Accel World: Dusk Robber

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Accel World: Dusk Robber Page 9

by Reki Kawahara

  After the boy reached the center of the video at the shower room entrance, he glanced back once at the direction of the camera. The round face that was captured from the front, was none other than Haruyuki.

  Haruyuki that was in the video, after seeming to hesitate for a while—

  Then, with a trot, went to the right side path that had the female use marking.

  "Ah, gee, you were too hasty, senpai!"

  While his head became all white, and he stood there in a daze after the video replay finished, and Noumi's cheerful voice reached him.

  "Normally, when you realize that it was all pink colored inside, you would have ran away! But still you never came out. I was wondering what to do."

  Those words of Noumi were a mystery, but before that, he could not believe that this video itself could exist, and Haruyuki wrung out a dry sound.

  "Y-You... this, how did you...? That pathway, should not have a place to hide..."

  Hearing that, Noumi laughed as if it was actually funny, then shook his head sideways.

  "That is why the recent young people are.... You made me want to say something like that. Do you think that the Neuro Linker is the only portable device in the world? About ten years ago, this kind of thing was also for sale."

  What he pulled out from his pocket, was a sleek device small enough to fit in his palm. The front side was fitted with a single lens.

  "Well, for current digital cameras, there are only large diameter single lens reflex(SLR) ones. But, even with that, the resolution is plenty right? The one being captured is Arita-senpai, anyone can tell by looking. This, was set above the tool storage in that hallway."

  While gazing at that toy like machine with a dumbfounded expression, Haruyuki inquired half automatically.

  "...You... you going that far, just to remove me from this school...? No matter what you have to do, you are going to force me to be ex-expelled?"

  "No no, no way, not at all!"

  With his narrow eyes wide open, Noumi shook his head as if he heard something foolish.

  "Forcing senpai to be expelled, what benefit would it have for me? Anyway, if I corner you that far, then senpai might get desperate enough to attack me in the real world, and that would not pay. I just, for my middle school life from now on, want Arita-senpai to..."

  There he paused, Noumi Seiji revealed an innocent— yet extreme cunning and coldness hidden inside kind of smile on his whole face.

  "...become a loyal and hard working dog is all. To come and let me munch on burst points for my use everyday, as a smart pet dog."

  "I won't let that happen."

  —That sound, shook the oppressive atmosphere in the central courtyard.

  Haruyuki was so startled that his back flinched, and Noumi while maintaining his smile, turned towards the direction of the sound.

  Coming out of the woods, was Chiyuri with blazing eyes shining like a cat. Takumu was not with her. It seemed like she chased after Haruyuki by herself, and heard the conversation.

  Chiyuri approached while crunching on the underbrush, then she faced Noumi at very close range, and released sharp words.

  "I called Haru from the inside of the girl's shower room. If that video is made public, I will testify like that. The reason was, I fell and twisted my leg so I could not stand up, how about that? With that, there is a valid reason for Haru to enter the female side. Of course, there would be no suspension or expulsion from school."

  After hearing that, Haruyuki forgot about his crisis, and opened his eyes wide in a daze.

  Truly, that explanation had plenty of persuasive power. In the first place, if the reason was for peeking, then openly intruding from the front entrance is too absurd.


  Even after Chiyuri closed her mouth, Noumi's thin smile did not disappear.

  With leisurely movements he put away the small camera device, then his hands slowly came together, as if he was clapping and said.

  "That is good, very good, Kurashima-senpai. For a baby chick that just became a Burst Linker."

  "...Stop your bluffing please. Already, the video that you took, has no more effect."

  "Hmm, don't bet on it. It's just an example..."

  Noumi gestured as if acting, and held up one finger.

  "...If, around this time, a hidden camera was discovered from the locker inside the female shower room... what would happen? There would be a big uproar in the school. Then, after the search for the offender begins, that previous video is uploaded to the local net... with that, would Kurashima-senpai's cover for Arita-senpai still work?"


  Haruyuki and Chiyuri took in a sharp breath at the same time.

  "No way... You, went that far?"

  At the same time that dry sound left his mouth.

  Suddenly a red light flashed in front of his eyes. On the top of his view, in pretentious large Mincho font, [Emergency Notice] words scrolled past. Without the time to be surprised, a *Kinkon Kankoon* sounding chime echoed all over his hearing. Different from the bell for start of class, it's a tone charged with a sense of urgency. Continuing, a female synthetic voice sounded the announcement.

  "From the Umesato middle school management department, this is an emergency notice. From the current time on, the areas below will be forbidden entry by all students. The students in those areas, please leave quickly. Repeat..."

  Right after, displayed fully in his view, was a transparent 3D map of Umesato middle school. A section in the center, was dyed in bright red.

  That was, the area above and below the gym. Of course, that also includes the female shower rooms.

  Even after shrinking the picture to a small icon, and his view recovered, Haruyuki continued to stare at Noumi's face in a daze. The first year who just entered school, brightly said with unchanging smile.

  "They finally discovered the camera, huh? Well, the shutter sound was set to ring at this time, so naturally they would."

  Those words, were half overwritten by the commotion that came from all of the school buildings at the south side.

  Chiyuri who took a step back, whispered in a sound volume that could almost not be heard.

  "Are you... s-still sane? This...This large scale thing being done... just, for a game...?"

  "It's me who wants to ask you, Kurashima-senpai. Brain Burst is «Just a game», do you really think like that...?"

  At that moment, Haruyuki saw the sharp change in the quality of Noumi's bright smile up until then.

  A corner of his mouth lifted up, and from his narrowed eyes, cold light was released. His tongue that poked out, licked his lower lip mockingly.

  Towards Chiyuri who shivered, the blue ribbon on her chest.

  Noumi's right hand extended snake like and casually grabbed it. Then violently pulled.


  As she let out a small scream, the young and strong voice was released sternly in front of Chiyuri's eyes, with both of their noses almost within touching distance.

  "Don't use insolent words against me again. You can only follow my orders, if you want to save Arita-senpai. ...Even saying so, the level 1 Kurashima-senpai, won't be able to earn points so easily..."

  Suddenly, Noumi slipped behind Chiyuri, holding his left arm strongly around and below her chest. He put his jaw on Chiyuri's right shoulder, and directly whispered into her ear.

  "...You, will be my toy dog instead of a hunting dog. While I «Duel», be sure to be in the gallery and attend to me. Fufufu... a special use pet, even the «Six Kings» don't have one. Ah, don't worry, I don't think I will ask you to do anything in the real world. For the moment, that is."

  After hearing Noumi's words, Haruyuki's temple had an intense pain. The *Creak Creak* strange sounds which he did not notice immediately, were his inner teeth grinding together.

  "Y...You bastard."

  With that groan, Haruyuki was going to take a step forward. At that moment.

  "Who said you could move, dog... no, senpai."
  With a cold smile, contemptuous words came flying.

  "I said it at the beginning, that it's game over. There is no longer any choice left for senpai. Quietly, just sit there or something for a while."

  After saying so, Noumi took out something small and long from his blazer pocket. Without having to look closer, Haruyuki soon understood that was an XSB cable. And then, it's purpose.

  From behind, with his left arm holding Chiyuri's body tightly, Noumi held the small plug towards Chiyuri's neck.

  A thin mist of tears covered Chiyuri's wide open eyes—

  And then, when he saw that her pure white teeth were shaking in small chatters.

  Inside of Haruyuki, a certain kind of sound snapped.

  "...You bastarddd!!"

  Before he realized that the shout was his, Haruyuki had kicked the wet ground. With his unaccustomed fist tightly held, he fiercely charged towards Noumi.

  He had no idea what he was going to do right now.

  With his flesh and blood fist, that is using violence to make an opponent succumb, destroy his pride, and make him obey. That was the lowest and worst act that Haruyuki himself painfully suffered, but that kind of sense had already been blown away. Only the urge of wanting to recklessly hit this far smaller than him boy called Noumi exist.

  Even seeing Haruyuki huge body charging in—

  Noumi's thin smile did not disappear.

  He strongly pushed Chiyuri flying, making her roll on the grass. Then he lowered his waist, with his mouth slightly open.

  At that moment, Haruyuki realized what his opponent was going to do.

  It's «Acceleration». Furthermore, not the normal kind. With the consciousness remaining in the flesh, the 10 times sped up «Physical Acceleration».

  The instant he realized that, Haruyuki at the same time as Noumi, instinctively shouted the command that he had never used before.

  ""Physical Burst!!""

  With *UUUuuuu* sounds, all of the surrounding sounds' pitch lowered. And the color of the sunlight darkened.

  And then, the density of the air increased.

  It was like he was inside a colorless, transparent viscous liquid. It took a long time even to take a step forward. Instead of acceleration, this is deceleration, but that thought was soon dismissed. The effect of this command was that, the consciousness was accelerated 10 times while it remained in the real world. This meant that the speed of your flesh and blood body and everything else was lowered to 1/10.

  Just one meter ahead, Noumi also moved, slow and sluggish. While the cold smile was pasted on his mouth, he held up his right fist. After that fist reached above his shoulder, it slowly turned to move forward. Normally Haruyuki would not be able to see this punch path, but right now he could clearly predict it.

  While in the sticky and heavy air, Haruyuki leaned his body to the right side. At the same time, his left fist came from below and thrust upwards. He would avoid Noumi's punch, and at the same time counter with a hit aiming for his stomach.

  ...Is this, really alright?

  Bubbles of those kind of thoughts, floated up to the water surface of his heart and popped up with very small sounds.

  However, Haruyuki forcefully sunk them back into the depths.

  ...This guy, just Noumi he would not forgive no matter what. Not just me, he also threatened Chiyuri, frightened her, and above that— what did he say? Toy dog?

  Won't forgive. Absolutely.

  Haruyuki carefully steadied his fist that was aiming to thrust into Noumi's right flank.

  Due to that, he realized it too late.

  Noumi's right straight, stopped after moving just a little, and in exchange, his left hook shot out.

  —A feint!?

  He hurriedly stepped down with his right leg, and tried to lean to the left side this time.

  However, the center of mass that was leaned to the right side, could not be returned easily.

  Noumi's left fist closed in on his face. At the same time, his body opened up, and the right flank that Haruyuki was aiming for moved far away.

  The effort he put into correcting the path was not enough, and Haruyuki's fist just grazed pass Noumi's blazer.

  Right after, he felt the right side of his jaw touched by Noumi's fist.

  What is with this punch? It doesn't hurt at all, upon the brief moment of that thought—

  The force that passed through the thick layer of stored fat around Haruyuki's neck area, reached his jaw bone, then irresistible heaviness and hardness was conveyed by his nerves. Soft cell groups being destroyed, blood capillaries being broken, those kind of feelings, Haruyuki tasted them in 1/10 replay speed.

  As if pushed by some kind of slow explosion like heat and pressure, Haruyuki started to fall to his left side. At the edge of his sideways view, Noumi who pulled his fist back, with that momentum not stopping, spun his body and held up his right leg.

  With action movie like slow and perfect motion, Noumi let out a back spin kick, which Haruyuki could only look on helplessly.

  The heel of the right leg that was extended straight out, touched his right flank, ate in, fearfully deep, and thrust in deeply—

  As if a huge pole was stuck in his jiggly stomach, after tasting pain beyond imagination for many seconds, Haruyuki slowly floated into the air. At the edge of his view, blurred by tears, he saw Chiyuri's face, distorted by pain.

  Before his back hit the ground, it took 7 more seconds.

  For the remaining amount of «Physical Burst» command's subjective time of 30 seconds, as Haruyuki unsightly rolled, he could only withstand the pain that flared up.

  With *uuuUUU* sounds, the pitch of the surrounding sounds returned, and at the same time, the air's thickness also disappeared.

  "Gu... haa!"

  After the acceleration of his consciousness stopped, he let out a sharp moan, and held his kicked stomach as he curled up. While repeating dry heaves, he saw Noumi's sneaker that approached after crunching on the underbrush.

  "Ah, that's no good, senpai. Fights during physical acceleration are determined by reading ahead and using feints, you should have understood if you thought over it a little right? Or could it be that, you haven't even fought before? If it was like that, then I should have had no need to use the command. 5 points wasted."

  Stopping right in front, he used his right foot on Haruyuki's shoulder, and kicked him into a face down position.

  "There are 3 more minutes till the next class, huh? ...Well, we will make it in time. I will respond to your request, and be your opponent, Arita-senpai."

  "Ah... ouch...?"

  While enduring the sharp pain that finally lessened, Haruyuki moaned.

  After doing so much already, what does he want now?

  The answer to that question, was not with words, it was with the shining XSB plug that approached.

  While stepping on Haruyuki's back with his left foot, Noumi bent over, and without any hesitation, thrust the plug into Haruyuki's Neuro Linker, then shouted.

  "Burst Link!!"

  Chapter 8


  After the familiar sounds of acceleration, those words were displayed in his view, which Haruyuki gazed at while stunned.

  «Duel»!? Why now!?

  Up till now, Noumi had used some unknown method to block being registered on the matching list, and had kept on avoiding duels. So then, why at this time, and furthermore initiated a challenge himself?

  Haruyuki whose thoughts were confused by all the happenings, could not immediately fathom Noumi’s intentions. With his eyes opened wide, he could only look on as the world morphed into the «Duel stage» with dry seismic sounds.

  The dense grove of trees lost all their fresh leaves at once, and morphed into deep black withered woods. The sky became darker and darker, sinking into the indigo of dusk.

  The school building that stood on three sides, slowly decayed into skeletal ruins. From the grey colored ground, with ‘Zubo zubo’ sounds
, numerous poles and boards grew out. No, not poles —— grave markers. Mossy crosses and tombstones continued all the way to the edge of his view.

  At the same time as the stage creation was completed, on his view’s upper left and right side, two HP gauges extended. Under the left side bar, Haruyuki’s duel avatar, «Silver Crow»’s name floated up. And then the right side ——.

  «Dusk Taker». Level 5.

  He had never seen or heard of that name before. However, the level was unexpectedly high.

  Probably, the person called Noumi, had always repeated the same thing. Set a trap for other Burst Linkers, obtain their weakness, then threaten them to «pay up» Burst Points. With that, he could level up without having to fight.

  In front of Haruyuki who was grinding his teeth, finally the large [FIGHT!!] words burned up, and blew apart.

  After seeing that, Haruyuki finally realized that he had been kneeling on the ground as he had before the acceleration. And then, someone was also stepping on his back.


  He hurriedly bounced up, and took a large jump to distance himself. As he held his hands up and stared, in front was ——.

  A strange looking avatar stood there.

  The silhouette was normal human shape. The size was small, not much different from Silver Crow. The face was also similar. The whole face was a blank visor shape, with only reddish purple eyes sharply floating inside. The body and legs were slender like poles.

  But, just the two arms, could only be called weird.

  The right one was clearly machine type, with gears and shafts made up the thick arm with side armor, equipped with a brutal edge tool like a bolt clipper.

  However, the left side, no matter how you look at it, was a living thing type. With fine rings on the outside, from a creature like arm, at the wrist, were three split up long tentacles.

  It was a shape with no sense of unity, but the whole body color was as the «Dusk» name implied, a blackish purple. For its color circle affinity, it could be close or long range, but the color saturation was very low.

  After his momentary observation was over, as Haruyuki carefully stood on guard, he quietly spit out the deduction that he had finally arrived at.


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