Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 13

by Allie Ritch

  “You believe this?”

  “I do.”

  “Then you’ve truly chosen.” His father tilted his head. “Why haven’t you mated her already? You could have called us as witnesses without arranging this meeting.”

  In some ways, that would have been easier, but again, Pixie wasn’t Nimanian. They both had a lot of adjusting to do, but they’d figure things out as they went along.

  “She wanted to meet you first,” Zeo explained. “Apparently, it’s the way of her people to inspect a potential mate’s family before the mating ceremony.”

  “A background check?” Now his father sounded approving. “A wise practice. She will see you come from good genes.”

  “Are you including Leoni in that gene pool?” Zeo was still irritated with his sister and couldn’t resist the dig. All night, Leoni had remained aloof, only casting the occasional frown Pixie’s way.

  “Do not disparage your sister.” Glancing her way, his father sighed. “Not even when she’s being difficult.”

  Zeo chuffed out a short laugh. Then he caught who was approaching Pixie, and the sound died in his throat.

  “Do not interfere,” his father warned him. “Your New Earthling must learn to fend for herself.”

  “She will.” Zeo stalked forward. “But I will be guarding her back.”

  Zeo inserted himself into a small cluster of his cousins, who happened to be standing about six feet behind Pixie. They were still waxing poetic about the salad of potatoes she’d brought. He angled himself so he could listen to what was said without being obvious about it. Rinda had just closed in on his little mate, and he could hear the venom hidden behind her every word.

  “We don’t often have New Earthlings as guests,” Rinda told her. “Apparently we Nimanians make your race nervous.”

  “Probably because you’re all so intimidating.” Pixie said it quietly, but her voice held a note of humor that passed the statement off as a joke.

  Rinda sniffed. “New Earthlings are easily frightened. I’ve known Zeo since we were children, and what he needs is a powerful woman who knows how to please him.”

  Although he wasn’t looking at her, Zeo knew the exact moment Pixie realized who was talking to her. Tension radiated from her.

  “You must be Rinda.”

  Pixie’s voice didn’t rise or sharpen, yet he swore her tone had turned steely. It was something he’d never heard from her before.

  “So he told you about me.” Rinda’s voice was filled with misplaced satisfaction.

  “He mentioned you once.”

  Zeo inwardly smiled. He’d been right all along. His kitten had some claws under all that soft fur.

  “Did that upset you?” Rinda was clearly seething, and even her façade of civility was starting to crumble. “Zeo and I are very close.”

  “Childhood friends.”

  “More than friends.” Rinda’s purr made her meaning clear.


  That one-word answer had him turning to glance at his mate. Pixie stared at her shoes for a moment, but then she raised her chin and squared her shoulders again. He was proud to see she wasn’t backing down.

  “I’m sorry,” his little mate told her would-be rival. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way you wanted, but that’s the past. Zeo and I love each other. You need to find someone else.”

  At that moment, Zeo became aware that he wasn’t the only one eavesdropping. Picking up on this showdown, the rest of the room had fallen quiet too. Ulistro looked like he wanted to maim somebody.

  No longer bothering with subtlety, Zeo turned to watch Rinda’s reaction.

  “Zeo belongs with me. He’s mine.” The Nimanian woman bared her teeth.

  Pixie kept her tone gentle, but her voice never quavered. “No, he’s not. If he were, you wouldn’t be jealous.”

  The sound Rinda made then was inhuman. Sensing danger, Zeo moved to shield his mate, but he was too late. Rinda had already lunged. It was his mother and aunt who caught her before she could so much as touch his mate. Without a word, they swept the spitting Rinda from the room, leaving stunned silence in their wake.

  Reaching Pixie’s side, Zeo stroked her hair before taking her hand. “Are you all right?”

  Although he could feel her trembling, she nodded her head. “I’m just a little shaken up. I don’t like confrontations either. And you didn’t tell me she was crazy.”

  He hadn’t realized just how bad Rinda’s obsession with him really was. “I had hoped she would finally put aside her fixation with me.”

  “Rinda will be moved to another community,” Zeo’s father broke in. “Her attachment is unhealthy. Perhaps finding a mate and having children will settle her. The breeding urge is stronger in some females. Rinda may find a compatible mate elsewhere.”

  Personally, Zeo wasn’t sure Rinda should breed, but he was pleased to hear the elders were dealing with her. She’d already caused enough trouble.

  “So when do you plan to mount your chosen female?” The question—so reasonable to Nimanians—fell like a bomb from his father’s lips.

  Zeo heard Pixie’s sputter and watched a red tide sweep over her whole face. She nearly crushed his hand with her sudden death-grip.

  “What?” she squeaked.

  “Your mating ceremony.” His father glanced back and forth between them before addressing Pixie directly. “When Apax mated a non-Nimanian, he and his Brachoi female had a small ceremony. Only his parents, brother, and her mentor served as witnesses. I assume you will want your parents, my mate, daughter, and me to attend.”

  “Attend?” Pixie’s expression turned pleading as she looked at Zeo. “You … you mean this mating ceremony isn’t just another term for wedding? You expect our parents to watch the actual … to see us when we … to witness the actual mating part?” Her voice lowered to a fierce whisper. “They plan to watch us make love?”

  Zeo rubbed his palm over his short hair. “That is the tradition. However, I have taken into account that you are not Nimanian.”

  She blew out her breath. “What a relief.”

  “We can discuss this later.” Zeo turned back to his father. “You know I would be honored to have you and the rest of the family attend our mating ceremony, but I need to do what is right for me and my mate. I hope our ceremony will blend our cultures the same way we will blend our lives. Pixie could never accept you or her family witnessing our mating.”

  “No offense.” Pixie looked apologetic, although she was still crushing his hand. “You and Mrs. dil Kedom seem great, but there are some things I just can’t do.”

  “I am not offended,” his father assured her. He smiled and clapped Zeo on the shoulder. “You’re right. She is much stronger than she appears. Already, she gets what she wants from you, and she doesn’t even have to go hunting for it.”

  This was true, but his father failed to see the bigger picture. Tonight, his mate had gotten exactly what she’d wanted from the rest of his family too: their approval. She’d won them over with food, shy smiles, and a well delivered set-down. Zeo had never felt prouder.


  Pixie felt like her mind was still reeling after they got back to her apartment. All those times Zeo had mentioned their mating ceremony he’d left out the most important part. He wanted them naked and making love. In front of their families. There was no way.

  “Relax, kitten.” He led her over to her loveseat and made her sit down with him. “We will discuss this.”

  “D-discuss?” she stammered. “You … we … yes, we’ll discuss this. When did you plan on telling me about this? Do Nimanians really do it in front of their parents?” She couldn’t help the note of disgust in her voice.

  He rubbed her back, but she was too agitated to enjoy it.

  “It is the traditional way.” He sounded as calm as ever. “The witnesses do not need to be family, though. They can be trusted friends. I’ve thought of a compromise.”

  “Compromise?” She had to stop so
unding like a parrot. “What do you mean?”

  “We can hold our mating ceremony during our Sex Ed class Tuesday night. Instead of our family members, the instructors and our classmates can serve as witnesses and help us through this first mating. If you are too embarrassed, then we will stop attending afterward and never see them again.”

  Her heart was beating overtime. “Why do we have to have witnesses? Can’t we skip that part?”

  Although he covered it quickly, Pixie saw the flash of hurt on his face. It told her everything she needed to know. This was really important to him. It was part of his heritage. He’d already given up having his family there, but he wanted to incorporate at least part of the ritual.

  She spoke softly. “Zeo, you know I’ve never been with anyone.”

  “And I have never mounted a female before. That is why it’s best we have others to help us.”

  Whoa! Pixie held up her hand to stop him. Had she just heard that right?

  “What do you mean you’ve never…? You’re a virgin too?”

  Zeo shrugged. “It is not a term Nimanians use. We enjoy our sexuality from an early age and play intimately with each other to relieve our natural urges. Mounting—that is, intercourse—is reserved for the mating ceremony. Truthfully, many couples do not wait, but it is better to have witnesses present the first time. They can help ease the pair through the intensity of the first joining.”

  She couldn’t believe it. Zeo seemed to exude sexuality and confidence, and she’d thought he was experienced. Yet he’d waited for her. That thought both thrilled and terrified her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he continued. “You are New Earthling. The loss of your virginity will be painful, and the mating drive will force me to rut vigorously once I mount you. I want you to have females you trust there to help you through it. Also, I have talked to Krux. He has agreed to use his strength to help slow and control my movements so it will be easier on you.”

  Fighting the urge to laugh or cry, Pixie rubbed her forehead. Almost all of her classmates had modeled in front of everybody already, so it wasn’t like she’d be doing anything the others hadn’t done. And she did feel safe there, especially with Xindra present. Wait, was she really considering this?

  “I can’t.” She was insane to even think about it. “It’s hard enough for me to get naked just for you. I can’t be nude in front of everybody and let them see me and you—”

  “You do not need to show them your body. I only need room to feed my cock into you. You can follow New Earthling tradition and wear white.”

  Although his bluntness provoked a blush, that idea did make her feel better.

  “I want … I want to start out in a wedding gown.” Gods, maybe she was going to do this. “I also want you in formal wear so we can have pictures taken—something we can show other people.”

  His easy answer was as reassuring as it was predictable. “All right.”

  “But no pictures once we start to … you know.” She wanted to make that clear.

  “Of course not.” He curled his lip. “That is a private moment.”

  Pixie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. So Nimanians thought losing your virginity in front of a bunch of people was okay, but recording it for posterity was an invasion of privacy? If they shared a hundred years together, she still doubted she’d fully understand him. Despite how crazy he made her, she was sure she’d still love him, though. Apparently love really could make you do strange things.

  “Are there any other surprises?” She hoped not. Her courage was hanging by a thread here. “Is there anything else to this mating ceremony?”

  His gaze grew heated, and the back rub he’d been giving her turned into something far more sensual. “We will arrive early so that we have time to ourselves.”

  Sliding one hand up to her nape, he tilted her head to kiss her. His lips were soft and skilled, perfectly molded to fit her mouth. He teased her with little nibbles that made her pulse flutter

  “I will feed you choice morsels to make you strong.”

  Still stroking her spine, he touched his tongue to hers and made a purring sound.

  “Then I will massage your body to make you supple.”

  Pixie started breathing harder when he removed her blouse and bra. Her skirt and panties soon landed on the floor, followed by his clothes. The sight of his erection still had the power to startle her, but her body let down a burst of moisture. She saw his nostrils flare as if he’d caught the scent of her arousal.

  “You will be beautiful in white,” he murmured. For emphasis, he ran his fingertips over her milky breast.

  Goose bumps broke out across her skin until even her scalp tingled.

  Zeo reached out to twirl her engagement ring at the same time that he slipped his other hand between her legs.

  “We will exchange rings so that everyone will see we belong together, but this is the ring that will truly bind me.” He thrust his finger into her vagina, making her yelp.

  Her sheath locked down on the hard intrusion and rippled once … twice. Pixie wasn’t just panting now. She gulped for air while drowning in sensation.

  “Blushing bride.” Zeo whispered the reference in amusement as he started stroking her. “You will have my vow, and you will have your pictures so that when we are old, we can look at that one precious moment before our lives together truly began.”

  It was the most romantic thing he’d ever said to her. Kissing her, he suddenly withdrew his finger.

  A moan of protest escaped her.

  “Nimanians first take their mates from behind,” he explained. “You will climb onto all fours, and I will know you are ready when you glance over your shoulder at me.”

  With her breath shuddering out of her on every exhalation, Pixie slowly rolled onto her hands and knees so that she was facing away from him. A shiver of nervous anticipation jittered down her spine, but she made herself look back at him.

  The sight of his body took her breath away. His eyes had turned an even darker shade of brown, and she’d never seen his skin so flushed. Perspiration glistened on his chest and thighs like fine mist.

  “Then I will mount you, Pixie.” His voice was so low, it was practically a growl. “I will finally claim you and make you mine.”

  He slid two fingers deep into her channel with a smooth, relentless push.

  Pixie moaned long and loud. It was too much too fast, but she couldn’t stop herself from pushing back. She shivered when his hand landed on her shoulder.

  Pinning her there, Zeo began thrusting his fingers in and out of her sheath in a steadily accelerated pace. “Yes. You will make those noises for me.”

  As if she could help it. Beneath her grunts and sobs, she could hear the squelching sound of his fingers pumping between her legs. Her arousal leapt another tier in response. She was so ready to come. If he’d only touch her clit, she was sure she’d go over.

  Without warning, his fingers disappeared, and something much larger prodded her opening. Crying out in shock, Pixie tried to rear up, but Zeo shoved her down again with one hand between her shoulder blades. He pushed until her face was pressed into the seat cushion and her butt was in the air.

  She whimpered.

  “Shsh.” Zeo kept the tip of his erection pressed firmly against her entrance. “Feel me. I will soon be inside you.”

  The blunt head slipped through her juices and slid forward over her aching bud.

  “But not tonight. Tonight we play.” His hands landed on her hips.

  Pixie didn’t even try to get up. Although her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry, she didn’t dare do anything that might make him stop. He started working his long, hard cock forward and back between her labia, setting off sparks inside her with every brush of his shaft. Her clit pounded merrily, and on instinct, she pulled her thighs closer together to increase the pressure. She was rewarded by his loud groan behind her.

  With his sex sandwiched between her legs, she ground back against him
. This was so close to actual sex that Pixie almost wished he’d take that final step. His balls slapped the backs of her thighs, and his grip tightened. Her vagina started to clench with every new stroke until she knew an orgasm was coming for her.

  As if he sensed it too, Zeo bucked harder and faster, rocking her on the sofa and chafing her clit with extra friction until finally … blessedly…


  Her legs clamped together as her climax tore through her, pulsing with the same ferocity as his thrusts. Then something hot and wet splattered her belly, and she realized he was coming too. The fact that they’d shared the orgasm made it even more incredible.

  After a moment, he collapsed back on the sofa and cuddled her close. They were ridiculously crunched, overflowing the narrow space, but she didn’t care.

  “That will be our mating ceremony,” he concluded. He paused a beat. “Of course, we can still have a New Earthling wedding night as well.”

  Pixie strangled on a laugh. She was marrying a sex maniac. And he was turning her into one too.

  Chapter 11

  Last Minute Details

  Early sunlight roused Zeo the next morning, and he found himself curled possessively around Pixie in bed. He vaguely remembered carrying her in here last night when he’d finally regained his strength. His little mate gave him so much pleasure.

  Cradling her against his body, he enjoyed the shape of her, the softness of her skin, her heat. Even the sound of her breathing aroused him, as did the feel of her heartbeat next to his. Although her scent and nearness made his morning erection harder, his lust was superceded by a tremendous feeling of rightness. This was how he wanted to wake up for the rest of his life.

  “Good morning,” she mumbled.

  Her eyes popped open, and Zeo smiled as he watched her delicate yawn. She was such a lean little kitten, yet he saw her muscles flex when she stretched her arms and legs.

  With a rumble of want, he caught her lips with his and kissed her thoroughly. By the time he drew back, he saw she wore that dreamy expression he liked.


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