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The Lonoki Solution

Page 4

by Sharon L Reddy

  She smiled and helped him dress for the day. He said he just wouldn't have expected that the first time he got to wear clothes, all he would want to do was take them back off, because he really had other things he preferred to be doing. She laughed and told him he soon would be, but this time not with her.

  "I've put off those who want you to sire children for two years and they're not willing to wait longer."

  "I... don't desire anyone else, but I will always do as you command."

  "My obligation to your kind is as important to me as my obligation to mine. We'll all be quite busy fulfilling it for awhile. You, Yan and Taral will all be attending classes at the university starting in twenty-seven days and I intend none of us have that obligation unfulfilled when you begin."

  Kiev didn't tell him that meant she'd be spending most of her waking hours in the breeding room until then. He'd realize it. They all would in a few moments.

  Dane was nervous. Since Yan, Taral, Mal and Kano were nervous too, he didn't worry about it much. The female slaves in the family whistled and shouted times when they were free. Yan shouted back he'd bring Dane's schedule around for them to make appointments. Dane was surprised how much he liked the teasing. He was also surprised that it relaxed him a bit. Then they passed the front windows and the five of them saw the cars parked in the drive and all got more nervous. Kiev sighed and told them they'd all been where they were going before and only Dane hadn't been a participant before. They all agreed and noted it had made them nervous then too.

  Kiev gently aroused each of her slaves herself before she actually took them into the breeding room. They didn't know the five of them were going to be thoroughly looked over by thirty masters, who had brought slaves from halfway around the world to join with them. She led the five into the room, stopped them between the door and the screen which precluded a view in, when it was opened, and told them to disrobe. They were surprised, but obeyed. When she led them around the screen and they saw the large group of male masters, she thought she was going to have to hang onto them, for a moment.

  "They've come a long way on the recommendation of the council. They just want to look you over to try to understand why they not only came this far, but are paying so much. They aren't all going to be here at once or watching. Let them examine you and answer their questions, if you can. Masters, all five have reached total completion at least once. If you can command your females, there will be children born of each union. I know the time period that has been set seems odd to you, but they all have heavy work-loads which begin in just a few days and will never really end again. They're about going to jump off the sleeping platform and not stop working until they stagger to it and drop on it at night. They are worth both your time and expense for just that reason. This is Yan. This is Mal. Taral, stop hiding behind Kano. This is Kiev Dane."

  "Will you accept the command of your master, Kiev Dane?"

  "Is there a choice? If there is, it's not one I can make. Our master commands and we obey. That is the way of master and slave."

  "You accept you are a slave?"

  "I know beyond all doubt I am. I am my master's body slave. I have no other identity or purpose. It did take time for me to understand it, but I have. I am the most slave of all here. I know it. Acceptance of any truth can be difficult, but it is still the truth and denial of it does not change it."

  "Yan, is he a slave?"

  "He's our master's body slave. So deeply so, it may be possible he could command the four of us in this room. He speaks with her voice to us. We hear hers in his."

  "Kano, same question."

  "We are slaves. We adore and obey our master. When Kiev Dane commands, we leap to obey our master with joy. We don't doubt it's her voice we heard."

  "Masters, we know why you question about Kiev Dane. You've heard of the two years our master spent training him. If he'd been an ordinary slave, it wouldn't have been necessary. He's more than we are in all ways. One of those is more slave. His children will be beautiful, intelligent and strong-minded just as he is, but only if someone chooses one of them as body slave will one need the training he endured. Only his children will be worth it and probably only his children could endure it. I couldn't. Taral, Mal and Kano couldn't. I know of no other who could, either. We're all slaves, but we need not be complete slaves to accept the command of our master. Kiev Dane had to be made complete slave to fulfill his task. When business calls come and he answers 'Kiev,' no one asks for the 'other Kiev,' or his master. They know they speak to Kiev. It's obvious to them because he does her will and in her way. His children will be worth his fee and many will seek them, when they're of the age to sell."

  "We must be master and slave, but we will never be master and pet. Masters, these are my five. I do not say I will never choose a sixth because, like any master, I will buy a slave who falls in love with me, but I'll never seek another. These five will be able to perform every task I set them no matter how complex. If I told them to build another space dock, they would. If I told them to keep the lawn green and growing year round, they would. If I told them to rearrange the forest into straight rows in order of size from here to the coast, they would do that, as well. They are the five premium males of their generation. Kiev Dane has no equal, but these four are the closest."

  "The two youngest were not expensive."

  "True, Master, they were not. I'm rather pleased Yan and Taral were so sexually precocious that their mothers' owners sold them at sixteen and eighteen, before they had begun higher education. You have their current standings. Look at the curricula, not just the marks. I have five in the top percentile of every class they've taken. Mal and Kano are twenty-four and hold two advanced rankings each. Kiev Dane is twenty-one and his six will come in a group, which I expect him to garner in two more years. Taral was purchased to be a maintenance engineer and I realized that was a waste. He's studying spaceship systems and engineering design. Yan will have advanced rankings in physics and mathematics by age twenty. He will work in research and development. Frankly, Masters, they're going to make my family even wealthier. Now, some of you brought slaves and are staying. The rest know when you're to return. If you keep them here much longer, my slaves will have difficulty attaining arousal. That I will not command. I'll aid it if needed, but I won't command it. Yan, Kano, Mal and Taral, dress and go to the small parlor at the end of the hall. Fix the females there a nice snack and open a bottle of wine. You'll have some time to get acquainted. Masters, if you wish to go with them and tell them who are paired, you may. Refreshment and pleasant entertainment have been arranged for you in the gaming room two doors to the left of this one."

  Dane watched them all leave and turned to Kiev. She pulled his head down and kissed him gently. She told him he was first because he would be very uncomfortable in the parlor and she knew she'd have to prepare him. He dropped to his knees, held to her legs and wept. She stroked his hair and let him shed the tears. He had forty females in the next twenty days. It had been only ten until four days before. The breeding council had demanded it.

  She hadn't lied when she said he had no equal. The fifty days he'd been Kiev had been added to his education ranking and the council had demanded she spread his genes across the planet. No other slave had fathered more than ten sets of twins and those had been spread over years. Forty sets were demanded of him and they had little time.

  She was in love with him and had known she would fall in love when she'd told Jarun to call Candred and Trennon the first time. She hoped he wouldn't realize it until he'd given a few of Jarun's girls the children they wanted to be his. She'd always be rather grateful to Wren Taylo for yelling the truth at her. He'd shouted, "When that gorgeous hulking male gets to know you well enough to be you, he'll be the one you are in love with, you idiot!" She'd known he was right as soon as her ears stopped ringing.

  "It seems Jarun, Candred, Trennon and I set a precedent, or at least a fashion."

  "You had two sets of children in two years."r />
  "At age twenty and twenty-one. In some ways, Candred is responsible for that. She said she was ready. When I realized I was reluctant because I didn't want to be tied to the house with children, I was no longer reluctant. I'm not my mother. The solution was Jarun and his huge household of women. I had to carry and birth them, but Jarun was the one who wanted children to teach and be near. Candred has about twenty male slaves who absolutely dote on her four. She's not overworked trying to take care of them either. Her mother and Trennon's and his uncle's slaves are attempting to spoil them completely, just as Mother and the rest in our family are trying to spoil ours. Dane, the next twenty days are going to be exhausting. Every one of those masters brought two slaves. One of every two is for you. There were supposed to be ten total. The council demanded more. Of them, only two are from this continent. I don't have any doubts you can do it, do you? Tell me truthfully."

  "Master, I don't know that I can give one. I will accept your belief and put my belief in your knowledge of me and of this. I don't want another, Kiev."

  "I know, but you must do this for our people. Your children have been judged as being needed, Dane. I knew mine were and gave four."

  "Master, they're asking me for sixty."

  "No, Dane, eighty and Jarun wants about twelve to twenty. However, he doesn't intend to select whose they are and it's not very far from our apartments to those of his girls. Not here, Dane. You don't ever have to come here again after this. You'll be first and last each day for the next twenty."

  "You're going to be the one who's exhausted."

  "I know. I'm not pleased. See that I get fed occasionally and remind whoever comes second in the day to steer us to bed at night."

  "No, Master, I will tell your mother to see that you are not pushed too hard. We could do nothing if you were. She will tell the masters and the breeding council, and anyone else, exactly where they can go to wait if you need time to rest."

  "Well, I hadn't actually planned on telling her what they'd demanded of you."

  "You hadn't planned on telling her you were trying to get it over with in twenty days."

  "The problem with teaching you to think like me is you know how I think. I have good reasons, Dane. I want this done. Once it is, I can say the obligation is fulfilled and no more. If we strung the forty out over years, I'd find out a few more had been tacked onto the total every year. This is really the only way I can think of to avoid it. It's basically the same way I fulfilled my obligation to have children. Look at it this way, you don't have to spend forty years fat and waddling. Forty females are going to do it for you and all in the same year."

  "Master! My daughters!"

  "Oh, you're right. I'll put Mother on it. She'll see to it there's some kind of reasonable limitation put on the council demands for both females and males. I don't want your sons spending their lives in breeding rooms either. Dane, I just had the image of you and I coming to this room about every third evening for the next twenty-five years. My reaction to excessive demands is to fulfill them in such a way that no one has any doubt they are excessive. The breeding council isn't supposed to make demands at all. They're only supposed to make recommendations. They overstepped their charter and I want everyone who sees the members to tell them so."

  "This will do that. I understand why, Kiev, but I still want to hold only you."

  "That's why this works, Dane."

  Kiev began to arouse him. It was so easy to do, it made her ache. Bringing any of them to the breeding room made her ache. It was a pain every master bore, but usually the loved slave wanted to have or give children. Masters usually disliked the breeding room far more than slaves did. She and Dane were both going to hate it before the twenty days were done.

  The female was young and shy. Her master gently helped prepare her just as Kiev did Dane. He smiled and softly said he would hold her hand. Kiev knelt close so Dane could look into her eyes. It was the first time with another for both of them. That was the reason Kiev had made the young female the first. When their bodies began to respond to the physical pleasure of sex, the two masters prepared. The moment would come when they both would be ready. Her master's could be a bit before or after, but Kiev's command to Dane must be at exactly the right time. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. The other master saw and gave the command. The young woman screamed and arched and Kiev gave Dane the command.

  "Give her your seed!"

  Dane cried out and the other master helped Kiev catch him, when he would have fallen onto the small and slender young female. They held him to her until the spasms of his body ended, then gently eased him to one side of her. Her master smiled a bit ruefully and gently picked her up. He would lay her in the room next door with her clothes and bring his other slave and Yan back. Kiev gently cleaned Dane and decided she rather liked Master Tratho. She didn't think he would leave his young slave until he had at least gotten her dressed and probably not until she was awake.


  "Hello, Dane. You did well."

  "The others are right and so were you. There is overwhelming love and total submission in the instant of fulfilling the command. I could not have obeyed it before."

  "Was it pleasant enough you want to do it about every third evening until our hair turns white?"

  "No, definitely not. However, I think I will be willing to accept it a few more times for some of Jarun's girls. Just as long as it's only a few."

  "I gave him my definition of a few already. Ready to get dressed?"

  "I'm not sure I'm ready to move. It's far more depleting than I realized it would be. It wasn't this way with you."

  "I didn't command it. I think the depletion is because the command is so hard to obey."

  "Yes, it's very hard. It's also impossible not to obey it. I love you with all my being."

  "I know, Dane. If you didn't, that command would have been only words and there would be no reason for us to be here."

  "You dislike it."

  "Every master I know does when it's done in this way. It's different when two slaves who know each other well and like each other ask their masters for aid. In most households, that's the way it always is. Because you five, and most of Jarun's girls, are extremely beautiful and intelligent, much more attention is paid to your pairings. Those qualities are what make a slave expensive and why the homes of the wealthy have breeding rooms and those of the moderately well-off do not. Clothes?"

  "Are they around the screen?"

  "No, right over here. I'll help. Dane, I'm busy. Both of me. You aren't expected to solve any problems or answer any calls. Your time between now and after dinner is yours. You aren't required to spend your time in the room down the hall either, but are welcome to do so if you wish. Dane!"

  "Your touch arouses me. It probably always will. This time it's not for another. Master, don't put us from you for twenty days, please. Your loving touch strengthens us all."

  "My current response to this whole thing is grab you all, run for our apartments and bolt the door. I don't know that any of us will want loving, but I'll definitely want you near at night."


  "Yes, Yan?"

  "Tanny and I are here, Master. Do you need help getting Dane on his feet?"

  "I'm on them, Yan. They seem to be steady, but my knees aren't quite."



  "Now you know."

  "Yes, Yan, I do. Hello."

  "Hello. It's nice to almost meet you. I'm Tanny. Master Kiev, Yan and I should be simpler than Cadra. We like each other. I've never done this before, but I like males and he's a pretty one."

  "Our babies are going to be gorgeous."

  "You two get yourselves ready. I'm going to walk Dane out. He's still a bit wobbly."

  "Yes, Master. Dane, there's a beautiful female named Levile in the parlor. She'd like to meet you."

  "I'll go there in a bit, Yan. I need to walk off the wobble first."

  "I didn't tell her you
were coming. I just thought you should know she's there."

  "Thank you."

  Kiev walked Dane to the door and watched him walk slowly down the hall in the opposite direction of the parlor. She took a deep breath and went back into the breeding room. Yan was waiting for her between the door and screen. She knew what was coming. He loved Dane very much and was going to ask questions.

  "Two in the same day?"

  "And every day for twenty. I had ten for him. The other thirty weren't my idea."

  "Couldn't you spread them out?"

  "No. How long do you think it will be before he realizes I'm in love with him?"

  "Oh. There had to be a reason for all of it, two sets of twins in two years, to too many women in too few days. About fifty days maximum. Better tell Jarun to have his girls draw straws or something. You should tell him why first. It's going to hurt him. More if you don't tell him."

  "I will, Yan. The reason I gave Dane is the demand is excessive and by demonstrating it in this way, there won't be four hundred more added over ten years. It's a valid point too."

  "True. I'll give that one to Mal, Taral and Kano. The breeding council needs a swift kick."

  "I have a suspicion Dane is going to ask my mother to deliver it."


  "Coming, Tanny! Give us two minutes, Master."

  "Two minutes?"

  "I agree smaller divisions are useful. Dane, Taral and I may have everyone in the physics department using nanoseconds within ten days of starting classes."

  "I don't doubt it a bit. It will delight Wren. Tanny?"

  "Is fun."

  Dane knocked on the door of Iliev's apartments and was shown to the greenhouse where she was preparing her winter garden. He explained he was worried about Kiev and why, and the reasons she had given him. He grinned when Iliev started yelling for people as soon as he finished. She wasn't going to stop Kiev, of course, but she was going to see to it the six of them were well taken care of and that a lot of people knew just what the council had done.


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