The Player Plague

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The Player Plague Page 38

by Lucas Flint

  Paradox snapped his fingers.

  Pain exploded in Atmosfear’s head. He cried out and collapsed onto the floor, clutching his skull as the pressure in his brain burned like lava. In the corner of his eye, his Health bar dropped to 1% in an instant but didn’t fall any further. He wished it did, because if he died, then at least he would be free of his pain.

  Then, without warning, the pain went away, although Atmosfear’s Health didn’t go back up. He just lay there on the floor at Paradox’s feet, panting and sweating. The attack had happened in less than a second, but Atmosfear felt like he had been tortured for hours.

  Paradox crouched down closer to him. His expressionless mask hid his thoughts, but Atmosfear could sense the cold cruelty emanating from his body like wind from an iceberg. “Please don’t assume I haven’t been paying attention to your predicament. I brought you into Capes Online for a very specific reason, after all. I have some skin in the game. It would be a shame if I had to delete you because you couldn’t be more grateful. I could replace you, but that would be too much work and I hate doing more work than I absolutely have to.”

  Atmosfear gritted his teeth. He had a lot of things to say to Paradox, but he knew better than to voice them. Paradox appeared to have the ability to read minds, although Atmosfear suspected that Paradox actually simply had access to his coding and so could ‘read’ them that way. In any case, Paradox didn’t tolerate back talk and had his own ways of punishing it, as Atmosfear had discovered when he first met the guy not long ago.

  “Sorry,” said Atmosfear, putting on his best polite Southern accent, the one he always used to use to charm girls he wanted to pick up. “I’ve got a bad temper and sometimes let it get the best of me. Occasionally, it makes me speak out of turn and forget the manners my mom taught me. As a Southern gentleman, I hope you accept my humblest apology.”

  Paradox’s mask made it impossible to see whether he was aware of Atmosfear’s lack of sincerity, but he nodded and said, “I accept. But next time, no need to lay it on so thick. You are as much a Southern gentleman as a prostitute is a nun.”

  Then Paradox stood up to his full height. “Regardless, the destruction of the Z-Virus factory does set back my plans somewhat. I wouldn’t worry about Giggles. I already have someone working to free him even as we speak. No, what’s become clear to me is that I need more minions if I am going to achieve my plans.”

  Atmosfear still hadn’t gotten up, but when Paradox mentioned ‘minions,’ he looked up. “What do you mean? Like the Stalking Shadows?”

  “No,” said Paradox dismissively. “NPCs have shown themselves to be fickle and unreliable, more interested in fulfilling their own agendas than in following mine. I need players, preferably high-leveled ones who have more power than sense. And I need you to lead them.”

  “Me?” said Atmosfear, frowning. “Why me?”

  “Because you are the only one I trust to do that,” said Paradox. “Look at Winter. He has a small but dedicated Team whose efforts have helped him both during the Blackout and the Z-Virus incident. Of course, it helps that one of his Teammates happens to have a rather intimate knowledge of Capes Online’s mechanics, but the point is you need a Team of your own if you are going to serve me competently.”

  Atmosfear scowled. “I had a Team during the Blackout. And then they all abandoned me the second Dark Kosmos died and they could log off. Doesn’t help they all got banned from Capes Online for life because of their involvement with me. Can’t trust anyone.”

  Paradox tilted his head to the side. “When did I say your Team would be made of legal players?”

  Atmosfear’s scowl turned into a frown again. “What do you mean? Aren’t all players legal players?”

  Paradox chuckled. “Atmosfear, I think it’s time I expanded your vision a little bit more. You think you know all there is to know about Capes Online because you’ve been here for a month, but the truth is you haven’t even scratched the surface. Come with me. I want to introduce you to some friends of mine who would be more than happy to form a Team with you … and make the entire world bow to my rule.”


  In another part of Adventure City, closer to Winter’s Base but not close enough …

  The Anti-Hero known as Busker Burn pulled his raincoat closer over his head as the rain started to fall even harder. Although the weather report had indicated that it would rain in Adventure City, Busker had assumed he would be able to get there before the rain became too heavy. Unfortunately, the bus he had taken from Far Town had broken down about halfway there and it had taken two hours before the bus driver got it going again, but which time night had fallen and the dark clouds that had been getting progressively thicker in the sky overhead had burst.

  At least I brought my raincoat, Busker thought. If there’s one thing I dislike about this game, it’s how realistic the weather can. Great when it’s sunny and bright out. Horrible when it’s pouring like now. At least it isn’t acid rain like what I faced on that last mission I did.

  A low chuckle emitted from the air beside him as Busker pulled his hood tighter around his face. “What’s the matter, sir? It’s not that rainy.”

  Scowling, Busker said, “That’s because you’re a ghost, Spiritus. Just because you can turn invisible and intangible doesn’t mean I can. My Class doesn’t have that Power.”

  “I know,” said Spiritus, his Sidekick, smugly. “I just can’t resist a moment to poke a little fun at you, that’s all.”

  Busker sighed. Despite Spiritus’ loyalty to him, she did have a tendency to bust his balls whenever he complained. She seemed to find it amusing that an Anti-Hero as powerful as he was willing to rush into a burning building to save another person’s life but didn’t like getting wet. He knew better than to get upset, though, because that would just make Spiritus tease him even more.

  “Right,” said Busker, “well, at least we’re finally here, but I gotta say, Adventure City is a bit … dumpier than I expected.”

  That was putting it lightly. Ever since leaving the bus, Busker had been making his way closer to the center of Adventure City. He had to go through dozens of back alleyways and routes most players didn’t even know existed. He saw trash strewn on the streets, homeless people loitering about, and more than a few seedy individuals who were probably Thugs and Gangsters. Despite being the biggest and wealthiest city in the game, Adventure City sure didn’t seem like it. Perhaps he was simply going through one of the lower income areas, but regardless, Adventure City’s first impression certainly did not impress him. Far Town was much better.

  They passed a closed storefront displaying a variety of holo-TVs, which Busker wouldn’t have even noticed if Spiritus hadn’t said, “Hey, boss, look who’s on TV.”

  Stopping in front of the display, Busker looked at the storefront. In particular, he focused on the biggest holo-TV, which had a price sticker of ‘only’ 500 credits, normally 750, but he was not in the mood to get a great deal on a new holo-TV. His gaze was on the content the holo-TV showed.

  It was a Capes Online News Report. The female anchor was discussing the recent explosion of a large factory in the Factory District, which Busker’s map showed him wasn’t too far from his current location.

  “… police are still investigating the cause of the blast,” the female anchor was saying. “But Capes Online News sources from within the Adventure City Police Department tell us that the Hero Winter—who saved Adventure City from Dark Kosmos two weeks ago—is believed to be involved somehow. Here is a picture possibly depicting Winter and his Sidekick Cyclone as they prepare to enter the factory a couple of days ago.”

  A picture appeared on the screen next to the female anchor’s head. It showed a dark factory somewhere in the city but was zoomed in on two figures hiding in an alleyway. They were a Hero and Sidekick, the Hero wearing an ice blue Costume and the Sidekick wearing a green one with wings. The angle of the picture was almost perfect, making Busker wonder who had taken it, but h
e didn’t care.

  He had had his doubts before—especially since his friend didn’t have any proof—and when he got to Adventure City and saw how dumpy the place was, he had almost turned around to get onto the bus and go home. Busker had his own career to focus on, after all. He didn’t have all the time in the world to search for a ghost that may or may not exist.

  But seeing that clear, zoomed in image of Winter’s face, Busker had no doubt at all about the identity of Capes Online’s newest Household Name:

  Nyle Maxwell was indeed alive and well. And Busker knew exactly where to start searching for him first.



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  Other books by Lucas Flint

  The Superhero’s Son:

  The Superhero’s Test

  The Superhero’s Team

  The Superhero’s Summit

  The Superhero’s Powers

  The Superhero’s Origin

  The Superhero’s World

  The Superhero’s Vision

  The Superhero’s Prison

  The Superhero’s End

  The Young Neos:






  Minimum Wage Sidekick:

  First Job

  First Date

  First Offer

  First Magic

  First Mentor

  First War

  The Supervillain’s Kids:

  Bait & Switch

  Tag Team

  Blood Gems

  Prison Break

  The Legacy Superhero:

  A Superhero’s Legacy

  A Superhero’s Death

  A Superhero’s Revenge

  A Superhero’s Assault

  Dimension Heroes:


  Team Up


  Lightning Bolt:

  The Superhero’s Return

  The Superhero’s Glitch

  The Superhero’s Cure

  The Superhero’s Strike

  The Superhero’s Clone

  Capes Online:

  The Player Blackout

  Subscribe to my newsletter and get a FREE exclusive novella!

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  About the Author

  Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction. He is the author of The Superhero’s Son, The Young Neos, Minimum Wage Sidekick, The Supervillain’s Kids, The Legacy Superhero, Dimension Heroes, Lightning Bolt, and Capes Online.

  Find links to books, social media, updates on newest releases, and more by going to his website here. You can also sign up to be the first to learn about his newest releases by subscribing to his mailing list here.

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