Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10)

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Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10) Page 1

by Rhonda Laurel

  Table of Contents

  Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

  Copyright Warning

  ~ Dedication ~









  ~ About the Author ~

  Also by Rhonda Laurel

  More Romance from Etopia Press

  Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

  Now Available

  The Blake Boys Series

  For the Love of the Game (Book One)

  MVP (Book Two)

  The Blake Legacy (Book Three)

  Texas Heat (Book Four)

  Love Notes and Football (Book Five)

  The Perfect Storm (Book Six)

  Slow Burn (Book Seven)

  Cowboy’s Heart (Book Eight)

  Tempting Fate (Book Nine)

  Executive Desires (Book Ten)

  The Hollywood Heat Series

  Star Crossed (Book One)

  Hollywood Rush (Book Two)

  Ebb Tide


  “Masquerade” Halloween Heat IV

  In Print

  The Rhonda Laurel Collection

  “Masquerade” Halloween Heat MF

  The Blake Boys Collection

  The Blake Boys Collection II

  Executive Desires

  The Blake Boys Book Ten

  Rhonda Laurel

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/).

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 212

  Oak Ridge, TN 37830


  Executive Desires

  Copyright © 2015 by Rhonda Laurel

  ISBN: 978-1-941692-90-5

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: July 2015

  ~ Dedication ~

  To Bo. Welcome back.


  Bo Jamison rolled over and slapped the button to silence his blaring alarm clock. He’d had a late night at the wine tasting festival with Tania. She was just one of a string of women he’d dated lately, and after turning down a very enticing offer to stay with her, he’d come home hoping to get a few hours’ sleep before he got on with the day. The downside to his booming social life was that there were not enough hours in the day to play and get adequate rest. He knew if he didn’t get out of the bed right now he’d only pull the covers over his head and sleep for the rest of the weekend. He’d had a grueling week at work preparing for his mandated month-long vacation.

  Today he’d be attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Twelve Horseshoes Ranch to commemorate the construction of Tyler and Channing Blake’s two new homes. He was looking forward to spending time with his dad and chewing the fat with the guys before he got on the road. Tomorrow he was headed to Albuquerque to visit his mom, a trip that was long overdue. Evangeline Connelly was a force of nature, just like his father—that was the main reason they’d divorced. She was a pretty, vibrant, fun-loving woman who loved, well, love. She wanted absolute happiness or nothing at all. Unfortunately that motto was the reason she had three failed marriages. The minute something became less than idyllic, his mom would start listing the reasons why she wanted to be free.

  She had been married to Bo Senior first, and they had five blissful years before they’d decided it wasn’t working. His dad had wanted full custody of Bo, and she didn’t fight him on it. Then she’d married Buck, a businessman, a few years later and had two more children, Wyatt and Corbett. She divorced Buck after fifteen years. She met and married Pete, husband number three, on a singles’ cruise, but that lasted a mere six months before they realized they had absolutely nothing in common. That was four years ago. Surprisingly, she’d remained single ever since. She’d told Bo one night that her only regret in her no-guts-no-glory life was ending her relationship with his father, Bo Senior. She said he had always been the one, and he’d always have a special place in her heart.

  Bo loved spending time with his mom, but unfortunately, his half brothers didn’t make it easy. The contentious relationship between Corbett, Wyatt, and him began in childhood, when it was clear they were battling for their mother’s affections. Bo was the eldest, but found it hard to play the big brother role the few times a year he visited. Corbett made no attempt to cover up his resentment for being relegated to middle child when Bo was around. Corbett made everything competitive, from grades to earning the title of mom’s favorite. He seethed when Bo got into an Ivy League school and made the dean’s list every semester. His younger half brother, Wyatt, was friendly when Corbett wasn’t around, and curious about Bo’s life in Texas. Bo got the feeling his mother’s romantic reminiscing about the Twelve Horseshoes Ranch had something to do with Wyatt’s skewed idea that Bo’s life was an Old West movie.

  Bo got out of bed and headed into the kitchen. He was bringing Seth and Morgan’s boys a remote control airplane and he’d need a big breakfast if he was going to keep up with them. Despite his strained relationship with his own brothers, he never felt alone. He was part of the Blake family. He had five brothers, beautiful sisters-in-law, and now a bunch of nephews were popping up everywhere, and he was happy to be a part of it.

  * * *

  As soon as Bo turned down off the main road, he could see smoke from the grills, tables set, and a huge banner flapping gently in the breeze. His eyes widened when he got close enough to read the colorful, handmade banner: Happy Birthday, Uncle Bubba. He’d been tricked. His birthday wasn’t for another two weeks. He climbed out of his SUV to be greeted by Jake, Connor, and Colby. Jack and Matt, who were now walking, were ambling after their older cousins, accompanied by Jack’s mother, Sam.

  “Happy birthday, Uncle Bubba!”

  “Thank you, guys.” Bo smiled as the boys made a grab at his kneecaps in an attempt to give him a hug. “You ready to fly the new airplane today?”


  “How old are you?” Jake asked him.

  “I’m older than all of your ages combined.” He retrieved the bags from the trunk. He’d gotten more than a little carried away at the toy store and had bought robots, board games, and a science kit in addition to the plane. Later he would have the boys collect specimens so they could view them under the microscope.

  “Wow,” Colby replied.

  “Were there dinosaurs around when you were young?” Connor asked.

  Bo laughed. “Just your father and uncles.”

  “Hi, birthday boy.” Sam approached and gave him a kiss on the

  “Hey, Sam. I hear congratulations are in order on your promotion.” Bo smiled. J.J. and Sam had finally come up with a compromise about having her work a safer position at Regency. She was now a training specialist for new agents in the security firm.

  “Thank you. I must admit I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I get to keep my skills sharp and I’m home at a decent hour every night.” She grinned.

  “Good. I’m glad to hear you won’t be dodging bullets anymore. By the way, I brought the boys another plane. Will I get security clearance on this one?” He raised an eyebrow. Sam had mistaken the first plane for a drone and blew it out of the sky with her rifle.

  Sam blushed. “Sorry about that.”

  They joined the rest of the family who were having a great time. The blueprints for the homes were displayed on a board. Tyler and Channing had picked a great spot for construction. The boys had spent a lot of time on the design with Morgan’s brother Jared, an excellent architect and a good friend. Channing’s floor plan called for extensive lighting for gardening and displaying the artwork he and Cassidy were collecting. Tyler wanted big, open spaces and a vaulted ceiling and huge kitchen for Michelle to film her cooking show if she wanted.

  Seth and J.J. were busy unloading party supplies from the truck. Tate saluted him with a spatula as he monitored the grills. Morgan and Isabelle were trying to wrangle the boys closer to the food table. It didn’t look like his dad and John Jacob had arrived yet, but Teri-Lyn was setting down a huge birthday cake on a table littered with presents.

  “Auntie Lyn, I suppose this was all your idea?” He rounded the table and gave her a big squeeze.

  “You know I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to throw one of my boys a party.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  “What did you get me?” Bo picked up a square, wrapped box with her flowery handwriting on the attached card and shook it. She had a knack for getting him exactly what he wanted.

  She took the gift from him. “You know the rule. Cake first, then presents. How was your date last night?”

  “She was nice.” Bo cleared his throat and shielded his eyes with his hand, pretending to look off into the distance. He knew where the conversation was going. “Where’s my dad and Uncle John?”

  “We’ll talk about your date later.” Teri-Lyn nudged him in the ribs. “They went out to get some things for their fishing trip. Your daddy told me you were going to see your mom in New Mexico.”

  “I’m overdue for a visit.” He rubbed the back of his neck. His mother had read him the riot act last month about not seeing him often enough.

  “How are your brothers? Corbett and Wyatt should be in their twenties by now, right?”

  “We don’t talk.” He winced at the stern look she gave him. “It’s best for all involved. Every time I make an effort, it blows up in my face.”

  “Maybe things will be different this time.”

  He grinned. “I have all the family I need right here.”

  “You sure do. But maybe they need a little more family.” She patted his cheek and went over to help Connor find his sneaker.

  Channing Blake smiled as he approached with Cassidy. “Now that the birthday boy is here, the festivities can begin.”

  Bo shook his head. “No, this is your moment—breaking ground for the new house.”

  “It was Mama’s idea to have the ground breaking today to get you here. She knew you scheduled your vacation to escape having a surprise party.” Channing laughed.

  Bo put his arm around Cassie. “Hey, how’s my favorite attorney?” Bo enjoyed the leering look Channing was sending him when he put his arm around her.

  “I’m doing great,” Cassidy answered. “I already have two clients—the boys, and your dad. I’m going to do some estate planning for them.”

  “That’s great. You can keep an eye on my inheritance.” Bo grinned.

  Channing squeezed between them like a two year old. “Hugging time is over.”

  “Years of payback, my friend. I do recall you ruining every tender moment I ever had with a girl back in high school. Cassie, did he ever tell about the time—”

  “She doesn’t want to hear about that,” Channing interrupted.

  “Oh, but I do. We’ll talk later, Bo.” Cassie gave Channing a playful side-eye.

  “Hey, old man.” Tyler approached. “I see the boys had to help you out of the car. No worries, I got you a cane for your birthday.”

  Bo punched him in the arm. “Mind your elders, Ty.”

  Michelle giggled. “I can tell you your present is something of a culinary nature to help you get ready for your next appearance on my show. I’m still getting fan mail from women asking if you have a girlfriend.”

  He’d had so much fun that day cooking with Michelle, he’d forgotten all about the cameras. “Is it that fancy stand mixer I wanted?”

  “Maybe. The ladies and I also chipped in and got you a special gift.” Michelle gave him a sly grin.

  “You did?” Bo gave her a quizzical look.

  “What do you get the man who has everything?” Morgan placed an envelope on the table and gave him a hug.

  “Something he didn’t know he wanted.” Isabelle’s eyes sparkled.

  He searched their faces. “Ladies, what did you do?”

  “John Jacob and Bo Senior are here. Let’s get this celebration started,” Teri-Lyn yelled from the food table.

  * * *

  It was seven o’clock when the party began winding down. Tyler and Channing both made heartfelt speeches about why they chose the location and thanked everyone for supporting them. Michelle and Cassidy were excited about the prospect of living in new spaces. Bo knew it wouldn’t be long before the couples were married.

  He received a barrage of gifts and couldn’t wait to open them all. One in particular piqued his interest. John Jacob gave him a weighted box and told him they’d be talking soon.

  He was staying at his dad’s house tonight. He had his bags in the car and would get an early start on his road trip. Father and son settled in on the couch and had a drink.

  Bo wiggled out of his boots. “Did you get everything you needed for your fishing trip?”

  “Yep. I got a new deck of cards and poker chips. I’m going to take John Jacob for all he’s worth.”

  “That’s ambitious. He’s worth a gazillion dollars.” Bo laughed.

  “No matter, I got the time.” Bo Senior sipped his moonshine.

  “You plan on bringing any fish back?”

  “I’ll do my best. When you leaving for New Mexico?”

  “Tomorrow morning. I’ll be staying at a hotel near mom’s house, but I’ll have my cell phone if you need me.”

  “Why you staying at a hotel?” His father scratched his temple.

  “Because I don’t want World War Three with Wyatt and Corbett.”

  “Things haven’t gotten any better with them?”

  “Silence is golden.” Bo swirled his drink in his glass. “The last few summers I spent there as a kid were torture. Thank you for not making me keep going.”

  “Well, it was clear visiting was stressful for a so-called vacation. But I always wanted you to spend time with your mama.” Bo patted him on the shoulder.

  “I know, Dad. She knows that too.”

  “Is she still going by Evangeline or did she come to her senses let everyone call her Bonnie again?”

  “She said once she left you, a wave of maturity overcame her, and she wanted to use her first name again. But I think Bonnie just sounds too much like Bo for her tastes.” He laughed.

  “Well, it’s her middle name. I didn’t make it up.”

  “You still call her Bonnie to torment her.”

  Bo Senior huffed. “Has she started on marriage number four yet?”

  “No. I think she’s decided three times was enough. Besides she probably can’t find any more men who look like you.” Bo flashed him a cheesy grin.

  “What are you talking a
bout?” Bo sputtered.

  “Come on, now. Don’t play dumb. Buck and Pete could have been your stunt doubles. She even made them wear brown Stetsons and convinced them to smoke cigars. I don’t think she ever got over you.”

  “When your mother stormed out of here, her last words were that she never wanted another bullheaded, conceited, pain-in-the-butt man like me ever again.”

  “Maybe that was what she loved about you.”

  “Maybe. I know that’s what I loved about her.” Bo Senior chuckled. “We did do one thing right. The best parts of both of us went into making you.”

  “I don’t know what it is with you two. She said she’d never forgive you after that accidental bigamy incident years ago.”

  “That was all a big misunderstanding.”

  It had seemed like both his parents had moved on until the day his mother was sifting through her important papers and discovered she never received the final divorce decree from her marriage to Bo Senior. Unfortunately, she’d already been married to Buck for three years. Turns out Bo Senior never had it filed and they had been married all that time. Each accused the other of intentionally not following up with the final stage of the divorce. After a lot of yelling and getting lawyers involved, they were truly divorced and she remarried Buck.

  “She asks if you’re seeing anyone when she calls.” Bo noticed his father playing with a loose thread on his work jeans. A telltale sign something was up. “Are you seeing someone?”

  “I’ve been on a few dates with Francine.”


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