Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 5

by Allie Ritch

  Onscreen, Quinn’s eyes widened briefly before he chuckled. “That’ll be great. We’ll put you down for Tuesday night, then.”

  With a few parting words, he disconnected.

  “Quite a show, huh?” Varion teased her.

  “I live to entertain.” She winked and dropped the sheet.

  Chapter 4

  Special Skills

  It was Sunday night before Benni saw Varion again. Despite putting on a full-length show with Mumble-Peg and having to wash and groom the puffing equinoid afterward, she felt surprisingly energetic when she got home. She was curious to find out what Varion had in store for her, especially since this was the first time he’d ever picked her up at her place. All he’d said when he’d called was that he wanted to try something different. He’d also asked her to dress up special for him—something “formal and sexy.”

  Following his instructions, Benni put on her nicest black dress, a modestly short number with a single shoulder strap holding it up. To finish it off, she added a few pieces of jewelry. The Flexian diamothysts sparkled with an array of colors as they lay in cool spirals against her collarbone. The matching armbands fit snuggly just above her elbows. She even managed to slick on some lip gloss before Varion logged in at her apartment door.

  Anticipation made Benni smile as she went to open up. Seeing him change looks was like being given a new present. She couldn’t wait to see what face he showed her tonight.

  But when she swung open the door, the countenance that greeted her was a familiar one—the same one he’d worn the other morning. Although his rich brown hair, dusky skin, and dark eyes were definitely compelling, this was the first time she’d ever seen him repeat himself.

  “Don’t tell me you ran out of ideas,” she said.

  He looked amused. “Everything else was in the laundry.”

  Expecting him to change at any second, Benni just stared at him for a long moment without saying anything.

  He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t like it?”

  “No, it’s fine.” She quickly tried to reassure him. “What’s not to like? You’ve just got me so spoiled I keep waiting for the shift. I feel like a kid begging for a magic trick.”

  Varion shrugged, but the movement looked a bit stiff beneath his suit. He’d obviously dressed up for the evening too.

  “I thought I’d stick with this look for a little bit. I’ve got us dinner reservations uptown, and I even borrowed a buddy’s car so I can drive us there.”

  “Wow.” Benni accepted his arm as he led her out of her apartment and down to the street below. “What’s the special occasion? Oh, did you complete your mission?”


  “With that Gor fellow?”

  “No, nothing like that,” he said. “I just thought we’d try a more traditional date.”

  “Why?” After all their other adventures, “traditional” sounded kind of dull to her. Benni had never been much for following the norm.

  Varion gave her hip a friendly bump. “Come on. It’s one of the few things we haven’t tried together yet.”

  That made her laugh. He was right. Besides, she was too hungry to complain. As long as he took her somewhere with good food, she’d be happy.

  Thirty minutes later, they found themselves seated in a plush booth with a linen-covered table. It was an intimate setting with her and Varion tucked close together, but the formality of the place struck Benni as vaguely sterile. She ordered a vegetable mash and Trilanta strip steak, which turned out to be pretty good. She hadn’t a clue what some of the platters on the other tables held. Some of the entrees were all eyes and legs and claws with weird edible sculptures towering over them. No one talked above a murmur, so the sound of chewing and the clatter of silverware seemed overly loud.

  “Sooo…” She flinched when another diner cracked open the shell of something blue with orange spots. What the hell were those things, anyway?

  “So,” Varion echoed. His smile was strained as the cracking noise was repeated. “Uh, how was the show tonight? Everything go all right?”

  “Yeah. The kids really love the somersaults, and Mumble-Peg preens under all that attention. It went well.” She searched for something interesting to add and suddenly felt ridiculous. Huffing out a sigh, she set down her fork. “Varion, what are we doing here?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Benni threw her arms wide. “Since when do you dress in a suit and like stuffy, upscale restaurants? Or does this have to do with your work as Rion Nach? Am I part of your cover tonight or something?”

  “What?” He shook his head emphatically. “No, nothing like that.”

  “Then why here? You’re usually all fun and excitement. This is so—”

  “Boring?” His shoulders slumped, but his crooked grin held more amusement than disappointment. “It is, isn’t it? Maybe if we had a whole group of friends with us and a lot of alcohol … nah, it would still be a morgue in here.”

  Another loud crack sounded off to their right, making her snicker. “So what happened between yesterday morning and tonight that made you think this was a good idea?”

  “Mostly I got to thinking.” He made it sound like a confession. “This past week, I realized how much I don’t know about you. We always have a blast together, but we don’t exactly do much talking, if you know what I mean.”

  Tickled and more than a little flattered, Benni smiled at him. “You want to communicate more? I thought that was the girl’s line.”

  “What a disgustingly sexist thing to say,” he retorted. “I ought to scratch your eyes out.”

  She laughed. “Does pillow talk count? Dirty talk?”

  His eyes danced merrily, and she was happy to see him finally loosen up and lounge back in his seat. “It depends. What kind of dirty talk?”

  “You want me to demonstrate now? Really, darling, we don’t want to upset the other diners. We might give them indigestion.”

  “Or an embolism,” he added, but his expression turned considering. “We both think this whole scene is boring anyway. Why don’t we make things more interesting? Spice things up?”

  Her blood heated beneath the sudden intensity of his gaze. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Are you wearing panties?” Still leaning back into the deep cushions of his seat, he shot her a naughty grin.

  “Lacy nothings,” she answered, which made him laugh.

  “Give them to me.”

  Benni arched one eyebrow in challenge, but she felt said panties grow damp beneath her. Now this was a good time. Of course, she had to toy with him a little.

  “Give you my panties? That’s not the most original suggestion. I’ve read a few variations on this scene, and I think it was in a movie once.”

  “Some ideas are timeless,” he said. “Exactly what have you been reading, though?”

  “The kind of thing that’s even more fun to read aloud.”

  He chuckled. “So how about it? Are you going to hand over that scrap of lace? I bet you’ve got it nice and wet for me.”

  Although she wasn’t one to blush, she felt her cheeks grow warmer thanks to his remark. He had her pegged.

  Very slowly, using the tablecloth for cover, Benni slid her hand down to her knee and then up the outside of her bare thigh beneath her dress. Her gaze never left Varion’s as she hooked her thumb in the waistband of her underwear and began to tug it over the curve of her bottom. A slight shift of her weight later and the fabric was coasting its way down her legs, over her knees, and all the way to the floor. She left it looped around one ankle so all she had to do was cross her legs to pluck the garment off her raised shoe.

  Leaning closer as if she had something important to tell him, Benni slipped her balled-up panties into Varion’s palm. Although he tried to play it cool, she watched his pupils dilate and his breathing quicken. She wondered if he could smell her arousal on them. With a casual sweep of his hand, he stuffed her underwear into his jacket pocket.

p; “What about you?” she asked.


  “I expect a fair exchange. What are you going to do to entertain me?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Unless you have a molecular transporter in your purse, it would be impossible for me to get my underwear off while wearing pants. Besides, I’m not wearing any undergarments.”

  Feeling delightfully wicked, she licked her lips. “Then take yourself out.”

  His eyes widened.

  “Your napkin covers your lap. Take that big, beautiful cock out of your pants.” She deliberately lowered her voice and used his own tactic against him. “I bet you’ve got it nice and hard for me.”

  Beneath her bra, her nipples tightened, and her heart beat in a lusty cadence as she watched him. After a brief moment of hesitation, he dropped his hand beneath the table. It was a good thing he’d chosen an olive complexion because she was sure he grew flushed by the time he shifted his weight and sprang his erection. Although he arranged the white linen napkin to disguise the enormous bulge beneath it, she could see that fine tent pole sticking up.

  Reaching for her drink, she took a quick sip to wet her tongue. When she spoke, her voice sounded rough and sultry.

  “I don’t know why you thought this place was boring. I’m looking forward to dessert.”

  Never breaking eye contact, Varion had the nerve to wave over one of the waiters. The formally dressed man hurried to their table.

  “We’d like to order dessert now,” Varion told him. “I believe the lady is in the mood for something special tonight.”

  The uptight waiter didn’t catch the byplay, or if he did, he ignored it. “Of course, sir. The specials tonight are…”

  Benni barely heard the man as he rattled off their choices. Concealed only by the thin material of her dress, her sex was in full bloom, swollen and pouting thanks to her Multan’s game. Only her competitive streak and the lure of the forbidden had her drawing this out instead of hauling him to the nearest closet or bathroom for relief.

  Selecting the first thing that sounded good, she ordered her dessert and shifted so that her skirt rode up a few inches higher on her thighs. She swore Varion’s nostrils flared as he glanced down at her bared skin.

  “And for you, sir?” the waiter asked him.

  “Just coffee,” he answered. “I need something to help me stay up the rest of the night.”

  Oblivious to the double entendre, the man hurried off to fetch it for him.


  She was killing him. Varion sipped his coffee like he hadn’t a care in the world, while Benni ate her dessert with only a few unnecessary licks of her spoon. But beneath the surface, the tension was unbearable. Moisture beaded on the tip of his cock only to be absorbed by the thick linen draped over it. The material was just rough enough that it rasped his sensitive glans whenever he drew a deep breath.

  It took an eternity for them to finish and get the bill, and then Varion struggled to wrangle his dick back into his pants before they got up. As it was, he had to keep Benni in front of him the whole way to the door to shield his raging erection from the public. By some miracle, they made it to their vehicle. He held the door for her before sprinting to the driver’s side.

  The moment he closed the door, feminine fingers slid over his thigh and kneaded his muscles. Desire exploded, his head turned, and then they were devouring each other.

  “Here,” Benni demanded between kisses. “Now.”

  He had only a split second of sanity to take stock. The windows were tinted, they weren’t in the direct line of any of the security lights, and no one else was out here at the moment. They’d have to be fast, but—

  “Come here.” Catching her under her arms, he dragged her over his lap and ravaged her mouth.

  As she kissed him, she let her clever little fingers tiptoe down his chest. Wedging her hand between their bodies, she opened his pants again. The moment she broke the seal, his erection burst free, twice as ferocious as before. He groaned in pleasure and felt his cock lurch when she clasped him.

  Benni spread her legs and shifted to straddle his lap.

  “Ow,” she hissed.


  “The steering column is jamming into my back.”

  Varion grumbled. Reluctantly abandoning her lips, he spun her around so that she was sitting on top of him with her back to his chest. He reached down to fist the hem of her dress and hike it up to her waist. The moment he tried to lift her, though, her knees hit the underside of the control panel and his elbow whacked the door. They both muttered curses.

  “This isn’t going to work,” she complained.

  “Hang on.” Inspiration struck.

  With the punch of a few buttons, he sent the driver’s seat sliding back as far as it would go. This still didn’t leave Benni much room, but he knew his little Flexian was limber.

  “Cross your legs,” he told her. “Lotus position.”

  She must have been as randy and desperate as he was because she complied instantly. In seconds, she had her legs folded to the sides instead of in front of her.

  “Just like that.” He gripped her waist.

  She was so tiny she weighed practically nothing, and he’d left himself plenty of leverage. Lifting her straight up, he positioned her over his rigid staff and searched out the right slot. Her cream led him directly to it, and then he was sinking into molten honey as he lowered her over his cock. Their combined moans filled the compact space.

  Benni whimpered. “It’s good. Hurry.”

  No need to tell him twice. After lifting her up again, he thrust his hips and yanked her down onto his dick with a quick bucking motion. It worked beautifully. Nothing hampered them, so he did it again. With his hands clasped around her waist, he stroked her up and down his erection like a satin glove, pumping her over him faster and faster in the same shattering rhythm he used to masturbate. It felt unbelievable.

  All thoughts of fancy dinners and playing the gentleman fell far behind, along with whatever concerns he harbored about her reaction to his looks. Instead, everything was reduced to the simplest formula: one peg, one hole, and a hell of a lot of pleasure. His orgasm curdled in his balls and rushed to the base of his cock, ready to boil over at any second.

  Three strokes later, he reached critical mass. Benni keened and threw her head back over his shoulder, and he felt her sheath ripple and clamp down on his shaft. All the sensations in his body coalesced between his legs and launched out of his dick in a hot rush.

  Suspended in climax, Varion didn’t know how much time passed before he forced his hands to let go of her tiny waist. Still breathing hard, he kissed Benni’s nape and helped shift her back over to the passenger side. Her pale skin looked deliciously flushed.

  “That was incredible,” she said. “I’ve tried a lot of positions in my life, but I have to admit that was a new one. You are some kind of strong.”

  Pride had him puffing out his chest even as he slipped his deflated penis back in his pants.

  “If you liked that, just wait until I get you home.” He knew she’d have him hard again in no time. “I have plans for you tonight.”


  Activating the vehicle, he pulled out and headed for his loft. Desire still hummed through his veins, making him flash an arrogant smile as he drove.

  “One word for you,” he announced. “Piledriver.”

  She didn’t say anything, but he heard her breathing quicken.


  This was what Benni loved about Varion. Nothing, certainly not dating or sex, was ever boring with him because she never knew what to expect. She was also left wondering when he was going to change his appearance again. So far, he was still playing the fallen angel—the longest she’d ever seen him hold a single form.

  When they reached his doorstep, she ran her fingers through his dark curls while he unlocked the door. “Who’s going to do wicked, kinky things to me tonight? This pretty boy with silky hair?”

>   His frown was unexpected. “Me,” he answered seriously. “Always me: Varion.”

  Uncertain of his mood, she returned a quick nod. “Of course.”

  She’d only meant it flirtatiously. Did he think she was sleeping with other men? Once they’d gone exclusive, that was it for her. Usually her Multan was all the variety she needed, and Benni was a woman of her word. So if he felt like wearing his new favorite face tonight, that was fine. She just didn’t understand the sudden change—or lack thereof.

  “Is this your real face?” It suddenly occurred to her that maybe that’s why he liked it.

  “Real face?”

  “The one you were born with,” she said. “I know you Multans can change your outward features from birth, but you must pop out wearing a first look. Is this the grown-up version of how you looked when you were born?”

  He let her enter the apartment first and followed her in. “It doesn’t exactly work like that. Multan babies are born with slack features until they build up enough muscle control to arrange and rearrange their appearance. So we never do have a particular face. As for skin tone, we mimic whatever coloring our mother happens to be wearing when we come out of her.”

  “Really?” That was interesting. “So what skin tone was your mother wearing?”

  Taking her hand, he shot her a small smile before leading her upstairs. “She wouldn’t say. Actually, most parents won’t. On Multa, nobody gives it any thought since we all change constantly, and the physical traits other races use to identify people aren’t important to us. Off the home planet, the majority of Multan parents don’t want to tell their kid what color they started out. They don’t want their child identifying with one particular race or way of being.”

  Leading her over to his bed, he pulled her close and nuzzled her neck.

  “So you see,” he added while he unsealed her dress. “All my faces belong to me. I’m all you get.”

  “You’re what I want.” She was surprised he hadn’t figured that out by now.

  With her hands trapped between them, Benni began undoing his shirt and was rewarded with his hot skin beneath her palms. Lowering her head, she tongued one of his flat nipples, which was currently an enticing cocoa color. Rewarded by the groan that rumbled out of his broad chest, she smiled as she tasted a hint of salt from their sweaty exertions in the car.


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