Assassin 2 - Sleeping Dogs (Assassin Series)

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Assassin 2 - Sleeping Dogs (Assassin Series) Page 9

by Bryan Murray

  He nodded. “I agree, we need to get the hell out of here and back to Israel. What a can of worms!”

  Sarah nodded. “First the movie company, then the airline, the embassy, the soccer team and now the bank!”

  Jake was also thinking out loud. “And a hell of a load of body bags in the process!” he added. “And it will also be interesting to see who claims responsibility for the bank bombing.”

  Sarah added a thought. “And how the claim of responsibility is communicated to the media. Uncle Ari must be going crazy with frustration!”

  Jake agreed. “Right, so as soon as we get to Tel Aviv, we want to see the CCTV footage from the conference room at the resort, details of staff interviews, eye witnesses, any feedback from the FBI and the CIA on the ID search for these two villains and we need to keep the pressure on all airports, bus and train terminals, checkpoints, the whole nine yards.” They ordered a quick snack from room service as they completed their packing.


  Once the charter jet soared to altitude leaving LA, above the San Bernardino Mountains, this time beyond the fateful location of the tragic airline explosion, Jake and Sarah settled down to bring Joseph, their new liaison guy from the Mossad, up to speed on the status of the investigation. Jake opened the conversation to make the young agent feel more at ease.

  “So, Joseph, did you know Daniel Weismann?”

  A sad look crossed Joseph’s face. “Yes, indeed, Daniel and I were in the same recruiting class.”

  Sarah sighed heavily. “Yes, he was a really dedicated guy, didn’t even realize he was taking a bullet for me!”

  Joseph looked pensive. “Sarah, I was reading the report of his death and one thing really has me confused?”

  She was listening carefully. “What’s that, Joseph?”

  The young agent explained. “You seem to think that Daniel took a bullet for you, Sarah?”

  She answered. “Yes, he suddenly came into the line of fire, with an order of drinks, and he quickly walked straight in front of me, from being totally out of sight of the shooter, who couldn’t possibly have known he was coming!”

  Joseph was thinking out loud. “So, if you are right, Sarah, then for some reason this assassin was interested in risking recognition, just to take a shot at you, or possibly at Jake?”

  Sarah nodded. “I guess.”

  Joseph continued. “In that case, he must have had some real animosity towards you and Jake, even though he probably couldn’t have known that you were both seconded to the case until just days before?”

  Jake nodded in agreement with the logic of Joseph. “I see where you’re going, Joseph and if you’re right, then we have another dimension to consider. Not only are we looking for two men, who are going around bombing Israeli owned property and citizens at will, but they are also pissed off at Sarah and myself?”

  Joseph gave a wry smile. “Now you know why I’m confused!”

  As the flight continued, the three of them went over every aspect of the various incidents, even including the deaths on the movie set. Joseph also told them that his specialty, other than counter-terrorism, included financial analysis and its effect on different terrorist scenarios.

  On arrival in Tel Aviv, they were whisked through security once again and straight to a debriefing with Ari at the defense ministry. The latter welcomed them back and Sarah could see immediately how the current strain of the past few days of violence had affected her uncle. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale and drawn. Sarah gave him a hug of encouragement. “We’re sorry for all the devastating violence, uncle.”

  Ari nodded his thanks. “Thank you,” he looked at Jake. “I’m pleased that you’ve been able to brief Agent Cohen on all these atrocities.”

  Jake nodded. “Yes, Minister, he’s a good man. So, can you please bring us up to speed on the tragedy at the bank?”

  Ari nodded. “Of course. These people had found out that the directors of the bank would be holding an important annual meeting, away from the bank at a resort in the desert. Apparently, they posed as janitorial staff and set up a massive C4 charge with remote detonation in the conference room where the meeting was to be held. All the directors including some of our best business brains in Israel were killed!”

  Jake was listening intently. “And did anyone get an ID on these terrorists, Minister?”

  Ari reached out a file. “It took a while, because the CCTV in the conference room was destroyed by the force of the blast, but on further investigation, we were able to check them out on the parking lot CCTV.”

  Jake was hanging on Ari’s every word. “What did it show, sir?”

  Ari opened a file and passed an envelope inside it over to Jake. He quickly opened the envelope and took out a number of photographs. Sarah and Jake immediately exchanged glances as they looked at the first photograph. Even though it was a little grainy, there was no doubt whatsoever that it was the same two men as seen on the reworked ID that the FBI had doctored from the action in LA.

  Jake looked at Ari, a determined look in his eye. “It’s definitely the same men, Minister and the bad news is that they’re now in Israel!”

  Ari nodded. “Our conclusion also. So, what do you suggest we do now, Mr. Harrigan?”

  Jake thought for a moment. “Well, sir, this latest event gives us a new dimension to consider. It’s the first action on Israeli soil, still against Israeli-owned organizations and the further this terrible saga progresses, the more it appears that the targets are widely based, almost as if they are attacking all aspects of Israeli- owned operations and quality of life, both in the US and now here in Israel.”

  Ari shrugged. “You could be right, Jake.”

  Jake continued his hypothesis. “It could be that the incident on the movie set was a subtle attack on all that Hollywood stands for, which is a massive moneymaking machine, controlled predominantly by Jewish-owned conglomerates.”

  Sarah was also following his line of reasoning. “Correct, Jake, and maybe the hit on the soccer team was a way of hitting out at the promotion of Israeli leisure interests abroad.”

  Ari was listening carefully. “And the attack on the airline and the bank?”

  Jake thought for a moment. “Maybe with the airline, it was a subtle way of trying to limit the number of Israelis travelling the world.”

  Sarah added. “And with the bank, hitting at the very core of the financial center of what Israel is all about,” she continued. “Remember, it wasn’t just the captains of industry who were taken out in the bank bombing, the airline bombing also took out a large number of Israel’s most dynamic CEO’s and other key executives from multi-national giants.”

  Ari nodded and heaved a tired sigh. “That could be the case, which is why we still need to pursue these two men with every asset at our disposal.”

  Jake nodded. “I agree, Minister, and believe me, it’s not just two men. To pull off attacks as smoothly as they have and to still be fully at large, must have involved an incredible intel support group.”

  Ari looked despondent as Jake continued. “But sooner or later, they’re going to make a mistake and when they do, we need to be ready.”

  Ari gave a tired smile. “Correct, so go get some rest and we’ll meet later this afternoon to go over the embassy bombing and the death of Daniel in more detail.”

  They both got up to leave. “Yes, Minister.” Jake replied. On the drive back to their hotel, Jake and Sarah were still analysing the events of the past few days. Jake looked the more concerned of the two. “You know,” he began. “I’m beginning to think we’re swimming in molasses!”

  Sarah smiled. “I agree, let’s face it, these two guys are wreaking havoc on Israel and up to now, all we know about them is roughly what they look like.”

  Jake nodded. “You’re right, they’re not coming up on the bad guys radar, nobody can match their ID and here we are, people dying every day and we still haven’t a clue where these bastards are!”

  “So, what do we do, Jake?” she asked.

  He thought for a moment. “I know it sounds totally lame and corny, but we need to get lucky!”

  Sarah was confused. “Lucky?”

  Jake explained. “Yes, lucky. We need them to make a mistake, enable us to link both an ID on either of them with a location, one that we can monitor without them knowing, because one thing’s for damned sure.”

  She was curious. “What’s that?”

  Jake shook his head sadly. “We haven’t seen the end of this violence by a country mile!”


  It was a warm, sunny Sunday morning in Tel Aviv, affectionately referred to as ‘The City that never stops’! Located on the beautiful Mediterranean coastline of Israel, just fifty kilometres North West of Jerusalem, the vibrant city of over three million people, was bracing itself for another busy day following the peace of the previous day’s Jewish Sabbath.

  Outside the Tel Aviv Savidor Central Station on Al Parashat Drakhim Street, a huge central rail hub handling over fifty thousand passengers a day, it was a usual hectic Sunday scene. The ticketing areas were already crowded with Israeli soldiers trying to return to their bases and with many students of different nationalities also trying to get back to the many colleges in commuting distance close by.

  Minimal security was in evidence, although random scanning of passenger’s bags was being carried out as they entered the main platforms to board their trains. Incoming passengers had already been similarly scanned on their way into the bustling city.

  Among the crowded ticketing area, little attention was given to the two employees wearing the coveralls of Michaelson’s Vending, as they wheeled their trolley across the terminal, ready to re-stock the drink racks of various vending machines.

  In a corner of the terminal. close by the ticketing counters, Akeem looked round casually as he approached and proceeded to unlock the front of one of a line of vending machines that he and the dark-haired man next to him then proceeded to start to re-stock with soft drinks. None of the people close by gave them a second glance. Akeem then checked that there were no CCTV cameras in the area, before finally slipping a charge of C4 explosives into the back of the drink racks on the last vending machine and switching on the green detonator light to indicate that the charge was armed. He and his accomplice quickly closed and locked the vending machine door before they wheeled their empty trolley back to their van parked outside.

  They quickly loaded the trolley into the van and drove off into the city traffic. Akeem drove along, a cold, clinical look in his eye. He looked in the back of the van to see the body of the original driver, the tell-tale bullet hole between the eyes.

  He pointed towards the glove compartment as the dark-haired guy opened the flap and took out the detonator. They looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Akeem’s passenger then pressed the button on the detonator.

  Back in the train terminal, the blast was massive as the scene changed from one of bustling commuters to a scene of smoke, flames and dead and injured bodies. The railway security staff were desperately trying to control the panic as the mayhem continued with people screaming and rushing towards the exits.

  Back on the street, Akeem looked in his rear view mirror, to see the tell-tale plume of black smoke rising from the terminal. He looked at the dark-haired guy and they both high-fived each other as they drove off into the traffic.


  Jake and Sarah were in the middle of their debriefing session with the Defense Minister when the news of the train station bombing was relayed to them,

  Ari was deeply shocked. “Is there no end to this violence?” he sighed. He turned to Jake. “So, what is your opinion on this latest attack, Mr. Harrigan?”

  Jake was as confused as the Minister. “Good question, sir. First we had the airline and now the trains. As we said earlier, maybe they want to make people afraid of travelling!”

  Sarah continued the thought. “Or maybe it’s another attempt to hit another transportation giant below the belt!”

  Ari nodded in agreement. “These men must have nerves of steel to carry out these various attacks, and once again they got away undetected!” he was interrupted by his phone ringing. He answered. “Golchen?” He listened a moment and suddenly his face changed. “Oh, my goodness! Yes, we’ll be right there!”

  Jake and Sarah exchanged curious glances as Ari put the phone down like a man in a daze. Sarah could see he was deeply disturbed. “Is everything all right, uncle?” Sarah inquired.

  Ari looked at her, almost devoid of words. “It’s your grandfather, he’s had a massive stroke and they’ve taken him to the hospital!”

  Sarah put her hands to her mouth in shock and Jake put his arm round her shoulders to comfort her. Ari was already on the phone to his secretary. “Bring my car round immediately!” he motioned to Jake and Sarah to follow him to the door,

  Jake was deeply saddened. “I’m so sorry, Minister.” Ari nodded his head in gratitude as they left.

  * * *

  By the time they reached the hospital, the press were already gathered outside the emergency entrance as Ari, Sarah and Jake were quickly ushered inside. They made their way to the private room where Aunt Miriam was already in tears, sitting at the bedside of Abraham. He was already hooked up to a heart monitor and the screens above his head were being monitored by the medical staff of the hospital.

  Ari comforted Miriam. “What happened, my dear?” he asked.

  She dried her eyes and wiped her nose before replying. “Apparently it was a major stroke,” she began. “And the doctors are very concerned!”

  Sarah looked closely at her grandfather, tears flooding her eyes as he lay there motionless on the bed, his eyes closed. She turned to her aunt. “And the prognosis?”

  Miriam shook her head disdainfully from side to side. Jake looked on, feeling Sarah’s pain. She walked over to the side of the bed and gently held Abraham’s hand, the hand of a warrior, who had fought his last battle. She whispered to him. “It’s me, grandfather, Sarah, can you hear me?”

  The old man never moved. “I love you.” Sarah whispered as she held his wizened hand in hers. Abraham’s eyelids flickered momentarily and in his last moment of recognition, he gently squeezed Sarah’s hand for the last time. Sarah sensed what had just happened and she turned and held her hands out to her aunt, as both women dissolved into each other’s arms in tears.

  Ari stood there like a man transfixed, wondering what else could possibly go wrong in his troubled life.

  Jake walked over to him, a sad look in his eye. “I’m so sorry, Minister, your father was a special man and the whole country will mourn his passing!”

  Ari was moved by Jake’s comments. “Thanks, Mr. Harrigan, just do one thing for me?”

  Jake nodded. “Of course, sir?”

  Ari looked him in the eye. “Just get these people who are terrorising our country!”

  Jake took a breath and put his hand on the Minister’s shoulder. “You can count on it, sir!” he walked over to Sarah and held her in his arms as she dissolved into further tears.


  In the CTCIB offices in LA, Nick was in his office as the noon CNN newscast came on the TV. He looked on in sudden interest as the newscaster came on to announce that yet again, terrorists had struck at the very heart of the Israeli economy!

  Nick signalled to his sidekick Steve. “Steve, check this out!” Steve stopped what he was doing and watched the telecast as the newscaster continued to explain that in a further sequence of terrorist attacks, the entire board of directors of a major Israeli bank had been killed in an explosion that killed at least 30 additional people and injured many more.”

  Nick and Steve exchanged shocked glances. “Holy shit!” Nick exclaimed. “Those poor guys!”

  Back on the screen, the newscaster continued, adding that earlier in the day, terrorists had also been responsible for a massive explosion in the Savidor Central Railway Sta
tion in Tel Aviv, when the station had been crowded with many commuters. The railway company security personnel were still completing the list of fatalities.

  Nick looked across at Steve and they were both incredulous. Steve was the first to speak. “Your buddies Jake and Sarah must be up to their necks in alligators. Have you spoken to them lately?”

  Nick was already reaching for the phone. “No, but there’s no time like the present!” he picked up the phone and dialed Jake’s number. He got through on the second ring. “Hi, Jake, this is Nick in LA. We just heard the news of the bank and the train bombings. What the hell’s goin’ on?”

  Jake replied. “Things happening thick and fast, I’m afraid, Nick. One thing’s for sure, though. It’s the same two bastards we spotted at the embassy bombing and the killing of Daniel.”

  Nick was on the same wavelength. “So, now it’s on Israeli soil and the targets are both commercial and civilian?”

  Jake was in agreement. “Exactly, that’s what’s driving both Sarah and myself crazy! We’re still trying to find a motive and get lucky with a sighting of these bastards!”

  “Did you get any claims of responsibility for the bombings?” Nick asked.

  Jake sounded really sceptical. “Can you believe we heard from al-Qaida on both the bank and the train station bombings?”

  Nick was thinking things through. “Whoever is doing this, they must think we’re stupid. All these claims from different terrorist groups and yet we keep seeing the same two guys at each occurrence!”

  Jake agreed. “That’s what Sarah was saying. It’s probably one extremely well run organization, who are trying to cover their actions in a smoke screen until they achieve their goal and what worries me is that they’re a long way from being finished in my opinion!”

  Nick was most sympathetic. “Well, we’ve scoured our data bases, Jake and not a single match on these bastards so far, but we’ll keep trying.”


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