Hawaii. Now I’m here and depending on what time they let me go we won’t make our flight.” I give my best puppy dog eyes. Preston gets up and leaves without a word. Well that was weird. He comes back not too long after and says “I got the all clear for you to fly tomorrow. I bumped our flights to the afternoon if you’re up for it. I asked if we could take that machine with us, but the doctor said no. Do you think it’s something you can order and have at home?” “Preston, we aren’t buying a heartbeat monitor. The baby is just fine, and so am I. W
e just need to trust that.” He gives me a nod and he kisses me on the lips brushing over the sensitive part on my face. “Is it bad?” “No, you’re still beautiful.” I shake my head at him. “So, are you up for a flight tomorrow?” “Yea, I think I am. I mean I’m sure I’ll get sick, but what else is new.” Preston does not like this. “Is there something you can take for the nausea?” “I’m not sure, I really don’t want to take medicine.” “Yea sis, no alcohol or Dramamine. No wonder Preston was freaking out on me.” We both laugh. “Yea, well Adrionna handed me a mimosa this morning instead of plain orange juice and I had no idea.” I look to Preston who is glaring at Adrionna. I laugh. “I spit it out Pres, it’s fine. She had no idea.” “Yea, quit glaring. If you wouldn’t have kept it a secret, we would’ve known and she wouldn’t have given her alcohol.” This came from Gavin. Seriously, what is happening between them? “Can I talk to Adrionna alone?” All eyes snap to me including Preston’s. “Please, you can stand right outside the door. I just need to talk to her really quick.” “Yea.” He reluctantly leaves with a kiss and they shut the door behind them. “Are you really ok?” “Yea, I am. What the hell is going on with you and Gavin?” “What do you mean?” “What do I…? What? What do I mean? You’re serious?” “Yea, nothing’s going on?” “That man is looking at you like you’re his dinner and he missed breakfast. And lunch.” “You’re crazy he is not. Besides he’s far too controlling. He is not my type at all.” “Yes, hot and dangerous are never anything that you’re interested in.” “Ok. Ok. So he’s good looking? It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t date and I don’t just fuck anymore.” I raise an eyebrow at her. “Did you guys already?” “What? God no! I was kidnapped this morning, and after that I was trying to get my head back together. I found out my best friend is having a baby, watched her new husband beat the crap out of some guy, and then thought I had lost my best friend. When would I have had time to do that?” “Oh, I don’t know? When he was consoling you this afternoon?” “No, Adeline. I didn’t.” “Ok, well I’m just saying to be careful. I know his type. And they aren’t the type that are around for more than one family dinner.” “I get it. I do, but I’m not going there so there is no need for the warning.” I nod and she goes and opens the door. Everyone comes back in and Preston comes right to me. “All good, baby?” I sigh. “Yea, I guess so.” “You guess so?” “I just don’t want to be in the hospital anymore.” “The longer we can keep that thing connected to you, the better. You’re staying overnight for observation. Tomorrow we will be in sunny Hawaii.” I nod at him and pray to God he is right. Now that I’m awake it is physically impossible for me to sleep with the loud noises of the monitors, and the people coming and going. Not that I mind. I just want to get out of here and feel like a normal person again. “Babe, I can see you’re struggling sleeping here. Is there anything I can do?” “Yea, can you fit in here with me?” To this he laughs. “It’s basically a twin size bed. I don’t fit in one of those by myself.” “Ok, well if I stand up can I lay on top of you?” He shakes his head at me. “Please?” I give him my best puppy dog look. I know he should try and sleep himself. He gives me a short nod and helps me stand. “Babe, if it is not comfortable for you we aren’t staying like that.” I give him a lying nod. Comfortable or not I need this. I don’t care how crappy I feel. I do my best not to wince at any pain anywhere over my body as I crawl back on top of him. The baby monitor is still on because Preston insisted, but it is actually quite soothing, knowing that our baby is healthy. I snuggle in and feel Preston let out a little breath. I do the same and it doesn’t take long before I hear his breathing even out. I knew he was tired. I still can’t sleep because I keep replaying everything over in my mind. My silly pride. I should’ve just let someone watch me puke my brains out. I have a feeling I won’t be going anywhere in public on my own anytime soon. With this thought I finally start to drift asleep. It’s not a deep sleep as you can imagine there is a lot of hustle and bustle going on in a hospital. “Look how precious. If this weren’t because of something horrible this would be a Kodak moment. Oh screw it I’m taking a picture anyways.” Yes. This is what I hear Adrionna saying at some point in the middle of the night. They were all taking shifts being with me even though Preston never left. “Adrionna. You better not even think about taking a picture of me looking like this.” “Oh, really? Because I already did. I’m not gonna post it I swear.” “Please, if the paparazzi get a hold of something like that it will be everywhere. That is not what I need.” “Do you think I could sell it to a magazine? Get rich off my best friend’s fame?” “I hate you.” This was all done through whispers so that I wouldn’t wake Preston. He was still soundly sleeping and I looked up at his face to see he was still dead asleep. The man could apparently sleep through anything. “You love me.” I shake my head at her and the doctor comes in with two police officers. I look to the doctor and he gives a disapproving look. “He shouldn’t be in there with you.” “I know, but I begged him. I made him do it.” “I need him to get out of there.” “Ok, one second.” I reach up and rub his chest. “Preston, the doctor wants you to get down. I’m going to stand up and then you can get up.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” “It’s ok.” I slowly get up and Preston gets out of the bed. “I need to speak to the patient alone and then the police have some questions that need answered.” “I’m her husband. Anything you need to say you can say in front of me.” “Unfortunately, that’s not true. With situations like this, we need to speak to the patient alone. You can come back in for the questioning if she would like.” He isn’t going to like this very much. I see his body is literally wound tight. “Pres, I’ll be good. I promise.” “I don’t understand. What do you mean situations like this? What kind of situation is this?” “Pres, you can come back in for the questioning. I promise I’m good.” I think he can tell that I need him to just let this go for a minute. He gives me a nod and kisses me on the forehead. “I’ll be right outside.” I nod and he leaves with Adrionna. The police officers also step outside while the doctor starts his exam. “I thought all of this was completed.” “It was, but the man who did this to you is awake. In and out of consciousness he is saying things about raping you. I need to know if we need to do a rape kit.” I literally feel like I could be sick. “No, with my morning sickness being the way it is, he couldn’t really get near me. I shot him before he could do anything. His pants were down, but he never was able to touch me like that. I believe he ripped my shirt open, but that was it.” He gives me a short nod and says “Ok, well then the police need your statement. Do you want your husband in here?” “Yes, please.” “Do you really want him in here or are you just saying that because that’s what he wants?” “No, he can come in. I don’t mind.” He gives another nod and the police officers with Preston come through the door. Preston comes right to my side and asks, “Everything ok?” “Yea.” He doesn’t believe me. But, I give him a look that tells him I will tell him later. “Ms. Granger we have a few questions for you.” “It’s Mrs. Bennett.” “Excuse me?” “Her name, it’s Mrs. Bennett.” “Oh, my apologies. Mrs. Bennett, can you answer a few questions for us?” “Sure.” He asks a variety of questions and about an hour later he says, “We just need a signature here from you, ma’am, and then we’ll be out of your hair. I understand you’re leaving for Hawaii this afternoon?” “Yes sir. For our honeymoon.” I take the clipboard and sign on the dotted line. “Good. That will be good after everything you went through.” “I hope so.” I hand back the clipboard and he takes it from me. He shakes Preston’s hand and they leave without another word. Through the whole thing I could see Preston’s features getting mean. I know that James is somewhere in this hospital. I have a feeling Preston knows exactly where he is. “Pres, I’m ok.” “You’re so strong. I can’t wait to get you far away from here.” “When can I get out of here?” “Soon. What did the doctor want to talk about?” “I think maybe we should wait until we’re not in the hospital anymore.” “Baby, you went through thi
s traumatic experience, I need to be able to be there for you. If you don’t tell me what’s going on I can’t do my job.” “I know, but if I tell you I need you to promise me something.” “Anything.” “I need you to stay with me after I tell you what he said. No running out of here and going anywhere. Right here. I don’t care if you need to throw things in here I just need you to not get into trouble.” “What. Did. He. Say?” I whisper hoping that I convey to him that I need this, “Promise.” I hear him heavily sigh. “Fine. I promise.” “Ok, well apparently James is awake. He was saying something about raping me. They had to come in and make sure that they didn’t need to do a rape kit on me. Obviously, from the story you just heard everything. He didn’t get that far thank God.” I see that Preston is gripping the chair in a death grip. He stands up throwing the chair and goes straight for the door. “Preston, you promised. Please don’t make me regret being open and honest with you. Please.” He stops at the door and turns to me. “I need a minute.” With that he was gone. I can’t help the tears that just started falling. It doesn’t take long before Gavin comes walking through the door. “Gavin, please go make sure he isn’t going to find James. Please.” “He’s not he sent me in here to sit with you. He said he just needed a minute. What happened?” “The doctor told me that James is awake and was talking about raping me. He had to ask if I had been raped. They asked Preston to leave the room while this was happening. Then the cops were here to take my statement so that on top of James being awake and talking about it like that it didn’t go over too well with Preston.” “Shit. I need to get Grant with him to be sure. One sec Addy.” I give him a nod and still can’t control the tears that are falling down my face. I just want Preston to hold me. Gavin comes back through the door and says “I have Grant looking for him. We’ll get him taken care of Addy. He’s not going anywhere and he’s not going to get into trouble for doing anything here either.” “I just d-d-don’t know what to do. I feel like this is all my f-f-fault. I just need Preston here with me. I need him to be ok Gavin.” “He’ll be ok Addy. This is a lot for him to take in. I’ve never seen my brother the way he was when he found out you were gone.” He says this as he wraps his arms around me. I sob into his arms and I don’t care if Preston would be mad. He should be here with me. “He p-p-promised he wouldn’t leave me.” “I know Addy, but the type of man that Preston is, he wouldn’t have been able to hear what you said and just sit here. I’m sorry this is all happening to you. I feel like this is all my fault. We shouldn’t have let you out of our sight. My brother is torn right now. He wants to go down and kill that man that has put this look on your face. I can’t say that I blame him and I know if you were my woman I would be going out of my mind. I promise you that him leaving was not really what he wanted to do. He wants to make you feel better. He wants to see you laughing and smiling again. All of us want that.” I can’t help, but keep crying. I know he’s right, but Preston made me a promise and not two seconds later broke it. I sob until my body literally can’t sob anymore. Gavin is sitting on the bed holding me and even though they aren’t Preston’s arms they are still comforting. I don’t know how much time goes by, but Gavin doesn’t let me go. I hear the door open, but I don’t look up from Gavin’s chest. My grip tightens when I hear Preston, “I’ll get her from here.” I shake my head. I know it’s stupid, but he can’t seriously think that this wouldn’t have upset me. “Baby, please.” I shake my head, but I do let go of Gavin. He shouldn’t be put in the middle of it all. I turn to the other side and curl up into a small ball. I close my eyes and try and calm down my crying. I’m going to make myself sick. I keep my eyes closed as I hear Gavin excuse himself from the room. Ideally, this is not great circumstances. “Baby, please hear me out.” I don’t say anything because what would be the point? “When you said all of that it just reminded me how close I came to not getting you back. Hearing that James had planned this all along and was going to take you against your will is just too much for one man to hear. I wanted to kill him. I thought about going down to his hospital room. The first thing that popped into my mind when I did that though was how my baby would see me if I did something like that. I came back as soon as I calmed down. With your past and what you’ve been through in the last twenty-four hours’ baby, I couldn’t stand in here and get mad. I didn’t want you to see me like that. I know you think I broke my promise, and that is on me. I should have been able to control myself better, but the truth is I couldn’t. Addy, I’m here now, and I know you need me just as much as I need you right now.” I still don’t say anything, but I feel his arms pulling me out of my ball. I turn into him and let him hold me. Such a hardship I know. He scared me half to death though. “I thought you were going to…” This came out as a whisper before he interrupted me. “I know. I thought I was going to too.” Oh God. “Are you calm now?” “Yea, I am except when I come in and see my brother in my spot. Then I see you cling on to him because you don’t want me to hold you.” “I’m not sorry. Your brother offered a shoulder to cry on. You left.” “I know. I’m sorry baby. Please forgive me.” “I will on one condition.” “Anything.” “Don’t make me promises you don’t intend to keep Preston. I can’t handle that. Not from you.” “Baby, I’m sorry. I won’t make promises I can’t keep. Please, forgive me.” I nod as I say “I forgive you.” He lets out a sigh as he pulls me tighter. Safe in the arms of love. There really is nowhere better. I melt into him and my tears subside. I even out my breathing and I can tell that Preston is starting to relax into me as well. I hear a knock on the door and I see the doctor come back into the room. “Mrs. Bennett? We are ready to discharge you. If you could fill out the rest of this paperwork, you’ll be all set to go.” “Sure, thank you.” He nods and exits the room. Preston helps me fill out all of the information and he turns it in at the nurse’s station. I’m wheeled out in a wheel chair even though it is completely unnecessary. Preston picks me up and puts me in a rental car and points us back to the hotel. We get up to our suite where I can shower and get my stuff together for Hawaii. I shower and it is probably the longest shower I have ever taken. I finally get out and pull my hair in a bun at the nape of my neck. I throw on some comfortable, but cute summer clothes for the flight. I finish packing all of my stuff and Preston is ready for me when we head out the door. “Did you get everything, baby?” “Yea, I think so. Did you talk to the hotel about security?” “It’s all been taken care of.” I nod because I probably don’t want to know how that conversation went. We head downstairs and everyone meets us there to say goodbye. Adrionna is heading back towards home and says she will be there when I get back. We hug it out and I also hug all of the Bennett’s. Then, Preston and I head to the airport. We don’t have to wait long for the flight and after the events of today, sitting in first class I fall asleep basically curled into Preston. I wake at one point feeling kind of nauseous, and it only gets worse when I hear the stewardess shamelessly flirting with my husband. “Mr. Bennett I follow your career. You are seriously amazing.” I lift my head from his shoulder and look at her. “Do you follow his career closely?” “Yea, I know everything there is to know about him.” “Oh, so you know that he just got married yesterday?” She glares at me and says “No, I must’ve missed that tidbit of information.” I give her a nod and show her my left hand. Take that bitch. “Very true. She stole my heart and there was nowhere to go but to the altar.” “Congratulations, please let me know if I can get you two anything.” “Thank you very much.” She walks away on a nod and I look to Preston. “I think I’m going to be sick.” “Oh come on it wasn’t that bad. She was just a fan.” “No, not about that I actually think I’m going to be sick.” I jump up and run to the restroom. I empty the contents in my stomach and before I can exit the bathroom I hear the stewardesses talking right outside the door. Seriously, this is not my favorite past time. “You should’ve seen the rock on her finger. Clearly a gold digger. Poor guy he deserves so much more.” That is when I hear the beautiful sound of my loving hu
sband. “Excuse me, my wife is in there. She’s sick and really doesn’t need to come out here to hearing you talking about her like that. I will have you know that she is quadruple the woman that you could ever hope to be. I would appreciate it if when she comes out and you can tell she just heard what you said, that you apologize to her.” I don’t hear their response, but I do walk out with him standing there. “We are very sorry Mrs. Bennett.” “No problem. Preston, when we get to Hawaii do you think you could buy me a beach house there? I’m dying to have a summer home.” He quirks his eyebrow and smirks at me. “Anything for you baby.” I clap my hands together and do my best bimbo act. I look to them and roll my eyes at them and walk back to my seat. “Thanks for having my back.” “Always, you know that.” I nod because I really do know that. I lean back on his shoulder and fall back to sleep. When I wake it’s because we are coming in for a landing. Thank God I can get off this flight without having been too sick. I look out the window and see the beautiful clear blue water. It’s breathtaking. “It’s so beautiful Preston.” “Yea, you are.” “Oh cheesy.” “It’s true. I love you so much Addy. Wait til you see all the fun stuff we have in store for our honeymoon.” I give him a big smile as we exit the plane. I just hope I’m not too sick to do anything. Luckily there is no sign of a baby so I can still wear my bikini. I still can’t believe that I am Mrs. Preston Bennett. That really happened? This has to be the best feeling I have ever experienced. Bliss. We get to the resort and it looks like we are going to be staying in our own private hut. I use the term “hut” loosely because it is huge and I’m pretty sure it’s two stories. Who lives like this? I walk into the master bedroom and set my stuff down while Preston gets the bags from the bellboy. I look out the window and see that we are just a walkway away from the water. Perfect. “My lovely wife, what do you want to do first?” “Fall asleep on the beach. Please?” “Sure, but sunscreen up and we need to make sure you don’t get overheated. I don’t know how long you should really stay out in the sun.” “Pres, don’t ruin this for me, k?” “I’m just looking out for you and our little one. Is that a crime?” “No, of course not. Just don’t overdo it or I will be forced to be upset which isn’t good for our little one anyways.” To this I stick my tongue out at him. Yes I know I am a child. I grab my bikini and head to the bathroom to get ready. I cannot wait to be lying on the sand. I hurry into my bikini and check myself in the mirror. I feel bloated, but I guess it looks all right. I throw on my cover-up and head out the door. I have a sun hat to put on and sunglasses so I grab those and throw them on and Preston comes walking out in his swimming trunks. “Maybe we shouldn’t go to the beach. I’m going to be beating women off with a stick.” He raises and eyebrow and says “Babe, get your shit and lets go.” I grab “my shit” and head towards the door. He opens it for me and holds it while I walk out to the beach. There are a few people from the resort around, but it’s pretty much secluded. I setup my chair that Preston carried out for me and set my towel beside it. I set my bag down and all of my stuff while I take off my cover-up. “Mrs. Bennett?” I turn to Preston. “Yea?” “What is that scrap of material you are wearing right now?” “It’s called a bikini. Heard of them? Does it look bad? I knew I should’ve bought a one piece. I felt bloated, but I thought you couldn’t really tell.” He puts his finger to my mouth. “You look phenomenal. That is the problem. I can’t have all these guys standing around checking you out.” “They won’t be. They’ll be too worried about their significant other checking you out.” “Just not true.” I shake my head at him. “Please don’t make me change. I only have a couple more weeks that I can pull something like this off.” “Fine, but stay close.” “I’m staying right here.” “When you need to cool off head to the ocean. I’m gonna go in for a bit and then I’ll be back.” I give him a nod and he heads to the water. I pull out my kindle and start to read some of the pieces that my authors just sent over. I know it’s work but reading is relaxing for me. I am lost in my book when a shadow passes over me. I look up to see a tall, dark stranger looming over me. “That book must be good. You haven’t looked up once in the last half hour.” Ew, so he was watching me? “It is very good thank you.” “Wanna go for a swim?” “No thank you.” “Must be a really good book.” “Or it could be that she’s taken.” I shoot my eyes up and see Preston stand there. I can’t help the smile that comes over my face. God he’s beautiful. Even scowling. Boy he doesn’t look happy. “Oh hey man. Sorry I didn’t see anyone with her.” “Just don’t let it happen again.” I shake my head at the display happening in front of me as I let out a light chuckle. The guy walks away clearly defeated. “Why didn’t you tell him you were married?” “Because, I didn’t have to. Even if I weren’t married I never would’ve gone for that creeper. He said he had been watching me for like a half hour.” “What?” “That’s what he said.” “Jesus, I can’t leave you alone for five minutes, can I?” “I didn’t do anything Preston.” “It’s that damn bikini. Come get in the water a bit you’re probably getting hot.” Now that he mentioned it I was feeling warm. I stand up and head into the water. Thank God you can see the bottom because I don’t do ocean swimming where you can’t see what is swimming around you. The water feels amazing, I stand there taking in our surroundings and everything is just perfect. I feel wet cold arms wrap around my middle. I turn around in Preston’s arms and he leans down to give me a kiss. I hear clicking nearby and I stop the kiss and swing my head to the side. Just in time to see a man taking a picture of us. “Pres, paparazzi here? Really?” He turns his head and walks over to the guy. I stand there and watch them exchange words and surprisingly Preston is extremely calm. I really don’t know how comfortable I am with him taking pictures of my in my bikini. Preston wades back into the water and pulls me into his front. “He’s gonna take pictures of us while we’re here. I will approve any pictures that go to press though. He won’t print anything until we’re back home either that way no one else knows where we are. That also means we will have some great shots of the two of us from our honeymoon.” Well it seems like a harmless idea. “Will I get to see the pictures you choose? I don’t know about myself in this suit.” “Babe, I will let you see them, but you look amazing right now.” I give him a short nod and he puts his finger under my chin to have me look up at him. He gives me a light kiss as I say “So what’s stopping that guy from selling all of the pictures he takes?” “Mutual respect. I am a public figure and I understand that comes with what I do, and he has a job to do. I am more likely to give him a story when something happens then someone who just bombards my life all the time. Jeff is a regular. He’s not the type to sit on my privacy fence to get his shot. He needs to make a living and I need publicity. He will respect our verbal agreement and we will get from it what we need. Is that ok baby?” “Yea, just so long as you can’t tell there is a baby in there.” He shakes his head at me. “I wouldn’t care if they could tell. I can’t wait to tell the world I’m going to be a dad.” “Yea, and everyone will be able to tell from the timeframe that we got married right after I found out we were pregnant. Then, everyone will think that I really am a gold digging whore.” There I said it out loud. That is my worst fear.


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