So Wrong

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So Wrong Page 10

by Camilla Stevens

  She had books from what had to be at least three classes open in front of her. That explained the creased forehead and scrunched eyes that he could view above her glasses as she bent her head over a text book. Even with that frown, she was gorgeous.

  Jesus, Bonita. You have no idea.

  Finally she blew a stray strand of curly hair out of her face with her bottom lip and fell back in her seat, throwing her head back.

  Obviously, he wasn’t the only one who could use a break. He quickly pulled his legs in and hopped out of his chair, grabbed his backpack and helmet and casually strolled over to where she sat.

  Bonita’s head was still thrown back so she hadn’t seen him approaching. She lifted her arms above her and arched her body in a stretch, lifting that lovely ass out of her seat to give it her all. Her shirt slid up just enough to show a sliver of smooth skin, and the fact that she sported an innie rather than an outie. He had a sudden vision of darting his tongue into that tiny abyss, her legs wrapped around his shoulders as he worked his mouth down her soft stomach, lower and lower….

  “Be still my beatin’ heart,” he drawled.

  He smiled at the sappy line, but couldn’t deny how his heart did a little jig watching her. Another part of his body was also beginning to wake up and smell the freshly brewed coffee.

  Bonita immediately curled inward. She crossed her arms over her front side as though she knew exactly what River had been eyeing. She glared up at him, and then as though remembering something, the glare deepened into something resembling absolute loathing.

  River craned his head back, wondering where that look had come from. Then he helped himself to the seat across from her. He placed the helmet on the table next to him and his backpack in the chair.

  “What in the world do you think you’re doing?”

  “Empathizing,” he said with a shrug. “You look like you could use a break.”

  “I’m fine thanks,” she said and deliberately turned her attention to the book in front of her.

  River just leaned back in his chair, hands in his pockets, legs stretched out under the table all the way over to her side. He waited.

  Eventually her eyes rolled up over the edge of her glasses in a way that drove him crazy. What the hell was it about those glasses?

  She gave an exasperated sigh. “Are you going to leave me alone so I can study? Some of us aren’t ‘tres bien, tres bein’,” she mimicked with a sarcastic French accent.

  So that was it. River gave an internal grimace at the memory. It had been embarrassing in the middle of class. Now it was completely working against his favor.

  He sat there for a while, then came to a decision.

  “How about something to completely take your mind off class?”

  She sighed then glared at him. “I can’t take my mind off class, I don’t have daddy’s dollars to fall back on.”

  “Ouch,” he said with a mocking pout. “Now that really hurts.”

  “Does that mean you’ll leave?”

  “Only if you come with me.”

  It wasn’t teasing or mocking. If anything the serious tone suggested a challenge. It was enough to get Bonita to give him more than a passing glance.

  He stood up, grabbed his helmet and backpack and walked around the table to reach out a hand to her. She looked at it as though it was made of toxic waste.

  “Oh come on. You can’t despise me that much.”

  Her face softened slightly, as though realizing it wasn’t his fault he had done so well in French Lit. Still, she hesitated.

  “You know you’re curious,” he whispered, leaning in close to her. “I promise not to bite.”

  “River!” she exclaimed as she leaned back with surprise, causing the subtle, intoxicating scent that drove him crazy to waft through the air around her.

  River just laughed which got them both a nasty shush from a boy at the next table over.

  He couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed her hand and tugged lightly. More from surprise than the force of it, she yelped and her legs came undone beneath her, causing her to nearly tumble forward out of her chair.

  Quick as lightning, his arm was once again around her. It felt nice; her soft, warm body engulfed in his embrace. It was something he could definitely get used to.

  As for Bonita, she simply pulled her hand out of his and pushed against his chest. “Do you always assault women just to get your grubby arms around them?” she complained. “If you don’t mind, like I said, I need to study.”

  River grinned down at her, then held his hand back out. “You need to take a break.”

  “I need to study.”

  “Take a break.”

  “No.” Her nose was firmly back into the text book in front of her.


  “Oh for Pete’s sake just go, dammit!” the boy across from them yelled. They both turned to look at him in surprise, taking in his frazzled state. He stared back at them with exasperated frustration.

  Bonita and River brought their heads back to look at one another and both gave a small but hearty laugh.

  Bonita had no idea why she was laughing. She completely sympathized with the boy at the next table. Tonight was wearing on her, with text books from three classes taunting her. She seriously doubted Professor LeFlor’s advice to “not take notes” would work out so well in any of her other classes.

  Now, here was River, standing there with his hand out to take her away.

  Oh screw it.

  “Okay, where?” she sighed. She almost laughed at the look of surprise that came to his face with how quickly she had done a one-eighty.

  Then he smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her chair and tugging her away without a word.

  “Hey, my books!” she exclaimed, earning her an angry grunt from the boy at the next table.

  “Trust me, no one is interested in stealing your text books. Grab your valuables and come.”

  The only thing of value she had was the little wallet that held the key to her dorm, her student ID, and some loose change. She grabbed it off the table and stumbled after River, trying to keep up with his long strides. She wanted to ask where they were going, but part of her enjoyed the suspense.

  Another part of her enjoyed the fact that River was acknowledging her again. It was selfish and wrong, especially since she’d blatantly been pushing him away.

  She watched his back as he led the way, the muscles rippling visibly even under the dark hoodie he wore. They were headed to the edge of campus and she began to pay attention to their surroundings. When they finally ended up at his destination she stared with her mouth open.

  “Are you insane!” she asked in surprise.


  “Don’t back out on me now, Pretty,” River said with a wicked grin.

  All she could do was stare. If she’d known this was what he’d had in mind, she never would have come.

  Seriously, was he insane?

  “Here, you wear this,” he said, shoving his helmet into her hands. “I’ll be fine until we get to my place so I can grab the other one.”

  They were standing in front of his motorcycle, no—scratch that—crotch-rocket. Emphasis on rocket. The thing looked like it was ready to shoot off into space; all sleek, black lines.

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m getting on that thing,” she said, pushing the helmet back toward him.

  “What? Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  “Somewhere that isn’t in the ICU at a hospital, thank you very much,” she said laughing.

  “Oh Bonita, you never have to worry with me.” He came closer, “I’ll keep you safe.”

  “All the same,” she said, backing up a bit, lest he get ideas. “I think I’ll head back to the library.”

  She began to turn back and he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t you ever want to escape the norm? Try something new?” he asked with sincerity. “Come with me, I promise it will be worth it. I also promise
not to try anything.”

  He was right, this was a new experience. And after all, she had come to New York to experience new things, to Live!

  “Okay,” she found herself saying.

  He grinned.

  “Great, so a few ground rules. Number one, sorry, but you’re going to have to hold on to me.” He grinned even more. “But don’t worry, you don’t have to hold on too tight, in fact it’s better if you don’t.”

  Bonita just rolled her eyes with a creeping smile.

  “Number two, you have to follow my lead. When I lean, your urge is going to be to go the opposite direction. That’s something you should be used to by now.” He grinned at her again and this time she actually gave him a small laugh and a slight punch in the arm.

  He got serious again, getting closer to her, his eyes piercing hers. “But really, where I go, you go. I lean left, you stay right with me, okay?”

  She returned the serious expression and nodded.

  “Third, wear the helmet.” He pushed it toward her, but she didn’t take hold of it.

  “Here,” she said, pushing it back at him.

  He gave her an immediate look of protest.

  “My hair,” she said, by way of explanation.

  She reached up to grab the hair tie holding her mass of curls in place and pulled it out. She raked a finger through the tight, curly ringlets to actually get them to fall out of place and then shook her head violently just for good measure. When she was done, she found River staring at her with something akin to awe.

  “What?” she asked, prepared for some annoying comment or question about her hair. “I got sick of flat-ironing it all the time.”

  “It’s spectacular,” he whispered. Then in a normal voice, “You should always wear it like that.”

  She found herself getting self-conscious so she plucked the helmet from his hands and brought it down over her head. River obviously had a big head—insert smart-ass comment—because it actually fit quite comfortably even with the thickness of her hair. She stared at him through the clear face-shield and then put her hand on her hips waiting.

  He shook his head as though coming out of a day dream. “Here, put my back pack on your back until we get to my place.”

  She took the bag and put her arms through the straps as he got on the bike. She smiled behind the safety of her helmet as she watched his ass work underneath his jeans.

  Once River was situated, Bonita awkwardly got on behind him, it being her first time ever riding on the back of a bike. River was patient, letting her get comfortable before righting the bike and starting it up.

  She instinctively grabbed him, her thighs clenching tight.

  He just laughed. “As much as I am enjoying this, you’re gonna have to loosen up, Pretty.”

  She stuck her tongue out at his back, but loosened her grip.

  Then they were off. He started off slowly, then increased speed. This late at night on a weekday, even in New York City, the streets weren’t too crowded.

  This isn’t so bad, fun even.

  Her legs eased around his narrow hips. Her hands rested along his sides, feeling the muscles that broadened into his back underneath the hoodie. The vibration of the bike underneath her was intense and only helped lead her mind down a path it shouldn’t have gone.

  She was almost sorry when they arrived at his place a few short minutes later.

  He cut the engine and kicked the stand out to lean it so she could get off. She shrugged out of his backpack and handed it to him. Then, she pulled off the helmet, breathing in the night air.

  “You’re welcome to come up if you want?” he said with an inviting wriggle of the eyebrows.

  “So much for not trying anything,” she retorted with a sarcastic grin.

  He gave her a buzzkill look and turned to go into his apartment. All the same, he shot back over his shoulder, “Your loss!”

  Once he was inside, she gave a small laugh. She had to admire his tenacity. She turned to look at the bike. It looked like a wasp, full of speed and danger. A ripple of excitement ran through her at what was to come.

  He was back quicker than expected. He gave her a Casanova grin. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” she said, giving him a smile.

  He put his helmet on and got on, and she followed suit. Once again they were off. River made a myriad of turns, obviously having an idea of where he wanted to go. With each turn she fought the urge to oppose his movement, and eventually gave into it, following his lead like he had instructed.

  They weren’t even going that fast yet, with River doing quick little bouts on empty stretches of street only to stop at a light or stop sign.

  Eventually she saw the water of the Hudson River ahead, New Jersey lit up on the other side against the night sky. River turned on the Henry Hudson Parkway.

  That was when the fun started.

  He rocketed forward and, despite his instructions, she immediately gripped him harder. She heard him laughing over the roar of the engine.

  It was terrifying and thrilling.

  The wind rushed by them and even beneath the helmet it was an invigorating feeling. Her hands felt the ripple of his muscles as he shifted to change lanes or rev the engine.

  She was suddenly hyper-aware of the fact that his body rested between her legs, which were spread open to accommodate him. Her hands wandered over the sides of his body, feeling the unyielding hardness underneath.

  She had the wicked thought that, if he’d been turned the other way around, this would be the exact position for having sex.

  It turned her on even more.

  The bike vibrated mercilessly underneath her open legs, creating sensations that couldn’t be matched by even the most powerful vibrator. Bonita wasn’t so saintly that she’d never gone down that road.

  Almost against her will, her body slid forward, enveloping his even more. Her breasts met the hard muscles of his back underneath his hoodie and a jolt of pleasure went through them, causing her nipples to harden painfully.

  Like the rhythmic motions of sex, or so she imagined, the bike rocked their bodies, hers following his as a single unit. She bit her lip to keep from moaning.

  Her body pressed closer against his.

  There was no objection when her hands crawled around his waist, flattening the palms against his hard abs. She focused all her senses on his body enveloped by hers as she watched the river fly by.

  Eventually they entered a tunnel. She wasn’t familiar enough with New York to know what the name was, but she had caught a brief, magnificent glimpse of the Freedom Tower before they entered, telling her they had reached the bottom of Manhattan.

  The lights of the tunnel flew by, creating a strobe light effect that only heightened the intensity of what she was experiencing. Violent pulses went through her body as the bike growled beneath her. The combination of River’s body, the roar of the bike, the flashing lights, and her own deviant thoughts finally culminated in cry of ecstasy.

  Her only hope was that he hadn’t heard it.

  Just as quickly they flew out of the tunnel and she saw Brooklyn on the other side of the East River as they made their way back up the other side of the island. She focused on the lights rippling against the water as she recovered, breathing hard against his back.

  Now that she was on the downswing, she came to her senses. The bike was an obvious metaphor for what any relationship with River would be like. Fast, heady, intense…and dangerous.

  Was that what she wanted?

  Bonita decided to focus on enjoying the ride, ignoring the mixed emotions running through her. She laughed with abandon as the lights of Brooklyn reflected off the rippling water of the East River. She felt River’s body shake with laughter as he joined her.

  He let out a loud whoop that she could hear even over the roar of the engine. She let out a howl of her own, laughing again as it escaped her lips.

  They sped along the FDR heading north. Bonita found herself not wanting it to end, but t
hen she remembered the stack of books waiting for her back in the library.

  She sagged into her seat as he made a turn to head back to the university. As if sensing her growing disappointment, he made the final stretches exciting, accelerating and slowing down playfully. Laughter once again erupted from her as her body jolted forward and backward.

  Then they were back at the street nearest the library. She was still breathing heavily as she jumped off. River turned off the engine.

  Her body felt like jelly and she wriggled it, bouncing up and down like someone warming up for a long run. She watched River easily swing his long legs over the seat and pull his helmet off.

  She pulled hers off with shaky hands. The giggles escaped into the air once her head was free. She shook out her hair and beamed up at him.

  “That was amazing!” she squealed.

  He stared down at her with a smile. The next moment his lips were on hers.


  River wouldn’t lie to himself the way many people do when they lie awake at night second-guessing themselves; he knew exactly why he did it.

  It was her gorgeous face glowing with excitement.

  It was the laughter in her voice.

  It was the tiny curls flying around her head like a sexy halo.

  It was her chest heaving up and down as the rush subsided.

  It was her.

  He wanted to kiss her more than anything in the world.

  So he did.

  At first it was perfect. Her lips felt exactly the way he imagined they would that first day when he saw her in the bookstore. They were soft and pliant, allowing his to sink into them like a sensual embrace.

  They weren’t the kind of lips that would provide access to the wonderland that lay beyond so easily, but he had fun finding the right combination to unlock them.

  A moan escaped her lips replacing the initial squeak of surprise. He felt her hands slide up his arms, holding on tightly as though they were life preservers keeping her from sinking into the ground.

  One hand went to cup her cheek, his thumb stroking it with reassuring caresses. His other hand went around her back, gently drawing her closer.


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