Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5)

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Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5) Page 4

by A. Gorman

  So, in turn, my father asked me to spend some time with her because it’s not her fault that we didn’t meet sooner. I met her, and she looks more like my father than I do. She is beautiful, but she is kind of a resentful bitch. I think it’s because she didn’t grow up like me.

  I’ve had money my whole life, but her mother worked to make ends meet. She went to the University of Indianapolis and had debt out the ass, and I went to IU paid for by my parents. My father paid for her college debt after the paternity tests came back proving that she was his daughter.

  Meeting my half-sister and getting to know her has been a hell of a shock to my typical way of life, but it’s kind of nice having someone to talk to. Chantelle stays with me sometimes in my condo. We go out and do normal sibling things: sporting events, shopping, and dinners out. I plan to take her to IU with me the next time I go. Maybe she can make some friends, since she isn’t working. Dad gives her money monthly like he used to give me when I was in college, and I think that has made her super clingy.

  Maybe I’m a little jealous, but I did go to school and graduate so I could work. I want to use my degree to make some money. I’ve been in my marketing job for a little over a month, and I love it. I like earning my own money because I don’t have to answer to anyone about where I spend my earnings.


  I’m on my way to IU to party with some of my friends since it’s Friday night. Chantelle is coming along with me, and with a bit of luck, she will meet someone. I’m trying to be as nice to her as I can be, hoping she won’t be like every other woman out there and screw me over somehow. I really don’t trust any women. The only woman I trust is my mother. I would move the Earth for her. Chantelle just seems like she is stuck on herself.

  We pull up to Matt’s house. He decided not to leave and became an adjunct professor at Ivy Tech Community College, so he is still in Bloomington. Thank God he still doesn’t live in that shithole we used to live in. I mean, it wasn’t that bad, but it was.

  Looks like there isn’t a huge party here, but that suits my mood. I don’t know if I want to drink or take a hit. I’m trying not to let my use of coke get out of control because I can’t afford to go crazy right now. I think I’ll just stick to beer.

  Chantelle seems to have loosened up a bit since she took a few hits from the joint going around. I’m not a fan of pot. Beer is doing it for me now, so I start to mingle with some of the guys I had classes with. Hopefully a guy will hit on her so she will get off my ass for a while. Maybe I can pawn her off on one of these trust fund babies, and she will disappear. I couldn’t get that lucky.

  The party really gets going a few hours later. Matt had to watch who he invited because he didn’t want students to come here and get him in trouble for serving alcohol to minors. It would suck to get fired after only working a few weeks. He said he only invited people that we used to party with, but I’m sure some of the underclassmen will show up too. They normally do.

  I notice that Chantelle is cozying up with a guy I think I had a few classes with last year. She seems to be enjoying herself and, for that, I’m glad. I hear some cheering going on, and I notice that a car full of chicks pull up. I look at Matt.

  “Who just pulled up?”

  “I don’t know, man. Let me look.” He gets up and looks outside. “Oh, that’s some former softball players. Time to play ball, boys,” he says with a wink.

  Chapter Ten

  Winter, Age 23

  Alexis still hasn’t left my mind. I haven’t been able to get over the pain of her leaving me like she did. I know I told her to go, but I didn’t think she would move on to someone else. I guess I was played.

  I occasionally call and email Alexis, but she doesn’t respond. I've thought about going to California to confront her. However, I don’t want to come across as desperate, but maybe I do need to chase her? Maybe that's what she wants? I don't know. I can't read women's minds, and I'm too mentally exhausted to even try. I need to try to move on and realize that Alexis isn't the one for me.

  Along with dealing with my depressing lack of a relationship, my big sis has become a pain in my ass and is pretty much blackmailing me into doing something that could be rewarding for us both in the end. Part of me doesn’t want to chance it, but the other part wants to make up for what my father didn’t provide for her growing up—money.

  Since Chantelle, or Tilly, as I call her now, has been in my life, my father has been feeding both her mom and her money to keep them quiet because of the problems it could cause if my father’s infidelity came out. The money seemed to be enough for Tilly until she found out about my drug habit. She’s using that against me now.

  Tilly met a guy with security experience, a guy I went to college with. Together, they came up with a plan to get her claws into some girl’s father…I guess he is one of the top five richest men in the country, and he is single. The plan is to get her married to Pearse McCoy, and then she will pay off the security guy, as she will be loaded if she can get her hands on him.

  The girl’s name is Jesse McCoy, and she’s a softball player here at IU. Tilly overheard her talking at a party about how she is planning on working with her father after she graduates. Tilly did some research and found out that her father is worth billions. He is one of the top investment brokers in the world.

  I asked Tilly why she didn’t just become friends with her and go that way and she said that would just scream gold digger. She says that this plan will take some time to get everything into place, so I am supposed to pursue Jesse and she is going to work on getting info on the McCoy’s so she can snuggle up with Pearse McCoy, where she will be set for life and hopefully the hell out of mine.

  I’m clueless about how Tilly’s mind works. I don’t get how me getting involved with Jesse is going to help her plan, but, since I want to keep a good relationship with her, I’ll go along with whatever she needs me to do. Even though I don’t totally agree with it, I’ll do it. Hopefully doing this will keep her off my ass for a long time. Tilly is on her way to Denver along with her inside guy, and I’m staying here to keep the daughter out of the way.

  I start looking at the pictures of Jesse that are posted on IU’s website by the softball team. She looks really familiar, like I’ve met her before. Not recently, though. She is pretty good looking, a natural beauty. She isn’t model skinny, but fit, with long curly strawberry blonde hair and stunning green eyes. They are almost the color of emeralds. She is six inches shorter than I am, according to IU’s website.

  She’s a sophomore, a business major. I bet we had several of the same classes. Her GPA is amazing for playing softball. I wonder if this is even going to work out because if she is a goodie, goodie, I don’t know how well my charm will work on her. I continue looking at her profile and become more intrigued by this girl.

  I think I could get used to being with her long enough for this plan to work. I guess it’s a benefit. Who knows? At this point, as long as she isn’t looking for a commitment, I don’t care. I just need sex. Luckily, I still go down to IU almost every weekend, so it won’t be hard to find out if Jesse is attending a party or not. I hope this search for her won’t take too long.




  Finding Jesse McCoy is harder than I thought it would be. I’ve resorted to going to her home games just to get a glimpse of this girl that’s worth more money than I ever will be. She has become somewhat of an obsession of mine. I hope I don’t blow it when I actually get to talk to her.

  Since today’s game is at home, I’ll make sure that I talk to her after the game is over. Watching her flexible body move around the softball field like a ballerina moves around a dance floor makes me fantasize about her legs being wrapped around my neck as I pound into her.

  Yeah, one day soon, I’m going to make it happen. Today is the day I am going to make my move. Time to step up my game. I haven’t been with anyone since Alexis, and I still don’t feel like moving on, but
I have to in order for this plan to work.

  I notice the game is over and the players are starting to leave the dugout to head to their cars. Looking for Jesse, I spot her hanging out by the dugout, talking to the coach. While I wait for her to leave, I put myself in position so I can intercept her when she walks by.

  Show time.

  “Hey. Great game today.” I use all my charm on her.

  “Thank you. Um, you look familiar. Did we have a class together or something?” she asks, trying to place me.

  “Maybe at a party on campus? But I’ve been coming to the games, supporting my alma mater.”

  “Awesome, thanks! Jesse McCoy, and you are?”

  “Chet Boston. Nice to meet you. I was wondering if you are busy tonight. Maybe we could go grab something to eat?” The trademark Boston smile comes out full force.

  “Um…Yeah. Yeah, I think I would like that. I’m kind of getting tired of the party scene. I need to carb up a bit. How about Grazie’s on sixth, right off Walnut? Is that okay for you? In about an hour? I’ll shower here and meet you there,” she says, looking at her cell phone.

  “That works. Let me have your phone and I’ll put my number in there in case something happens between here and there.”

  She hands me her phone hesitantly, and I put in my phone number and send myself a text. That way I have her number as well.

  “You’re all set. I’ll see you shortly.” I grin again and turn to walk to my car. I glance backwards to see if she is still there, and she is. Score.

  I drive around to see if campus has changed much since I graduated. It looks the same, just with younger kids. I’m wondering if I should text Tilly to let her know that I have finally made contact with Jesse? Deciding against it, I call my buddy Matt instead.

  We shoot the shit while I drive around, and I decide to head toward sixth so I can find a place to park. I want to be at the restaurant, waiting, when Jesse shows up. Matt and I talk for a few minutes longer and we hang up as I am parking a block down from the Italian restaurant.

  Checking my reflection in my mirror, I make sure my hair is the mess I like to keep it and make sure there isn’t anything in my teeth. I keep a bottle of my cologne, Burberry Brit, in the console, so I give myself a fresh spray. I get out and make sure the ‘vette is locked up tight before I head to the restaurant.

  I arrive at Grazie Italian Eatery ten minutes before we agreed to meet. I go ahead and grab a table for two outside. That way I can see her coming. To make sure she’s going to show, I send her a text.

  Me: Hey. I got a table outside.

  A few minutes go by without a response. Oh, great. I wait a few more minutes and my phone goes off.

  Jesse: Great. I’m just parking down the street. I’ll be there in about five minutes.

  Me: OK. I’ll keep an eye out for you.

  Jesse: See you soon.

  Good. She isn’t standing me up. I need this to work. It doesn’t matter if we just become friends or whatever. I need to keep her away from her family and do whatever Tilly wants me to do.

  I finally see her walking down the sidewalk. Jesse looks beautiful without a dirty uniform on and smudged eye black under her eyes. She is wearing what I guess is called a sundress with flip-flops. It’s lightly colored, flowing, strapless, and it comes to her knees.

  I stand when I see her almost to the outside seating area and wave her over. When she gets to the table, I bend over and peck her on the cheek. She softly gasps, and a smile forms on her face. Holding her chair for her, she sits down as I push her close to the table. After I sit down, a server comes and takes our drink order. Jesse already knows what she wants to eat, and I just order the same. Lasagna does sound pretty damn good.

  “So, Chet Boston, what made you want to ask me out to dinner?” She takes a sip of the water that the server brought when he took our order.

  Damn, she is right to the point. “I’m pretty sure we met at a party last year, and I thought it was time we met up.” Her nose scrunches up like she is going through the parties she has attended over the last year.

  “Oh, yeah. I met you right after I got here. That party was a mess.” She giggles.

  Hell yes, it was. “That it was. You didn’t miss much after you left. People acting like drunken fools. That’s about it.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. Since you said alma mater earlier, did you just graduate or has it been longer?”

  “Last May. A few of my buddies are still here and graduate this May. I think Derrick is dating one of your teammates.”

  “Oh, yes. That is where we party often. I like to drink and all, but I’m not into drinking in public, where I could get busted.”

  “Understandable. So, you’re not from here, right?” I ask, like I don’t know where she is from.

  “I’m from Colorado on a softball scholarship. Basically, school and softball are my life for the next two years. Are you from Bloomington?”

  “No, I’m from Indianapolis. I live there and work at a marketing firm. What is your major?” I ask, knowing this will put a spotlight on how much we have in common.

  “Business with a minor in economics. If all goes as planned, I have a job waiting for me back at home. I’m ready to be there. Have you been to Colorado?”

  “Yes, my parents go skiing whenever they can. When I was younger, they took me to Continental Divide. It’s an amazing place.”

  “Yes, it is. It was one of my mother’s favorite places to take us to relax and gather our thoughts…” She’s getting ready to say something else, but the server brings this amazing looking lasagna and garlic bread.

  Our conversation continues to flow freely between bites of food and well after we’ve finished eating. Although I’m highly attracted to Jesse, I don’t feel like I did when I was with Alexis. Maybe I could take this slow so everything will fall into place. I’ll get some ass out of it, and then I can dump her and be on my way.

  Sex is always good.




  The past month, I’ve spent every weekend in Bloomington with Jesse. She is really an amazing person to be around. She is quite the partier. She loves to drink and get crazy, but in the privacy of her house. Meeting her roommate Laney was very interesting. I don’t think she likes me, and, well, the feeling is mutual.

  Surprisingly for me, I haven’t slept with Jesse yet, but this weekend it’s coming. I’m tired of jacking off. Right now is a semi downtime for Jesse. They play softball February through May, and they have a semi down time in June through August, so I get to spend a little more time with her, hopefully in the bedroom.

  This weekend, I’m taking her to a cabin on Morse Reservoir. She will get the full Chet Boston effect and she will be begging to ride me before the night is over. As I pull up to her house, I see the door is slightly ajar. I walk to the front door and hear Jesse and Laney arguing about something through the door.

  “How do you know he isn’t using you for your family’s money, Jess? Did you have you father’s guy check him out?” Laney yells.

  “I don’t need a babysitter, Laney. His father is a lawyer in Indianapolis. He doesn’t need my father’s money,” Jesse yells back.

  “That’s what scares me the most. Call your father and have him checked out.”

  “Fine, I will. Just to please you. Now, shut up about it. He’ll be here soon.”


  I hear a door inside the house slam. I wait a few more minutes before I knock on the door. I don’t want her to think I heard them fighting. I have to make sure she doesn’t call her dad immediately. If she does, then I need to make sure it gets handled by Tilly’s guy.

  Jesse shortly arrives at the door.

  “Hey, you. I’m glad to see you.” She pulls me in the door and into a hug.

  “Are you ready to go? I want to get there before it’s dark so we can get some hiking or fishing in.”

  “Ready as I can be. Let me tell Laney we’re le
aving.” She leans in to me, pecks me on the cheek, and turns toward their bedrooms.

  I can hear them quietly talking and a door shutting. A few moments later, a frustrated Jesse returns.

  “Let’s go! I’m ready to be out of this house.” She grabs her bag, and I quickly snatch it from her hands.

  “I got it. I borrowed my dad’s truck for the weekend. I didn’t know how well the ‘vette would do at the reservoir.”

  “Awesome. Is there enough room for my bag?”

  “Yes, I’ll just put it behind our seats. I’ll help you get in since it’s a monster to get into.”

  She giggles and walks over to the truck. Once I help her into the truck, she starts sneezing.

  “Damn allergies and cold. I’ve been taking a prescription the urgent care doctor gave me. I hope it goes away soon.”

  “Are you sure you feel like going?” I ask, praying she still wants to go.

  “Yes! I need out of that damn house. Laney is driving me crazy.” She sighs.

  The trip to the cabin is full of conversation and comfortable silence. We pull into the cabin almost an hour after leaving Jesse’s house.

  “This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.” She leans over and gives me a kiss.

  “You’re welcome, but you are the beautiful one here.” I give her a wink and she smiles.

  “Well, let’s get the stuff out of here so we can enjoy our weekend,” she says anxiously.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I smirk.

  “Oh, really? I think I might have other ideas for tonight if you keep up with the ma’am business,” she says with a straight face and a monotonous voice.


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