The Wedding

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The Wedding Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

“Fist your cock.”

  It turned her on so much watching Michael touch himself, especially as she watched him move his hand back and forth. Lily moved her hand from her hip and started to rub her nipples, which felt so good, she couldn’t help but scissor her legs trying to ease the pressure between them.

  “Fuck. I’m not going to be able to hold on if you keep doing that.” His words came out in quick pants.

  “Mmm, it feels good Michael… I need you to make me come.”

  Before she had chance to register what he was doing, she was flat on her back with Michael’s mouth between her legs. He opened her up like a flower, and ran his tongue back and forth between her folds.

  “You’re so wet, baby.”

  Lily groaned. “I need you.”

  “I know, but let me love you like this first... keep touching your breasts, and I’m leaving the garter on. It’s sexy as hell.”

  With that said, he sucked her clit into his mouth and shoved at least two fingers inside her. Her orgasm hit. She shook uncontrollably, unable to stop coming, her insides contracted so tightly around his fingers that they felt enormous inside her. Michael didn’t let up with his ministrations as she felt herself about to go off again. As her sex began to tighten, he rose above her and entered her in one thrust.

  He stilled when he filled her completely, letting her adjust to his size, but she couldn’t be still and ground against him, hitting his balls with her movements.

  Michael leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth as she continued to writhe under him. He pulled all the way out, and very slowly entered her. Torturing her. He withdrew again, and slammed inside her. She came apart in a hot rush of liquid around his cock.

  “Lily… Jesus Christ.” Michael stilled.

  She could feel his cock jerk as his release filled her, triggering a second climax in her.

  It felt as though she’d been shuddering under him for ages, but in actual fact it was probably only a couple of minutes. She kept her legs and arms wrapped around him as he collapsed on top of her, rolling onto his side.

  Chapter 13


  “I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re going to kill me one of these days.”

  “You’d die happy,” Lily whispered, snuggled into his side.

  Michael was holding her against his body with their legs entwined and her arm stroking up and down his back with a caress over his ass and hip. Then she squeezed a cheek, which had him growing again against her hip.

  “Lily, rest.”

  He tucked her wandering hand under his arm, but started to smooth his hand over her belly. Turning, she laid on her back as he moved further down the bed to place kisses all over her abdomen.


  He met her eyes; his own filled with question.

  “Will you still love me when I’m big and round like a dumpling?”

  Michael laughed. Or rather he did until he realized she was serious, and looked to have tears in her eyes.

  Quickly moving up Lily’s body, he rested his elbows at each side of her to keep his weight off her belly. “I love you with every breath I take. You and this baby… these babies, are my whole world. I already love your changing shape.” He grinned, and leaned down kissing her nipples. “In fact, do you think you’d get to keep these boobs?”

  He laughed when she swatted him on the shoulder. “Lily I promise you. No matter how much weight you put on, whether it’s through pregnancy or not, that I will always love you. I love what’s in here the most,” he told her, placing his hand over her heart.

  “You’ve made me cry,” Lily said through her tears.

  God, she nearly had him in tears. He leaned forward and kissed her tears away.

  “I’m so looking forward to being a mommy to our babies… but what about when I’m so big, I can’t see my toes,” she wailed.

  Was she serious? “Lily, please listen to me. I love you and always will… Besides, when you have a huge stomach you’ll just have to lie there and take everything I do to you and you won’t be able to see me.” He grinned, knowing how much she loved it when she couldn’t see what he was doing.

  “Now you’re being evil,” she sniffled into a tissue.

  “It’s our wedding day, or rather night. All I’m doing is trying to stop you from crying. It hurts when I see tears in your eyes.”

  “I’m sorry. I just get a bit panicky now and again; when it hits me we’re having twins.”

  “Oh babe.” Michael brushed the hair back from her face, placing kisses over her eyes, nose and finally on her mouth. “I’ve tried not to think about that too much tonight, but yeah, it is scary, but we have a large family who will want to be there every step of the way.” He smiled in reassurance. “Anyway, remember, Lucien said he wanted one.”

  His comment had the desired affect. Lily chuckled.

  “Talking about Lucien. I’m going to try and arrange a date with him and my friend, Sabrina when she gets back to the states.”

  So not a good idea. “Ah, Lily. I’m not sure that will go down as well as you’d like. Lucien, can be a stubborn son of a bitch, and one thing he hates is set ups. I think it might be best if you just leave it be for now, and see how they interact when we’re all together.”

  He pulled her more snugly into his side, not an inch between them. He enjoyed lying in bed with the woman he loved in his arms and just talking. Oh yeah, he loved the sex, but there was something to be said about just talking.

  His cock was hard and twitching between them, which always happened whenever they were together. He’d lost count the amount of times in public he’d had to count backwards to get his wayward body part under control, which Lily always found hilarious.

  “Stop wiggling. We’re going to sleep now. Recharge our batteries for morning.”

  Her hand grasped his dick. Running her thumb over the tip, she lowered her lips to his chest.

  “Lily,” he growled.

  “I’ll rest after I’ve,” she bit one of his nipples, “sucked you off.” She straddled him as he reached for her hips.

  Michael arched into her, knowing it wouldn’t take long with her mouth wrapped around him.

  His breathing became heavy as she started to kiss and lick her way down his body, swirling her tongue in his navel, her pebbled nipples rubbing his groin.

  He held his breath as she reached the tip, then of course, she avoided the area he wanted to feel her the most. Lily kissed his hips, moving down his legs, tickling his feet.

  With a grin on her face, she moved slowly up between his legs while she removed the pins from her hair, tossing them to the side. At some point she’d removed the garter and placed it on her wrist, which had him anticipating what she planned. With the books she read, she was always coming up with new erotic things to try. He was just surprised that neither one of them had ended up in the hospital.

  Lily opened his legs, and then leaned right down between using her tongue to lick him from perineum to balls, which she took into her mouth.

  His stomach was already wet where he’d leaked in excitement as she started to work her way up to the bulbous head. She swirled her tongue around while holding his gaze. She quickly sucked the tip into her mouth. Fuck, he nearly blew.

  Having a naked goddess on top of him was driving him crazy.

  Lily released him, then with a wicked grin removed her garter and slipped it onto his cock, keeping it near the head. She started to tighten it up, winding it around his dick as she would a band in her hair. The pressure was killing him, but when she couldn’t tighten it anymore she used her hands and rolled it down to the base of him. A fucking cock ring. She’d improvised and made a fucking cock ring!

  He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. Fireworks shot through his body as his cock leaked uncontrollably; desperate to come. She bent her head and licked all his pre-cum up and carried on to the ring.

  Christ, he just hoped he didn’t shoot all over his stomach, before she
wrapped her hot little mouth around him. “Argh…Fuck…Lily,” he panted.

  “I could kick myself. I’ve forgotten to bring a scarf for your balls.”

  He shut his eyes, while trying to catch his breath so he wouldn’t come at her words. What she was doing and saying was pure torture, which the little minx damn well knew.


  Using her hands, she squeezed his balls then moved upwards, along his cock. She dipped her head and licked along the vein, which was throbbing along the length of his cock, before taking as much of him as she could into her mouth. Working her way back up to the tip, she dragged the garter off, tossing it over her shoulder.

  With one powerful suck, he was in her mouth to the back of her throat as she hummed and swallowed around him.

  “Arghhhhh,” he roared in release. Lily let him slip from her mouth, but he couldn’t stop shuddering in release. It went on and on. Michael breathed heavily wondering how the hell he managed to come so strongly again, but he knew it was all Lily. “Fucking hell, woman. Get your body up here. I don’t think I can move.”

  She smirked. “Good, huh. Let me just grab a cloth to clean your stomach.”

  With that being said, Lily climbed from the bed and walked buck ass naked towards the bathroom.

  Chapter 14


  Lily woke up to Michael lying on his side, with his head resting in his hand as he watched his other hand caress her belly. A serious expression darkened his face as he watched her. Reaching out she caressed along his jaw, which brought his attention up to her face. He had tears in his eyes.

  Her heart pounded. “Michael, what is it?”

  He leaned forward placing small kisses where their babies nestled. “Twins. We’re having twins Lily. Until you, I never thought I’d ever father a child, and in about six month’s time, I will be the father of two.” His voice broke as he rose up kissing her lips. “Thank you.”

  Her tears started at hearing Michael’s thank you, but instead of reaching for a tissue she grabbed hold of his head and brought him flush against her. “I’d be lost without you,” she whispered to him, leaning in to kiss him.

  As she wrapped one of her legs over his hip, she used her heel to bring him closer to her pussy, wanting him to ease the ache that had been building since she’d awaken from an erotic dream that involved Michael and his Harley. At least her dream hadn’t ended as wet as Michael’s had.

  Michael brought her back to the present when he started to pull away from her. “I need to get the door.”

  “What?” She questioned resting back on her elbows.

  “I ordered breakfast.”

  Then there was a knock on the door, which she’d obviously missed the first time round.

  “One minute,” he shouted to whoever was bringing the breakfast to them.

  Watching Michael jump up from the bed in his naked glory was painful. His cock jutted forward with his balls hanging heavy below. He grabbed some sweats from the top of his bag, and then turned back towards her while shoving his legs in them. Yes, she licked her lips. It was impossible not to.

  He noticed her ‘get back in bed’ look, placing his hands on his hips he stayed standing in front of her grinning, while she watched his cock twitch.

  “Um, are you sure you can answer the door?” She smirked, but took pity on him, climbing out of the bed and grabbing a robe from the closet. There was no way he could answer the door in the condition he was in.

  On legs that felt slightly unsteady, Lily gave him a gentle pat as she walked past, then with a slight sway to her butt, carried on walking towards the door as she listened to him groan. She refused to turn back around in case she caught him stroking his length, which would probably bring her to her knees.

  Her breathing was still slightly uneven with lust as she opened the door for the waiter to bring the tray of food inside. As he walked past her, she caught a smell of hot maple syrup. There was nothing as delicious as pancakes dripping with the syrup; her all time favorite breakfast.

  While the waiter started to set the dining table, she walked to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out towards the mountains. She loved living close to so much natural beauty, especially in winter when they had snow. She loved sports that involved being on the snow. She’d been told that she’d worn her first pair of skis at three years old. Of course she couldn’t remember that far back, but she’d seen the photographs and been told on numerous occasions by her parents before their death.

  The coming winter Lily would have to give the snow a miss because she’d be so close to giving birth, if she didn’t deliver early.

  “Lily, come and sit.” Michael took hold of her elbow, leading her towards the table. “Where did you go?” he asked, smiling.

  He’d already placed the pancakes and syrup on her plate, not to mention the decafe coffee that was steaming in the cup to the side.

  Her stomach growled while she used her fork to cut a piece of pancake. “I was thinking about missing the snow this coming season.” She smiled. “Not that I’m complaining.” She smoothed her hand over her belly.

  “I’ll take you out in the snow at my parents place. Don’t get your hopes up though, because we will stay close to the house and use one of the gentler horses to pull the sleigh.”

  Lily was sure she glowed with happiness as she jumped up from her seat to wrap her arms around Michael’s neck, planting a kiss to his lips. “I can’t wait. And when our babies are old enough we can teach them to ski.”

  Michael started to scowl. “I think we should wait until they’re at lest twenty before we put skis on them.”

  Pulling back slightly, Lily looked into his eyes to try and work out whether or not he was joking, but he looked real serious. “Michael, you’re being ridiculous,” she told him taking her seat again.

  “My daughters need to spend their time reading or playing with dolls and things.”

  Barely holding back her laugh, Lily replied, “Our sons will love to ski and play rugby with their father and uncles.” She couldn’t hold back anymore and started to laugh.

  “Mmm,” Michael mumbled then started to attack his plate of, well, everything under the sun. “It could be one of each. A little girl who looks just like her mamma…Hmm, I like that idea. She still isn’t putting on skis.”

  While Lily continued to munch on her pancakes, she rolled her eyes. Michael was being ridiculous. She watched him put fork after fork of food into his mouth before he finally paused to take a drink of his coffee.


  “You do realize you’re being an idiot.”

  He gave her a wicked grin, placed his coffee cup back on the table then stood up with determination in his eyes.

  Very slowly he sauntered around the table, turned Lily’s chair towards him, gave her a quick kiss, and then picked her up from the chair and into his arms. “We haven’t made love this morning, which I’m going to correct right now.” He grabbed the syrup from the table on his way into the bedroom.

  Chapter 15


  In the bedroom, Michael grabbed a towel from the back of the chair on the way to the bed, because Lily was about to get rather messy.

  Sitting her down on the bed, he peeled her out of the robe and laid the towel out. “Scoot onto this.”

  She wiggled her butt over on the towel, which caused her breasts to jiggle. His cock hardened, jutting out in front against his sweats, which he quickly removed.

  “Oh god, Michael,” she groaned, opening her legs.

  His breathing was harsh; as he looked first at her firm swollen breasts with hardened nipples, then down to her slightly swollen stomach at twelve weeks pregnant. Not having any experience with the pregnancy thing, he hadn’t realized she only had a slight bump now, because she was carrying two babies.

  Moving on, he came to her pussy as he took his dick in hand, she opened her folds with one hand while rubbing her breast with the other, but this time he wasn’
t sure he’d last if he continued to watch her all spread out on the bed like she was; a feast waiting for him.

  Opening her legs wider, he moved closer to her dripping pussy; grabbing the warm syrup from the side table he offered her a wicked grin.

  Lily met his eyes, licking her lips, knowing what he planned.

  Not wanting to burn his woman he needed to test the warmth of the syrup so he poured a small amount to the tip of his cock. Fuck. Bad idea. Michael clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, as the pleasure from the heat washed over him. Only to have them fly open again when he felt the bed dip and Lily’s tongue lapping at the syrup that had started to dribble towards his balls.

  “This is supposed to be my show. Argh…” He just about finished as Lily sucked him straight into her mouth. “Stop.” Michael pulled away, pushing her back into position on the bed.

  Sliding his fingers through her folds, he held her open to his gaze while he trickled syrup over what he considered his. When she was coated, he placed the jug to one side, opened her legs wider, then leaned in and licked her from mound to ass, lapping at her sex as though he couldn’t get enough.

  She arched from the bed while grabbing hold of his head to keep him in place.

  God, he was close to losing it with her writhing around on his mouth. He flicked her clit with his tongue, inserted a finger inside her, which nearly had him coming all over the bed that his cock was rubbing against. She was so damn wet in her sex that he had to taste her so moving his tongue down he started to fuck in and out of her while his fingers rubbed her clit. Michael’s cock was aching and desperate for release as he pushed against the bed, unable to stop his hips from thrusting.

  “Oh Michael, soon.”

  He smiled against her, then pushed his fingers inside, over and over again, as he felt the flutters along the walls of her sex, he rose up, entering her in one thrust.

  Lily flew apart in his arms, squeezing his cock so fucking hard, while his semen squirted from the tip of him. She flew apart again when he leaned over and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.


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