The Lonoki Solution

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The Lonoki Solution Page 6

by Sharon L Reddy

  "Not that I was aware of. Taral, just what idea did I give you?"

  "When I said the plondo seemed like it was awfully difficult to play, you explained the way the air chambers worked so that volume of the notes sounded could be controlled by fingering, so it didn't require you blow harder to get louder. I got to thinking about that, then Kano and Mal were talking about the way terminal charge capacitors surged then blew a day or two later and the two just snapped together the right way to make me ask if there was a way to do an initial charge of the system and maintain a steady input of power even when speed was increased."

  "There, Kiev. It was just a question about a musical instrument and a complaint about the nasty job of changing out terminal capacitors that will assure Yan's mistake does change the universe."

  "I see that, Kano. Dane, can you drive?"

  "Yes, and I did get a license which is still good."

  "Good. Switch on the comm, please. Uncle Tarun's apartments."


  "Uncle Tarun, I'm taking my sweethearts shopping and to dinner. I plan on spending a small fortune. I'm sure Yan's solution of the Haloss equations with a higher constant value, and Taral's design of a power conversion system to use them, will cover any cost above what we get back from the university. Dane's driving. I'm going to be giggling too hard. Take care of the insurance, please. Out. Let's get out of here before the comm goes crazy."

  Tarun called his sister, but was laughing too hard to tell her why. She got to his apartments fast. He was transferring a huge sum to Kiev's credit account and authorizing a draft against the company for any overage, when she got there. He started laughing again, as soon as he got off the comm, and she called Jarun to see if he knew what was going on. He got there fast.

  Tarun had the comm connect him with Wren Taylo, but was laughing too hard to tell him why too. He said he was on the ground and on his way because he was sure this was too good not to get in person. Jarun told his mother Yan had said he had an idea that should make them a lot of money and Tarun rolled out of his chair laughing and burbled Taral was going to help.

  Iliev called Membis and told her she should probably get there if she wanted to know why the company was advancing Kiev's household a huge amount and her master was laughing too hard to explain. Tarun recovered enough to say the human worlds were going to be nice to have as close neighbors and Jarun sat down on the floor beside him and started to laugh too. By the time Membis had gotten there, Iliev was sitting in the floor laughing with Tarun and her son.

  The people who had told Tarun's mother and uncle they were fools for backing his wild scheme to build a space dock had long ago admitted they were wrong, but he remembered. He also remembered those who had said inter-system trade would never do anything significant for their world. The lonoki had come up with something that would make their world a real part of the economic structure of the galactic arm and Evrun Ship Builders would be the company that did it.

  Kiev had a list. It had been a wish list until Yan and Taral had suddenly 'changed the universe.' She took them shopping for clothes first. She purchased formal attire for herself and they figured out that's what they needed when she changed into it at the store. Six units later, five very well-dressed young males escorted a beautiful young female into the most famed, and expensive, restaurant in Omdan Valley. Kiev laughed when the lead server arrived with a bottle of very fine wine and told them her uncle had ordered it for them. He'd guessed exactly where they'd be going. Yan was pleased the server didn't ask his age. He was still a few days short of being old enough to legally drink alcohol.

  "Yan, are you old enough for that?"

  "Um, in what context, Dane?"

  "That's what I thought."

  "It's only nineteen days. Master, this celebration seems to be somewhat because of something I did. Or I'm doing. Or going to do. Anyway, partly because of me. I'm so close. Can't we just ignore those few days for this evening?"

  "On the condition you all remember to call me by my name and not 'Master.' This celebration has many reasons. I count five big ones and those five are responsible for all the others. The biggest of those is the last twenty-seven days are finished and so is all obligation to give our people children. I will never tell any of you to have sex with a person who is not at this table again. I don't say any person because I rather like watching the four of you making love to the male with whom I am in love."


  "She said she's in love with you, Dane. We all know it and that it's the real reason she was hurrying to get it finished. She held out just long enough to get pregnant the second time."

  "Yan, you're destroying my illusion that I kept anyone from knowing it. Of course, Uncle Tarun had it figured out about then too."

  "Everybody did, Kiev. Mal and I knew it when you bought us."

  "I didn't."

  "You were the one person I couldn't let see it, Dane. I practically avoided you during my first pregnancy so I could manage the second."

  She wasn't ready for him to react the way he did and he definitely hadn't planned it. He abruptly stood, grabbed her wrist and pulled her up out of her chair. He slapped her, then kissed her deeply. He looked a great deal more shocked than she did. She rubbed her cheek, then smiled and kissed him again. He hadn't slapped her very hard and she understood why he had.

  "I've wanted to tell you so long, Dane. I wanted to stop the training and bolt the door to my room with us inside, almost since the day I bought you. I hated what I did to you and hated the need for it, but our world needs your children. The only way it would have them was for me to hide my love and make you slave enough to accept the command. We succeeded. You loved me enough to become a slave for me."

  "I will give my body to no other female again, Kiev. I battled my unwillingness with every one I held. I have no desire to play with other females and haven't since the day you bought me. I won't refuse the loving of Yan, Taral, Kano and Mal because I know you do enjoy watching and I do love them."

  "I can't promise there will never be others, Dane. If a slave falls in love with me, I will buy him. I don't plan on it and don't intend to provide the opportunity if I can avoid it. I don't think Jarun will seek me, but if he ever really needs me I won't refuse him either. But, other than all those exceptions, I'm yours alone."

  "They're the exceptions every master and slave who love must accept. I'm sorry I struck you. I was angry you made me hold others when you knew I wanted only you."

  "I knew why. I'd have probably slugged you if the situation had been the reverse. And that for just one. Now, what kind of car do you want?"


  "Yes. You'll be going to the university alone much of the time and at odd hours. I plan on getting each of you personal transport because you'll all be working odd hours and many of them at the spaceport. I think you and I are the only ones who will need flyers, though I think one for communal use is in order too. One glass of wine, Yan."

  "Yes, Kiev. It's very good wine."

  "He figured he could get away with another quick glass because everyone else is watching you two."

  "You can't really blame them, Taral. They're a gorgeous couple and it was interesting."

  "Thank you, Kano, I think. Shall we sit down, Dane?"

  "I suppose we should, but I don't really want to let go of you."

  They were having dinner rather early in the evening compared to most. They still had about twelve units of time left to shop before most of the stores closed for the night, when they finished. Taral, Mal and Kano laughed when Yan said he wanted an anti-gravity sled instead of a car and Kiev and Dane chorused, "No." Yan pointed out a sled was much less expensive and they chorused "no" again.

  Kiev sighed when none of them had any idea what kind of car he wanted. She told Dane to pull into the Gravlord dealership. As soon as he parked, she got out and started walking down the line of used cars. A female rushed out of the new car show room and caught up with them about a quarter of the way do
wn the first row. Kano tapped Dane and pointed to the Gravlord sign above the show room door. Dane looked at it, then suddenly smiled and nodded. It said Drednon Gravlord. Kiev had chosen it because it belonged to Candred and Trennon's family.

  The five of them and the sales person, who turned out to be the sales manager and the only one working that evening, followed Kiev past all four rows of used cars and then into the new car show room. She walked into the office with "Sales Manager" on the door and sat down. Dane decided the office was a bit small for all of them and caught Yan and Taral, as they started to follow. He told them they'd look at the new cars for awhile because he didn't think Kiev really needed them to see if they could all get into the very small office. They looked at cars.

  Dane didn't notice Yan make a fast dash for the office because Mal, Kano and Taral covered for him. He stuck his head in the door, said five words and got back to looking at cars quickly. Dane eyed him. He looked a bit too innocent. That usually meant he was up to something, but he couldn't think of what it could be. He looked toward the office and sighed. Kiev was still talking to the sales manager. Then he noticed Taral, Kano and Mal were working on looking as innocent as Yan.

  "Yan, what are you up to now?"

  "Looking at cars. That's what you said to do."

  "Why am I sure I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on again? Why am I sure I'm going to be sure of the same thing most of my life?"

  "I'm in love with you too."


  "I've been breaking the rules most of my life. I'm in love with both Kiev and you. I have been since the moment I first saw you both. I found it confusing, but I've always confused me. I have this nice analytical mind sort of floating on top of an emotional stew. I probably couldn't be faithful to anybody, but I don't think I could stand life without Kiev and you in it. I'm spoiled rotten and appreciate it to my toes. I have everything I want from life now, except a grav sled, but it's not particularly important to me. You, Kiev, Taral, Kano and Mal are. I wanted nothing in life more than to make Kiev pleased she bought me and you pleased I'm in the family. When you both said I couldn't have a grav sled, I knew you were."

  "Yan, they're dangerous and you're not cautious. Of course, we're pleased you're in the family. We all love you. You drive us all a little crazy, but it's probably good for us and we're all very proud of you. We were before you nonchalantly told us you were rewriting the laws of physics. I'm probably going to be tripping over your opening statement for awhile, but I have a place I put things you say that surprise me labeled, 'Yes, but that's Yan.' This one will probably fit with a bit of pushing."

  "Let's go back and look at the white solar some more, Dane."

  "I'll definitely take that suggestion, Yan."

  "Humans call them convertibles."

  "Call what convertibles, Kano?"

  "Solars. Wren said they've called them that since they had internal combustion engines, which burned fossil fuel, and wheels instead of fusion drives and anti-gravity disks. He told me it was because they could be converted from open to closed vehicles and he thought it was one of the few human names for things that made more sense than ours do."

  "From what I've heard, it's one of the few human names for things that have a translation. I think we should learn their language. I wonder if Wren would teach us?"

  "I don't think he has time, Dane, but we might be able to find someone who does. They've got a big embassy staff here."

  "They have a big embassy staff in the capital, Mal. That's a long way from here, about nine units by flyer. Nine units traveling each way is a lot of time out of our busy schedules even if it's only once every few days."

  "Do it the other way around."

  "You lost me, Taral."

  "You got lost when you got close to this car, Dane. I didn't do it. I mean tell the embassy we have a group who want to learn their language and ask they send someone to teach it. They'll be more likely to know the best way to do it. A few units every few days may be all wrong for it. I know that's how the university courses are set up, but Drinda says their language courses don't do more than give you enough of the basics to make other species understand you need them to go very slow. Pretty car."

  "Beautiful, and very expensive. I think Kiev might like to learn too, but six aren't really enough to justify asking someone to come here to teach it."

  "There are probably others who would be interested if we could arrange it. There are probably several in Jarun's household. We could have Wren talk to us in it to help us keep in practice and get better."

  "I think we have a good idea in the making too, Yan. I'll talk to Kiev, and if she likes it, see if we can find some way to do it."

  "Why do you think we should learn their language, Dane? It's more than just it would be interesting."

  "Yan and Taral have just given us something humans will want, Kano. I've got a suspicion Kiev is going to be the one who goes to sell it to them. I don't think any of us plan on being left home."

  "They'd come here to get it, Dane."

  "Yes, Mal, they would, but they've already said they're afraid their culture would mess up the one we've built to keep our species from becoming extinct. They're being very careful not to damage it. I don't think we should ignore their caution. Door open. She's done."

  "Hello, loves. One for you, one for you, one for you, one for you, and this one is yours, Dane. Have fun."

  "Kiev, wait. They're just pieces of paper with numbers on them."

  "No, Dane, they're pieces of paper with key codes on them. All you have to do is figure out what car goes with your piece of paper. When you do, move it to the rear of the building to be delivered to the house. If any of you can't drive, ask for help. All licenses will be current and insurance in effect before you take them anywhere. That's at least midday tomorrow for all but Dane. You heard me have Uncle Tarun put him on the policy before we left home. I picked cars I'm sure you'll like. So if you don't like one, don't bother trying the code. Now, have fun."

  Yan whooped and dashed for the door. Taral was right behind him and Kano and Mal were a close third and fourth. Dane strolled out after he'd gotten a kiss. Kiev grinned and the sales manager told her she'd gotten the cam on in time to catch the handout and she had tracking cams in the lot on all five of them. Kiev laughed when she made one more joking attempt to get her to trade her car for a newer model, then handed her a glass of nice wine and sat down with her, to watch the screen showing the five males hunting for their new cars.

  It was going to take Dane awhile to find his. He was the only one who didn't know he was looking in the wrong place. Kiev planned on giving Yan a big kiss for interrupting them to say, "He likes the white solar," and the rest a kiss for keeping Dane from noticing he had.

  Kano found his first. He walked right to the gold Landbird and Kiev held out her hand for the quarter unit she'd bet the sales manager. She held out her hand again when Mal stopped, looked at the green Highglider and went to check it. So far not one of them had walked past the car she'd chosen for them. The sales manager laughed and held out another quarter unit when Taral suddenly took a shortcut between cars and headed for the third row. He got in the dark blue four-passenger Gravlord and started it.

  Yan yelled for Dane. He was sure he'd found his car, but he couldn't drive. Dane grinned and ran. Yan was trying to be good, but the red Road Commander solar was a very big temptation. Yan was very pleased when Dane gave him his first driving lesson and allowed him to move the car to the rear of the building himself.

  Dane sighed and went back to looking. Yan walked over to the other three and made a suggestion. They all liked it and followed him into the showroom. Kiev laughed when the tracking cam showed what they were doing. Dane looked pretty lonely wandering around the lot by himself. Yan had decided he needed a hint. Of course, he'd have to come close enough to the showroom to look inside to see it.

  Dane wandered. The cars were all nice, but he didn't know which one Kiev had picked for
him and he didn't want to try the wrong one, not after everyone else had found theirs the first try. He sighed and started down the second row again. He knew they were waiting for him, but he just didn't know which car Kiev had chosen. He was about half the distance back to the showroom when he looked up to see if they were all standing inside watching him. He just stood and blinked a few times while what he was seeing registered. He let out a whoop and ran for the door. Yan, Taral, Mal and Kano were all sitting on, not in, the white solar.

  "I knew everyone knew something I didn't, again."

  "We knew what car you really liked, Dane. He found it, Kiev."

  "I noticed he had help, Yan."

  "Who us? We're just waiting to ride out of the showroom in Dane's new car. Not everyone gets to ride through a window."

  "I'll clear the field for you."

  "Thanks, Maydin. Try to get the cars delivered early, please. I may need mine before midday."

  "I'll send them at opening, in the morning, Kiev. Enjoy your new car, Dane. You all have fun this evening."

  "Thank you. Kiev, you may need your car?"

  "Yes, you'll have to take yours to the university to set off a bomb."

  "We're taking this one tonight?!"

  "You should probably put the top up. It may rain."

  "Uh, I don't know how."

  "The pad with the picture of the top on it, Dane. It's at the bottom of the row of pads on the far left. Can he leave it down awhile, Kiev? It's not really cold this evening."

  "That's up to him, Yan."

  "I'll leave it down, Yan, but not long. We're in front, but Mal, Kano and Taral are in back. They'll get more wind and less heat."

  "We're fine, Dane."

  "I'm sure you are, Taral. Kano, let me know when it starts getting chilly back there."

  "I will, Dane."

  "Turn right. We still have about nine units before things close. I think we can choose three flyers tonight."

  "I can't fly."

  "It won't take long to learn, Dane. It will take quite a bit longer for you to get captain's papers."


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