Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2) Page 7

by Bethany Winters

  “Why are you out here by yourself?”

  I shrug, dropping my eyes to my hands. “You and Callie were out and Kai won’t talk to me.”

  “Because you hurt him,” he throws back, but he’s not mad, just stating facts.

  “Where is he?”

  “Watching Callie,” he tells me, running his thumb over his lip to hide a grin. “Freya said she could fix her nails if she wanted and Callie didn’t like it, said if she ever says that again she’ll put a bullet between her eyes.”

  I snort at that, knowing he’s not even a little bit joking. “How’d it go with the therapist today?”

  “Alright, I guess,” he shrugs, still grinning. “She said if I ever take her there again she’ll put a bullet between my eyes.”

  I laugh and shake my head at him, shutting my mouth just as quick when I feel his eyes on me, watching me closely like he thinks it’ll help him find all the answers to his questions.


  “I’m scared, Wren,” he cuts me off, and my already broken heart shatters to pieces when I catch his unshed tears right there on the surface. “I’m so fucking scared for you and I don’t know what the fuck to do or how to fucking fix it. Just.. tell me how to fix it.”

  “You can’t fix this one, brother,” I whisper, forcing myself to hold his eyes despite the emotions pulling me under. “I’m sorry.”

  His jaw ticks and I’m almost sure he’s about to go off on me for real this time, but then he sighs out an aggravated breath and looks out at the ocean. “What happens now?”

  I shrug helplessly and pass him my joint. “We get fucked up until we can’t think or see straight.”

  A light laugh leaves him and he nods, pulling out an unopened bottle of Jack from fuck knows where. “Yeah, I thought you’d say that.”

  “Use your fuckin’ legs man,” Damon whisper yells, tightening his grip around my waist to pull me along. “You’re heavy as fuck.”

  “Fuck’s aren’t heavy,” I joke, struggling to keep my eyes open due to the lights blinding me in the hall. “What’re you doin’?”

  “Tryna get you to bed.”

  “Well you’re not doin’ a very good job.”

  He mutters something I don’t catch and carries on dragging my drunk ass down the hall, slowing to a stop when he gets to the door I recognize as mine.

  “Not that one,” I shake my head, throwing my arm out towards Kai’s room. “That one.”

  He sighs but does as he’s told, quietly opening the door to help me inside. I wiggle my way out of my t-shirt and drop my jeans to my ankles, damn near tripping over my own feet while I try to kick them off.

  “Shit,” I hiss, dropping down on the edge of the bed to pull them off with my hands. “Can you grab me–”

  Damon tosses me a spare pillow from the closet and I grin, wedging it down between me and Kai before I face plant the space beside him. The door closes a few seconds later and I roll onto my side to face my twin, knowing his eyes are open and on me even though I can’t see them in the dark.

  “I know you’re awake.”

  He ignores me, same way he’s been ignoring me since the second my ex-girlfriend came back and trampled all over my life with her stupid little pixie feet.

  I sigh and scoot a little closer, hoping he’ll at least hear me out this time. “I’m sorr–”

  “Why do you drink so much?”

  I frown at that, knowing the answer but refusing to voice it out loud. “Why do you fuck so much?”

  He laughs at me and I grin, wrapping my arm around his waist to pull him into me. He doesn’t speak for a long minute, but I can tell he’s got something to say, so I decide to wait and let him say it.

  “You shoulda called me.”

  “I know.”

  “Promise me you will,” he says quietly, mindlessly walking two fingers over my forearm. “If anything like that ever happens again, promise me you’ll call me first. Just promise me you’ll let me fuckin’ be there for you, no matter what.”

  “I promise, brother,” I whisper, gently bumping his fist with mine.

  He nods and hugs his pillow to his chest, quiet a minute before he speaks again. “You talk in your sleep.”

  “What?” I frown, lifting my head to see him better. “What do I say?”

  “Lev,” he fakes a moan. “Fuck, your mouth feels so good wrapped around my big cock.”

  All the color drains from my face and he grins, sliding his tongue back and forth between his teeth.


  “You’re not funny.”

  “Actually, I am.”



  “Bitch,” we say together, and I laugh lightly, shoving his ass to get him to turn over.

  He does as he’s told and passes out in my arms a minute later, same thing he’s done almost every other night since our mom died. I take a breath and close my eyes, silently begging for sleep to pull me under with him.

  It doesn’t.

  Chapter Nine


  “I want my spot back.”

  I raise a brow at that, dropping down to third to follow Damon through the school gates. “You haven’t spoken to Madison since before junior year. You really think she’s about to let you back on the squad?”

  Freya shrugs and pulls her sun visor down to check her hair. “She will if you tell her to.”

  “And why would I do that?” I mutter, pulling up in my usual spot beside my brothers.

  “Because if you don’t..” she swings the passenger side door open, eager as shit. “I’ll tell everyone you let Levi Matthews suck your dick and liked it.”

  I lock my jaw and climb out after her, slamming my door so hard that the freshman kid checking out my car jumps a mile and runs off.

  “Don’t talk about that.”

  “Then get me back on the team,” she grins, damn near skipping over to me to take my hand in hers.

  I almost forgot how peppy she is.

  I used to think it was cute, her light to this dark gray cloud of misery hanging over my head, but now it’s just fucking annoying.

  She pulls me along to fall in line beside my family and Callie glares, purposely bumping her shoulder with hers.

  “Excuse you,” Freya bites out, stopping where she stands when Callie laughs and spins to face her.

  “Listen to me very fucking carefully, little girl,” she says quietly, towering over her with the five inches of height she has on her. “I might not be able to do shit about you being here, but don’t think for a damn second I’m about to make this easy for you. Threaten him with that again and I’ll shove my foot so far up your ass you’ll choke on it. Got it?”

  Freya’s eyes narrow and she lifts her chin, looking up at her with a confidence that looks real, but I don’t miss the way she squeezes my hand a little tighter. “Fine.”

  Callie and the boys look to me and I nod, letting them know I’m good. It’s a lie and they know it, but they have no choice but to accept it and move on.

  Damon takes Callie’s hand and I reluctantly keep Freya’s in mine, making sure to leave her on the outside of our four way triangle while we walk inside. Callie remains in the center and ignores the eyes following her every move, same as usual, but Freya eats up all the attention she’s getting, barely even bothering to hide her excitement when the stares and whispers start to flow through the hall.

  She’s enjoying this.

  People move to clear a path for us while we walk Callie to her locker and I lean back against the wall, raising a brow at the group of junior girls staring at me from across the hall with their jaws on the floor.

  “Beat it.”

  They scurry off to do as they’re told and I pull my phone out from my pocket. The group chat blows up with messages and I scroll up a little bit, shaking my head when I spot the picture taken of me and Freya in the parking lot just now.

  “Two minutes and twenty seven seconds,” Kai says, gr
inning when I toss him his fifty bucks. “Why’d you keep bettin’ me when you know you’re gonna lose?”

  “Anything to keep you happy, little brother,” I say dryly, laughing lightly when he shoves my ass.

  “Bitch, you’re only seven minutes older than me.”

  “I’m seven inches longer, too.”

  “Bullshit,” he laughs, shamelessly grabbing his cock through his jeans. “Callie, tell him my dick’s bigger than his, baby girl.”

  “You’re identical twins, Kai,” she informs him, knocking her locker shut before turning to face us fully. “Your dicks are exactly th– shit,” she hisses, snatching Freya’s arm to pull her away from me.

  Freya squeals and I frown, but before I can even think about turning around to see what spooked her, someone grabs me from behind and I’m shoved through the bathroom door to my right, barely having time to realize it’s Levi before he shuts the door and tosses me back against it.


  He flicks the lock by my hip and I look around him to check no one else is in here, relieved when I find the room empty, but that doesn’t change the fact he just grabbed me in front of an entire hall full of people watching my every move.

  “Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?”

  “Have you?” he throws back, wrapping his hand around my throat to get in my face.

  I glare and shove his ass back, locking my jaw when he refuses to move. He advances on me again and my lungs stop working, my heart pumping wildly against my chest when his body hits mine and pins me between him and the door.

  “Get off me.”

  “Make me.”

  “Lev..” I grit out, warning him without words that I’m about five seconds away from kicking his ass, but he’s not afraid of me.

  He’s never been afraid of me.

  And I’d never hurt him.

  Not really.

  “What the fuck is she doing here, Wren?”

  I stare at the bruise beneath his left eye while I try to come up with a decent explanation, but I can’t think straight when he’s in my face like this, so close I can fucking taste him.

  And fuck, he tastes good.

  And looks good.

  And feels good..

  He glares and tightens his grip on my neck, still waiting for an answer to his question, but I just shrug, lamely feigning indifference. “Who?”

  “Don’t play with me,” he warns. “Why the fuck is she here, riding shotgun and holding your fucking hand in the hall like the last year and a half never happened?”

  I bite down on my jaw so hard I’m sure it’s about to crack, struggling to look him in the eye while I lie to his face. “We’re back together.”

  He laughs at that, but he doesn’t find me funny. His eyes are wild and untamed, filled with so many emotions it’s hard to pinpoint just one.

  He’s fucking lost it.

  Tossed his sanity aside to corner me in a locked bathroom while my new fiancé stands less than ten feet away, probably waiting for me on the other side of the door I’m pressed up against.

  The thought shouldn’t make my dick hard, but it does.

  “What’s really goin’ on here, Wren?”


  “Nothing,” he echos, raising a brow. “You really expect me to believe that?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you believe.”

  “Is that right?”

  I nod.

  “You want her?”

  I nod again, dropping my head back against the wood when he leans in to tease my lips with his.

  “Tell me.”

  “I want her.”

  He grinds on me and I tense, digging my nails into my palms to stop myself from touching him.

  “Say that again.”

  “I want her,” I say it again, swallowing a groan when he slides his tongue over my bottom lip, gently taking it between his teeth to drag it out.


  “I want– fuck,” I rasp, squeezing his waist when I feel his hard cock against mine. “I want her.”

  He laughs lightly and moves his mouth to my ear, slowly sliding his hand over my abs to grip me through my jeans. “Liar.”

  My hips buck and I grab his throat, spinning on him to shove him back in my place against the door. “Don’t.”

  He smirks like the motherfucking devil he is, teasing the edge of my waistband with his finger. “Why not?”

  “Careful, Lev,” I warn, moving in to crowd his space the same way he does mine. “The last time you touched my cock I ruined your face. I got no fuckin’ problem doin’ it again.”

  “Yeah?” he teases, tangling his fingers in my hair to pull me in further. “What about when I do it up here?” he goes on, tapping my temple. “What happens then, Wren? When you’re alone inside the darkness of your own head, you let me, don’t you?”

  I glare at that, digging my fingers into his throat in warning, but that only sets him off more.

  “Nah, you don’t just let me,” he whispers, speaking over my lips. “You fucking beg me for it.”

  Fuck him.

  Fuck him and his stupid emerald green eyes and his fat fucking lips and his raspy ass voice.

  Most of all, though, fuck him for being right.

  He slides a finger over my zipper and I release him with a shove, stepping back to put some distance between us because I honestly don’t know whether I’m about to punch him or kiss him. He’s in my fucking head and I can’t get him out. It doesn’t matter what I do or how hard I try to fight it, I can’t fucking shake him.

  His lip twitches like he knows it and I work my jaw, quickly adjusting my cock in my jeans before I flick the lock on the door and swing it open, making a point to bump his shoulder with mine while I leave. I walk out to the hall and look around, relieved when I find it empty except for Callie and a couple stragglers.

  When did the fucking bell ring?

  I shake that off and move for my locker, ignoring my sister in law’s cocky ass grin while she pushes off the wall and moves to follow me.

  “Don’t say a fuckin’ word,” I mutter, rolling my eyes when she lifts her hands in mock surrender. “Where’s Freya?”

  “Madison took her to go get a new cheer uniform,” she tells me, sipping on a Starbucks mocha latte I assume came from Rachel. “She’s back on the squad.”

  I nod, side eyeing her while I take my books out for first period. “Thank you.”

  She shrugs like it’s no big deal and pulls out a pre rolled joint from her pocket, smirking at me while she holds it up between us. “Wanna come be bad with me, ganja man?”

  I smirk back and shut my locker to wrap my arm around her neck, ignoring the eyes on my back while I walk her out to the parking lot.

  Chapter Ten


  Back together, my ass.

  This lying fucker must think I’m stupid, tryna play me like he has a say in whatever fucked up game she’s playing here.

  He won’t even look at her, won’t even touch her unless she makes the first move, which she does, a lot.

  I’ve been watching them all morning, doing my best to keep my shit together while she sat next to him in every class and put her desperate little hands on him every chance she got. He’s allowing it like he’s suddenly forgotten who she is and what she did to him, and it’s taking every ounce of self control I have left not to grab him right here and now and show this little bitch who keeps him up at night, because it sure as shit isn’t her.

  Fuck, I hate her.

  I’ve always hated her, ever since the day he claimed her as his back in freshman year, and watching her now with her ass on his lap and her hand linked with his.. she’s lucky I don’t reach over this table and shove my fork through the side of her neck until she bleeds out all over the cafeteria floor.

  “..chill the fuck out.”

  An elbow knocks mine and I frown, looking left to find Ryan sitting beside me with a brow raised and his eyes on my hand. I quickly release my
death grip on the fork I’m holding and drop it on the table, falling back in my seat with a huff because I’m almost positive I’ve gone insane. Either that or they’re the crazy ones and I’m the only normal fucker in this bitch because what the actual fuck is happening today?

  She hurt him, fucked his goddamn cousin and broke his already broken heart, and now she has the nerve to come back and reclaim her spot on the king’s lap, sitting here in her skimpy little cheer outfit like she has some right to be here?

  Why are they allowing this?

  Wren’s eyes cut to mine like he heard me and I cock my head, bouncing my eyes between the two in an attempt to read him.

  He doesn’t want her.

  He can say it all he likes, I know for a fact he doesn’t give a shit about her anymore, and the way his tortured eyes linger on me a second too long every time he thinks I’m not looking only proves that.

  He wants me.

  He locks his jaw and I smirk, grabbing my coke from the table to take a sip. Ryan, Damon and Kai continue to chat shit about fuck knows what but I keep my focus on Wren, purposely taunting him while I swirl my tongue over the tip of my straw. His eyes darken and I lick my bottom lip, imagining it’s his mouth instead of mine while I drag it out through my teeth.

  He likes it when I do that.

  Just as I think it, he shifts in his seat and I take another sip to hide a grin, enjoying the fact he’s getting hard against Freya’s bony little ass because of me. Her brows dip when she feels it, but instead of looking at him like I thought she would, she lifts her head and cuts her eyes to mine, narrowing them when she realizes I’m already looking their way.

  What the fuck?

  My head pulls back but Wren pretends not to notice, tightening his grip on her bare thigh to bring her attention back to him. It works and she grins like she’s won something, leaning back on his chest to resume listening to the boys’ conversation. Wren decides now’s the time to ignore me entirely so I take my phone out and hide it under the table, watching him for his reaction while I type out a message to him.


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