Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 11

by Allie Ritch

  Pixie’s breathing quickened when he tugged off her T-shirt, and her first impulse was to bat his hands away. Ignoring her half-hearted resistance, he tossed the fabric onto the floor and sent her bra flying after it. To keep her from fleeing, he slid his warm hands up her back to her shoulders.

  He planted a kiss on her shoulder blade. “Let me take care of you.”

  His fingers dug in, causing her to release a moan that was so obscene she felt her cheeks burning. No one had ever given her a massage before. As his fingers flexed and kneaded the sore muscles in her neck and shoulders, she learned why the treatment was so popular.

  Interspersing his ministrations with butterfly kisses, Zeo massaged her back all the way down to her waist before giving each arm the same attention down to her fingertips. Pixie expected to drool any second. Her eyes slid halfway shut, and she turned to soft putty beneath his hands. Even as her body relaxed, though, her breasts grew tighter and fuller, and moist heat settled in her groin.

  She sighed when his fingers played over the tops of her shoulders and rubbed the fronts of her arms. Then he swiped his palms down to capture her breasts.

  “Zeo.” She whimpered, but she wasn’t protesting.

  The feel of him—of anyone—touching her there was still foreign. His calluses rasped her skin and chafed her achy nipples. He squeezed just hard enough to make her gasp. Clutching fistfuls of the cushions on either side of her, Pixie struggled to assimilate all the sensations pounding through her.

  Zeo didn’t give her long to get used to it. Seconds later, she felt one of his hands relinquish her breast, and she watched him glide it down her torso and belly to the top of her shorts. With a quick twist of his fingers, he popped open her fly and slipped his hand beneath her panties. The brush of his fingertips through her curls was a shock that had her struggling to sit up.

  Without a word, he split his legs farther apart, taking hers with them. Pixie was left splayed wide open with his palm cupping her mound. The crotch of her shorts stretched taut over the backs of his knuckles, trapping his hand against her most vulnerable spot. Uncertainty beat at her mind even as her sex rained all over his palm.

  Unable to control her panting, she gasped for air when he slid one long finger between her dewy folds. With his thumb, he began a gentle strum against her clit that made her squirm and mewl, and then there he was. His blunt fingertip found her entrance and boldly pushed inside.

  Although she should have been prepared for it, the penetration still made her flinch. His digit felt like slow-acting acid as he forced it farther inside. Then he pinched her nipple at the exact instant he shoved a second finger in beside it, and she tried to pull away.

  “It burns,” she protested.

  It was the only word she could think of to describe the invasive discomfort. She didn’t like it.

  Instead of pulling out, Zeo nibbled on her neck and flicked his thumb faster. Pleasure rose between her legs, making her forget about the burn, or maybe he’d just transformed it into something good. Pixie was still ultra-aware of his fingers as he started to pump them, but she was distracted by her mounting urgency. She needed more, she needed that friction, in order to … to … ah, gods!

  A yowl escaped her as she convulsed in his arms. Her sheath locked around the solid intrusion of his fingers until she was sure she’d break his knuckles. Having something hard to grip only made her contractions more powerful. Was this what it would feel like to come with a man inside her? With Zeo inside her? Except she’d seen the size of his erection, and it was much larger than his fingers. She had a feeling that meant there’d be more pain and more pleasure. She didn’t know if she could handle either one.

  His kiss against her temple roused her after she’d lain there limply for she didn’t know how long. Zeo removed his hand with a last brush of her damp curls. In one graceful move, he then scooped her up and rose to carry her to her bedroom.

  “What about you?” she mumbled.

  She’d felt the hard bulge against her backside before he’d lifted her. Did he want her to stroke him like she had last night? Pixie knew how now, and she’d kind of like to.

  “Rest, kitten.”

  He set her on the bed and stripped off her gaping shorts before curling his body around hers.

  “That was a gift too,” he murmured. “For my little mate.”

  Those were the last words Pixie heard before she drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Who would have predicted his mate would feel possessive of him already? Zeo had seen the flash of anger in Pixie’s eyes when she’d heard another woman desired him. That reaction gave him hope and made him all the more eager to claim her.

  Returning home the next morning, he walked into the communal office and was pleased to find he had the space to himself. This was the only room on the premises that had a vid screen. Although Nimanians were familiar with and proficient at most forms of technology, they didn’t believe in integrating it into every facet of their daily lives. It was a tool best used in moderation.

  Today, Zeo took advantage of the expediency to call Quinn. The Sex Ed instructor was the only New Earthling aside from Pixie with whom he could claim any kind of acquaintanceship. Not knowing the man’s work hours, Zeo was pleased to catch him at home.

  “This is a surprise,” Quinn responded onscreen. “What can I do for you?”

  Never one to waste time, Zeo got right to the point. “I wish to learn New Earthling mating rituals. Will you teach me?”

  The other man’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “Mating rituals. Okay. Are we talking picking up a girl at a bar or something more serious?”

  “Taking a bride.” Zeo relied on what little he knew of New Earthling ways. They had “brides” or “wives,” not “mates.” “I know the female wears white, and there is a ceremony.”

  “Those are the broad strokes.” Quinn responded with obvious amusement. “Are you serious about this?”

  Zeo nodded.

  “All right.” Quinn scratched the back of his head. “I’ll assume you’ve already picked out a New Earthling you like. Traditionally, the male buys a ring, presents it to the woman, and asks her to marry him. Men have tried to make the ring part optional for over a millennium, but the women won’t let it go. If she says yes, she’ll let you put the ring on her left hand.”

  “A warning to other males.” Zeo liked that.

  Quinn just grinned. “Depending on how big a hurry you’re in, you can then be engaged for hours, days, or for some poor bastards, years. You and your fiancé pick a wedding date. The wedding is the ceremony. At the wedding, the partners exchange vows of love and fidelity, your bride puts a ring on your finger, and you put a ring on hers. Then you’re declared husband and wife and get to kiss.”

  “Two rings for the female?” These New Earthling women were definitely obsessed with jewelry.

  “Yes, and don’t try to skimp,” Quinn warned him. “After a big party with friends and family, you finally get to make love to your wife that night. Someplace private, not in public. Most couples take a vacation for at least a few days if not weeks—what we call the honeymoon.”

  Zeo resisted the urge to rub his head. Must the other races complicate everything?

  “This moon is required?”

  “Expected,” Quinn answered.

  A sigh escaped him. For Nimanians, mating was just another part of life. While they observed certain rituals before and during the mating ceremony, there was nothing beyond it. Newly joined couples went about their usual lives the next morning and learned to adjust to each other over time.

  Pixie would not want this. She would expect a period away before sharing a home with him. While he had no objection to a vacation with her, this honeymoon restricted his timing.

  Zeo worked six weeks on and two weeks off for the family business. They supplied security and background checks as well as other investigative services for both private parties and small to medium businesses. While his cousin
s handled the tech work at the office, he, like his father, handled field work. With his tracking skills, Zeo was especially good at following people, finding missing persons, and occasionally uncovering potential dangers. This week, he’d already been off. That meant next week was all the time he had left to offer Pixie a honeymoon unless he was willing to wait nearly two months. For all his patience, there was no way he’d keep from taking her that long.

  Quinn dragged Zeo back from his thoughts. “Since you called, I was hoping to ask you something.”

  Zeo waited.

  “Xindra and I still haven’t found anyone to model next week. We recognize that you wouldn’t be open to full intercourse, but we’d still like to cover Nimanian sexuality. Are you game?”

  Everything inside Zeo stilled. The man assumed he wouldn’t have sex for the class because publicly mounting a woman was the same as claiming her as his mate. That made him think. The instructors and other students weren’t the same as family, but they qualified as witnesses and, to an extent, trusted friends.

  “Zeo?” Quinn sounded like this wasn’t the first time he’d said his name.

  “Yes,” Zeo answered. “I will model next class. I will discuss the details with you next week.”


  His mind was already cataloguing the people who would be there. Spri had plenty of calm, positive energy, and young Whitt was close to Pixie’s age. Varion and Benni gave off carefree vitality, while Glynn remained steady and serious. Their teachers, Xindra and Quinn, acted very much like the elders of his community as they offered guidance to others and provided a safe environment. Of course, Katra’Ruma and her four-armed lover, Krux, had the benefit of maturity and years of experience. Krux knew how to take a virgin since he’d initiated many untried Brachoi females, and he was undoubtedly strong. In fact, he was one of the only males Zeo felt confident could more than match him physically.

  “I will speak to Krux,” he announced, continuing the thought aloud. “Thank you, Quinn. I will follow your advice and buy a ring.”

  “Ah.” The New Earthling sounded happy for him, if a bit lost. “Good luck with that. We’ll talk again next week.”

  Inclining his head, Zeo disconnected.

  He’d first signed up for the sexual education class out of curiosity. Now he wondered if perhaps it had really been destiny guiding him all along.

  Chapter 9

  The Engagement

  Pixie couldn’t believe how productive she was over the next couple of days. After a good session with Xindra at the gym, she created two more full-sized wall hangings and even lined up a commission through one of the local galleries. Apparently romantic passion could stir her creative juices too.

  Now here she was, strolling through the park on a Friday night, enjoying a starlit walk with Zeo. The moons overhead were bright and nearly full, and the heat of the day had lifted enough to make the temperature cozy and pleasant. Best of all, the city was all lit up, causing the buildings to look clean and sparkly as they rose into the night sky. It was like walking through a dreamland.

  Before she’d signed up for the Sex Ed class, Pixie had been too nervous to stay out long past dark. Now her instructors, especially Xindra, had given her greater confidence on more than one front, and Zeo made her feel safest of all. She knew she’d probably be timid most of her life, but she no longer wanted to let that stop her. If she could attract a fierce, sensual man like Zeo, then anything was possible.

  Slipping her hand in his, Pixie smiled at Zeo and received the full impact of his deep, penetrating gaze.

  “This is nice,” she told him, which was a lame description for something that made her feel all warm and giddy inside.

  In his usual quiet way, he just nodded and squeezed her hand. There was a small bench up ahead, and she followed along as he steered them toward it. When they sat down, he crowded so close his thigh pressed along the full length of hers, heating her to the bone.

  Sure he’d kiss her any moment, Pixie waited in anticipation. Instead of dipping his head, though, Zeo reached into his pocket.

  He brandished a gold ring studded with every color gem she’d ever seen. “Will you marry me, Pixie?”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped. She had to have heard that wrong.

  “Marry me,” he repeated. “It is the New Earthling custom.”

  A hysterical giggle threatened to escape her. She bit it back despite the fact that she continued to gape.

  “You can’t just pop out with that,” she said in a strangled voice. “I mean, you asked without any lead up or anything.”

  His expression turned to one of bemusement. “Is it not called ‘popping the question’?”

  “It’s not supposed to be an ambush!” She felt frantic and excited and confused. Gods, he’d really just asked her to marry him.

  Cupping her cheek, he cradled her face in his palm and forced her to meet his gaze. “We are meant to be together.”

  His voice held such conviction she couldn’t doubt he was sincere. Still…

  “Do you love me?” she asked, wondering where her sanity had gone.


  A breathy laugh escaped her after all. He loved her?

  “Yes? Just yes? You never said so before.”

  He responded with his customary bluntness. “I didn’t know I had to.”

  Maybe he hadn’t. As inexperienced as Pixie was, she could still read the look in his eyes. The way he watched her, the way he treated her, said it all. He did love her, and he wanted to marry her.

  “We haven’t known each other very long,” she pointed out.

  “Long enough.”

  “You haven’t met my parents.”

  “I will.”

  “What about your family?” she asked. “They haven’t met me either.”

  “They will,” he answered. “You are invited to dine at our communal table tomorrow night.”

  Pixie was trembling now, but she wasn’t sure whether she shook from fear or a crazy breed of hope. Was this possible?

  “You want me to meet your family tomorrow night?”

  “I want to put this ring on your finger tonight,” he said gruffly.

  Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. Assuming she didn’t die a spinster, she’d always worried she’d wind up so desperate for a guy she’d say yes to something like this out of fear. But she wasn’t afraid of being alone or of making a mistake now. Zeo was incredible, and he loved her, and she definitely … yes, she definitely loved him too, even though his strength and raw sexuality still startled her sometimes.

  The only thing that frightened her was the leap itself. It was a huge commitment. Big decisions always scared the hell out of her, and this was the biggest choice ever. This was the rest of her life they were talking about. But hadn’t she resolved not to let her fears stop her? Not to let them keep her from what she wanted?

  And she wanted Zeo. He seemed like an impossible dream, but maybe—sappy cliché that it was—he was her dream come true.

  Before she grew too terrified to speak, Pixie cleared her throat and drew a deep breath. Expecting a timid squeak, she was proud and vaguely stunned by the heartfelt “yes” that left her lips.

  “Yes,” she repeated. “I’ll marry you.”

  His answering smile was precious to her, as was the rumble of approval she heard rise from his chest. Somehow her body calmed so that her hand was steady when he slipped the ring on her finger. She expected to feel cold metal, but his hand had heated it.

  Her tears finally spilled over as joy exploded inside her. “I’m engaged! Me!” She flung her arms around his neck, and her voice fell to a reverent murmur. “I’m going to marry you, Zeo.”

  With his usual charm, he said only one word in response. “Good.”

  He followed that proclamation with a kiss so consuming she thought he’d claim her right there. What’s more, she was with him every step of the way.

  It wasn’t until several minutes later, after a code
patrol officer passed them for the second time, that they decided to seek some privacy. Too delirious to be nervous, Pixie grabbed Zeo’s hand and practically ran all the way back to her apartment. The only time she stopped looking at him was when she glanced down to admire her new engagement ring.

  “You are pleased,” he observed when she held it up to the light in her apartment.

  Nodding, she wrapped her arms around him again and hugged him for all she was worth. She was beyond pleased. This was the happiest moment of her life.

  With his face buried in her hair, she felt his breath warm her ear while he held her. A long moment later, he eased her back enough to claim her lips, and then he scooped her off her feet to carry her into the bedroom. Setting her down in the middle of the bed, he kneeled before her and began removing her clothes. Pixie’s pulse raced, and a wash of warm cream dampened her panties with every heartbeat.

  “Just play?” she asked, wanting to be sure.

  “Yes. Undress me.”

  Although she felt her cheeks grow rosy, Pixie experienced nothing but eagerness as she reached for his shirt. It wasn’t hard to tug it over his head, and then she ran her hands over his hot, muscular chest. All that bare skin invited her to linger, so she grew bolder. Leaning forward, she planted a chaste kiss on his sternum before giving one of his flat nipples an experimental lick. Zeo sucked in his breath, letting her know he liked it. She did it again.

  The moment he freed her from her blouse and bra, he retaliated. It was her turn to gasp when his mouth latched on to the tip of her breast and pulled like a suction cup. Tingles of arousal shot inward from her nipple and down to her sex—a shocking and unexpected sensation that made her rub her thighs together. Until now, he’d only ever put his hands on her, but this was much more intense. His mouth was scalding and wet, his tongue felt like rough velvet, and his teeth…

  Pixie yelped at the first nibble when he set his front teeth to her sensitized nipple. He soothed her with another long suckle before letting go.

  “My pants,” he ordered, already stripping off her remaining clothes.


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