Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 8

by Allie Ritch

  “Varion.” She used his name like a plea.

  His eyes slanted, his cheekbones appeared to rise higher, and his skin warmed to molten gold. On the next circle, he ground down, smashing her aching clit with the base of his cock. Orgasm blasted through Benni in a series of detonations, making her claw his back and snarl like an animal. The intensity of the pleasure was so beyond anything she’d ever felt she wasn’t even sure it was physical anymore. She’d left her body, and this rapture was some kind of heavenly realm where people could climax forever.

  On reflex, she tried to lift her legs to cradle him and squeeze his hips, but Varion wouldn’t allow it. Still pinning her knees, he held her still while he continued tracing rings around the insides of her O’s. A tear escaped the corner of her eye as he dragged out the last one. When she cleared her vision, she was gazing at a green-eyed white man with curly orange hair and lots of freckles.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” she told him breathlessly.

  Flexing his hips, he dug his massive erection a little deeper, reminding her that he was still waiting for his turn. “Do your worst.”

  With a shove, Benni urged him to sit back so that she could straddle his lap. They managed the move without dislodging his shaft, although it bobbed and slid around inside her, setting off delicious aftershocks in her hypersensitive channel.

  Keeping her weight on her knees, she propped herself up with her hands on his legs behind her. Although she’d never attempted what she had in mind, both her competitive streak and her lust urged her to try. With one last look at her lover, now a light chocolate man with silver hair and eyes, she began to bend backward.


  Varion didn’t know what to expect when Benni straddled him, but he didn’t have the brainpower to figure it out. Her delicious sheath felt like some kind of constrictor swallowing his dick whole, and he didn’t know how much longer before he shot his wad and died inside her. If she kept contracting with aftershocks, that could be any second now.

  As she curved backward, the cushion of vaginal tissue pressing against the underside of his cock felt like it would smother his glans. Then the front and back wall of her pussy seemed to pinch together, mashing his erection in the middle. His breath, already soughing out of him, began to sound like a wheeze as he fought to hold on.

  Nearly delirious, Varion watched Benni’s head disappear from sight, followed by the tips of her breasts. He liked looking at her dual-colored nipples, but he didn’t have time to mourn their loss. Just then, something soft brushed against the insides of his thighs, making him jolt.

  “Oh, gods,” one of his classmates muttered.

  Hot breath puffed over his testicles, and Varion echoed that sentiment at twice the volume. Somehow his Flexian had formed a perfect loop, cramming her head beneath her backside far enough to get her mouth on him. Wet heat engulfed his sac, and then she was sucking and licking his balls while still holding a full two-thirds of his dick inside her sex.

  His eyes just about crossed. He dug into her in short, uncontrolled jabs while an image of her played over and over again in his mind. Except, no, it wasn’t just in his mind. It was there in vibrant color on the screen over his head. He’d found the only woman in existence who could give him intercourse and a blow job simultaneously. It was just so … so…

  “So good.” He moaned like he was dying.

  She knew just how to suck him deep and then pop him free, how to tickle his sac with the tip of her tongue and then catch his root with a quick lick. It was too much. It was so perfect.

  His cock gave a hard lurch as if he’d just switched from thrusters to hyperdrive, and then he was blasting off for the stars. Varion seized in pleasure beneath her, ejaculating so deeply he was sure she had to feel the pump of his seed beneath her tongue. His balls ached from the force and pressure. When she continued to lick and suck, the sensation was so kinky and wonderful he was helpless not to come again. He spewed out another half dozen pulses of cum like his cock was hemorrhaging inside her.

  A millennium later, she straightened, licked her lips, and sprawled over his chest. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  His arms shook so badly he had to grab on to his wrists to keep them wrapped around her.

  “Uh, yeah.” Xindra sounded strained. “Wow. So that’s interracial sex at its best. Thanks for sharing that, you two.”

  Although he couldn’t have said why, her thanks made Varion laugh. He’d just experienced the most incredible climax of his life, and someone else was thanking him. Right now, he was the only one who should be feeling grateful. After almost blowing it and losing the woman of his dreams, he’d somehow saved the day and won the girl in time to experience this.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” he asked Benni.

  Resting her chin on his sternum, she gazed up at him. “I made it up. It occurred to me some time ago, but I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.”

  “Yeah?” He still couldn’t catch his breath. “Do you have anything else saved up?”

  Her flirtatious grin was all the answer he needed.

  Yes, sir. Varion was a very grateful man.

  Part Two

  Zeo and Pixie

  Chapter 7

  Untamed and Untried

  Leaving the Sex Ed demonstration she’d just witnessed, Pixie was pretty sure she was still goggling. Although she knew Varion and Benni through class, she’d never realized they could do those things with their bodies. Benni’s contortions especially weirded her out. Was that what men wanted in bed? Women who could get into all those poses and knew how to do kinky stuff with their mouths?

  Glancing at the silent male keeping pace at her side, Pixie blushed. Zeo had started walking her home the second week of class, and it had become a sort of ritual ever since. At first, he’d scared her. His roughly hewn features and closely cropped dark hair made him look tough, almost predatory, and his brown eyes fixed on her so intently she squirmed. Although she was average height for a New Earthling, his compact, muscular frame made her feel petite. In reality, he was only a couple inches taller than she was, but his upper arms were as big around as her thighs.

  Amazingly, since he’d started escorting her home, she’d slowly gotten used to his presence. Oh, he still made her nervous, but she felt very safe with him. She’d only recently graduated and moved out of her dorm room, and at night Trilanta could be as intimidating as it was beautiful. With Zeo around, though, nobody was going to mess with her on the street. They wouldn’t dare.

  So her nerves had nothing to do with fear for her safety. He was just so very male. Zeo made her very aware of herself as a woman, and she wasn’t sure how to handle the feeling.

  At least it helped that he was a quiet man. Zeo had spent the first couple of walks with her not uttering a word until she’d finally gotten up the courage to talk to him. When she had, he’d responded in that low, gravelly voice of his that secretly made her body heat up inside.

  Seven weeks ago, he’d begun brushing up against her and even holding her hand. Then the next week, he’d stopped when they got to the front of her building and turned her into his arms. Her heart had pounded so hard she’d thought it would leap right out of her chest, fueled by equal parts fear and excitement. He’d stroked his strong hands over her back, giving her shivers, and angled his head toward her. She’d expected a good night kiss. Instead, he’d buried his nose behind her ear and drawn a deep, audible breath. Then he’d nuzzled her cheek and the corner of her mouth before walking away.

  In the weeks that followed, that caress had matured into little nibbles, then a closed-mouth kiss, and finally Pixie’s first real kiss. The taste of him had flooded her body and made her yearn for things she’d rarely let herself think about. For such a large, intimidating man, he’d been remarkably gentle with her, and his lips had felt so soft and tender. It had been everything she’d ever dreamed a romantic kiss could be.

  At class, Zeo was always pushing her: to ex
plore, to be bolder, to shed her shyness. He had her doing things she never thought she could do. Pixie soon discovered he was the same way whenever they reached her home, except there weren’t any witnesses there. Just last week, he’d…

  Oh, she was still so embarrassed when she thought about what he’d done—embarrassed and turned on. They’d just gotten through a tame lecture about Litting anatomy with her classmate, Spri, as the model. There hadn’t been a sex demonstration because—as Pixie had learned—the Litting race regarded making love as a sacred act, one that was tantamount to marriage vows. Compared to some of their other classes, the lesson on Littings had been uneventful, yet Pixie had felt keyed up after she’d left.

  Instead of falling comfortably into their usual walk, she’d felt especially awkward with Zeo the whole way home. His body heat had almost scalded her where his shoulder brushed hers, affecting her more powerfully with every touch. After only a few blocks, she’d been ashamed of how slick she’d grown between her legs. Every step had made her leak more moisture until her nether lips had slid back and forth against each other. At last, they’d reached her apartment.

  Braced for his usual parting kiss, she’d gasped in shock when Zeo had instead pulled her into the shadows of her building’s entrance and pressed her against the wall. His mouth had descended on hers with nearly brutal force, so aggressive she’d realized how much he’d been holding back with her before. Rather than frightening her, though, his strength and hunger had inflamed her own cravings. She’d always been timid—an overprotected scaredy-cat—but despite her inexperience, she’d kissed him back with equal enthusiasm.

  She hadn’t even stopped when he’d shifted his leg between hers, although she’d squeaked when he’d pushed up so that her slit rode his thigh. His ravaging mouth had silenced her objections while the pressure on her groin had sent her senses scattering. When a tiny shockwave of pleasure had raced through her sex, she’d clung to his shoulders and moaned. It wasn’t until he’d cupped her breast through her shirt that her sanity had returned. Yanking back from the kiss, she would have banged her head on the wall if his hand hadn’t suddenly been there to cushion it.

  “I can’t do this,” she’d stuttered, shaking.

  “You can.” That gruff voice of his had been adamant. “Trust your instincts. Let your body do what’s natural.”

  Panic had nearly set in when he’d hooked her leg over his hip and stepped fully between her thighs. His erection had felt huge, even through his well-worn jeans, and it had docked against her like a space freighter in its slip. If she hadn’t already seen and felt penises in their Sex Ed class, she might have fainted.

  Before she’d had a chance to shy away, Zeo had shifted his hips, rubbing that hard bulge along the seam of her pants between her legs. The friction had made her whimper, especially when he’d ground over her aching clit. Always pushing her that little bit more, he’d kissed her again and continued the motion in a humping rhythm that grew faster and faster while he fondled her sensitized breast.

  Within seconds, Pixie had unconsciously started thrusting her hips back at him while an alien sensation had wound tightly through her lower belly.

  She’d gasped for air. “Zeo, I feel … I think I’m going to—”

  “Yes.” He’d grunted against her lips.

  That one word of praise, accompanied by the hot look in his piercing eyes, had been her undoing. Her first orgasm—for that’s what it must have been—had crashed through her, making her shatter from the inside out. Consuming, mindless pleasure had overwhelmed her. She’d arched her back and seconds later heard Zeo’s beastly growl as he’d bucked against her.

  Pixie had been left shaking, unable to stand without the support of the wall behind her and the solid strength of his arms holding her up. When he’d stepped back, she’d glanced down to see a damp spot staining the front of his pants. The sight had made her moan. She’d done that to him. Her—shy, boring little Pixie. It should have embarrassed her, but instead she’d felt powerful.

  He’d scooped her up in his arms and cradled her close, and instead of protesting, she’d let him into her apartment. The last thing she remembered was him tucking her into bed and kissing her forehead. Her apartment had been empty the next morning, but her kitchen had been stocked with tons of fresh vegetables and prime cuts of meat. Zeo had obviously gone grocery shopping for her, but why? What did it mean when a man bought you steaks? Considering how primal his race seemed to be, she wondered if this was the Nimanian equivalent of buying a woman flowers and jewelry. She just wished she had more experience with these sorts of things.

  Now here they were again, her feeling anxious yet strangely excited and him walking silently beside her with effortless stealth and rippling muscles. Would he do the same thing to her tonight, or would he push for more? She still hadn’t decided if she was ready to try more, but she sure wished she knew what his expectations were. As afraid as she was that he’d want too much from her, Pixie was equally terrified of disappointing him.

  “Wh-what did you think of tonight’s class?” She couldn’t take the silence anymore, and they were only a couple of blocks away from her home.

  Zeo turned his head to look at her with that unnerving focus he had. “It was a good mating for the Multan and Flexian. They both came very hard.”

  Pixie didn’t need to see the fiery blush crawling up her neck to feel its searing heat. As usual, his blunt speaking about sex left her discomfited and, if she admitted it to herself, strangely titillated, too. Nothing ever seemed to embarrass him, and she felt sure he’d always give her a direct, honest answer.

  “All the guys seemed pretty impressed by Benni,” she dared to add.

  She’d seen the captivated look on their faces—on Zeo’s face—and it made her wonder. Was that what he’d want from a lover?

  He didn’t disagree. “Everyone was rapt. I have never seen such a coupling.”

  “Yeah.” Unable to meet his stare anymore, she looked at the ground in front of her feet.

  So maybe those kinky moves were what he wanted—something Pixie could never give him.

  The touch of his fingers in her hair made her glance up at him again.

  “I would not enjoy such a mating,” he said with confidence.

  Her heart fluttered wildly for a second. “You wouldn’t?”

  He shook his head. “Sex is the greatest physical pleasure in the universe. A complicated mounting position can only be distracting.” Still holding on to a lock of her hair, he rubbed the strands between his fingertips. “When I take you, Pixie, I will arrange your body so that all you know is the thrust of my cock inside you. You will not be distracted.”

  Blood didn’t just rush to her face this time. It flared all over her body, causing her nipples to tighten even as she made a strangled sound in the back of her throat.

  “I never said I’d … I haven’t agreed.” Her hands fluttered helplessly in the air between them. “You can’t just … we’re not going to…”

  The urge to bolt was strong, and she glanced around everywhere but at him. He was just assuming she’d agree to sleep with him, but she hadn’t decided yet. This was all too new. Zeo was the first man to even kiss her, the first to tempt her. No one else had ever been an issue because men didn’t fall for quiet, unassuming Pixie.

  Although she knew she was pretty with her blonde hair and clear skin, she also recognized she wasn’t a stunner. She wore clothes for comfort not fashion, trimmed her nails short, and almost never wore makeup. Most of the time, she kept her head down, so she couldn’t pull off a come-hither look if she tried, let alone lure a male with flirtatious banter. Men didn’t lust after her. They went for confident women like Katra’Ruma or fun girls like Benni. Nobody had ever wanted her before.

  “Shsh.” He rubbed her back. “Easy, kitten.”

  “You assume a lot,” she finally managed to get out.

  One of his rare smiles curved the corners of his lips. “Your body tells me a lot. Arous
al coats you like perfume.”

  With a quick step, he crossed in front of her and stopped so abruptly she nearly collided with him. Her breasts wound up only an inch from the wall of his chest—less than an inch every time she drew a deep breath. Looking around, she realized they were in front of her building. He had her so flustered she’d nearly walked right past it.

  His hot breath hit her ear as he leaned closer. “Listen to your body. Let me show you what it can do.”

  He buried his face in her neck and drew a deep breath. The touch of his lips against her pulse point made her shiver as much as his words did. She was pretty sure he was asking her to invite him up.

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I’ve never—”

  He ran one broad hand up the length of her spine. “I know you’re a virgin. I will not breach you with my cock. Our mating will come later. Tonight, we play.” His tongue flicked out to moisten her skin, maybe to taste her. “Nimanian men play with their females.”

  Although her heart was beating frantically, Pixie didn’t balk like she thought she would. If he’d been any other guy, she might have thought he was just saying whatever it took to get upstairs, but she trusted Zeo. If he said he wouldn’t … well … breach her, then he wouldn’t. Despite how nervous he sometimes made her, she trusted him with her body.

  “Just play?” She gulped. “Nothing more?”

  Was she really going to do this? Some other woman must have hijacked her body because this definitely wasn’t her.

  “You have my word,” he whispered.

  Quaking like a frightened bunny rabbit, she nodded her head and fumbled for her keycard. The card got them into the building, but she had to scan her thumbprint to access her unit on the second floor. Her father had insisted on the extra precaution when she’d graduated and moved off campus.


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