My Fake Rockstar Boyfriend (Rock and Rogues, #1)

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My Fake Rockstar Boyfriend (Rock and Rogues, #1) Page 10

by Remy, Cate

  “So did I.” She rubbed her arm again.

  “You look a little stressed. Is something wrong?” Concern for her erased his previous irritation over the fact she came late to the show.

  “I’m just running late from a doctor’s appointment.”

  “You were at the doctor’s?” That sounded serious.

  She nodded. “It was an appointment for some routine testing.”

  If it was routine, why did she look like she was ready to pass out? Her legs even looked a little shaky. Deacon wanted to ask more questions, but knew she wasn’t going to answer him while a studio audience was still leaving the room. “If you need time to relax, I don’t mind if you take the rest of the day off.”

  Her eyes showed relief as well as a hint of doubt. “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t want you to be stressed out. You can leave through the backstage exit with me.”

  She looked grateful. She grabbed her purse to leave. Deacon had no idea what this was all about. He wished he could find out. And soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Tracy witnessed Deacon’s reaction to her coming into the studio audience late. She would have to step it up next time or else a rumor would probably circulate about how she didn’t care about him enough to be on time for his events.

  She walked beside him backstage where a crew dismantled things on set for the day. Deacon handed his microphone to one of them before putting his hand on Tracy’s back and guiding her through the space. She allowed him to do this. She remembered to put on a smile.

  “Ash is back here somewhere,” Deacon stated, looking around.

  “Does he always follow you everywhere?”

  “Pretty much. I told him he ought to go ahead and get a license to be a security guard. He says he makes more money being my manager.”

  “Less of a work hazard?”

  “That’s not what he’d say, at least not in the early days of my career.”

  They went down the hall to go to the rear exit of the building. Tracy was curious when she looked at deacon. “Were you a wild partying rock star in the old days?”

  His face gave a telltale expression. “There’s a reason for those gray hairs on Ash’s head. All that stuff is over. I’m focused on longevity. I want my band to be around like the Rolling Stones.”

  Deacon’s manager was standing at the door of the exit. Ash had his ever-present cell phone in his hand. He greeted Deacon and her with a slight wave. “Change of plans. I just got off the phone with Peachtree Records. The album launches next week instead of three weeks from now.”

  “Whoa. That’s fast.” Deacon voiced her own thoughts.

  “You and Tracy have to take advantage of the hype. Better scrap your special song for now.”

  She turned to Deacon. “Special song?”

  His shoulders drooped slightly. “Just something I wanted to include on the album. No big deal.”

  She read his body language. He wasn’t doing a good job of making it appear to be no big deal.

  He resumed his normal posture. “I’ll call the rest of the band and let them know what to expect next week.”

  “You’re going on tour. It’s been moved forward, too.”

  “Already?” Tracy spoke aloud.

  Ash nodded. “Tickets go on sale at midnight. Your first stop is Tampa.”

  Deacon whistled. “We do have to get moving.”

  His manager opened the door of the building to leave. “I’ll meet you in the car. We have to go to Peachtree Records to finalize your album details.”

  Tracy watched as the door swung open and shut behind the manager. Deacon tapped her on the shoulder. “Did you hear him?”

  “Of course I heard him. You have to get ready for your tour.”

  “So do you. You’re coming with me.”

  “How long is it? A week? Two weeks?” She assumed it was going to be a quick trip around the neighboring southern states.

  “You’re joking, right?” Deacon held back laughter. “Try the whole summer and maybe part of September.”

  “Four months? I’m going to be away from Atlanta for four months?”

  Deacon took her hand and they left the building. Outside, a black car waited for them. He let Tracy get in first before climbing in beside her. Ash was seated across from them, eyes glued to his phone. Deacon instructed the driver to go to Peachtree Records. “Tracy, you knew I was going to go on tour eventually. Is there a problem?”

  She could only move her head from side to side. “I wasn’t expecting it to happen so fast.”

  “Me neither, but it’s a good thing.”

  She settled back into the seat, but still found it uncomfortable. What exactly did she have to do to prep for a summer concert tour? “I have no idea what to pack for this.”

  “Maeve will help you. Ash already has people booking our flights and all that, I’m sure.”

  “You know me,” Ash piped in.

  Deacon found chilled water bottles in one of the car’s compartments. He offered it to Tracy first. She declined. As the car moved down the crowded street, she thought about what her life would be like for the next several months. She would have four months to be away from her aunt. Tracy’s skin grew a little clammy.

  Deacon drank the water. “Are you nervous about going on tour?”

  “I’m thinking about what I have to do before I leave. Do I have to be with you every single moment of the tour?”

  He stopped drinking and gave her a side glance. “Not every single moment. I do want you around enough so people can see you and think we’re a couple.”

  “What I mean is, would it be okay if I come back to Atlanta from time to time to see my aunt? She’s older and is dealing with some medical issues. She only has me and my little sister.”

  “That’s no problem.”

  Ash lifted his head. “Actually, Deacon, you got to consider the logistics.”

  Deacon frowned at him. “You heard me. I don’t mind her going to visit her aunt.”

  “But you’re going to be on tour.”

  “I’m on tour. She isn’t. People don’t expect to see her on stage. Tracy can go home whenever she wants to see about her aunt.”

  Tracy watched the two men stare at each other in a silent contest of wills. Everything went silent except for the car engine.

  Ash was the first to look away. “I don’t like it, but if that’s what you want to do...”

  “It’s what we’re going to do.” Deacon gave Tracy a warm, comforting smile. Wow. She didn’t expect him to stand up to his manager for her.

  When the car reached Peachtree Records, Ash was the first to get out. He exited without saying a word. Tracy felt the tension lingering in the air. “He’s not happy.”

  Deacon brushed it aside. “It wouldn’t be the first time. He doesn’t like not getting his way. He’ll get over it.”

  She got out of the car after him. “Thanks for sticking up for me. I appreciate it.”

  He stared at the sidewalk for several seconds. “Don’t mention it. I know your family is important to you.”

  The way he said it, with a lingering note of sadness, left her wondering what was going on in his mind.

  “I better head in there,” he changed the subject. “Then I’ll drop you off at your apartment.”

  “I’ll take the train. I left my car at a station and I have to go back to get it.”

  “I’ll tell the driver to take you where you need to go.” Without waiting for her to give permission, he tapped on the driver side window of the black car.

  A minute later, Tracy was back inside the car getting ready to go home. Deacon stuck his head inside the open window. “Don’t sweat this tour. Our first stop is the beach. It’ll be fun.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Don’t forget to pack your swimsuit.”

  “I have to go swimsuit shopping. Don’t tell me not to stress about it.”

  He laughed. “It’ll be fine.” As a couple people were passing b
y on the sidewalk, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Tracy.”

  He had confidence where she didn’t. Tracy watched him go inside the building as the car’s driver took her away.

  THREE DAYS LATER, TRACY found herself boarding a first class flight to Tampa. She, Deacon, and the rest of the band were allowed to board the plane first. She let Deacon put her carry-on in the space overhead. “I don’t think I’ve ever flown first class.”

  “Ash wants us to cut costs and this is the way of doing it.”

  She laughed as she settled in the window seat. “You think first class is cheap?”

  “Peachtree Records has a private jet for the musicians. It’s under repair.”

  “Oh. Well, excuse me.” She fastened her seatbelt.

  A flight attendant stopped by their row. “Welcome aboard Alpha Star Airlines.” She put on a wide smile. “On behalf of the crew, I wanted to say how happy we are to have your band flying with us today, Mr. Westmore. Would the two of you like a drink? We have beer, soft drinks, mimosas.”

  “A mimosa sounds good,” said Tracy.

  The flight attendant nodded. “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll have a bottled water.”

  “I’ll be right back.” The attendant hurried off to get their drinks.

  Tracy adjusted the air conditioning overhead. “You’re not having a drink?”

  “I get dehydrated on flights. Besides, mimosas aren’t exactly the manliest of drinks.”

  “I haven’t had one since I went to brunch for my sister’s birthday two years ago.”

  “You don’t treat yourself often, do you?”

  She shrugged in admittance. “My life got busy over the past couple years.”

  The flight attendant brought them their drinks. Deacon handed Tracy her mimosa and then opened his bottle of water. “How did your life get busy, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  What should she tell him? She preferred to keep some things about her life private, especially about her aunt. She decided to tell him about her career background. “It’s harder these days to get a job as a photographer. Thanks to Photogram and other social media filters, everyone thinks they’re a photographer because they have a cell phone.”

  “I get what you mean. You know what you’re doing when it comes to taking pictures. No filters can do what you do.”

  His warm smile made a fluttery sensation occur in her tummy. She sipped the cool, citrusy mimosa. “Thanks for the compliment.”

  “I meant it.”

  The captain’s voice came on over the speakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Alpha Star Airlines. We’re getting ready to prepare for takeoff.” His announcement was followed by the usual safety instructions and demonstrations by the flight attendants. After the flight attendants collected empty drink glasses, the plane taxied the runway in preparation for takeoff. Soon, they were flying over Atlanta, and the city looked like a child’s game board beneath them.

  “Are you looking forward to visiting Tampa?” Deacon asked, once the plane reached steady altitude.

  Tracy gazed out the window at the fluffy white clouds beneath the plane’s wings. “I am. When I was little, my aunt took my sister and me to Destin for the weekend. I’ve never been to Tampa.”

  “It’s nice. Miami is better, I think. More things to do.”

  “I knew you’d say that.”

  He put on a charming smile again. “You don’t think I know how to relax?”

  “I didn’t say anything. It just seems like Miami would be more of your speed.”

  “When we get there, I might show you some quiet spots since you don’t believe I’m able to relax.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Tracy began to feel drowsy. It was the effects of the high altitude or the mimosa she had before takeoff. “What hotel are we staying at?”

  “Some French line in Tampa. I forgot the name. Then a place on the beach in Miami. They both have five star ratings and king size beds.”

  An awkward question formed in Tracy’s mind when she thought about the beds. She didn’t know how to ask him without sounding uneasy. “I hope you don’t take this personally. You understand that I don’t want to be in the same room with you, right?”

  He gave her a wounded look. “I’m offended that you find me so offensive, Tracy.”

  “Maybe that came out harsh.” She clutched her hands in her lap. “But we went over this. You said we wouldn’t have to act like lovers twenty-four seven, especially behind closed doors.” She dropped the second half of her sentence into a very low whisper.

  “I got you covered.” She heard the light, teasing tone in his voice. “You won’t have to breathe the same air as me, at least not in a hotel room. I made sure Ash booked us separate suites across from each other.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You can relax now. I’m not a wolf who bites, as least not without being asked first.”

  Tracy rolled her eyes. “I’m going to take a nap.” She turned her head to the window and looked at the clouds one more time before she drifted off.

  She awakened later during the flight with something firm yet warm pressed against her cheek. She opened her eyes and saw the blue fabric of Deacon’s shirt. Realizing she had fallen asleep on his shoulder, she jerked her head up.

  He looked up from reading a magazine. “You good?”

  “I didn’t intend to fall asleep on you.”

  “It’s fine. You looked like you were resting peacefully, so I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Her eyes drifted down to see a wet mark where her mouth was previously on his shoulder. Oh, no. She actually drooled on him. “Deacon, I am so, so sorry.”

  His eyes followed where she was looking and he laughed it off. “I can change into another shirt when we reach the airport.”

  She was so humiliated she wanted to sink through the floor and fall into the plane’s cargo hold. “Tell me your t-shirt wasn’t one of those crazy designer things that cost three hundred dollars.”

  “More like five.”

  “Five hundred dollars?”

  “I’m just kidding. Stop worrying about it.” He chuckled and went back to reading.

  Tracy looked out the window and fought off her lingering feelings of embarrassment until the plane descended and finally landed at the Tampa International Airport.

  When the plane taxied to the terminal, Tracy, Deacon, and the rest of his party were escorted off first with security. Tracy had never seen such fast service. Their bags were already waiting for them when they went inside the terminal. Next, Ash directed them to a bus waiting outside.

  Tracy stepped out into daylight, surprised to discover Tampa was even sunnier than Atlanta. The sky was azure blue and the sun warmed her skin. Palm trees lined the airport parking lot, swaying gently in the breeze. She got on board the black air-conditioned bus with the band to go to the hotel.

  The hotel was exactly how Deacon described: big and luxurious. Their separate suites were on one of the top floors. “See you tonight at the concert,” he said to her before disappearing into his suite across the hall.

  Tracy went into her suite and marveled at the luxury furniture and kitchenette in the first room. The living room area was bigger than her studio apartment. Too bad she was only staying for one night. She rolled her suitcase into the bedroom and her jaw dropped at the size of the bed. There is room for at least four or five of her on the bed.

  She took off her shoes, showered and changed into a tank top and shorts. She wanted to finish resting before the concert that night. As soon as she settled on the feather top bed, she napped for the next two hours.

  Her phone alarm woke her at five in the evening. She got dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a blouse with cut-out shoulders. The stylist Maeve was having fun with her it seemed, but at least the jeans she picked were comfortable.

  Tracy got a text from Ash saying the bus was waiting for them at the front of the hotel. She took the elevator down to the lobby. She go
t on board the bus to see Deacon and the rest of the band loading their equipment onto it.

  Deacon left what he was doing and came up to her. “I was going to knock on your door so you wouldn’t be late.”

  “I had my alarm set. Besides, people don’t know who I am unless I’m with you. I didn’t get stopped in the lobby.”

  “You should still be careful. Paparazzi are known to hide out in hotel lobbies. They’ll do some pretty crazy things to get a picture.”

  “Duly noted. So, are we headed to the concert?”

  “The guys and I are grabbing dinner first. Did you eat yet?”

  She told him no. “I could use a bite.”

  The bus driver waited for everyone to settle into their seats. Then he put the vehicle into gear and started down the highway. The first stop was a little taco joint Deacon had read about online that supposedly served the best shrimp tacos in Tampa. It was also famous for serving alligator ceviche.

  Luka was adventurous enough to order the alligator. Deacon and Nick settled for the shrimp tacos. Tracy also played it safe with a fish taco. While the guys were joking around, she decided to get candid shots of them to go up on the website. She took out her camera and snapped pictures.

  After Luka finished his alligator ceviche, he offered to take the camera away from Tracy for a moment. “Let’s get a picture of you and Deacon.”

  She sat by Deacon in the booth. She leaned his way and smiled for the camera. “Cheese.”

  “Oh, please.” Luka lowered the camera. “We know you two are dating. Might as well act like you’re hot for each other.”

  “That definitely won’t be going on camera,” Deacon played along. Tracy felt his arm go around her shoulders and draw her even closer. She tried to ignore the tingles racing along her body as she made contact with his.

  “Your hair smells really good,” Deacon murmured into her ear. His voice tickled her ear canal, sending a little vibration that produced warmth along her cheeks and the back of her neck. She felt his fingers in her hair when he played with the curls. “And it’s soft. It’s like cotton candy.”


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