Sweet Italian Christmas: Three Christmas Romances

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Sweet Italian Christmas: Three Christmas Romances Page 18

by Helen Scott Taylor

  "You know you're welcome to stay with me for as long as you like." Seth pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  "Thank you. That's wonderful." She loved being with Seth, but the possible danger hanging over her was wearing her down. At first she'd just been frightened; now she was angry as well. She wanted this thing with Nico over so she could get on with her life.

  • • •

  Seth leaned a shoulder against the backdoor frame, the door ajar so he would hear the phone if it rang. He watched Gina toss a ball around the yard for Tiff. She bounced it against the wall and caught it, sending Tiff dashing back and forth, leaping into the air, trying to catch the toy. It was great to see Gina happy again. She'd been so down yesterday afternoon, he'd been worried.

  "Let her have the ball, spoilsport," he shouted.

  Gina gave him a wicked grin that made him tingle. With Tiff chasing her, Gina jumped and skipped around like an excited child, yet there was nothing childlike about her figure or her beautiful face.

  Seth lost himself in the pleasure of watching her energy and enthusiasm. When Gina was happy and bubbly like this, she held him entranced, spellbound. She was so beautiful and effervescent, as if she were a little bit more alive than everyone else.

  "Come on, Seth. Your turn." Gina threw the tennis ball, bouncing it near Tiff, sending the dog racing after it as it shot through the air towards Seth.

  He caught the ball and tossed it against the far wall, laughing as Tiff scooted all over before she managed to grab it in her mouth.

  "To me, Tiff." Always obedient, the dog trotted to him and gave him the ball.

  At the sound of the phone, Seth's heart leaped in his chest. He pressed his lips together and clamped down on his hope. It was Saturday afternoon, the time his daughter used to call him after her swimming lesson. He always made sure he was home at this time, but it had been five weeks since she'd last called.

  "Back in a minute." Seth tossed the ball to Gina and strode inside to his office. He pushed the door closed and picked up the phone, his heart thumping with anticipation and nerves. He didn't know how to talk to Natalie anymore. Whatever he said seemed to be wrong.

  "Seth Trevathan. Is that you, Nat?"

  "Seth, it's me, Donna."

  At the sound of his ex-wife's voice, Seth dropped into his office chair and leaned his head in his hand. "Is Nat there?"

  "I'm sorry, Seth. After swimming, she went home with a friend for a slumber party."

  A painful sigh heaved in Seth's chest, and he closed his eyes.

  "Are you there, Seth?"

  "Yes. I'm here. Did you remind her to call me? She can call from her mobile phone."

  "I always remind her. I can't force her to talk to you."

  Yes, you can. Sit her down and tell her to call her dad. Those were the words Seth wanted to say, but he swallowed back his criticism. Donna had always been good about letting him see Natalie, but she was too easygoing. Natalie needed boundaries to develop a sense of responsibility. He'd worked with teens often enough at the outdoor pursuits center to know that.

  "Look, I'll be here tomorrow. Can you ask her to contact me when she gets home?"

  "Why don't you call her mobile?"

  He'd tried that. Natalie never picked up. If he sent her texts, she rarely answered those either.

  He chatted with his ex-wife for a few minutes more. As he said good-bye, the office door squeaked open.

  "Are you okay, Seth?"

  "Not really." He squeezed his eyes closed. His sense of frustration and helplessness swelled until he thought his chest might burst. He was reaching the end of his tether, and he had no idea what to do. He loved Natalie, but he'd been deployed overseas with the military for most of her life. Was it any wonder that she didn't want to see him now?

  He needed advice, but his male friends wouldn't have a clue, and he didn't like to worry his mum and stepfather now they'd moved to Cyprus.

  Gina's hands settled on his shoulders and she dug in her fingers, massaging the tense, painful knots in his muscles. Gradually he relaxed, and the tension drained away.

  "Hmm, that's good," he whispered gruffly.

  Her fingers slid up over his scalp through his hair. She circled her fingertips over his forehead, cheeks, and jaw, then leaned down and pressed her lips to the sensitive skin beneath his ear. As he sank deeper into a sensuous trance, she nipped his jaw. He laughed, swiveled his chair, and caught her around the waist.

  "Gina Marin, are you a biter?"

  She giggled. "No."

  He pulled her down, playfully nipped at her neck, and blew in her ear. She squealed, then collapsed into his lap, laughing. Seth held her against his heart and pressed his lips to hers, so grateful she was here. He didn't want her to go home. He didn't want to lose her.

  "So, how long do you think you'll stay with me?" he asked.

  "Trying to get rid of me?"

  "No. The opposite."

  Gina's laughter faded and she framed his face between her slender hands, her big brown eyes earnest and imploring. "Come back to Italy with me for Christmas."

  "I'd love to. But I usually see my daughter, Natalie, at Christmas." A sigh tore from Seth's throat as the problem with his daughter reared back into his mind after the brief diversion. "Although she doesn't want to come here this year."

  "It's Natalie's room I'm staying in, right?"

  "Yes." Seth had not said much about Natalie. Gina had enough worries of her own without being burdened with his.

  "How old is she? Seven, eight?"

  Seth frowned. Whatever gave Gina that idea? "No, Nat's thirteen, fourteen in a few months."

  "Oh, I just thought…" Gina averted her gaze.


  "Well, the way the bedroom is decorated."

  "What's wrong with it? I thought girls liked pink stuff and fairy tales."

  "Little girls do. If Natalie's nearly fourteen, she'll be interested in makeup, clothes, and boys now. Not fairy tales."

  The word boys sent a shock wave through Seth. "She's far too young for boyfriends."

  Gina laughed and smoothed her hand over his furrowed forehead. "Just because she's started noticing boys doesn't mean she has a boyfriend. I bet she has posters of pop stars on her bedroom wall."

  Seth bristled at the thought. What did his little girl want with posters of guys?

  "Seth, she's going to grow up with you or without you. If you treat her like a baby, you'll push her away."

  Was that what he'd done?

  "What have you bought her for Christmas?"

  "Nothing yet. Girls are so hard to buy for."

  Gina rolled her eyes, slipped off his lap, and pulled up the other chair. "Girls are easy to buy for, believe me." She jostled him aside, then twitched the mouse to wake his computer and typed in a web address. A moment later, a page listing handbags opened and Gina scrolled down, then clicked on a red bag.

  "She'll like this."

  "Good Lord. That handbag costs more than a set of tires for the pickup."

  "She'll love you forever if you buy her that bag. I would." Gina gave him a mischievous grin.

  Seth managed a weak smile before he returned his gaze to the handbag. Was this what his relationship with his daughter had come to? "I don't want to bribe her to like me with an expensive handbag."

  "It's not a bribe. It's buying her a gift she wants rather than one you think she should want."

  Seth scratched his head, his emotions in turmoil as they always were when he thought of Natalie. He only wanted them to get along and have fun together like they used to. Was that too much to ask?

  Chapter Seven

  Gina paused in the sitting room doorway with a cup of coffee in each hand. Seth was crouched by the Christmas tree, Tiff curled on the mat at his side in front of the blazing log fire. He hung the last couple of baubles on the lower branches, then rose and stepped back to examine his handiwork.

  A dark blue pullover stretched across his broad shoulders, while his usual wo
rn denim jeans clung to his backside and thighs. He was so tall and muscular. Being close to him gave her a shivery thrill.

  "Looks good." She'd never had a Christmas tree before, but it was so pretty she might adopt the tradition. There was no reason why they couldn't have a tree and a presepe.

  On the thick stone mantelpiece over the fire, she'd set up the small nativity scene. That familiar decoration not only held the meaning of Christmas for her, it also reminded her of all the past Christmases with her family—and this year, memories of them would have to be enough.

  She'd decided she would not leave Seth on his own at Christmas. If she stayed with him until the end of December, perhaps he'd come to Italy with her to celebrate Epiphany on January sixth. After all, that date was the important day when her family exchanged presents.

  She set the cups on the side table, stepped over Tiff to reach Seth, and trailed her fingers lightly down his spine before playfully patting his backside.

  He cast her a sideways glance, his blue eyes flaring in the firelight.

  "You, young lady, are taking a risk doing that. I might decide to ravish you."

  Gina giggled and snuggled under his arm, molding herself to his front and nipping at his stubbly jaw. She loved playing with Seth. He needed to loosen up and have some fun. Yet despite his playful words, his smile quickly dropped away and his sigh held a note of weary defeat.

  "There's still time for Natalie to call." He so badly wanted to talk to his daughter. Gina had watched Seth's optimism leak away as the day progressed, and she ached for him. Yet perversely, she was glad his life wasn't perfect. It made it easier to talk to him about her issues when she knew he had problems of his own.

  "She's not going to call." Seth dragged a hand over his face and sighed. "Last time she stayed here, she said this place was boring. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm boring as well."

  Gina cradled the side of his face in her hand and pressed her cheek to his, ignoring the pang of guilt that she'd thought exactly the same thing about Home Farm when she arrived.

  "Why don't you go and visit her? Take her shopping to buy her a Christmas present. Let her choose what she wants."

  "Do you think she'll really want to come shopping with me?" The uncertainty in Seth's voice made Gina hug him tighter.

  "Let her bring a friend along. They'll have a fantastic time."

  "Hmm." He didn't sound convinced.

  "You can take them out to dinner in a fancy restaurant afterwards."

  "Nat's only thirteen. She won't want to do that."

  "I bet she will. Girls love to dress up, put on a little makeup, and play at being young ladies for an evening."

  Seth blew out a breath. "I don't know." He crouched in front of the fire and stroked Tiff. Then he rose, took Gina's hand, and sat on the sofa, pulling her down at his side. "Okay. I'll ask Donna to suggest it to Nat. But only if you agree to come with me."

  "Of course. Shopping and eating are my two favorite pastimes."

  Seth chuckled and pulled her close, staring into her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you, love." He kissed the tip of her nose, then found her lips, gradually deepening the kiss.

  Gina closed her eyes, love swelling in her chest until she could barely breathe. She slipped her fingers inside Seth's shirt and traced the muscles in his shoulders until she felt a strange rough dip in his skin.

  "What's that?" Gina pulled open the top of Seth's shirt to reveal the silvery puckered skin of a scar.

  "An old war wound. Nothing to worry about. I was shot in Afghanistan."

  "Oh, Seth." Gina pressed a hand over her mouth as shock flashed through her. "Is that why you left the forces?"

  "No. I went back to Afghanistan when I recovered. I signed up to serve my country, and I had a job to do."

  Gina stared into Seth's gorgeous blue eyes. This man was so different from the other men she knew. He might have calloused hands and casual clothes, but at heart he was a gentleman with more integrity and honor than all the wealthy professional men she'd dated put together.

  She loved this man so much. She didn't want to leave him, didn't want to ever be without him. But she desperately wanted to go back to Italy as soon as the police gave her the all clear. How could she persuade Seth to come with her?

  • • •

  Seth's hands were slick with sweat against the steering wheel as he pulled up outside his ex-wife's house. He cut the engine and started to wipe his palms on his thighs before he remembered he had his best trousers on.

  "This is where Natalie lives?" Gina peered out of the pickup at the small detached house on its handkerchief of green lawn. It was wedged between two other houses of exactly the same design with barely enough room to walk between them. That was the trouble with new housing estates, no space, and this one on the outskirts of Bristol was no exception. Just the thought of living crammed in with lots of other people like this made Seth feel claustrophobic. He was a country boy through and through.

  The curtain twitched beside the front door and Seth jumped out, his heart pounding. He was as nervous about seeing his daughter as he was before a military operation.

  He rounded the vehicle, opened the door for Gina, and gave her his hand as she unfolded her long legs and stepped down. In knee-high black boots, a blue dress, and faux fur jacket with gold jewelry sparkling at her ears, throat, and fingers, she was even more stunning than usual.

  As they walked up the front path, the door opened and Donna stood framed in the entrance, slim, dark, and petite, with her youngest daughter who was only three hanging on her hand. "You made it then?"

  "Traffic was bad when we reached Bristol, but the rest of the journey was okay." Seth kissed Donna on the cheek. They had a strange relationship. He'd married her at eighteen because she was pregnant. On his first tour of duty overseas, she went off with another man. Seth had only proposed because he felt he should, so her cheating hadn't bothered him much. In a strange way, that lack of emotional attachment had helped keep things amicable between them.

  "Is Nat ready?" he said.

  "She'll be down in a minute. Her friend couldn't come, so she's on her own."

  Seth suppressed a grateful smile. He would rather not have the friend along. He slipped his arm around Gina and introduced her.

  "Hello. It's lovely to meet you." Gina stretched out a hand and Donna shook it, staring incredulously at her.

  "Hi. You're not British."

  "I'm Italian, from Naples."

  Donna nodded, clearly surprised.

  The sound of feet thumping on the stairs heralded Seth's daughter. His heart leaped as Natalie wandered out, then dropped at her sulky expression. In the four months since he'd last seen her, she'd changed. She looked so grown up, her blue eyes painted with makeup. Too much, in his opinion, but he let that go.

  "Nat, love. Good to see you." Seth opened his arms and hugged his daughter. He pretended not to notice the way she stiffened and turned away as he kissed her cheek, yet he died a little inside.

  "Who's this?" she asked, her sullen expression morphing into curiosity as her gaze settled on Gina.

  "I'm Gina, your father's girlfriend. It's so good to meet you at last. Your father has told me about you." Gina kissed Natalie on both cheeks, and his daughter fumbled to respond in kind.

  After they climbed in the pickup, Seth drove towards the shopping mall outside of town. Gina turned to talk to Natalie, and soon they were chatting easily about Italy and Christmas.

  They parked and wandered through the mall, Gina and Natalie eagerly rushing into store after store while Seth trailed a few steps behind. His eyes glazed over at the endless racks of impractical clothes. The trendy young shop assistants all homed in on Gina and ignored him as if he were invisible.

  Seth lost count of the number of clothes stores they visited. He sat outside a changing room on a padded bench, pop music blaring so loudly it gave him a headache. He wanted to be with his daughter and he was delighted to see her getting along well with G
ina, but if the girls didn't buy something soon, he might give up the will to live.

  "Seth, look. What do you think?"

  Gina strode out of the changing room with her arm around Natalie's shoulders. Natalie stood before him in a pale blue dress, leather boots, and a fitted winter jacket, all topped off with a puffy knitted hat.

  "You look lovely, Nat. Is this what you want?"

  Natalie turned and stared at herself in a long mirror, a smile on her lips. "Yes, Dad. If this outfit isn't too expensive."

  "Anything for you, my darling."

  "Oh, thank you." Natalie skipped a couple of steps and jumped into his arms like the little girl he thought he'd lost.

  He hugged her back, tears pricking his eyes.

  "Thank you for coming around the mall with me. Mum says she doesn't have time because she's too busy with my little sisters, and she won't let me come on my own."

  Her words banished his weariness and headache. It was worth traipsing through the endless stores if it made his little girl happy.

  Seth released Natalie, and she turned into Gina's open arms. "Thank you so much for helping me find an outfit. My friends will be jealous when I tell them about you."

  Gina stroked back the girl's hair. "It was my pleasure. You are such a pretty girl, everything suits you, Natalie."

  "You're just saying that. I'm not beautiful like you."

  Gina laughed. "Nat, my angel, look in the mirror." Gina turned Natalie to face the long glass and rested her hands on the teen's shoulders. "You have your father's blond hair and blue eyes. You're blessed."

  For dinner, they went to an Italian restaurant that Gina had found on the Internet. Gina chatted with the Italian man who ran it, and he brought his whole family out to meet her. His son was the chef, and he sent out many special dishes he cooked specially for them.

  Natalie relaxed and laughed in an unguarded way that Seth hadn't heard in ages. He took his lead from Gina, who obviously had a knack with children, listening while Natalie told him what music she liked. He nodded and smiled, even though he hadn't heard of any of the bands.

  He even managed to stop himself from asking Natalie how she was getting along at school and what her grades were. Gina had warned him that was not a subject for their Christmas outing.


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