Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2) Page 11

by Bethany Winters

  “What are you doing?” she asks, carefully pulling the headphones from my ears.

  “Smokin’ a joint.”


  I choke before I can stop it and she curses, lowering herself down onto my lap to straddle my thighs. She wraps her arms around my neck and I drop my head down on her shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut when the boys run their hands over my back to remind me they’re here. Damon sets the timer for ten minutes the way Mom used to do and Kai steals my hand, holding it between both of his while the three of them hold me together by a thread.

  But then I fall apart.

  The I don’t give a fuck wall I like to hide behind comes crashing down around me and I let it happen, crying my broken heart out until I’ve got nothing left to cry.

  Fucking pathetic.

  Ten minutes later, the sound of Damon’s timer pulls me back to reality and Callie lifts my head, gently wiping my face with the sleeves of her hoodie.

  “Okay,” she clears her throat, squeezing my cheeks to pin my eyes with her glassy ones. “No more playin’. Now you’re gonna get your ass up, and remember who the fuck you are.”

  I shake my head at that, laughing lightly because as much as I wish it were that simple, it’s not.

  “I don’t know who I am, Callie.”

  “You’re Wren motherfucking Kingston,” she says simply, stealing my joint to relight it. “And you can have any fuckin’ thing you want. What do you want, Wren?”

  My brows dip and I pull my head back, looking between the three of them. I don’t say anything, but the evil little smirk on Callie’s face tells me I don’t need to. They know damn well what I want, and they’re telling me to take it.


  “What if he breaks me?”

  She shrugs and burns the tip of my joint, not so discreetly bouncing her eyes from me to Damon and back again. “What if he doesn’t?”

  He grins like a love sick moron and I chew my lip to hide mine, quickly kissing her cheek before I grab her waist and toss her over onto his lap.

  Fuck it.

  I pass Kai the key for Freya’s bedroom and move to leave, freezing when Damon snatches my wrist to stop me. I frown and look down at him, rolling my eyes at his dramatics when I realize what he’s thinking.

  “I had two shots, brother. I’m fine.”

  He scans my face and nods, releasing me. “Be careful.”

  I nod back and walk down to the elevator, my heart fucking shaking at the thought of what I’m about to do.

  I’m taking what’s mine, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can say or do to stop me.

  I pull up outside Ryan’s house and jump out of my car, secretly thankful his parents decide to fuck off on vacation almost every weekend without fail. They’re both good people and I respect the shit out of them for what they’ve done for Levi over the years, but that doesn’t mean I’m about to let them see me for who I really am. I don’t trust anyone but my own, especially not when I’ve got a psycho fiancé on my ass watching my every move.

  Still shaking like a junkie without a fix, I jog up the front steps and ring the bell, damn near bouncing where I stand I’m that worked up on adrenaline. Levi finally swings the door open a minute later wearing nothing but a black pair of sweats with a black towel wrapped around his neck, pulling his head back when he sees it’s me.

  “What are y–”

  “Is Ryan here?”

  He sighs at that, annoyed. “No, he went to Rachel’s t–”

  I close the distance between us and smash my mouth on his, ripping the towel away to wrap my hands around his neck because if he thinks he’s about to get away from me, he’s dead fucking wrong. He stumbles a little bit and grabs my hips to keep himself steady, pulling back as much as I allow it to bounce his eyes between mine. I don’t say anything, but he must see something there because he grins, pulling me in to shut the door behind me.

  “Say it,” he rasps over my lips, walking me back towards the stairs.

  “I want you.”

  He finally kisses me back and I release the breath I’ve been holding for what feels like years, running my hands through his wet hair to keep him close.


  “I want you,” I say it again, rubbing my hips on his to chase the friction I’m craving. “I want you so fuckin’ bad I can’t fuckin’ think straight.”

  He groans and snatches my waistband to pull me upstairs, his mouth never leaving mine while we rush up to his bedroom. He backs me up towards the bed but I spin on him at the last second, shoving him down on his back before he can do it to me. He raises a brow and I smirk, reaching up to pull my t-shirt over my head. I toss it to the side and shove his knees apart to fall down on him, fucking loving the way his bare skin feels against mine while I take his mouth the way I want it. He slides his hands down to my ass to grind on me and I moan, twisting his neck to the side to kiss him there. I suck on the vein pulsing against my lips and reach down between us to scrape my short nails over his abs, laughing lightly when he jolts beneath me.

  “You like that?”

  He nods and I do it again, harder this time.

  “Fuck, Wren,” he hisses, squeezing my ass to hold me down on him. “Harder.”


  I sink my teeth into his neck and dig my nails into his flesh, leaving my mark on him for all to see. His thighs clench around me and I move my mouth back up to his, dragging his bottom lip through my teeth while I grab his cock through his sweats. His hips buck and I grin, reaching inside to take it out fully.

  “Do you think about me?”

  “All the fuckin’ time,” he admits, tipping his head back when I slide my thumb over the tip.

  “Show me.”

  He groans and pops the button on my jeans to shove them down over my ass, taking my cock out to rub it against his. “Open your mouth.”

  I do and he slides two fingers over my tongue, his bright green eyes darkening to black when I close my lips around them and suck. His cock jerks in my hand and I smirk, reading his mind.

  “You want my mouth?”

  “Later,” he assures me, sliding his hand over my spine to tease my ass with his fingers.

  “Fuck,” I growl, dipping my head to retake his mouth with mine. “Do that again.”

  He laughs lightly and does as he’s told, circling the spot with his finger. “You want it?”

  I nod and continue to roll my hips on his, fucking his hand while he fucks mine pace for pace. He gently pushes the tip of his finger inside me and I drop my face to the crook of his neck, waiting for the burn to subside. It does and my heart pulses in my ears, my eyes rolling behind my eyelids because fuck me, this feels good.

  “Come for me,” he rasps in my ear, pushing in a little further until I’m shaking with need. “Show me how much you love it when I play with this tight little ass.”


  I slide my hand through his hair and pull his eyes back to mine, fucking his mouth with my tongue while I fuck his cock with my hand. I come hard and so does he, his hips bucking wildly against mine when I bite down on his bottom lip so hard I taste blood.

  “Motherfucker,” he growls, dropping his head back on the sheet. “You’re a fuckin’ psycho, man.”

  I laugh lightly and dip down to suck away the sting, leaning up on one elbow beside his head to study the dark bruise forming beneath his left eye.

  “I’m sorry, Lev,” I whisper, carefully brushing my thumb over the spot. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”

  “I know,” he whispers back, but I’m not stupid.

  I might have hurt him when I punched him, but I hurt him more when I told him I loved her.

  I lied and he knows it, but I still hurt him all the same.

  “I hate her, man,” I admit, dropping my forehead down on his.

  Honest to god, I hate that little bitch more than I ever thought possible, and I’m starting to think whatever I felt for her back then was nothing but the need to feel c
lose to a girl after my mom died.

  She never made me feel the way he does.

  Not even close.

  He sets me on fire and tears me apart from the inside out. All this pain and heartache and loss and this giant hole in my chest that makes it feel like there’s a piece of me missing.. he takes it away until all I feel is him.

  “I know,” he says again, but something tells me he’s talking about more than just my hate for Freya.

  “She knows what we did.”

  He freezes at that, and I lift my head just in time to watch all the color drain from his face. “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not, Lev,” I shake my head, swallowing when I catch the clear flash of fear in his eyes. “She thinks I did it, said she’s got proof and if I don’t marry her in five months time, me and you get to live happily ever after in jail.”

  His nostrils flare and he locks his arms around my waist, clinging to me like his life depends on it. “And if he finds out there’s a seventeen year old girl running around Westbrook with evidence that could ruin his life..”

  “We’re all dead before we see the inside of a courtroom,” I finish for him, wincing when he snaps and smacks the headboard with the edge of his fist.

  “Fuck,” he growls, ripping a hand through his hair while he fights to put the pieces together. “How the fuck did she find out?”

  “I don’t know.” I say quietly, taking his hand to lock his fingers with mine. “I’m pretty sure someone told her to use it against us.”


  “I don’t know.”

  His jaw ticks and he takes a breath, closing his eyes when I drop my mouth to his neck to kiss him there. He doesn’t say anything else, but I can practically hear the wheels turning in his head.

  “What are you thinking, Lev?”



  He sighs and takes my face in his hand, pulling my mouth back to his. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do,” I say without hesitation, frowning when I catch the look on his face. “What are y–”

  Just then, the front door slams in the distance and I jump, turning my head to the sound.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Ryan, probably,” he whispers, laughing lightly when he hears Rachel screaming. “Definitely Ryan.”

  “You said they went to her house.”

  “To grab her car,” he draws out, amused. “You didn’t let me finish before you jumped me, remember?

  I nod, dipping my head to tease his mouth with mine. “I gotta go.”

  “Yeah, I figured.”

  I hide a grin at his moody ass tone, enjoying the way he digs his fingers into my neck, not letting me go.

  “Come with me.”


  “Come with me,” I repeat, sliding my tongue over the small cut on his lip. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  His cock thickens against mine and he smirks, spinning on me to shove me down on my back with my hands pinned either side of my head.

  “What about your fiancé?” he teases, brushing his mouth over the shell of my ear. “Do you want her to catch us together like this?”

  “She won’t,” I rasp. “I lock her up in her room every night. She can’t get out until one of us opens the door.”

  He groans and licks my earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. “Tell me again.”

  “I want you,” I tell him again, moaning when he rolls his hips on me to rub his now fully hard cock against mine.

  “Good boy,” he whispers, releasing his grip on my hands to pull me up to my feet.

  I raise a brow and he grins, walking me over to the bathroom to grab a couple clean towels from the rack. He tosses me one and I catch it, moving for the sink to clean the cum from my body. I wash my cock and dry myself off, unable to stop the way my eyes move to watch him do the same.

  He’s so fucking hot.

  “You keep looking at me like you want to eat me..” he starts, pressing his chest to my back to place his hands on the counter either side of me. “We won’t even make it to the door before I shove you down on your knees and bury my dick in your mouth.”

  Heat creeps up my neck and my eyes darken, but my reply stills in my throat when I hear what sounds like a glass smashing in the kitchen.

  “Let’s go before they start fuckin’ on the stairs.”

  I laugh and follow him out, quickly snatching my shirt from the bed while he takes a clean one from the duffel bag in the otherwise empty closet. I eye him but he pretends not to notice, taking my hand to pull me out into the hall. We make our way downstairs as quietly as possible and I attempt to force my features even, but I can’t help the stupid ass grin splitting my lips.

  Fucking girl.

  Ryan’s massive house is mostly open plan, meaning the kitchen and pretty much everything else can be seen from the front door, but that doesn’t seem to matter much right now. Ryan’s got Rachel bent over the kitchen island with her black leather skirt pushed up over her hips and her hands folded behind her back, holding her head down with a tight grip on her hair while he fucks the shit out of her from behind.

  “Ryan..” she pleads, growling when he laughs at her. “I fucking hate you.”

  “You fucking love me,” he teases, slowing his pace. “Tell me how much you love me, baby.”

  “I don’t love you, motherfucker.”

  “That’s not what you said just now.”

  “It slipped out,” she snaps, groaning impatiently when he pulls out to slap her pussy with his cock. “What the fuck are you doing?!”

  “It slipped out,” he jokes, laughing again when she struggles against his hold on her.

  “I’m gonna kill you.”

  “I’m gonna marry you,” he throws back, teasing her entrance with the tip before he shoves it back inside her, making her scream.

  Well, okay then.

  I shake my head at them and Levi laughs lightly, pulling me across the entryway towards the front door. We manage to slip out unseen and I throw my shirt over my head, quickly jumping into the driver’s seat of my car while he does the same on the passenger side.

  “Are they always like that?” I ask, hitting the gas to speed off towards the Palace.

  “Pretty much,” he nods, raising a brow when I pull out a pre rolled joint from the center console. “You got those on tap or some shit?”

  “Callie rolls em’ for me when she gets bored.”

  “Of course she does.”

  I smirk at that, laughing to myself when he rolls his eyes and snatches it from my mouth. He drops back in his seat and tilts his head to light it, blindly flipping me off when I continue to stare at him.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Fuck, Wren,” he groans, tipping his head back for me while I drop my mouth to his neck.

  I grin against him and run my hand through his hair, holding him right where I want him while I back him up towards my bed. The backs of his knees hit the mattress and I pull his shirt over his head, releasing him for no more than a second to do the same with mine.

  “Lie down.”

  “Make me.”

  I raise a brow at that, reading his mind.

  He wants it rough.

  I shove his ass without warning and push him down on his back, falling down on him in the same beat to tangle my tongue with his. He moans into my mouth and grinds his hips on me, already wanting more, but unfortunately for him, he’s not about to get it. I keep his body pinned beneath mine and move my mouth down to his neck, kissing him there a minute, then I move across to his collarbone and down to his hard chest, slowly moving down further to lie between his legs. I slide my tongue over the deep ridges of his abs and sink my teeth into the spot, sucking on his skin to cover him in purple bruises while he shakes beneath me.

  “Fuck, man, you’re drivin’ me crazy here.”

  “That’s the point,” I inform him, teasing the edge of his waistband with my finger. “Think of it as pay
back for fuckin’ me over with your stupid straw, you little shit.”

  He laughs at me and I dip my head to bite his hipbone, laughing right back at him when he groans and throws his head back on the sheet. “Fuck.”

  “How many other guys have you been with?” I ask, tracing my lips over the lines of the sexy little vee pointing directly towards his dick.

  He shivers and lifts his head to look at me, raising a cocky ass brow. “You really wanna know?”

  I do, but I can’t promise I won’t punch him again if I don’t like the answer.

  “Tell me anyway.”

  He hesitates, fisting his hands at his sides when I slide my tongue over the tip of his cock peeking out above his waistband.


  “Before me?”

  “Two were after.”

  This motherfucker.

  “I want names.”

  “Fuck, no.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t remember,” he rasps, groaning again when I slide my hand over his inner thigh. “They were college guys. A gay couple.”

  I cock my head at that, curling my fingers beneath his waistband. “You like threesomes, Lev?”

  He doesn’t answer so I look up at him, pulling my brows in when I catch the look in his eyes.

  “What happened with the girl..” he starts, looking torn between anger and heat at the memory. “That’s never happening again. I won’t share you, Wren. Not now.”

  I nod and pull his sweats down over his ass, ignoring the way my heart skips a beat at the thought of him owning me like that. He leans up on his elbows to watch me and I lift my eyes to his, taking his cock in my hand to slide my tongue from the base to the tip and back again. I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing, but he doesn’t seem to mind. His eyes darken to black and he bites his lip, silently waiting for whatever I’ll do next. Ignoring the sudden nerves rushing through me, I dip my head and wrap my lips around the length of his cock.

  “Jesus, fuck,” he jolts, making me grin.

  Confident I’m doing it right, I work the base in my hand and continue to suck him off, waiting for the weirdness to freak me out, but it doesn’t. I like it, and judging by the way he’s damn near losing his shit beneath me, he likes it, too.


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