Her Second Beginning: A Sweet Romance

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Her Second Beginning: A Sweet Romance Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  “You do that. I have something I need to do.”

  “I’ll speak to you later, pal.” Tony smacked his shoulder as he passed him; heading toward where Olivia had ran.

  Mason stayed where he was lost in his thoughts. He could understand why everyone was so worried about Olivia, but she became animated when she looked at him. The feel of her in his arms had damn near had him hard, and in a church of all places, but she’d fit there perfectly. He knew she wasn’t ready for him. He’d offer her friendship and let their relationship happen naturally. He had been watching her that had been no lie, he’d known when she’d entered the coffee shop, and he’d always made sure to stay in her view so he could see her. She obviously had no idea he did that, probably never guessed that the only reason he’d gone into the coffee shop the other day was because she looked so sad and he’d wanted to see if she was ok. The wine bar had been a happy coincidence though. Now, it was time to wage war on her grief. He was going to pursue her slowly, make her see they were perfect for each other. He didn’t want her to forget Ryan, but he wanted her to see that Ryan wasn’t her only source of happiness. It was time to show Olivia that life went on and that he would make her happy. Mason knew they’d be happy together, they were meant to be, he just had to push her enough out of her comfort zone and into his arms so she could see it too.

  Chapter Five

  Second Chances

  “Liv, why are you hiding in here?” Ava asked.

  “Is it obvious?”

  “Well, I saw you run in here about ten minutes ago and unless you’ve been going for a number two, then yeah.”

  “Oh gosh, did anyone else see?”

  “I don’t think so.”


  “What happened?”

  “I confessed to Tony about my obsession with Mason.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “He offered to ask him to be my friend.”

  Ava raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Your brother is an idiot.”

  Liv rolled her eyes. “You’re telling me.”

  “Is that why you ran?”

  “I wish. Tony said Mason was behind me and I panicked.”

  Ava laughed and even though Liv was glaring at her, she didn’t stop until tears were pouring down her face.

  “It’s not funny; I hope you’ve ruined your make-up.”

  “Oh, Liv you are such a dork.”

  “I couldn’t face him,” she confessed. “He’s confused me.”

  “He’s done more than confuse you, honey.”

  “Yes, and I don’t want to think about that.”

  “Are you ready to leave the safety of the ladies room?”

  “I guess so. Do I look ok?”

  “You look beautiful.”

  “So do you Ava.” Liv wasn’t lying. Ava was a knockout.

  “I know.” She grinned. “Do you think there is anyone suitable out there for me?”

  “Only one way to find out,” Liv checked her reflection in the mirror and headed for the door. Ava followed her and when they were outside Ava linked her arms with Liv’s.

  “You keep an eye out for Mason, and I’ll keep my eye out for hot totty.”

  “Hot totty? You’re a loon, Ava.”

  “Yes and I need a man who likes that about me.”

  “You’ll find one.”

  “I hope so. I don’t like cats, and I’m definitely not getting a dog for company.”

  “You’re a bit young to start worrying about growing old alone.”

  “It pays to look to the future.”

  “I see Mason.” Liv muttered.

  Ava looked to where Liv was staring and she steered her the other way. Unfortunately, they walked straight into the path of Aunt Sue.

  “It just isn’t my day.” Liv murmured to Ava. “Hi Aunt Sue.” She said louder.

  “Hello Olivia, you look very pretty.”

  “Thank you.” Liv said politely. She crossed her fingers hoping that her Aunt would walk away, but she wasn’t that lucky.

  “Do you have a date?”

  “Yes.” Liv said sharply intending on telling her it was Ava, but that was before her Aunt’s eyes widened like saucers and Liv felt an arm wrap around her shoulders.

  “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” Mason said as he held a hand out to the gobsmacked woman in front of him.

  Liv hid her giggle with a cough, but it was impossible to hide her grin as she watched her Aunt struggle to find words as she stared at the handsome man in front of her.

  “Come on, Aunt Sue, let’s get you a drink. You look like you need a stiff one.” Ava grinned as she took pity on her. Throwing her arm around her waist, she guided her to the bar.

  Mason chuckled. “I think she will leave you alone now.”

  Raising her eyes to his, Liv gave him a huge smile. “Thank you.” She said appreciatively. “She’s been awful ever since…”

  “Your husband died.” Mason finished for her. “Tony told me. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  Liv opened her mouth to refuse, but surprised even herself when she said yes instead.

  “Come on then fake date; let’s give your Aunt something to talk about.”

  “She doesn’t need any more gossip. She’ll live on me having a date for weeks.”

  “I’m sure she will. I guess they’ve been putting a lot of pressure on you?” he asked as they made their way to the bar. He pulled a stool out for her when they reached it and she sat down.

  “They’ve decided enough is enough, and I should have moved on by now.”

  “What do you think?”

  “People grieve differently.” She sighed. “I’ve come to terms with Ryan being gone, I just haven’t let go of the memories.”

  “That’s moving on Olivia you just haven’t admitted it to yourself yet.”

  “Maybe, but I’m still not ready to date.”

  “I can understand that. What would you like to drink?”

  “A small white wine please. It’s been a while since I’ve had more than one glass.”

  “What happens if you have too much?”

  “I get loud.”

  “Loud, huh? One day, I’d like to see that.”

  “One day maybe, but not today.”


  Mason caught the bartender’s eye and ordered their drinks. Olivia took the time to gather herself. Was Mason right? Had she moved on? It seemed like something she should know, but she couldn't answer it.

  “Here you go, Olivia.” Mason said as he placed her glass in front of her.

  “Thank you, you can call me Liv.”

  “I like Olivia.”

  “I like it when you say It.” she blurted without thinking.

  “Don’t run.” Mason said quietly.

  She’d been about to; she had one foot on the floor ready to do just that.

  “You should never be embarrassed around me.” He said when her eyes met his.

  She grimaced. “I keep embarrassing myself around you.”

  “No you don’t.”

  He raised her eyebrows at him. “First, you saw me crying in the coffee shop, then I tripped over and you had to catch me and now I’m blurting out my thoughts.”

  “Do you want to know a secret?” he asked her gently.

  She nodded.

  “I only went into the coffee shop to see if you were all right.”

  “You did?”

  He nodded. “I saw you were upset, and I stopped what I was doing and almost ran to see if you needed anything. When I walked in the door, I realised I was an idiot because we'd never spoken before, I couldn’t just walk up to you and ask if I could help.”

  “Oh. That’s really sweet.”

  “So, you see, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She admitted.

  “You could tell me your favourite colour?”
r />   “My favourite colour?” she asked in confusion.

  “I want to get to know you. Don’t you want to get to know me?”

  She hesitated before nodding her head.

  “Good. So what’s your favourite colour?”


  “Brown? I figured you for a yellow or pink girl.”

  She shrugged. “It changes.” She wasn’t going to admit that she’d said brown because of his eyes, except you couldn’t really call them brown. When he spoke they seemed to change to chocolate, chestnut, russet, they were all of those colours and more.

  “What’s your favourite colour?”

  “Sky blue,” He said as he stared into her eyes.

  She blushed and Mason gave her a grin. Something over Liv’s shoulder caught his eye, and he shook his head.

  “Your friend is mouthing something, but I can’t make it out.”

  Liv turned in the direction of where Ava sat and nodded before turning back to face Mason. “Aunt Sue has gone home.”

  “How on earth did you know what she was saying?”

  “I have years of Ava experience.” She giggled.

  He grinned. “Our plan worked then.”

  “Our plan?” Liv asked.

  “Ok, my plan, but you have to admit it was a good plan.”

  “Yes it was. I owe you one.”

  “I’ll take dinner as payment.”

  “Dinner? But…” Liv trailed off.

  “Olivia, look at me.” Mason ordered.

  Liv locked eyes with his serious ones.

  “I mean as friends. There is no pressure and definitely no ulterior motive.”

  Liv took a deep breath. It was a big step. She wanted to say no. Her instinct told her that her life would change hugely if she accepted, but she remembered what the woman she’d met at the pier had said and she made her decision. “I’d like that very much, Mason.”

  He blew out a breath. “Good. I’m pleased.”

  “Just dinner?”

  “And my charming personality.”

  Liv laughed. “It should be a good night then.”

  He took his phone from his pocket and passed it to her. “I’ll need your number.”

  She took it, gasping when their fingers touched and electricity shot through her. Quickly, typing in her mobile number, she gave the phone back to him. Her phone vibrated in her handbag and she pulled it out.

  “Now you have mine.”

  Her stomach full of butterflies, she wanted to jump with joy. When she smiled, her happiness was clear to see. “When do you want to go out? She asked him.

  “When are you free?”

  “Pretty much always. Ava drags me out when she feels I need it, but I’ve been keeping myself away from everyone else.” She admitted.

  “Well, that’s going to change because as your friend, I’m going to make you come out as much as I can.”

  “I think I’d enjoy that.” She said shyly. “I’ve promised Tony I’ll try harder.”

  “Good. How about tomorrow night?”

  “Tomorrow night?” she said in surprise.

  “Too soon?”

  “No, I just… tomorrow sounds great.”

  “I will show you a good time and drop you off at home all in one piece.”

  She laughed. “I never doubted you wouldn’t.”

  “You have a sexy laugh.” Mason said.

  “I don’t do it very often.”

  “With me you do. Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t want to answer that.” She said guarded.

  “Ok Olivia, light and breezy. I need to go now. I have to be somewhere, but I’ll text you later to arrange a time to pick you up.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  Mason got up off his stool and moved closer to her, he stared into her eyes before leaning down and brushing his lips across her forehead. “Until tomorrow, Olivia.” He said before walking away. She watched him go, her heart was in her throat, and tears blurred her eyes. He’d just kissed her as if he thought she was precious and right that minute, she felt that way.

  Chapter Six


  “Olivia, you need to calm down.” Ava ordered sharply.

  “I can’t calm down. I need to text Mason.” Liv searched her bag for her phone making a note to buy a smaller one so she could find things.

  “Honey, you are not cancelling.”

  “Yes, I am. I’m not ready.”


  Liv looked up from her handbag. “Pish?” she repeated.

  “Yes, pish, you are ready. The moment you met him you were ready.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Don’t lie to me; more importantly don’t lie to yourself.” Ava scolded.

  Liv pulled her hand from her bag. She wasn’t holding her phone though. Instead, she held her purse. Inside there was a photograph of Ryan, she’d taken it at Western pier. He’d been laughing at something goofy she’d said and he’d looked so handsome. Liv had grabbed her phone to take a picture while he’d shaken his head at her in amusement. She loved taking photos, it was another thing she’d stopped doing since Ryan had passed away.



  “You were miles away.”

  “I was thinking of Ryan.”

  “You were smiling.”

  “It was a happy memory.”

  “You have a lot of those.”

  “I do. It’s easier to think of the good times we’ve had now. After Ryan died, all I could picture in my mind was him lying so frail and poorly in the hospital bed.”

  “Time heals.” Ava comforted her.

  “Time helps, but it doesn’t heal.”

  “One day it will. What time is Mason coming?”

  Liv sighed. “He’s picking me up at seven.”

  “And you’re going to go out with him aren’t you?”

  “I want to, but I’m worried.”

  “He’s already said it’s only as friends.”

  “I’m not worried about that.” Liv bit her lip before continuing. “What if Mason makes me forget about Ryan?” she said in barely a whisper.

  “Oh, sweetheart, dating Mason won’t make you forget about him, but maybe Mason can bring some happiness into your life.”

  “I was happy with Ryan.”

  “And you’re worried you will grow attached to Mason and he’ll leave you?”

  Liv nodded.

  “There are no promises in life, Liv, but if we don’t take risks and put ourselves out there, then we may as well not be alive.”

  “I’m scared.” Liv admitted.

  “I know, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If you could see the way Mason looks at you.” She smiled. “He won’t hurt you.”

  “He might not mean to.”

  “Liv, you need to trust in him. Trust in your feelings. You have to give him a chance.”

  Taking a deep breath, Liv nodded. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

  “You’re welcome. We need to find you something sexy to wear.”

  Liv frowned. “It’s not a date remember.”

  “It doesn’t hurt to look your best.”

  “I guess. Oh god, what am I going to wear?” she almost screeched.

  “Relax, I’ll help you. We have a couple of hours.”

  “That’s not long. What shall I do with my hair?”

  Ava chuckled. “Now you sound like me. Liv?”


  “We’ve got this.”

  “Ok, ok, I’m sorry. The butterflies in my stomach are getting worse. I feel really jittery.”

  “It’s normal.”

  “Not for me. I mean, not since Ryan.”

  “I know, but it’s good for you. Mason takes you out of the cocoon you’ve been in since Ryan died. He’s waking you up.”

  “What if I don’t want to wake up?”

  “I’m afraid it’s too late.”

  Liv hesitated. “I
really like him.”

  “I can tell. The whole stalking thing gave you away.”

  “When I didn’t know his name it was easier to block him out.”

  “And now knowing his name has made it impossible.”

  “Yes.” Liv smiled. “I keep feeling his lips on my forehead.”

  “That’s hot; most guys would have gone for your lips or at least your cheek. Mason has class.”

  “Even Ryan never kissed my forehead.”

  “I looked up forehead kisses, and it said it’s a sign of adoration and affection.” Ava grinned.

  “Oh, I like that.”

  “The forehead kiss,” Ava sighed. “It's every girls dream.”

  “Yes and Mason did it to me. I want to jump up and down in happiness, but I just saw the time! I need to get ready!”

  “Don’t panic. I have an idea of what you’re going to wear.”

  “What?” Liv asked her warily.

  “I bought you something.”

  “Ava, I have loads of clothes.”

  “I know, but tonight is a big deal. I want you to wear something new.”

  “Ok, but I’m not agreeing until I see it.”

  “You’ll love it.” Ava frowned.

  “No offence Ava, but the last outfit you brought me showed off my bum.”

  “No it didn’t.”

  “Ok, my bum cheeks.”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Only when you bent over.” She bent over the sofa and grabbed a bag. “Here.” She said as she thrust it into Liv’s hands.

  Liv took the bag and peaked inside. “Wow.” She murmured in surprise.

  The dress was black with black lace around the hem and sleeves. The neckline was low, but not so low that it would show off her breasts. It was gorgeous and something Liv would have chosen for herself.

  “Told you,” Ava said smugly.

  “You can’t deny that we have different taste.”

  “Oh, I don’t deny that, but you are a chicken when it comes to wearing sexy clothes.”

  “I don’t have your confidence.” Liv said.

  “It’s not about confidence, Liv. It's about not caring what people think.”

  “I’m surprised you chose black.”

  “It’s your comfort colour. This date is a big deal, I wanted you to feel comfortable and look smoking hot.”

  “And I’m thankful for that.” Liv held the dress up and then hugged it to her body. “I love it.”


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