Brothers Black 6: Ryan the Joker (Brothers Black Series)

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Brothers Black 6: Ryan the Joker (Brothers Black Series) Page 8

by Blue Saffire

  I burst into laughter as she digs in for more. She continues to moan and eat at the same time. I sit back and fold my arms over my chest, my own hunger forgotten as I become hungry for something else.

  “I’m going to gain so much weight dating you.”

  A smile curls my lips. I lean over into her ear, allowing my breath to fan her skin. “I can’t wait. More flesh for me to pound,” I say. “Now hurry up. I have nipple and clit clamps waiting for you.”

  She freezes with the spoon halfway to her mouth. She turns her head slowly to look at me. There’s lust in her eyes.

  Oh, yeah. I love that my girl is game for whatever. I’m going to enjoy tonight.

  I go to say something else dirty when my phone rings. I frown and pull my phone from my pocket. It’s Kiyoshi. My frown deepens.

  “Everything all right?”

  I kiss her forehead. “Yeah, baby. Let me go take this call. Eat up. You’ll need your energy.”

  I answer the call on my way out of the room. “Ryan.”

  “You have my daughter with you,” it’s a statement not a question.

  I roll my eyes. I noticed his men when we left the go-kart track. They weren’t that close, but close enough that I was able to make them out.

  “You know my father lets me do my job. He never bothers me like this.”

  “I’m not your father. We had a deal. You wouldn’t interfere with my daughter’s studies.”

  I give a cocky grin that he can’t see. “I’m not interfering. I’m very much a part of her education.”

  “End the evening, Ryan. She has finals coming.”

  I frown. I already know this. It’s why I had her bring her books along. I sigh. He’s right. I’ll only be a distraction to her. I’ve been thinking about all the ways I want her in my bed since I picked her up for our date. I’ve had her out all day as it is.

  “Fine,” I mumble. “But let’s be clear. I’m doing this because she needs to study. Not because you’re a pain in my ass.”

  “You will learn to respect me,” Kiyoshi says tightly.

  “I talk to you which means I already do. It’s when I go silent that you’ll know I have no respect for you.”

  This time, I end the call before he can hang up on me. I’m horny and pissed. I know if I take Carmen even once, it will be hours before I want to let her out of my bed.


  Chapter 11

  Sunday Morning


  “Stop looking so nervous,” I say and squeeze her hand. “You’ve been around my family before.”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t your girlfriend before and I hadn’t run off after having sex with you,” she murmurs.

  I stop in front of my parents’ front door and turn her to face me. I cup her face and kiss her lips. I’m tempted to get lost in the kiss, but I stop myself.

  Placing my forehead to hers, I hold her tight. “I promise they won’t bite. You mean a lot to me. They won’t give you any reason to try to run from me,” I tease. “Maybe.”

  Her eyes sparkle as my words sink in. I haven’t told her that I love her yet, but it’s coming. For now, I don’t want to scare her off.

  However, it’s almost slipped a few times when we’ve been hanging around her place or on the few occasions, she has come to my place. Oh, how I love when Kiyoshi sends me pissed off texts about his daughter hanging at my house.

  “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? You said this is a family thing,” she says.

  I growl at her and she starts to laugh. The front door opens before I get to say another word. Mom stands in the doorway with a smile on her face.

  “Ye thinking about running again?” she says.

  Carmen blushes and her mouth falls open. I groan and tuck her under my arm before she does take flight. I start into the house as mom backs up.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving,” Carmen says.

  “I’m pulling yer leg, lass. It’s good to see ye again,” Mom says and pulls Carmen into a hug.

  Carmen visibly relaxes. I smile and reach for her hand. She looks up at me with that shy smile on her lips.

  “Come on. The lot of them are vultures. If ye don’t get a seat at the table and some food on ye plate, ye may not get to eat.”

  “This is a beautiful home,” Carmen says.

  “Thank ye. Now that I don’t have seven little fuckers tearing it up, I can keep it looking respectable.”

  I snort and shake my head. We never tore up Cassy Black’s house. That’s some straight bullshit if I’ve ever heard it. She’d have us in headlocks while whipping our little asses.

  “Don’t believe a word she says,” I whisper to Carmen.

  We follow mom into the dining room. All of my brothers and their women are surrounding the new table Mom bought. We’ve grown as a family and need more seats these days.

  “Hey,” my brothers cheer as we walk into the dining room.

  Carmen gives a little shy wave. My chest swells to finally have my girl at the table. I pull her chair before taking the one beside her. All the women welcome Carmen right in. My brothers are their usual selves, joking amongst each other.

  I notice Brax piling food on a plate for Heather and smile. I’m going to be an uncle again. There are three pregnant women at this table. Nellie looks like she’s ready to pop even though she has a little longer to go.

  I look to Bean and find Noah leaning in her ear as his hand rests on her tiny bump. Damn, I didn’t know I wanted to be a father until now. It hits me hard that I want to watch Carmen swell with my seed inside her.

  “What?” she asks as she looks up at me.

  “Nothing.” I dip my head to peck her lips, then kiss her temple.

  “Congratulations, Carmen,” mom says into the chatter. “Ye got an A for the video from the wedding I hear.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

  “Two degrees from two different schools. Ryan brags about ye. I’m proud of ye.”

  “Thank you,” Carmen says. “I’m not done yet. I still have a year to go in both programs. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  I reach under the table and squeeze her thigh. “You have to be kidding me, right? Neither of those programs are easy. You go to two of the best schools and remain an honors student at both.”

  She shrugs her shoulders and her cheeks glow. I’m so proud of her. I know she hasn’t told her father about film school, and last time I asked she told me she wasn’t sure when she would.

  I have her back whenever she’s ready to. I think she’s amazing and should follow her dreams. It’s her life and she should be happy in whatever she wants to do with it.

  “Ry, I think you’re embarrassing her,” Dad says.

  I reach for her chin and turn her face toward me. Looking into her eyes, I wait for her to focus on mine. When she does, I make something very clear.

  “You’re amazing. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m proud of you. You should be proud of yourself.”

  I then kiss her soft lips quickly. She stares at me when I back away. I turn back to the food and dive in.

  The chatter starts again and soon the girls have invited Carmen to hang out. I love the way her face lights up as they bring her into the fold. She looks like she belongs.


  I look up at the sky as we sit in the backyard of the Black family home. What was breakfast turned into a daylong affair. I have Nora in my arms as I sit around the fire pit with the ladies.

  “I’m so sleepy,” Nellie groans. I look to her and she’s widening her eyes as if she’s trying to keep them open. “Someone tell my husband he has to stop playtime to take me home.”

  We laugh at her. Wyatt has gotten lost with his brothers. I love the closeness of this family. I thought maybe they were close in Ireland because it was a vacation or something, but they’re really tight-knit.

  I look down at Nora in my arms and smile. She’s gorgeous. I can’t help wondering what a d
aughter with Ryan would look like.

  “They’re always cute while they’re sleeping. Don’t do it to yourself,” Nellie teases.

  “I can’t wait to see what our baby looks like,” Bean says with a bright smile as she holds a hand over her little bump.

  She must have been pregnant at the wedding. It’s only been a few weeks and she’s showing. Not a lot, but enough for me to notice.

  Time is flying. Next week will make a month since I’ve been dating Ryan. An entire month, but honestly it feels like so much longer. It’s so surreal. We’ve fallen into a relationship so easily.

  “Do you want children?” Heather aims at me, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I think about it for a second. “I never thought much about it before. I guess someday.”

  “Have you not seen the way he looks at her. She’ll be knocked up as soon as she lets him hit it raw,” Roni says.

  She’s always so quiet. It surprises me when she speaks up. I look at the pretty woman. She’s both mysterious and alluring.

  “You’re so right.” Nellie giggles.

  My cheeks heat. I’ve already let him have sex with me without a condom, but I don’t make that announcement. Instead, I give a shrug.

  “I think we have a ways to go before we get to that point.”

  They all make a humming sound and burst into laughter as they realize they’ve done it at the same time. Nora stirs in my arms and nestles closer. I can’t help but smile.

  No, I wouldn’t mind having a baby. When the time is right, that is. Especially one as cute as the twins or Nora.

  Nellie yawns. “That’s it.” She pushes out of her seat with her big belly. “That man is taking me home. Wyatt.”

  She wobbles off, calling after her husband. I get up to follow her so they don’t have to come back for their baby. When I get inside Ryan is in the kitchen with a smile on his face. He and his mom look like they were having an interesting conversation.

  He stands and walks over to me to kiss my forehead. I crane my neck to look up at him as he moves behind me to wrap his arms around me and Nora. He starts to sway us, pecking my lips before he looks to his mother.

  “Look at this, Ma. Tell me we wouldn’t make a beautiful family,” he croons.

  “Run, love. Don’t let him get anywhere near ye with his filthy pecker,” Cassy says with a smile.

  I know I blush instantly. I’ve let her son put his pecker all over me. And I mean all over. There isn’t a part of my body Ryan’s penis doesn’t know.

  Cassy throws her head back and laughs. Ry kisses the top of my head and Nora wakes, looking around the room. Cassy covers her mouth as her eyes sparkle with mirth.

  “Hey you,” Ry croons and reaches to take Nora out of my arms.

  She goes right to him. I turn to look at him holding his niece in his big strong arms. It’s a hot look on him. I can totally see Ryan being a sexy daddy.

  Nora cups his cheek as they start a little conversation. When Ry makes a goofy face and Nora starts to squeal with laughter, I think I lose my heart. His eyes twinkle as he makes her laugh.

  “Bro, you woke her?” Wyatt groans as he walks into the kitchen with a sleepy Nellie at his side.

  The protective hold Wyatt has on Nellie’s belly reminds me of their story. They have so much love for each other. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to see them together.

  “I didn’t wake her. Mom did,” Ry replies.

  “Sure she did.”

  “This time I did,” Cassy says. “I’ll make it up to ye. Take yer wife home. I’ll keep the wee one for the night.”

  Nellie perks up. “Bless you. Bless you and all you love.” Cassy laughs and shakes her head. “Let’s go, Wy, before she changes her mind.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Wyatt says and kisses the top of his daughter’s head. “See you in the morning, munchkin.”

  “I’ll distract her,” Ry says when Nora’s little face crumples and she reaches out as her father backs away.

  “Hey, sweetpea,” Ryan croons and nuzzles her neck before he blows a raspberry against it.

  Nora bursts into giggles. Soon she’s focused on her uncle and her parents rush out before she can turn back for them. Ryan keeps her busy for the next ten minutes and it’s amazing.

  I take a seat and watch him with her the entire time. Cassy brings me a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies. After a while it feels like she’s watching me and not the two of them. I turn to face her.

  “Yer falling,” she says.


  She smiles at me. “Yer falling for my baby. It’s never easy to watch them grow up and not need ye anymore. However, there’s something about watching them fall in love. He be me baby. The last one to need me.”

  I smile at her. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Ryan and I are just dating. It’s still really new.”

  She gives a short laugh. “Ye sell yerself an apple in a butcher shop. My babe has fallen for ye and I’m pretty sure ye have fallen for him. But that’s none of my business.”

  She gets up with a smile on her face and goes to take Nora from Ryan. Ryan kisses his niece’s cheek before handing her over. He bends to kiss his mother’s cheek as well.

  “See you later, Mom.”

  “See ye later, love.”

  When Ryan turns to me he has a heated look in his eyes. I squirm in my seat as I get caught in his gaze. He holds out his hand in a silent command and I find myself on my feet, moving to him.

  He cups my throat and runs his thumb across my lips. Leaning in, he places his lips near my ear. “You would look so good with me growing inside you.”

  When he backs away and looks into my eyes, I stand there—stunned, turned on, and pretty sure I’d have his baby if he asked me to.

  Chapter 12

  Changing Tides


  I nearly stumble into the house as Wyatt unlocks the door. I could kiss Cass for taking Nora for the night. I don’t remember being this exhausted with my last pregnancy.

  This time around I nod off wherever I am. Sitting, standing, it doesn’t matter. If I’m still too long, I pass out.

  “Wyatt,” I yelp as he lifts me into his arms and carries me to our bedroom.

  “You’re tired. Let me pamper you for a bit,” he murmurs against my forehead.

  I smile and bury my face in his neck. He carries me right to the bed and places me at the foot. I sigh so deeply when he takes my shoes from my feet. I can’t even see them anymore these days.

  He sits on his butt on the floor and starts to massage one of my feet. I look into his eyes and it dawns on me that he’s been rather quiet since we left his parents’ house. At first, I thought he was giving me time to nap, but something in his eyes tells me it’s more.

  I go to pry, but he shuts his face down. It’s his way when he’s not ready to talk about something. I chew on my lip, debating on whether or not I should push anyway.

  I get totally distracted when he takes the massage to the next level. He’s hitting the spot. He’s not playing fair. I’m too sleepy to fight the relaxation he’s sending my body into.

  With no bath time for Nora and no bedtime story, I can drift off and sleep without worrying about waking early to take care of my toddler. I let everything melt away and take advantage of this gift.

  I may miss her already, but I’m grateful for the rest I’ll get. I’ll take all I can get before this new little one gets here. Yup, I sure will.

  I lean back on my palms and throw my head back. Allowing my eyes to close, I relish in the feel of his strong hands as he rubs my foot. I live for moments like these.

  The sound of his movements fills the room as he uses one hand on my foot and the other disappears. I don’t even bother to look to see what he’s up to. I sink back onto the mattress to lie flat.

  When soft music fills the room, I smile. That’s what he was up to. “Why I Love You” by MAJOR plays.

  Of course, I start to cry
as my hormones make a mess of me. My husband does everything intentionally. I know he picked this song with purpose.

  Wyatt kisses my foot before switching to the other one. I can’t stop crying as the song plays and he massages my other swollen foot. Tears roll back into my ears as I keep my eyes closed.

  I’m carrying his child and my body feels like it hates me, but I wouldn’t want this with anyone else. He kisses his way up from my ankle, calf, thigh, over my belly and hovers above me. I look into his golden eyes and get lost.

  “I love you,” he says softly.

  However, there’s so much intensity in the words and his gaze. Again, I get the feeling that something is weighing on him. I search his face as I reply.

  “I love you too.”

  He brushes my cheek with his fingertips. Dipping his head, he nips my lip and tugs at it. Then he kisses me softly, the total opposite of the nipping he initiated.

  I lock my fingers into his hair and keep him close. He’s careful not to place his weight on me as he deepens the kiss.

  “Are you too tired?” He flicks his tongue against my bottom lip.

  I shake my head. “Never,” I whisper.

  He gives me a sexy grin and reaches for the straps of my sundress. He moves to kiss my shoulder as he slides the fabric down. I lift up to help him peel the dress from my body.

  He gets it over my belly and down my legs, then tosses it aside. He removes my panties and bra next, taking his time to kiss my belly with each removal. I’m bare to him and his appraising gaze.

  I watch as he backs away to stand from the bed and starts to strip from his clothes. My lips turn up as his newest tat comes into view. He has Nora’s baby picture on his right shoulder.

  He’s an amazing canvas. His muscles move so fluidly beneath his skin. However, none of that is what gets my heart racing.

  It’s the look in his eyes. I see his love for me. I move back on the bed and he climbs back on.

  With his strong hands, he turns me onto my side. Brushing my hair from my neck, he starts to place open-mouthed kisses there. I smile when his tongue ring brushes against my skin.


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