Effected Intent

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Effected Intent Page 7

by Alan Ross


  It was the fourth quarter and Ashville was up by 8. Westfield was driving and on third down Bill caught a pass across the middle and ran it all the way down to the 8 yard line. The crowd was going nuts, the team could hardly hear in the huddle. Two plays later Westfield scored on an end around play. Time was running out and they needed the two point conversion to force overtime. The crowd was on their feet. A fake handoff, quarterback rolling to the right, looking, looking and throwing across his body to the left hand side of the end zone. An Ashville defender knocked the ball down and Westfield lost by 2. The fans were all on their feet as the team left the field. This was the toughest loss most of the Westfield players had felt and they took it very hard.

  Bill and Dana spent a while talking in her driveway. She knew how he felt and so they didn’t say much to each other, they didn’t need to. As Bill started to pull away, he knew he couldn’t hold in the RPI news any longer. He called her back to the car and told her about the acceptance letter.

  “That’s great news Bill, I knew you’d get in there! Why didn’t you tell me right away?”

  “Because I thought you’d be upset and because I want to go to college with you. I love you Dana Weiss.”

  “I love you too Bill Miller. Now let me tell you that it doesn’t matter where we go to college, there is nothing that will keep us apart. Do you understand me? Nothing.”

  Bill believed her, he felt in his heart that they would always be together. He said goodnight and drove around for a while. He ended up heading to the lake and circling the whole thing. His Dad was still up when he got home, sitting in the living room reading.

  “Tough game tonight, your catch was great. Ashville has a really good team. You hanging in there?”

  “I’m doing ok. Just told Dana about RPI and then took a drive around the lake. Going to get some sleep now, night.” Bill headed upstairs and laid in the bed for about an hour, trying to figure out what he should do next year. He thought about the game, how he might only play football for a couple more weeks. Maybe growing up wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  “Morning Mom. Something smells good.”

  “I thought you might like some French toast and bacon for breakfast. Make you feel better about last night.”

  “Thanks, I think I’m over last night now. Looking forward to the dance tonight. Need to do some running around today; pick up the corsage, get my suit from the cleaners and clean up my car.”

  “Just take care of the car, I’ll get the rest done for you. Now eat your food before it gets cold.”

  “Thanks Mom. This French toast is killer.” Bill finished his food and ran over to Mike’s house. They took Bill’s car down to the self-serve car wash and got it all cleaned up. It was still morning and they had the whole day to kill. It was one of those “Indian summer” days, where the sun was out and the leaves were still on the trees. The smell of fall was in the air.

  “Want to head up to the mall?”

  “Why not, nothing better to do today.” They drove north to Jamestown and wandered around the mall for a while. Usually they’d be messing around, pushing each other but today they were both a bit quiet.

  “I told Dana about RPI. She was totally cool about it. Also told her that I love her.”

  “Well that was fucking brilliant, now she’ll have you so whipped you won’t even know which end is up.”

  “Fuck you, she will still be cool, that isn’t her thing.”

  “Hope you’re right. So are you going to RPI? I don’t think I can get in there, who is going to do my calculus homework for me?”

  “I’m not sure, going to wait and see what CWRU and Carnegie Mellon say. Part of me wants RPI and the other part of me wants to go to school with Dana.”

  “Yeah, I know which part that is. Think you’ll finally get to bang her now that you told her you love her?”

  Bill punched him for that one. “That will happen when she’s ready. We’ve already had enough talk about that subject. As long as we find other ways to play I’m cool.”

  “I know that I’m getting laid tonight. Amy has been rubbing off on Mary, all Mary wants to do these days is fuck. She went and got the pill so we’ve been going at it like rabbits. Let’s get out of here, still need to go get some Asti for tonight.

  They headed down to Mayville and picked up a couple of bottles of Martini & Rossi Asti Spumanti for the night. Bill dropped Mike off and told him they’d be there to pick him and Mary up around 7:00 for dinner. He thought about Amy for a second, wondered what they’d be doing if he was taking her to the dance. He headed home and took a shower and got his monkey suit on. His folks were waiting for him when he got downstairs.

  “Look at that handsome man, let me get a picture.”

  “C’mon Mom, I’m sure you and Dana’s Mom will be taking a hundred pictures at their house. Let’s just go over there.” Dave and Sue followed Bill over to the Weiss’ house. Bill introduced his parents to Dana’s and they made all of the usual small talk. Dana walked downstairs, she looked gorgeous.

  “Dana, you look incredible. Are you sure you’re my date? Maybe I’m just your driver and you’re heading to Cinderella’s ball.”

  “You don’t look half bad dressed up either” Dana laughed. They kissed and Bill smelled her perfume, the same one she’d been wearing the night of Mike’s party. Their parents cooed over both of them and made them pose for what seemed like hours. Finally Bill said “alright, we’re going to miss dinner if we don’t head over to Mike’s now. I’m sure Mike’s Mom is going to want to take another roll of pictures.”

  “You kids have fun and be safe. I want Dana home by 1:00, not a minute later.”

  “Thanks for the curfew extension Dad.” Dana kissed him on the cheek and Bill and Dana headed out.

  “They make a fine couple. Won’t be too many years and they’ll be married. Maybe even to each other.”

  “Dana has a lot of schooling ahead of her and a lot of growing up to do. I don’t want to rush anything.”

  “Neither do I, just know that Bill thinks the world of her and sometimes the first love is the one that lasts forever. Thanks for letting us come over and take pictures, your house is beautiful.”

  “Nice meeting both of you. We’d like to have you over for dinner sometime.”

  Dave and Sue left the Weiss’ house. “I don’t think Shari liked it when you mentioned Bill and Dana getting married. I think she almost had a heart attack.” Dave laughed. “I’m sure they see their Dana settling down with a doctor, someone better than Billy.”

  “Those kids are good for each other. She doesn’t put up with any of his nonsense and he treats her right. Dana could do much worse than ending up with Bill.”

  Since they were dressed, Dave surprised Sue by taking her out to dinner. They sat at a candlelit table and reminisced about being young and talked about what it was going to be like to move on with their lives once the kids were gone. They laughed about the old days and held hands like young lovers. They were asleep in each others arms by 11:00.

  Bill and Dana stepped out of the car and into another photo op. They smiled and Bill kept looking at his watch until Mike got the hint. Everyone said their goodbyes and the four kids headed over to Webb’s, where they had a reservation. They had steak and talked about school and college. Mary was a junior so she was just starting to think about where she wanted to go. After dinner they headed straight to the school. The girls wanted to dance to every song but the boys only wanted to dance to the slow songs. They saw all of their friends, laughed at the drunk ones and the bad dancers, and had a great time. Around 10:30 they were all ready to head out so Bill headed over to a quiet spot on the lake and parked the car. They broke out the Asti and they were all feeling pretty good after a while. Bill and Dana were making out in the front seat when they heard things getting a little crazy in the back. Bill asked Dana if she’d like to take a walk so they jumped out of the car.

  “It’s cold out here.” B
ill took off his coat and draped it around Dana’s shoulders. Bill grabbed a blanket out of the trunk of the car and they sat down in the sand.

  “I brought you a present.”

  “I didn’t get you anything.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Dana handed Bill the rubber and he didn’t stop to ask if she was sure. It was a bit uncomfortable for Dana so Bill was as gentle and quick as possible. When they were done they Bill held her close and told her he loved her. Mike was honking the horn of the car so they headed back, hand in hand and a silent bond between them.

  “Mary has to be home by midnight, we need to kick it.” Bill and Dana dropped off Mike and Mary and headed back to Dana’s house. It was still pretty early, just barely after midnight.

  “Want to come inside for a while?”

  “Sure, I’d love to come inside. You.”

  Dana was blushing a bit. “Give a boy your virginity and you become just another piece of meat.”

  Bill started to say something and realized he didn’t need to. They headed inside and Dana changed into some sweats. Dr. Weiss was still up but he thanked Bill for getting her home on time and in one piece and headed up to bed. There was a fire in family room so they sat in there.

  “I need to tell you something Billy. Yesterday when I said you should go to RPI I was lying. I don’t want you to go there, I want you with me.”

  “And that’s where I want to be. My mind has just been so set on RPI for the past couple of years that it’s hard for me to think of any other school. If I’m accepted to Case I will visit there and see how I like it.”

  They fell asleep in front of the fireplace. Bill was startled awake at 2:45 by the phone ringing. Dana answered it and said sleepily “hold on Mrs. Miller.”

  “Hi Mom, we fell asleep, sorry about that. I’ll be right home.” He kissed Dana and told her he loved her and then headed home. His Mom and Dad were both up but they weren’t mad, just worried. Bill apologized again and headed for bed.

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