Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2) Page 14

by Bethany Winters


  He sighs heavily through his nose, nodding like he gets it, but I don’t miss the clear flash of hurt there before he drops his eyes to hide it.


  I don’t like that look, not one fucking bit, which is why I ignore the voice inside my head screaming at me to get the fuck away from him and lean in even further, nudging his head up with mine to speak over his lips. “Take me somewhere, Lev.”

  Silence follows and I’m almost sure he’s about to tell me to go fuck myself, but then he looks over at the clock hanging on the wall above the teacher’s desk, raising a cocky ass brow. “Right now?”

  “Right fuckin’ now.”

  He grins and I grin back, snatching his hand to pull him up with me. We walk across the hall to clean up in the bathroom and then make our way out to the parking lot, stopping when we get to my car so I can leave the key in the glove box for Kai, knowing he’ll need to drive mine while he’s pretending to be me. I shoot him a quick text to let him know where it is and pocket my phone, looking at Levi when I catch him staring at me like I’m crazy.


  “You know someone could steal that, right?”

  “You know I’m a Kingston brother, right?” I fire back, smirking at him over my shoulder while we walk for his Audi parked a couple spots over. “No one’s gonna steal my car, Lev, and if they do, I’ll just buy a new one.”

  He laughs and shakes his head at me, sliding into the driver’s seat while I do the same on the passenger side.

  “You hungry?” he asks, lifting his arm to the back of my chair while he twists in his seat to reverse out.

  I chew my lip and stare at his form, appreciating the way his body looks all stretched out like that. His white t-shirt clings to his chest like a second skin and I drop my eyes to his abs, barely resisting the urge to reach out and lift it up to get a look at the marks I left there.


  The sound of his snappy ass voice brings me back and I jump a little bit, hiding a grin when I realize that’s probably the third or fourth time he’s said my name.

  “Fucking hell,” he whispers to himself, shifting his hips to adjust his cock in his jeans.

  He keeps his eyes on the road while he drives and I take my phone out to hide my amusement, enjoying the fact I seem to affect him as much as he affects me.

  Kai: There’s lube in my nightstand if you want it.

  Wren: Fuck off.

  “Where’d you wanna go?”

  “Dinner and a movie?” I joke, making him laugh.

  I pocket my phone again and he turns the car around to head towards the edge of the city, smirking when I frown.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Dinner and a movie.”

  “You’re joking, right?”


  My frown deepens but I don’t argue. Instead I lean back in my seat and keep my mouth shut, looking down when he reaches over to link my fingers with his.

  Dinner and a movie..

  Well, okay then.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” I ask, laughing at him when he wiggles his brows and hops over the center console to climb into the back seat.

  “Dinner and a movie,” he says again, slower this time. “Get your ass back here.”

  I shake my head at him but do as I’m told, tossing him the McDonalds bag we picked up just now before I climb over to sit next to him. He places our drinks in the cup holders and leans back against the door, pulling me back between his legs. I freeze at that, pulling my brows in when he casually digs through the takeout bag to toss me some fries and a burger.


  “Shut up and eat your food,” he orders, unwrapping his own burger to take a big ass bite out of it.

  I blink and he smirks to himself, taking his phone out from his pocket to open the Netflix app. I let him off for daring to speak to me like that and lean back on his chest, lifting my feet up on the seat while I look out at the view through the passenger side window. We’re parked on the edge off the cliff a few miles from Ryan’s house, right above the spot where we used to ride our parents’ jet skis when we were kids. It’s quiet and secluded out here, the perfect spot to hang out without getting caught, and I can’t help but wonder how many other guys he’s brought up here for dinner and a movie.

  “You come out here a lot?” I ask, speaking around my food.

  “Sometimes,” he nods, still scrolling through his phone to find something to watch.

  “On your own?”

  He nods again, grinning at the screen like he can read my mind without even looking at me, the cocky fucker.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  He laughs at me and reaches over to prop his phone up on the center console, wrapping one arm around my waist while he uses his free hand to eat. We watch the first fifteen minutes in silence and I do my best to pay attention to the movie, but it’s a lot harder than it looks with his hot body pressed up against mine like this.



  “When did you know you wanted me?”


  “The first time you ever thought about me like this,” I explain, tipping my head back on his shoulder to look at him. “When was it?”

  He licks his lips and grabs a napkin to clean his hands, tossing it down into the takeaway bag in the footwell. “You want the truth?”

  I nod and he bounces his eyes between mine, locking his arms around my waist like he’s afraid I’ll make a run for it once he tells me.

  “Remember the day after Damon’s fourteenth birthday party when we almost burned the penthouse down?”

  I nod again, laughing lightly at the memory. It was Friday and Damon was sick, hungover from all the vodka shots we’d made him do the night before. Ryan was the only other one of us who knew how to cook anything other than dry toast but the lazy bastard refused to move his ass off the couch, so I decided it’d be a good idea for me, Kai and Levi to make the pancakes that morning.

  It didn’t go well.

  “That was the first time I’d seen you laugh for real since your mom died.”

  The sound of his quiet voice brings me back and I look up at him, swallowing the emotion creeping up my throat when I catch the look in his eyes.


  “You were so fuckin’ sad all the time, man,” he whispers, speaking over my lips. “I didn’t know why it cut me up so much but it did. Even back when we were kids, every time I was around you something inside me felt off, like I was different or obsessed with you or some shit, but then you bust up laughing on the kitchen floor and it hit me like a train. I was gay and I wanted to make you laugh like that again more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.”

  A long silence follows and I stare at him, opening and closing my mouth a couple times while I attempt to process that.

  “You..” I trail off, frowning. “You’ve felt this way about me since we were kids?”

  He nods, gently brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because I was scared,” he says quietly, still playing with my mouth like he needs it to keep his hands busy. “Scared of what my parents would say if they found out I didn’t want girls like every other fucker did, scared of what you would say when you found out I wanted you. I talked to Ryan about it the summer before freshman year and he told me to stop bein’ a pussy and just fuckin’ go for it, but then we started high school and..”

  “And then I met Freya.”

  “And then you met Freya,” he echoes, dropping his head back on the door to stare at the roof a while.

  My chest tightens with guilt and I can’t think of a single thing to say that’ll make him feel better, but I’m not about to sit here and say nothing.

  “I’m sorry, Lev.”

  “The fuck are you sorry for?”
br />   “I don’t know,” I say lamely, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck to pull his mouth down to mine. “I’m just sorry.”

  He kisses me and slides his hands beneath my shirt, spreading his fingers out over my abs. I shiver and he grins, clearly enjoying the way my body reacts to his touch. He drags his short nails over my skin and I take his bottom lip between my teeth, fighting to suppress a moan when he teases my waistband with his fingertips.

  “Lev..” I warn, but it comes out more like a plea.

  “You eager for me, Wren?” he teases, slowly sliding his hand over my jeans to grab my cock through the fabric.

  I nod without thinking and he groans, sitting me up to rip my shirt over my head. Done playing with me, he tosses it to the side and pulls my back to his chest, leaning over me to speak in my ear.

  “Take em’ off.”

  I do as I’m told and he does the same, quickly shedding his clothes until we’re both butt ass naked in the back seat of his car. He pushes me down on my back and throws my legs apart to settle down between them, taking my left hand to wrap it around his cock while he does the same with mine. He kisses me like he owns me and I let him do it, breathing hard when he dips his head to move his mouth down to my neck.

  “I wanna mark you,” he whispers, sliding his tongue over the pulsing vein there.

  My cock thickens in his hand and I nod, tipping my head back to allow him better access. “Do it.”

  He doesn’t need to be told twice.

  The greedy fucker sucks on my skin like he’s trying to eat me alive and I moan for real this time, jolting against him when he scrapes his nails over my chest the same way I did his.

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  I open my mouth but snap it shut just as quick, frowning at myself more than him when I realize what I was just about to say.

  Fucking hell.


  He sinks his teeth into my neck as punishment and slides his finger over the precum leaking from my cock, moving it down between my legs to tease my ass with it. “Say it, Wren.”

  “I can’t,” I choke out, fucking desperate to feel him there, but he just smirks, taunting me.

  “You sure?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he teases, slowly circling the spot to fuck with me. “You want me to fill this tight little ass?”

  I nod and grind my hips against his in an attempt to get the tip in, growling when he pulls his hand away to deny me. I lock my jaw and pull his head back by his hair, bouncing my eyes between his to search for intent. They’re completely blacked out like he’s as gone for me as I am him, and I swear to god I couldn’t stop the words falling from my lips if I wanted to.

  “I’m yours.”

  He grins like the motherfucking devil he is and smashes his mouth on mine, still working my dick in his hand while he slides a finger inside me with the other. My eyes roll at the feel of him and I tighten my grip on his cock, fucking him back hit for hit while he pushes me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s it,” he rasps, crooking his finger inside me to set me off. “Come for me.”

  I do as I’m told and he follows a second later, moaning right along with me while our bodies shake and writhe together. He falls down on me and I wrap my arms around him, listening to the rapid beat of his heart while I attempt to get mine under control. We stay quiet for I don’t know how long, our heavy breathing mixed with the movie still playing on the small screen beside us the only sounds filling the car.



  “Are you mine?”

  He laughs lightly at that, slowly pulling back until his eyes hit mine. “I’ve always been yours, Wren.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I wake up on Saturday morning feeling like something’s missing, blindly sliding my hand over the sheet when I realize that something is Wren.

  Where the fuck did he..?

  I crack an eye open and turn to look over my shoulder, frowning a little bit when I find him lying on his side behind me with his arm folded beneath his head. Ignoring the fact I’m almost positive he was on my left when I passed out last night, I twist around to face him fully and wrap my arm around his waist, finding his eyes already open and on me.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, gently sliding my fingertips over his naked back.

  “Watching you sleep,” he says simply, licking his lips to hide a grin when my head pulls back.

  The fuck?

  I bounce my eyes between his baby blue ones, honest to god wondering if I’m still a little high from all the weed we smoked last night, but then it hits me and I shoot up to sit, smacking the shit out of him when the fucker laughs at me.

  “You’re not fuckin’ funny.”

  He laughs some more and I drop my head in my hands, side eyeing the fresh ink on his left wrist through the gap in my fingers.

  This is the thing about Kai Kingston – he’s a nasty motherfucker with a mean streak and an evil ass grin to match, but beneath all that bullshit he wears like armor, he’s got a heart of fucking gold.

  “What you did for him..” I start, clearing my throat while I drop my hands to my lap. “Thank you.”

  He offers a genuine half smile and I knock his fist with mine, looking left when the bathroom door opens behind me. Wren walks out wearing nothing but his boxers and runs his hands through his already messed up hair, freezing where he stands when he spots his twin brother lying beside me.

  “The fuck are you doin’?”

  “Nothin’,” Kai teases, but then Wren leans over me to shove his ass off the bed and he grunts. “Ow, bitch.”



  “Mine,” he fires back, dropping down beside me to pull me into him.

  He scrapes his nails over my neck and I roll onto my side to face him fully, kissing his mouth while I slide my hand over his back to pull his hard body flush against mine. Kai clears his throat from somewhere behind me and Wren raises a brow, lifting his head to look at him over my shoulder.

  “You can leave if you want.”

  “But I’m bored.”

  “Go play with Damon and Callie, then.”

  Kai starts to say something else but stops himself, widening his eyes when we hear what sounds like Callie screaming in the distance. The three of us jump up as one and run out to the next room over, finding her thrashing around on her bed with her hands balled into fists and her eyes squeezed shut, beating the shit out of her pillow like a fucking maniac.

  “Callie!” Wren shouts, kneeling up on the bed beside her while Kai does the same on her other side. “Fuck, Callie, come on, wake up.”

  “Get off me, you sick fuck.”

  “Jesus,” I whisper to myself, swallowing the bile creeping up my throat when I realize she’s reliving the night I met her three years ago.

  How fucking often does this happen?

  And where the fuck is Damon?

  Just as I think it, he appears out of nowhere and rushes inside wearing a black pair of basketball shorts with a black towel wrapped around his neck, covered in a thick layer of sweat like he’s just finished a two hour session in the gym. He hops up on the bed and kneels between Callie’s legs to pull her up into his lap, tangling his fingers in her hair to whisper something in her ear. It takes her a minute, but she finally stops shaking and wraps her arms and legs around him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.

  “You alright, baby girl?” Kai asks quietly, sitting down beside her to rub his hand over her back.

  Wren moves to sit on her other side and she nods, slowly lifting her glassy eyes to mine.


  I clear my throat and back up towards the door, awkwardly throwing a thumb over my shoulder in a lame ass attempt to escape. “I’ll go.. get you some water or somethin’.”


  I freeze where I stand and scrub
a hand over my mouth, staring at the black painted wall while I wait for her to ruin my life. “Yeah, Callie?”

  “If you tell anyone about this, I swear to god I’ll kick your ass.”

  I laugh lightly to cover the twisted relief rushing through me, turning my head to look at her over my shoulder. “I wouldn’t dare, little Kingston.”

  She grins and I walk away, going back to Wren’s room to steal a pair of his sweats before I head downstairs to grab her a bottle of water from the fridge. I’m pretty sure she loves chocolate almost as much as she loves Damon, so I snatch her a couple candy bars and shut the door, barely resisting the urge to smash this fucking kitchen to pieces with my bare hands.


  They hurt her – they’re still fucking hurting her – and god fucking help the sick fucks who put their hands on her when we finally get our hands on them.

  Not long now.

  I ignore that and the adrenaline mixed with the dread that comes with it and pull my phone from my pocket, taking the opportunity to check on Ross while I’m alone.

  “Yeah?” he answers, yawning like he’s half asleep.


  “Nah, this chick’s fuckin’ boring, man. All she does is go to school and get her nails done once a week with that sexy blonde chick she’s always with, then she goes home to go to bed and wakes up to do the same shit all over again.”

  “Kingston Palace isn’t her home,” I mutter, glancing at the stairs to check no one’s listening. “What’s she doing now?”

  “Getting her nails done,” he draws out, sarcastic as shit. “With the sexy blond chick.”



  “Her name’s Madison.”

  “Madison,” he echoes, sounding happier now. “Can I fuck that one?”


  “Kill her, then?”


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