Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10)

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Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10) Page 9

by Rhonda Laurel

  When he got to the reception area, he was relieved that he knew immediately who it was.

  “Autumn, how nice to see you.” Bo kissed her on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry to just drop by like this. You can’t get away from me at home, now I’m at your work.” She smiled.

  “I look forward to seeing you, no matter where you pop up.”

  She scrunched her nose. “That’s what I like about you. You always know what to say.”

  Bo turned to see Anna Beth hunkered down in her seat, sipping on the contents of her coffee mug like she was watching a movie.

  Bo cleared his throat. “Anna Beth, can you hold my calls?”

  “Sure thing.” She grinned.

  He knew the second he turned his back she was going to alert J.J. and Channing. It was amazing they got anything done in that office.

  Bo nervously chatted with Autumn about some of the artwork as they made their way down the corridor to his office. Once there, he offered her something to drink, then took a seat on the leather couch. “Is everything OK?”

  She nodded. “As you’ve witnessed, I can get pretty animated in a crisis.”

  He remembered the way she panicked when Summer was choking.

  “Well, we can’t all be calm and collected in an emergency. You feel things quickly, so you react externally. No biggie.”

  “You have excellent analytical skills. The only other person who understands me like you do is Summer. She’s been explaining my behavior to me since we were born. It’s nice to have someone in your life who gets you. I’m afraid I’ll never find another person who can do that with me. I guess that’s why we stick together.” She sighed.

  “I think you enjoy each other’s company. You know how many people would kill to have a twin? It must be mind blowing to have a 3D version of yourself looking back at you,” he mused.

  “But we’re different.” She bit her lip.

  “Of course you are. But your differences complement each other.”

  “Good, because I hope you know she’s the one you’re in love with.”

  Ah, so this is why she was here. The sisters must have discussed his interrupted declaration of his feelings.

  “Yes, I do. I think I fell in love with her that night she coughed up that Brussels sprout. How’s that for romantic?” He laughed.

  “I know it’s meddling, but I felt like you had to know that before you went any further. I told Summer you weren’t going to leave it be. I don’t want my sister to get hurt, so I wanted to talk just in case. She seems tough, but on the inside she’s just a sweet person who hasn’t had much love in her life.”

  “I understand. I confess for a long time I couldn’t tell the two of you apart. But that was by design, right?” Bo gave her a knowing look. He’d come to the conclusion after the lusty haze cleared from his eyes that maybe the sisters were doing it on purpose. He wasn’t supposed to learn their differences for a reason.

  “I’m afraid we played an unintentional trick on you, but it was cruel just the same. We haven’t done the ‘which twin is which’ act since we were kids. It was easy because you met us on the same day.” She flashed a cheesy grin. “We’re normally more mature than that.”

  He smiled. “It was fun getting relentless attention from two gorgeous women. But only one of them makes my heart beat out of my chest.”

  “Good. When we got to know you, I knew you and Summer were two nerdy soul mates.”

  “I intend on laying it all on the table tonight. Wyatt’s going to be out.”

  “Great. I’m going out of town on business.” She lunged at him and gave him a tight hug. “Good luck.”

  * * *

  Summer didn’t know why she suddenly had a case of the jitters. She’d knocked on Bo’s door hundreds of times since moving across the hall. She’d been pacing in her foyer since she’d seen him through the peephole going into his condo. She’d been reduced to stalking the man. But what else could she do since he’d all but disappeared? Autumn was out of town on business, so there was no buffer. He’d had something important to say to her the other night; hopefully those tender, heartfelt words were still on his lips.

  She bolted out of her place and knocked on the door before she lost her nerve. He answered wearing workout clothes and dripping with sweat.

  “Hey.” Summer bit her lip.

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Autumn is out of town on business so I thought I’d order takeout and you could demo Corporate Hijack. I’d love to hear your thoughts. There’s a new Chinese restaurant that opened down the street. Here’s the menu.” She handed it to him.

  “I was going to stop by after my workout. We need to talk.” Bo wiped his face with his shirt revealing washboard abs.

  “What are you in the mood for?” Summer stammered.

  “How about a sampler’s feast? I have to take a quick shower and change.”

  “OK. I’ll be waiting.”

  Bo headed to the shower delighted that half of his plan to confront Summer tonight was already in motion. He’d thought a workout would help clear his head so he’d know what to say. His heart had skipped a beat when she’d opened the door. After mulling over what to wear, he dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans and went through painstaking lengths to get his hair under control. Then he went across the hall to her place.

  “Perfect timing. They dropped off the food five minutes ago.” She placed plates on the coffee table.

  He smiled. “Don’t you love it when things fall into place?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to pick your brain some more about Corporate Hijack. So far there are twenty levels, and I was thinking the mastermind villain wouldn’t be revealed until level eighteen or so.” She took a seat on a cushion on the floor and grinned sheepishly. “I don’t mean to be rambling. How’s work? You’ve been pretty busy.”

  “No, work is fine. It’s what I’ve been doing in my off time that had me perplexed.” He took a seat too.

  “Well, let’s get some grub in you and see if we can work the problem out.” She opened the container of egg foo yong.

  “I want to talk about it now.” Bo took her hand. “How long are we going to keep playing this game?”

  “Corporate Hijack should be finished in a few weeks.” She pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry if I keep bugging you. I thought we were having fun.”

  “We are having fun, and I’m not talking about the video game. I’m talking you tiptoeing over to my place when you feel like it and making love to me. And don’t say it’s not you because I now know the difference between the two of you.”

  “I guess you’re disappointed.” She bit her lip.

  He gave her a curious look. “Why would I be disappointed?”

  Summer stood up. “I know you want Autumn. It’s obvious by the way you stare at her. But you’re not the first. Everyone always wants her. She’s fun, sexy, polished and I don’t think she’s worn sneakers in five years. I’m the identical shadow in the backdrop that fills in the blanks of her personality.”

  “That’s not true. I look at you the same way, you just don’t want to believe it.” Bo stood and grasped her arms.

  “The other night when you were saying those beautiful things to me, I thought it would cruel for both of us if you said it to the wrong twin.”

  “You didn’t let me finish. Your name was on my lips, like it’s always been. What do I have to do to prove to you that I want you? Stop hiding behind your sister. It’s about you owning up to what you feel for me. I love you. The question is, do you love me?” He took her hands.

  “Yes, I love you too.” She sniffed. “But I have a confession to make. I have no idea how to have a relationship. I’ve lived in my head all my life.”

  “Guess what? So have I. My recent transformation notwithstanding, being in love is kind of new to me too. I had a few near misses, but turns out they weren’t right for me. But the hardest part was putting my heart out there, hoping no one
would step on it.”

  She smiled. “If you give it to me, I will hold it with gentle, steady hands.”

  “I know you will.” Bo slid his arms around her and kissed her.

  “So we’re going to give this a try?”

  “I challenged you to Ballerina Battle and made a complete fool of myself. I don’t humiliate myself for just anybody. I love cooking for you because we have such great conversations. The intimacy we share when you come over in the middle of the night haunted my days.”

  “Who wouldn’t love a guy who can recite the elemental table like he does the alphabet?” She sighed.

  “So that nerdy stuff turns you on?”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “You have no idea.”

  “Did you know that summer was my favorite time of year?” Bo kissed her lips and backed her toward the couch.

  “You used that line on Autumn when we met.” She put her hand on her hip.

  “That was to get back at you for insinuating I couldn’t lift a couch.” He laughed. “Speaking of couches. We’ve had fun on mine. Let’s christen yours.”

  Bo smothered her with a kiss and eased her backward until her legs bumped the couch and he followed her fall, toppling onto to her. Summer grabbed at his T-shirt and pulled it over his head as he carefully positioned himself between her legs. He placed a trail of wet kisses down her neck, across her collarbone, and continued south until he’d finally reached his goal, the soft mounds of flesh being held captive by a white satin bra. It seemed more like a nuisance than pretty dressing designed to keep her ample cleavage in place. Every inch of her was gorgeous, her skin was so smooth and soft and he intended, by the night’s end, to explore every inch of it. There was no mistaking it was Summer. His Summer. Bo continued his journey down her stomach and heard her gasp when he pulled at the waistband of her matching white panties with his teeth. He looked up to see her looking at him with those pretty eyes that always seemed to be looking through to his soul.

  Bo stood up and removed a condom from his jeans pocket and kicked them to the side. With lightening precision he sheathed himself and returned to his business of trailing kisses down her thigh while liberating her from her lace chastity belt. He kissed back up the other thigh and gently pushed her thigh to the side, then he felt her tug his hair, but it was too late. His tongue had already landed on its intended target and all he could hear was her ragged breaths while he worked his magic. The sounds of Summer calling his name as he rose up and entered her sounded like a symphony. Her fingertips were like feathers on his back as she worked her way down to his ass and gave him a good squeeze. He increased his thrusts and soon began to feel that wonderful anxiety anticipation well up inside of him. When she finally gave in to the overwhelming feeling rising within her, she said his name one last time at a fever pitch, and he let himself explode with her.


  Bo decided to stop at his dad’s place before his meeting with John Jacob. Bo Senior was an early riser, so it was odd that he wasn’t in the kitchen eating oatmeal. There were wine glasses on the coffee table and dishes in the sink.

  “Dad, did you have a late night? You’re usually not this messy,” Bo called out. When he didn’t get an answer, he walked toward his father’s bedroom. He opened the door to find clothes strewn about on the floor.

  “Dad, are you OK?” Bo called out again.

  “Boy, don’t you know how to knock?” Bo Senior pulled back the covers.

  Bo Senior wasn’t alone. He had a lady friend over and the worst part was that it was his mother entangled in the sheets with his dad.

  Evangeline moved a strand of hair out of her eyes and pulled the covers up to her chin. “Hi, Bo. How was your talk with Summer?”

  “Fine,” he stammered. “What’s going on?”

  “We had that talk when you were ten.” Bo Senior chuckled.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “I was anxious to find out how it went with Summer, so I thought I’d come to town. I called your daddy and we got to talking and he invited me over for dinner.”

  Bo folded his hands over his chest. “You don’t have dinner in bed.”

  “But you can have dessert.” His father grinned.

  “I’m going to meet John Jacob in the stables. When I get back we’re all going to have a long talk.” Bo headed for the door.

  “Son, can you come back in an hour?” Bo Senior said.

  “Or two?” Evangeline chimed in.

  “I like the way you think.” Bo Senior tickled her.

  Bo closed the door before he was subjected to seeing anything else. He didn’t want to read too much into it but it was nice to see them together. He’d deal with his parents later.

  * * *

  “Hey, Uncle John.” Bo tapped on the office door.

  “Bubba, on time as usual.” John Jacob closed the ledger he was reading. “You were the only one of the boys that didn’t need a cattle prod to get ready for school.”

  “I guess I’m still that predictable.”

  “No, you were disciplined. I always admired that about you. You had your own set of rules of conduct and you stuck to them even when you were a little boy.”

  “I learned from the best. They don’t make men like you and my dad anymore.” He smiled.

  “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to open your birthday present until now.”

  “I should be the one apologizing. I’ve been preoccupied lately.”

  “I know. Summer is her name, right?”

  “Yes. Her name is Summer Waverly and she owns a software company, and I am absolutely smitten with her.” He blushed. There was no other way to say it.

  “Love looks good on you.”

  “It feels good too.”

  “You ready to take a ride?”

  They saddled their horses and rode out to a clearing that was one of Bo’s favorite spots.

  “I’ve always loved this view.” Bo exhaled.

  “Your dad was supposed to join us, but he’s a little tied up at the moment.” John Jacob broke out into a broad grin.

  “I know what he’s doing too. I walked in on them a little while ago. I think I’m traumatized.”

  “Try to take it easy on them. Your mama and daddy have been doing that dance for years. It wasn’t a big surprise that either of them forgot to follow up on the finalization of their divorce.”

  “Do you think they’ll get back together?”

  “Son, I don’t think they ever were apart.” John Jacob patted him on the back. “Open that present.”

  Bo retrieved the box out of his satchel and tore off the wrapping. It was a beautiful mahogany box with a lacquer finish. He unhitched the latch and opened it to find dirt of all things.

  “I gave your dad a box like that over thirty years ago, now I’m extending the same invitation to you. You always liked this clearing; I thought it would be the perfect location to build on when you’re ready.”

  Bo’s eyes widened. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Your father and I have been friends since the beginning of time. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without him having my back. There are no words to thank someone who has been such a big part of my existence, but I try my best to show it. I know you have a daddy, but I’ve always thought of you as one of my boys. We raised you together. We loved you together. That’s what’s important.”

  Bo nodded. “Thank you.”

  “No thanks necessary. I know you’ll do something great with this spot.”

  * * *

  Bo would have preferred sleeping in with Summer, but he got a text this morning that there was a big announcement being made and his attendance was required at the ranch. He had the feeling something important was happening. The sun seemed to shine brighter when someone in the family had good news. He and Summer had been dating for a blissful two months and he’d loved every minute of it. This would be the first time she’d be meeting the entire family.

  They were almost
at the ranch when Summer turned to him. “So what do you think the big news is?”

  “I don’t know but it’s something huge. My dad said he was combing his hair for the event.”

  “Maybe he and your mom—”

  “I don’t know. They seem to be happy with their long distance relationship.” Bo pulled up to the house, helped Summer out of the truck, and kissed her hand. Then he opened the door and helped Autumn.

  Autumn straightened her dress. “Are you sure you don’t mind me tagging along?”

  “Of course not. The Blakes would be insulted if you didn’t come. Family is very important to all of us.”

  Summer cleared her throat. “I’m glad you said that because…our parents are coming for a visit and I wanted to introduce you to them. But if you think it’s too soon we can wait until their next visit—”

  “I’d love to meet the parents of the troublesome Waverly sisters. We have a lot to talk about.” He smiled.

  “Good, maybe we could have a dinner party and invite your mom and dad too.”

  The moment they entered the house, the Blake ladies descended on them with hugs. Funny how everyone one of them knew Summer from Autumn. Bo said hello to the guys, but he could tell everyone was excited about the announcement. John Jacob shushed the crowd so they could get down to business. Bo’s eyes widened when he gave the floor to Tyler and Channing, who had Michelle and Cassidy beside them.

  Tyler spoke first. “As you all know, the homes that Channing and I built are near completion and we’re happy to say they should be in move-in condition next month. My baby brother and I did a lot of talking during the construction and decided that there was something else we wanted to collaborate on, with the approval of Michelle and Cassidy, of course.”


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