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The Masterful Viking (The Masterful Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Cordelia Gregory

  Damn you, Fallon Prince. You are casting a spell on me.

  “I want you to get some rest before the party I am hosting on board tonight when we reach Stavanger. There are some contacts coming on board who may prove helpful on the latest lead I have on my sister. He couldn’t help but ruffle her hair like you would a child. “You look tired, Fallon. Are you in pain? Can I get you any medication? I will get a hot water bottle and some more warm food brought up.”

  “No, nothing. Thank you. The pain has eased for the moment.”

  “I want you to eat. You ate nothing last night and I won’t take no for an answer. Let’s get you dressed first.”

  He went straight to her underwear drawer and selected a pair of new chaste cotton panties. He opened them and taking them from the packaging he bent in front of her and asked her to insert her feet in them. Blushing, she quietly did as she was told and allowed him to slide the panties up her thighs and smooth the material over the curve of her hot red flushed bottom making her wince when they settled against her skin. When he finished, he gently patted one buttock. Next, he selected another dress from the cupboard and a warm cardigan before making her sit back down on the sofa with her feet up, then picked up the phone to order some tea, more hot food, medication and a hot water bottle.

  “I am going to take a shower before the food arrives,” he informed her undoing the zip on his trousers and unabashedly removing them in front of her.

  He noticed her eyes swept over his tightly muscled athletic frame. He wore no underwear and he could tell by the look on her face she was shocked, even though she must have seen that he didn’t in the office. Vidar grinned and faced her, watching her eyes take in his huge length and its erectness still pulsing hard after their tussle.

  “I don’t want you to move off the sofa but to take your medication when it comes. When the food arrives, I will feed you so you won’t be able to refuse it.”

  Without another word, he walked proudly to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter 5

  Vidar sat on the bed in his tuxedo watching Fallon breathe in her sleep. He stretched out his fingers and lightly stroked her soft pale cheek. Her face was tear stained. He bent his head feeling annoyed she had not reached out for him when she was upset, but what did he expect? The day at sea had passed quietly. She had read and stayed in the cabin ignoring him as usual. At least she had eaten a little food and had allowed him to change her tampon when needed. Now they had docked in Stavanger and he had let her sleep for as long as he could.

  Vidar bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. She stirred in her sleep but did not wake. From what he could gather she had been asleep for a couple of hours but she needed to get washed and ready. Time to take out the tampon again. Perhaps it would be better to do it while she was asleep and avoid more harsh words.

  The Billionaire trailed the tips of his fingers down Fallon’s bare arm enjoying the feel of her silky skin, on to her hip and the swell of her rump easily accessible from her resting position on her side. Unable to help himself, he circled his fingers in the middle of one buttock knowing fine well his touch would produce a healthy flush of dampness to her pussy. He had already learnt how well she responded to being touched and slapped on her bottom and he enjoyed wielding power over her desire.

  She moved restlessly and moaned but still did not wake. A satisfied smile lit Vidar’s sensuous lips. Playing with her, he traced his finger along the bottom of the swell and down the back of her thigh. Another moan escaped her lips. Her bottom raised and thrust towards him beckoning more of his caress in her sleep. Vidar continued for a while longer and then glanced at his watch. It was getting late. Reluctantly stopping, he began to slide Fallon’s sexy black summer dress up her thighs until her panties were exposed.

  “Shh,” he whispered when she whimpered as he turned her over on to her back. With great care, he pulled her panties down her legs and off her body. Opening her thighs, he peered down to view her vagina and the tampon. She was wet. Plying open her pussy lips swollen with arousal, he took hold of the bottom of the tampon and slowly pulled it out.

  He raised it to examine the end and frowned. It was not saturated in blood. Only a small amount had coated it. He disposed of it, briefly bending to kiss her clit before walking to the bathroom. He wondered if she regularly experienced mood swings and this intense pain every month. He’d expected her to be heavy by now. Returning to the bed he sat down next to her and cupped her stomach to rub it, attempting to coax the blood to move and give her relief. It woke her.

  The Billionaire watched Fallon’s dark lashes flutter open. She gave him a bemused look and glanced down at her bare midriff and exposed sex. Before she could say a word, he spoke first resting his hand back on her tummy to rub it again.

  “It’s time to get dressed. You aren’t heavy and I want to know if you are in pain.”

  “I’m fine,” she said curtly.

  “I disagree. You were in a lot of pain before and your face looks drawn and pale. You need medication. Does this happen every month?”

  Fallon gave a sigh and lay back down after trying to get up and feeling his hand press down on her stomach to dissuade her from moving until she answered him.

  “Yes. I get bad PMT and my period takes a while to come on. I can’t believe you are interested in this. This is weird and isn’t any of your business.”

  “I am concerned about your health and well-being,” he said uncaring about her remark. To him it was natural. “When we come back from Norway I will schedule an appointment with a doctor to have you examined.”


  “Yes. Must we go through this argument again. You will do as I tell you.”

  “I am not a child.”

  Vidar decided to ignore her and stood from the bed.

  “Let’s get you in the shower. I have already picked out a dress and underwear for you. They will be lying on the bed for you when you come out,” he said taking her hand to help her from the bed to lead her to the bathroom. “Do not put them on until I have come back to insert your tampon. I will get you some painkillers.”

  She turned to protest but he quickly tapped her bottom with his hand and gave her an encouraging careful push inside the bathroom and quickly closed the door behind her. He waited until he heard the shower running and left.

  The Billionaire made his way down the sweeping staircase to cross the cream and gold interior of the main sitting area to his study to make a call before the guests began to arrive. His mobile rang. It was one of his security team in Stavanger already searching for Stena.

  “As you requested we have invited the man we believe might know of your sister’s whereabouts. He will be at the party tonight.”

  “Good. Maybe we can move this forward and get her home safe.”

  Vidar ended the call, excited he might finally get to meet his sister and be reunited with lost family. He made his business call in his study looking out at the picturesque small white wooden houses of Old Stavanger, dwarfed by the yacht and the cruise ship docked in front of them, doused in the early evening sunshine. The beautiful houses with cobbled streets weaving in and around them on a bank were gaily decorated with vibrant coloured flowers in pots and hanging baskets. He fancied he might take Fallon for a walk around them and show her the beauty of his country tomorrow before taking her for lunch. He sighed. What the hell was he doing? He was trying to romance her when he had changed her life and forced her to live a new one with him. Could there ever be a loving relationship between two people on that foundation? Perhaps he was right, he was crazy and deluded to believe so but something told him now that she was under his skin he wasn’t going to give up trying. He finished his call and returned to the cabin.

  Fallon had been reluctant to have another tampon inserted by him. He’d made her lie on the bed with her legs bent and open as he knelt between them and completed the task. She put on the red dress he had provided with a distasteful look.

; “You dressing me like a whore in red?” she mocked.

  “No. I happen to believe you would look stunning in red,” he said with annoyance. The night was going to be a difficult one. “And I was right.”

  He led her down the stairs by the hand to the sitting area and prepared to receive his guests as they boarded. The Billionaire teasingly introduced her to everyone as the new love in his life. This was a mistake. She took it for so long and then he could see her rage boil over. He knew he was on dangerous ground but he liked the sexual friction it created between them but still, he did not expect the reaction she was about to give him. She pulled away in the middle of the floor and spoke to everyone in the room.

  “Does everyone know what I am to their precious friend? He has made me his whore. I am always to be at his service and beck and call. He kidnapped me from my home and threatened my father,” she sneered.

  Vidar walked calmly towards her and took hold of her arm.

  “Enough, Fallon,” he told her, firmly tugging her away from the middle of the outside area, where his guests were being treated to champagne and cocktails before they entered the main enclosed area where they were all to dine.

  “What’s the matter Mr Alvarsson, can’t you get a woman without blackmailing her father?” she shouted so her silent captive audience could hear as he pulled her away closing the glass doors behind them.

  Vidar wound his arm around her waist to lift her up against him and carried her up the stairs to another closed in, out of the way area and that was when the real fight started.

  Fallon wriggled free and swung a punch at him. It caught the side of his jaw making him wince. The Billionaire rubbed it, marvelling at the precision aim of her right hook, more impressed than shocked. He tasted a trickle of blood in his mouth as she backed away shouting at him. She ran towards the front door prompting him to action. The Billionaire ran after her and caught her arms. This time she kicked him in the shin hard. The pain surged through him, mixing with the lightning intensity of his temper, which quickly ignited allowing something primal to consume him and take control.

  Vidar wound his fist into her hair dragging the pins from it until her chestnut curls fell free and bounced down her back and shoulders uncaring whether he was hurting her or not. Grunting with the effort of keeping her locked in his arms, he twisted her hair at the back of her head in his fist and pulled it from the roots, yanking her head backwards. He looked down at her noticing the wild need in her eyes reappear and shine back at him, daring him to take advantage of it. He could see the curl of her lips mocking him for hesitating.

  “This needs to end now, Fallon. Time to break your temper and make you mine for real. This time you’ll kneel.”

  He began to drag her along by the grip he had on her hair and did not spare her any pain. She needed it and, he had no doubt, wanted it. He was going to give her exactly what she wanted from him; someone who would storm her castle and the walls she built to protect herself and bring her out by force. She would never surrender to her own needs. He would have to make her.

  One hand in her hair, another pulling her arm, he dragged her to his study. All he could think about was taking her. He couldn’t help but love she was struggling and playing the game to full effect. He glanced down at her again, some semblance of sane thought flickering through his mind just to make sure he hadn’t misread the signals. But there it was in its full glory, that secret smile in her eyes and on her lips. Just as they reached the door of the study he felt her resistance lessen further confirming his suspicions.

  He flung the door open and with a hard push propelled her forward into the room watching closely to make sure she didn’t stumble and injure herself. When she fought to right her balance after his shove he worried he’d gone too far. But when she continued moving forward until she reached his desk and turned to face him with a primal look, he relaxed. Her hands gripped underneath the wood frame of the desk as though to focus on controlling herself. She took his breath away. He wanted the dress off her and to be inside her pussy.

  No words were spoken. None were warranted. Vidar locked the door and barred any escape for her. He tugged at his bow tie until it unravelled and hung loose around his neck. Undoing the top button of his shirt, he approached her, catching her swiftly as she ran to get behind him. Sweeping everything off his desk to the floor, he slammed her down onto it, holding her arms and hands down and above her. He wound his arm underneath her waist and lifted her further onto the desk until her head hung over the back of the desk where his leather chair was positioned. She struggled, forcing him to press his body down on her to hold her in place.

  Vidar pulled the bow tie out from around his neck and tied her wrists together with it. Fallon gasped but, to his surprise, did not protest. The urge to kiss her lips roughly was potent. But she was to turn away from him when he lowered his mouth. Frustrated and angry he pulled her hair forcing her to turn her head back. She struggled but finally his lips made hard contact.

  Pulling Fallon’s hair harder to force her head back and her mouth upwards, he probed his tongue hard, deep and rough inside her mouth. Her resistance remained, spurring him on until he felt her tongue stop the fight and respond unlike her body which continued to move restlessly underneath him. She curled her foot and aimed it at his ankle charging his temper once more and renewing the fight for dominance.

  The sound that came from his mouth in response was primal, a forgotten cry that came from somewhere deep inside lost from eons ago. Vidar raised himself off her body and stretched to reach the letter opener still lying on the table near them and took hold of the front of the red dress. He wasted no time in using it to cut the silk bodice open and down to the crotch pulling the material away as he did so. He opened the dress enjoying the way her heavy naked breasts bounced free from it on top of her chest. Her body arched upwards towards him as he pulled the garment out from underneath her body and threw it to the floor. Snapping both sides of her skimpy matching red panties he freed her pussy from its prison.

  He swept his hand down the side of her body and looked down at her.

  “I own this,” he hissed. “I own you. You are mine and always will be. I am never letting you go, bitch.”

  “Bastard,” she sneered back at him her eyes glistening with a mixture of contempt and urgent desire.

  He grinned.

  “We go together well. The bitch and the bastard.”

  He lowered his mouth to one perfect pert teat pointing from the tip of a juicy mound and harshly nipped it with his teeth making her scream. She struggled underneath him as he sucked the nipple teasing it beneath his teeth, small aroused gasps and whimpers escaping her lips almost at odds with her fierce struggle. To calm and still her he raised his hand and slapped her opposite breast three times. There was no confusion or mistake in the nature of her reaction. The sound was loud and guttural echoing out around the room to bounce off the walls.

  Someone started knocking on the door demanding entry to make sure they were both okay. Vidar ignored them burying his face in her chest once more, lifting her bottom to slap the side twice to calm her struggles. His action appeared to encourage her to move more and risk further discipline. Yet not once did she protest or voice a fear of his rough handling and he loved her for it.

  Squeezing one breast painfully hard making her whimpers almost turn to sobs, he flattened his palm, moving it down her stomach towards her vagina carefully watching her every reaction for signs the game was too much. His fingers sank between her wet folds and down towards the tampon. The Billionaire tugged the small string and pulled it until it fell out of her body. He threw it, noticing there was no blood, watching his perfect shot landing in the bin at the side of his desk. Now Fallon Prince was free and open to sink his cock hard and deep inside her.

  Unable to wait any longer he pulled down his zip and took out his long hard pulsing penis. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen it stretched so hard with need for a woman. He guided it roughly t
owards her pussy. She was wet enough to embed himself deep with one thrust and he ached to take her roughly and forcefully without remorse. Once more he looked at her to gauge her feelings and to check for any reluctance. He saw none and she remained silent. All she did was glance down at his length, bite her sexy, wet, red bottom lip and widen her legs a little more underneath his body to welcome and receive him.

  The Norwegian guided his cock to her entrance and poised it just inside. Taking hold of her arms from above her head he rammed inside her to the hilt. He was so deep he wondered if he was banging on the door of her womb. Vidar’s body arched upwards with her delicate female cry of defeat at being conquered.

  He rammed inside her again, over and over, each thrust accompanied by a satisfied Neanderthal grunt. Her own cries were primal in nature and of equal satisfaction. Her body moved violently on the desk with each deep calculated penetration as though he were spearing her. He felt the walls of her vagina tighten around him and gritted his teeth to hold himself back. He wanted this to be all about her surrender.

  “Come for me. Come now,” he demanded gruffly, encouraging her obedience with a sharp slap to one breast. It was to provide the desired result. She screamed out her passionate release amid the louder banging on the door and voices. Vidar couldn’t help being satisfied they would all hear him taking her.

  He watched the warm glow spread over her body flushing her beautiful features and body with a rosy tint. Her movements slowed to a graceful motion even though he continued his deep unforgiving thrusts. She stared into his eyes as pleasure swamped her own enthralling him. Her body arched and her last tortured cry echoed from her lips to signal the end of her climax. Still feeling her tremble internally, he continued moving inside her a little more and then withdrew as sharply as he had entered her.


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