Hers to Captivate

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Hers to Captivate Page 5

by Patricia A. Knight

  “Not a chance.” He held out his hand. “Come here.”

  With a flick of her violet eyes, she placed her hand in his. His hand wrapped hers easily. He felt as if he held a tiny bird or some other fragile creature in his palm. He drew her upright. His fingertips traced her collarbones. The tautly-stretched skin felt silky under the pads of his fingers. Holding her gaze, Mage slid his hands to the nape of her neck and undid the single clasp holding the front of her dress together. As he released the fastening, the fine material slithered gently off her breasts and she stood before him, nude from the waist up, a finely crafted being of porcelain skin and remarkable beauty. Her ribcage rose and fell with her agitated breathing. It was her only movement. As for his body, he didn’t think it possible to get harder. Mage wanted to splay her open and ravish her without heed. But… he’d always been a patient sort. He could wait—given the right incentive.

  Mage gently cupped one blue-veined breast and thrummed his thumb over the soft pink nipple tipping it until it formed a tight bud. “Are you sensitive here?”

  “Yes. Very.” She caught her lower lip in her teeth and choked back a whimper as with a smile he gently caught her now hard flesh between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it back and forth. His other hand cupped her other breast and began to tease its nipple into hardness.

  “If I do this right, I should be able to bring you to the verge of climax.” Angelica’s eyes flared. “Shall we see if I remember the trick of it?” He laughed quietly as she nodded a silent yes, her lip still caught between her teeth. Mage continued the gentle teasing of her nipples for quiet minutes, watching her face intently until her eyes became half-lidded and then closed completely. Then her lips parted and the moist tip of her tongue dampened her lush bottom lip as she drew deep shuddering inhalations through her open mouth. Finally, her small hands rose to encircle his wrists.

  “Please, I can’t… Oh, please.” Her words exploded on a husky breath. She dropped her hands behind her waist and in another moment layers of filmy blue material floated to the floor and Angelica stepped out of the puddle of blue froth at her feet clad in only a scrap of lace and her stiletto heels. She hesitated, then lifted her head, and her eyes met his. “May I help you undress?”

  When he nodded, she sank gracefully in front of him and captured one of his hands in hers. She unfastened the studs holding his cuffs closed, then placed a kiss in the center of his palm before doing the same for his other hand. Her fingers then went to his belt and she glanced upward to ask for permission.

  “Wait a moment.” Never breaking eye contact with the delicate beauty kneeling at his feet, Mage slid his shoes off and then unbuttoned his shirt. “Now continue.”

  She undid the buckle to his belt and the slide hook holding the waist of his trousers closed. Her trembling fingers passed within fractions of an inch of the prominent erection pressing the front of his pants and her eyes dwelt on it with longing… but she didn’t touch him. He suspected she wouldn’t until he directed her to. He’d been surprised but not displeased when she’d knelt in front of him. He’d recognized immediately what she was, and he was more than willing to play dominant to her submissive.

  His thigh muscles twitched as she ran the palms of her hands up the front of his legs, and a damp spot appeared on the front of his dress pants as his excitement leaked from the head of his cock. Her eyes caught his once more as her fingers stalled on the zip closure. “May I?”

  “You have permission to open my trousers. You may not touch me.”

  “Ohhh…” Disappointment colored her voice and her hands fluttered in the air a hair’s breadth from his cock as if it were all she could do to discipline herself not to handle him. “Yes, Sir.”

  And there it was—her open admission of her nature and the role she had cast for him. He had no objections. His groin ached with heavy arousal and his cock twitched against his belly. More moisture escaped to darken the fine material of his pants.

  Pulling the cloth gently away from his groin, Angelica lowered the slide on the zip closure by infinitesimal degrees, her eyes devouring the bare skin revealed. Mage stifled his own grunt of pleasure when his cock sprang free from the restriction of his clothing and stood, ramrod straight, against his bare abdomen. Angelica swallowed audibly. Her hands, resting on his thighs just above his knees, shook. She stared at his cock and Mage thought she whimpered. When her pink tongue came out to moisten her lower lip again, he felt like whimpering.

  “Remain kneeling, Angel. Put your hands behind your back.” She obeyed him immediately, but her eyes flashed to his with a message of discontent and appeal.

  “No. You may touch me only when and how I say.” He ran a caressing knuckle over her cheek to soften the harshness of his directive. Truth be known, if she had touched him at that moment he would have gone off. It was pure torment to stand in front of her, his twitching cock inches from the warm mouth he longed to invade; but it was a familiar torture and one he had been schooled to ignore. Mage slid his slacks over his buttocks and they fell unhindered to the floor. He stripped them off his feet and along with his socks and shirt tossed them carelessly behind him. He inhaled deeply and steeled himself for the pleasure to come.

  “Now, my sweet girl, you may touch me with your lips and your tongue. Keep your hands behind your back.” His cock reacted to her delighted murmur by jerking against his stomach and he almost laughed as she chased it to a halt by flattening her tongue against its length. The guileless smile that pulled at her lips and the devilish light in her eyes did make him laugh. “Gently, Angel. I want you very much and it’s been a long, dry spell.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and the true torment began as her warm, moist lips and hot tongue began to lap at his balls. The gentle torture of his cock followed as Angelica ran her tongue the length of his organ then sucked the head into her mouth and circled the soft cushion of his glans in a teasing quest.

  His hands spread in a bracket on either side of her face and stilled her movement. Her eyes flashed to his in question. “Don’t move your tongue. Simply hold me in your luscious mouth.” She exhaled slowly and closed her eyes. They sprang open again when he bent slightly at the waist and his fingers found her erect nipples. He rolled the erect buds firmly.

  “Mmmhumph!” She sucked him deeper into her mouth and shuddered. She clenched her thighs together with a slight squirm.

  “Ah, ah… now what did I tell you? Hmm? Don’t move. Spread your legs.” Her eyes flashed desperation at him. “Yes, Angel. I know. It’s almost impossible to restrain yourself. Do it.” He ignored the pressure building in his balls and continued to tease her breasts until desperate whimpers escaped the lips that cradled him. Once again she sucked him deeper to hold onto him while her lower body writhed, seeking surcease. His cock jumped in her mouth from the stimulation.

  Angelica seemed to take that as a cue to begin working him in earnest. Her head bobbed up and down and she made mewing noises of appreciation as her tongue swirled around and around his head. Rivulets of saliva traced a path down her chin, glistening, and the need to discover if she was equally wet between her thighs overwhelmed him.

  “Stop.” He clamped her head between his hands when she whimpered a protest and was slow to obey. She’d pushed him perilously close to finishing and he jerked in her mouth. “Stand up.” Angelica pulled off him and he steadied her as she rose on wobbly legs. After a moment’s evaluation, he stripped off her panties, swept her into his arms and tossed her onto the waiting bed. She landed on her back, legs sprawled. The plump, dewy flesh revealed between her open thighs excited his libido to a dangerous level. By the Consorts’ balls, she was hot. With only breast play, she was wet and wanting. Perhaps it had been as long for her as it had been for him. “Fair warning. The first time won’t be gentle.”

  Angelica’s eyes widened. “The first time?”

  “Ummhmm. I intend to take you several times tonight, Angel. You have problems with that?”

  She shook her h
ead slowly and a sensual smile played at the corners of her mouth. “None whatsoever, Sir… and Sir?”


  “I don’t break easily.”

  He fell on her with avid hunger, kneeing her thighs further apart and then catching her knees in the crook of his elbows to hold her fully spread for his entrance. The blunt head of his cock slid in her moisture and he paused before penetrating her. “This will get rough.”

  Her eyes closed at his growled words. Soundlessly, she grabbed at the headboard to brace herself. Her violet gaze met his and her chin dipped in a subtle acquiescence that was all the acceptance he needed. He hilted himself in one powerful lunge. Both of them gasped; he whenthe slick clench of hot pussy suddenly enveloped his tortured cock;she when he hit the limits of her inner flesh and ground his pubic bone against her cleft. His balls jerked up so tightly they felt like stones ground into his groin.

  “Brace,” he growled, then slammed himself into her repeatedly, all the while holding her legs tautly spread. Insane sensation flooded his body and in an unprecedented action for him, Mage ignored his internal voice—the one that monitored his partner’s response and sought to give equal pleasure—and simply took. His only concession to Angelica was to brace his own palm against the headboard when his driving hips defeated her efforts to hold herself in position and she risked being crushed against the metal bed frame. In an embarrassingly short time, he threw back his head, arched his back, and through clenched jaws bellowed his climax into the dark.

  After endless minutes of pulling air through his nose in forceful inhalationsand waiting for his heartbeat to stabilize, he returned to himself. He released the brutal grip he’d maintained on one soft globe of Angelica’s buttocks and relaxed. His conscience attacked him for his lack of consideration. Had she found any pleasure in that ferocious coupling? He couldn’t say. He wasn’t leaving her bed, however. He wasn’t close to satiation. Holding himself sheathed within her, Mage stretched out on top of her, propping himself up on his elbows and gently smoothing the disordered hair away from her face.

  “By Her light, that was not well done of me. I’m not usually so…selfish.” He snorted softly. “Look at me, Angel.”

  Her eyes opened languorously. The corners of her mouth tipped in a dreamy smile. “Mmm?”

  “I’m sorry. I must have hurt you…” His mind absorbed her contented expression as his eyes roamed her face. “Though perhaps not as much as I’d thought.” Her head rolled to the side and a slow flush crept up her neck. She choked on some words he didn’t understand. “What did you say?”

  He felt her ribcage rise and fall underneath him in a soft sigh. “I said I liked it,” Angelica whispered. He waited in silence to see if she would continue, and she did. “The primitive urgency of your passion. Your absolute control of me.”

  By now, the flush had spread to her cheekbones and it dawned on him she was ashamed.

  “There is no need for embarrassment. As a trained psychologist, you of all people know that for some women and some men submissive tendencies are natural.”

  Her face turned back to him. “Are they natural to me? That is the question that bedevils me.” Her eyes closed. “Is this my true nature? Or is this the creature Vxloncia created?”

  “Does it really matter, if this is where you find pleasure?”

  She examined him, her thoughts transparent as they chased across her face. “I suppose it only matters if my life-partner considers my sexual needs aberrant, for they are not going away. No amount of psychological or physiological treatment seems to alter the shape of my desires.”

  Mage traced the eyebrows of the beautiful woman beneath him and considered her words. “If you stay on Verdantia, you will have no difficulties finding such a man—or woman. No one here will think your desires unusual. Our way of life teaches—requires, actually—acceptance of all forms of sexuality between our citizens.”

  His hips pulsed between the cradle of her hips as his cock started to fill again. I wonder how many times I’ll have her tonight before this mad craving subsides.

  Her eyelids shuttered her violet gaze and her hips shimmied, probably in reaction to what she could certainly feel happening within her.

  “Is this acceptance due to those ‘magickal rites’ that so obsess and fascinate the galaxy?” She winced slightly when he pulled her to him to shift them toward the center of the bed.

  “In part. You know our planet is sentient. Our Great Mother connects with us most easily when our bodily energies are excited. As far back as Old Earth with its tantric sexual practices, it was acknowledged that spiritual expansion is enhanced during sexual arousal. The more prolonged and extreme the arousal, the greater the expansion of the person’s elemental energies and therefore the easier it is to join with the natural powers governing the universe. On Verdantia, this means uniting with our Great Mother, the planet’s sentience that shepherds and nurtures us.”

  “Mmm. So the cerebral interface everyone else achieves on other planets with implants and data chips, Verdantians achieve with sex.” Angelica closed her eyes on a moan when he brought his hand to her breast and began a gentle massage, his thumb circling her pink areola and glancing across her nipple.

  “Yes. With the exception of this small city, Arkodaenia, those technologies are useless on Verdantia. Mineral deposits of diaman crystal emit high levels of electromagnetic resonance which render those technologies unreliable, so to unite with our sentient planet, to utilize Her vast power, we use sex, sometimes enhanced by the aphrodisiac cinnagin.”

  “That is why you school in the arts of arousal.” Angelica opened her eyes briefly, then closed them again in obvious pleasure.

  Mage chuckled at her wry observation. His gentle rocking back and forth in her warmth had brought him to full hardness. He was inclined to proceed far slower this second coupling. “Yes. Now, since you have been an obedient partner thus far, I am going to give you the full benefit of my years of study—minus the cinnagin.”

  “Thank all the gods,” she whispered. Angelica stilled completely underneath him and her eyes opened, blank and unfocused as if reliving some memory. “I experienced cinnagin… as punishment.”

  Mage cocked his head. “Punishment?”

  “My cold unresponsive body angered my master on Vxloncia. He fancied himself something of a cocksman. He took his inability to make me rise to him as a personal affront. To torture me, he forced the aphrodisiac down my throat, then bound me to the columns in the entry hall. My agonized arousal, my abject begging to be fucked, entertained him and his visitors, hugely.” She closed her eyes.

  “Did he take you then?”

  She shook her head. “No. From then on, he refused to have anything to do with me sexually. He’d purchased a new toy and used me for only the most menial work.” Her eyes opened and softened. “Then, as you know, I passed into the care of Lord DeKieran. Ah!” Angelica gasped and then moaned when Mage grabbed her hips and rolled to his back, seating her firmly upon his erection and holding her impaled as he rocked her hips.

  “Those days are past. I want you incapable of thinking of anything but what I’m doing.” He grinned as her eyes flared then narrowed in concentration when he pressed his thumbs to either side of her clit. The copious fluid from his cum and her previous arousal allowed the fleshy pads to slideup and down the narrow shaft of her clit easily and the noises escaping from her mouth testified to her enjoyment.

  “Now, put your hands behind your back, clasp your wrists and don’t let go.” She did as he commanded and Mage proceeded to inflict his own brand of torture. With each roll of her hips, his thumbs caught her clit between them and slipped across those wildly sensitive nerves in the most gentle of liquid caresses. From her occasional grimace, Mage suspected he overfilled her hot, slick sheath, but he never varied his slow, rhythmic grind inside her, and after some time her grimaces became helpless moans. He allowed Angelica to rise to the brink of orgasm, then with hands that were certain to leave bruis
es the next day, he held her motionless, the pressure of his thumbs withdrawn, the only movement the throbbing of his hard cock within her. When her pleas for completion faded and her head fell back with a whimper, when the tiny fibrillations within that signaled her imminent orgasm ceased, he would begin the whole process again. He marked time by the urgency building in his balls. His schooling in sexual control and Angelica’s lack of it became glaringly apparent from the tears of gratitude that coursed from her glazed eyes when he eventually permitted her to come. He released his punishing hold of her hips and pumped up into her, his thumbs rotating gently on her clit. Now she was the one who arched her back and screamed her climax into the room. She tightened on him with painful intensity and milked his cock with orgasmic contractions. With a body-shaking shudder, he came in vigorous spurts that seemed to last forever, his abdomen contracting with a grunt at each ejaculation. In the aftermath, Angelica collapsed on his chest and began to sob softly.

  Concerned, Mage gathered her into his arms and stroked her gently from the crown of her head to the rise of her buttocks. “Didn’t you like what we did?”

  She nodded her head vehemently and choked out a watery, “It hurt, some, but I loved what we did.” She raised a teary-eyed face to his and scrubbed at her eyes. “I loved what you did.” She sniffed noisily. “Shit. I hate crying. I can’t express myself properly while I’m crying.”

  Mage chuckled in sympathy and waited for long moments while she composed herself. Finally, with a sigh she reached for his face with a caress. “It was too good. How can… how can…” She gave up and subsided against his chest with a snuffle.

  “At the risk of sounding like an egotistical bastard, let me complete what I think you started to say. You are worried about finding someone else who will satisfy you when I leave.”

  Her head nodded on his chest. “You’re Pottsdim likor. You explode in my mouth and blaze a fire into my gut. All I’ve known up to now is sour ale that gives me gas.”


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