Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2) Page 25

by Bethany Winters

  “Fuck, baby, you look so fuckin’ hot when you choke on my dick like that.”

  He smirks like he knows it and pops off my cock, turning his head on my lap to look up at me. “Show me how you do that thing with your tongue.”


  I curl my tongue to show him and he opens his mouth to copy me, grinning when I nod. “That’s it.”

  He gets back to work to try it on me and I whimper before I can stop it, tangling my fingers in his hair to hold him down on me. My head tips back and I grind my hips to fuck his tight little throat, but then my phone rings in my pocket and I blink, awkwardly pulling it out to answer it.

  “Hel– fuck, you little shit,” I hiss, smacking Wren’s hand away when he tries to play with my ass. “H–Hello?”

  “If you crash that car, I will kill you,” Damon says, and I don’t have to see his face to know he’s not even a little bit joking. “Twice.”

  Callie’s hysterical laughter rings out in the background and I hang up on them, tightening my grip on the wheel when I catch the look on Wren’s face. “Quit playin’ and make me come.”

  “Will you fuck me later?”

  I nod a little faster than necessary and he gives me what I want, easily swallowing me down until he’s got me balancing on the edge of insanity. My cock pulses in his mouth and I come with a groan, damn near losing my mind at the feel of him sucking the cum from the tip.

  “Fuck, Wren,” I rasp, running my hand through his hair while I attempt to calm myself down. “You’re outta your fuckin’ mind, man.”

  He looks up at me and makes a point to lick both corners of his lips, looking awfully proud of himself considering we almost became roadkill just now.

  “I love you.”

  My heart flips in my chest and I grin, taking his jaw to pull his mouth back up to mine. “So fuckin’ much, baby.”

  We get to the warehouse a little after nightfall and I kill the ignition, shaking my head at Callie when she hops out of the car in front of us with a big ass smirk on her face and her eyes on me.

  “Sup, gorgeous?”

  “Sup, brat?”

  Her jaw drops and Wren laughs his ass off, climbing out of the passenger seat to open the back door. “You know she’ll smack you for that, right?”

  I snort and Callie smacks me in the ribs, making me grunt. “Fuck, bitch.”

  “Told you,” he chuckles, removing the tape from Killian’s ankles to rip him out by the scruff of his neck.

  He and Kai take one arm each to drag him over to the door and I follow beside Damon and Callie, not missing the way he’s practically vibrating with anticipation for what’s to come.

  He’s out for blood.

  I catch his eyes and he nods once, letting me know he’s good. It looks like bullshit and I’m pretty sure he knows that, but I can’t say I blame him. If anyone dared to hurt Wren the way they hurt his wife, I’d be fixing to burn the motherfucking world down, as well.

  I hit the button for the shutter and dip my head to walk inside, finding Frank strapped to a chair in the middle of the room with his arms stretched out at two forty five degree angles, both of his wrists chained to the ceiling with his head hanging loosely between his shoulder blades. His bare chest is covered in slashes and blood and there’s a miniature pocketknife sticking out of his left arm, the blood from that dripping down onto the huge plastic sheet laid out beneath him.

  Goddamnit, Zane.

  Just as I think it, I spot him leaning back in his seat in the corner with his ankles crossed on the table and his phone turned sideways in his hand, watching something that sounds an awful lot like The Vampire Diaries.

  “Dude, what the fuck are you doing?”

  “He fell asleep,” he says simply, shrugging like that explains it. “I got bored.”

  “You started already?”

  “I got bored,” he repeats, slower this time. “Jesus, are you deaf?”

  “I told you to wait for Callie.”

  “And I told you to bring me a pizza but here we are,” he throws back, tossing his phone down on the table to look at my father. “You good, uncle Killian? You look a little pale there, man.”

  He mumbles something I don’t catch and Kai feigns a frown, reaching over to rip the tape from his mouth. “What was that?”

  “Fucking cunt,” he bites out, gritting his teeth at the sting. “I’m gonna kill every last one of y–”

  Kai barks out a sinister laugh and punches him in the mouth, easily knocking his ass to the floor before he can finish the threat. “Get the fuck up.”

  Killian groans and tries to roll onto his side, but that’s a little hard to do with his wrists taped behind his back.

  “Didn’t think so,” Kai says smugly, crouching down beside him to free his hands. “You ready, brother?”

  Damon nods and takes Callie’s waist to prop her up on the table next to Zane, kissing her lips before he turns to face the man who raped her three years ago. Killian leans up on his hands and lifts his chin to look at him, forcing a glare in a lame ass attempt to hide the fear in his eyes, but we all see it.


  He doesn’t need to be told twice.

  He ditches the tough guy act and jumps up to make a beeline for the door, skidding to a stop when Wren and Kai appear out of nowhere to block his path.

  “Too slow, motherfucker,” they say together, slowly walking him back until his back hits Damon’s chest.

  Killian jumps at the contact and spins to face him fully, and then all hell breaks loose. Damon’s eyes go black with rage and he punches him so hard he loses a fucking tooth, hitting him again and again until his knuckles are split and bleeding. Frank wakes up a little while later and Damon moves to free him from his chains, leaving Killian lying on the floor a minute while he beats the shit out of Frank, instead. Wren and Kai stay close to ensure he doesn’t kill them before it’s time and I jump up to sit beside Callie, laughing lightly when she grins and passes me a lit joint.

  “You sure you’re all there?”

  “I told you I’m not crazy.”

  “That’s what a crazy person would say.”

  She shakes her head at me and resumes watching her husband, quiet a minute before she speaks again. “Tell me somethin’, gorgeous.”

  “What’s that, Callie?”

  “Would we still be here?”

  I frown at that, turning my head to look at her. “What?”

  “If it weren’t for them,” she explains, tipping her chin at the boys. “Would me and you still be here tonight?”

  A half smile touches my lips and I wrap my arm around her neck, pulling her into me to press my mouth to her temple. “I told you I was comin’ back for you, little Kingston. I was always comin’ back for you.”

  She clears her throat and drops her head down on my shoulder, not so discreetly side eyeing the two sets of chains hanging down above the two wooden chairs set up in the middle of the room.

  It was supposed to be three.

  “You still pissed about Jason not being here?”

  “A little bit.”


  “But..” she sighs, shrugging. “If Katherine hadn’t killed him I’d have never met Damon. I mean, yeah, I wanted him to suffer for what he did to me, but I wouldn’t change it now that I have what I have, you know?”

  “A family?”

  She nods and I slide my eyes back to the boys, hiding a grin while I watch Wren take his turn with my father. I love that boy with all my heart and then some, but when he acts like this, all mean and scary and shit..

  Just as I think it, he looks up and does a double take at me, clearly surprised to find my arm wrapped around Callie’s neck. He raises a brow and I drag my bottom lip through my teeth, shamelessly moving my eyes over his form while he walks over to level with me.

  He’s so fucking hot when he’s mad.

  “Are you hitting on my sister?”

  “Maybe,” I tease, releasing my hold on he
r to pass her joint back. “Are you jealous?”


  I smirk and he kisses me, taking my waist to pull me over to the chair beside Zane. He pushes me down on it and lifts one leg over me to straddle my hips, sliding his hands through my hair to tease my mouth with his.

  “I want you to fuck me like this tonight,” he whispers, grinding on me in slow, agonizing circles that have my cock pulsing with need.


  “You like that?”

  I nod and he tangles his tongue with mine, purposely scraping his nails over my scalp to set me off.

  “Fuck me, that’s hot.”

  I raise a brow at that, looking over my shoulder to find Callie staring at us with her lip ring pulled between her teeth and her pupils blown.

  “Callie,” Damon growls, making her jump.


  “You know what.”

  “Say it anyway.”

  His jaw ticks and he pulls Killian up by his shirt, roughly tossing him down in his chair before he does the same with Frank. He glares at thin air while he and Kai chain their wrists to the ceiling and I frown, bouncing my eyes between him and Callie.

  “What’s his problem?”

  “Callie wants him to let a guy suck his dick,” Kai informs me, laughing when Damon cuts his eyes to his.

  “It’s not happening,” he says slowly, speaking through his teeth.

  “But, baby,” Callie whines, gesturing to me and Wren. “Look how hot they are together. Don’t you want that?”

  “Are you trying to piss me off?”

  “A little bit, yeah.”

  He growls again and she laughs at him, walking over to wrap her arms around his neck. He squeezes her ass while he kisses her and Killian snarls, tearing his eyes away from them to look at me. His face is black and blue and he’s practically choking on the blood dripping from his nose and mouth, but it seems his disgust toward gay people hasn’t faded.

  “Fucking faggo–”

  Callie rips her gun out from her waistband and shoots him in the shoulder, ripping his head back by his hair to get in his face. “Say that again,” she warns, digging the metal into the hole she just made. “I fucking dare you.”

  He bites down on his teeth to suppress a scream and she releases him with a shove, moving back a step to tilt her head at Zane. He grins to himself and stands up to go to her, handing her what she wants without having to be told. She takes the cloth soaked in water and Zane gets behind Killian to hold his jaw open for her, laughing lightly when she pinches his nose and shoves it into his mouth without a second thought.

  “You done this before?”

  She nods and Killian thrashes against their grip, his eyes wide with panic while they drown him. She waits a few more seconds and then removes the cloth from his mouth, side eyeing me while she dunks it back into the bowl of water on the table.

  “The vault..” she starts, locking her jaw when she catches the look on my face. “He locked you in there?”


  “Tell her, Lev,” Wren whispers over my lips, gently running his hands through my hair. “It’s okay. I got you.”

  I nod once and her nostrils flare, her anger rising to levels I’ve never seen on her before with every passing second. “And Ross? What’s his story?”

  I swallow the acid creeping up my throat and tighten my grip on Wren’s waist, hesitating a second before I decide to tell her. “It was his sister.”

  She inhales an aggravated breath and looks at Killian, damn near losing her shit when he hits her with the same twisted grin I’ve seen countless times before.

  “I have no idea who he’s talking about, sweetheart, but whoever she was, I’m sure her pussy wasn’t nearly as tight as y–”

  She loses her shit for real this time and Damon rushes her, quickly locking his arms around her waist to hold her back. “Baby, this is exactly what he wants from you,” he says quietly, leaning over her to speak in her ear. “He knows he’s gonna die here tonight. He’s tryna get you to kill him faster.”

  Knowing he’s right, she relaxes against him and looks at Zane. “What else you got?”


  Her face lights up like a damn Christmas tree and Killian turns a hilarious shade of white, desperately tugging on the chains wrapped around his wrists in an attempt to free himself. He fails to escape and Zane teaches Callie how to set him on fire without killing him, handing her the gasoline to give it a try once she’s confident she can do it. Frank remains awfully quiet through it all, watching them in horror while they burn his best friend alive, but unfortunately for him, they’re just getting started. Zane and Callie torture them both until they’re both screaming and begging for death, but then Zane sprays them off with the hose just for Callie to start all over again.

  “Where’s your girl tonight, crazy boy?” she asks, eyeing him while he holds Franks jaw open the same way he did with Killian earlier.

  “Now that’s none of your business, sweetheart.”

  She glares and he smirks, laughing at her when she reaches over to smack his head with her gun.

  “If you think that hurts me, you’re a bigger pussy tha–”

  She smacks him harder this time and he flinches, lifting his hand to rub the sore spot.

  “Motherfucking ow, bitch.”

  She smirks right back at him and shoves the cloth into Frank’s open mouth, leaving it there a little longer this time before she pulls it out again. He splutters uncontrollably and gasps for breath, and I don’t miss the evil ass grin splitting her lips when she realizes he’s crying.

  “He chokes on a sob and Zane squeaks out a laugh, leaning over him to do as he’s told.

  “Damn,” Kai whispers to himself, dropping down on the empty seat beside me and Wren. “Imma start thinkin’ three times before I piss her off again.”

  We laugh quietly and Wren pulls his phone out from his pocket, keeping one arm wrapped around my neck while he looks down to check it. “It’s time, Lev.”

  “Hey, Callie?”

  “Sup, gorgeous?”

  “It’s your birthday,” I inform her, lifting his phone to show her the time. “You ready for the last part?”

  She nods and Wren pulls my mouth back to his, kissing me again before he climbs off me to go stand with his brothers. Zane backs up a couple steps and I move to stand beside Callie, pulling my gun out from my waistband to hold it to Killian’s forehead. She does the same with Frank and their shoulders fall as one, wrongly assuming this is the end. Little do they know, this is just the beginning for them.

  “How long until they bleed out?” I ask Zane, grinning when Killian’s eyes widen in panic.


  I shoot him in the leg to shut him up and Zane shrugs, falling back in his seat to continue watching his show on his phone. “Depends how much blood they’re losing. Could be a few minutes, could be a few hours.”

  “I’ll make this quick, then,” I say simply, pulling up the news footage Elijah sent us just now. “Your money’s gone, your drugs are gone, your men are gone, every casino, nightclub and business you own are being torn apart inch by inch, and your wife’s probably ratting you out to the cops to save her own ass right this second.”

  Killian’s burnt face reddens further and he looks at the phone in my hand, the veins in his neck popping overtime while he watches my mom being dragged away from the country club with her hands cuffed behind her back. The press invade her space and her makeup stains her cheeks, her shame and despair as clear as day while the police walk her over to the back seat of their car.

  “You have nothin–”

  “You stupid little boy!” he roars, his entire body shaking where he sits, but it’s not out of anger.

  He’s dying.



  Just like she wanted.

  “If I have nothing, you have n–nothing,” he stammers, his chest heaving with the effort. “Nothing.�

  “That’s where you’re wrong, asshole,” I tease, side eyeing Wren while I lean over him to get in his face. “I have everything I ever wanted right there.”

  He growls like a dog and Wren chews his lip to hide a cute ass grin, his baby blue eyes promising me a million things I never thought I’d have.

  Family, freedom, love.. him.

  It’s all mine.

  He’s all mine.

  Callie tilts her head at me and I go with her, looking at Zane while we walk for the boys. “Let em’ die on their own, alright? Ross is on his way to help you babysit.”

  He waves me off with his eyes glued to his phone and I shake my head at him, ignoring the pleading screams behind me while I take Wren’s hand in mine. The five of us head out to the SUVs without looking back and Damon opens the passenger side door for Callie, pointing at me with his eyes narrowed.

  “Do not let him touch your dick.”

  “Why the hell not?” Kai calls, walking backwards to the car behind us. “You let Callie do it to you.”

  “Yeah, well, he sucks at multitasking. I don’t.”

  We all laugh at him and he rolls his eyes, but I don’t miss the amusement there. I climb into the driver’s seat and Wren climbs in beside me, reaching over the center console to link my fingers with his. He passes out almost as soon as we hit the highway and I smile to myself, gently running my thumb over the edge of his.

  All fucking mine.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Killian’s passport was missing from his house when the cops raided it earlier,” my dad tells me, yawning through the phone. “They’re saying he ran as soon as shit went south tonight.”

  “And left his wife to take the fall?” I ask, checking my bedroom mirror to tame my wet hair. “What a prick.”

  He laughs lightly and I smirk, looking over my shoulder to watch Levi walk out of the bathroom with a black towel wrapped around his waist, his bare abs glistening with a light layer of steam from his shower. His eyes darken when he gets a look at my fully naked form and I drag my lip through my teeth, taking his hand to pull him into me.


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