Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 44

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Somehow his manner towards John adapted itself to the hands-on, familiar ways Ophius, Hermes and Galan had shown him once they had become friends, and it was clear his loving treatment of John was already putting their guest at ease.

  Paul showed him the living-room, and the bathroom, which made a huge impression on John. He gawked at the mosaic, and asked: 'Did you make all of this after your visit to our world? You must have been very busy then, and very talented, to translate our style to one so markedly your own.' Paul noticed he stood in front of the satyr figure longest.

  Slowly putting an arm on John's slight shoulder, Paul smiled and replied:

  'Actually I made it even before I saw your beautiful country and its fabulous mosaics. This sprung from my fantasy, from how I imagined your ancient culture to be. And you are right, it took me longer than half a year to design and make.'

  'Has it been half a year? It feels much longer, as if I have been selling my body for food and some love for years and years. How can a man be reduced to nothing at all so quickly?' As he spoke these words, he looked directly at Paul, who saw John's eyes overflowing again. It was not pathos, but true hurt, and Paul could understand it so well.

  'I was reduced to a quivering wreck in just one night, John,' Paul said, wanting to hold the man before him, comfort him, but loath to frighten him with his touch, 'if Lukas hadn't take my fear away I would still be afraid of women I didn't know very well.'

  John looked up at Paul, a mixture of unbelief and guilt clearly visible on his expressive face. 'It's the harsh truth, John, even the strongest man can be broken.' Paul opened his arms to John, to prove to him he had been forgiven, and that he was aware the smaller man needed a lot of love to be restored.

  Very slowly, John moved towards Paul, and let himself be wrapped in the taller man's arms. The feeling and the scent were already familiar, and it was so good to be held in a loving embrace, of someone who had been through a similar experience, and wouldn't think less of him because of his fear.

  Slowly, John started to realize why Lukas was so very fond of this man, that he had found Dionysus' secret hideout and threatened his old friend against his very nature, to get Paul back. As John held on to the incredibly muscular chest, he felt so safe, so protected, he felt his grief ebb and let go of his fear for this large man at least.

  He said: 'Thank you, Paul, I needed that. And thank you for your forgiveness, of course you had already said you forgave me, but feeling it makes it much more real.'

  They went on to the workshop, and John observed: 'This is a very comfortable place to be, you must all be very happy to be here.'

  Paul replied: 'We are, we work hard but it doesn't even feel like working.

  Lukas is a very good craftsman too, he loves making things with his hands.'

  Somehow, John seemed to understand: 'Before I became immortal, and bored with life, I used to be very happy growing things. Vines, mostly.' He said this with a knowing grin, 'but also wild flowers, beautiful trees, I liked the quiet of the glades, the smell of the leaves. I guess nothing much grows here in your cold country?'

  It was very strange to imagine John had never seen the abundant green that England could produce, so much more profuse than most of the drought-resistant vegetation of Greece.

  'On the contrary, John, our country is known for its lush forests and its beautiful meadows filled with flowers. If you can handle facing more strangers, we'll take you to my best friends here, they own a large manor and more importantly, a greenhouse filled with luxurious, tropical plants that thrive even in winter.

  We're building another greenhouse there at this very moment, and we're being picked up by a carriage to supervise this very afternoon. Lukas will be back any moment now, then we'll put in our hours at the forge, have lunch and go out. Melissa will go too, she is needed there most of all, for it is her design and her job to make sure the materials and the construction are in good order, and today is an important stage in the build.'

  That was a bit of a shock to John, back amongst people already? 'I don't know if I can handle that, Paul, a building site sounds like lots of rough men.'

  'No-one will force you to come, John, you can stay here, you'd be on your own for a few hours, though. But there will be no men in the greenhouse, and my friend Frances is very sweet, she knows about trauma, she has helped

  traumatized children recover. Why not discuss it with Melissa and Lukas later? You'd love the heat of the greenhouse, and the plants all around.

  Frances loves plants, she knows a lot about them.'

  Right then, the front door opened and Lukas came in, wearing his shorter, thinner running coat, face coloured with the cold outside, in an excellent humour.

  Finding his friend up and in the workshop, talking to Paul easily, made him very happy, that was very clear. His face brightened even more and his broadest smile appeared, making him look so cute Paul wanted to kiss him.

  But he didn't, for this was John's moment.

  John hung back, still uncertain how Lukas really felt about him after his despicable deeds in the past.

  But Lukas didn't have any qualms, he had let go of any negative feelings towards his old friend, and he wanted to hug John and give him the love he felt for him.

  Lukas was not a threatening figure to John, not at all. He felt so much love for Lukas, had thought of him so often, and with such regret, that he did not show the slightest sign of fear or hesitation to fall into the arms that were held out to him.

  'You're cold,' John exclaimed, as he clung to the dearest thing he had ever had, how could one mortal boy have caught his heart so totally? Lukas had tears rolling down his face, he was so intensely glad to see his old friend alive and better than he expected, side by side with Paul, whom he had been so afraid of last night.

  As they stood together in a tight embrace, Paul decided to let them be and go to work, and Melissa came in to do her share of it, carrying a tray with snacks for Lukas, but mainly for John, who needed to eat very often to restore his body.

  The sight of food immediately distracted the two men, they attacked it with energy, and when it had totally disappeared, Lukas took the tray back to the kitchen, wanting to change into his working clothes as well.

  For the next hour, a lot of work was done, Lukas was putting together the latest bicycles, two at a time, still quite a job, made easier by some assistance.

  John was eager to help, and he quickly picked up the knack of handing the right tool or bolt, enabling Lukas to work fast.

  After one hour, though, John started to yawn, and having decided he'd accompany them to the manor, Melissa thought it wise for him to take a nap,

  seriously considering to join him, she often retired for an hour before or after lunch, and this afternoon would be a big job for her, the final inspection of the commissioned frame before the glass was put on.

  'John, do you want to join me for a nap?' she asked, 'your body needs rest, and this afternoon is going to be hard on you, facing so many people at once.'

  John was not eager to leave Lukas, working together was always a great time to talk, and they still had so much to share, but he did see the sense in Melissa's advice. 'I really should, though I like helping you, Lukas. Do I get to try it out when it's done?' he asked, 'I saw people riding a bicycle sometimes and I always thought I'd like to try.'

  'Sure,' Lukas replied, 'I'm counting on it, you're the best choice we have for a guinea-pig, for this one is a smaller size.'

  There was quite a market for the smaller bicycles now, Paul had been right to invest in the moulds for smaller parts. This one was actually not commissioned, they had just built it to have a smaller model for potential customers to try, and a great thing that was, for now John could use it.

  It was a ladies' model, with floral ornamentation, very pretty, and Melissa secretly thought John would look very cute on it.

  She kissed both Lukas and Paul, then took John's hand and led him upstairs, to their own bedroom. 'Do you wan
t to share the bed?' Melissa asked him, 'I always have trouble sleeping alone, and I need my rest for I have a busy afternoon ahead, a bit too much for my advanced pregnancy to be totally honest. I'm starting to feel the load, so to speak. But don't tell the boys, they'd only get worried over me, they're like two mother-hens.'

  He just had to smile at her trusting remark, and looking at her sizeable belly and her large, attractive shape, he could imagine her being tired, and he couldn't think of a better place to sleep than in her arms. So he replied eagerly: 'I'd love to nap with you, you're nice and soft and warm, and you understand that my body may be less respectful of your decency than I am, you didn't blame me for its unthinking excitement this morning. I feel safe with you.'

  He was so cute, she could kiss him, but she didn't, for that would tempt both of them unwisely.

  She undressed and crawled in the bed, and received his slight shape, also naked, against her. Warmed and comforted by her calm presence, he fell asleep immediately, and Melissa soon followed.

  The movement of the child inside her woke Melissa totally refreshed, and she felt the man in her arms excited once more. There was no need to wake him, he was not as forward as Lukas had been, but Melissa did think John needed to share his love soon, his body was ready for it even if his mind might not be.

  And of course the thought of Frances came back to her. She was incredibly gentle, and had experience with traumatized people. John would be able to talk to her in Greek, and he was much older than she was, so he'd have no problems with seeing a mother-figure in her.

  She decided to broach the subject to him as soon as he woke, he would have to know about Frances anyway, for his shy manners and slight body would attract their hostess immensely. If Melissa herself felt it, Frances would want him even more.

  Enjoying the antics of their baby, Melissa concentrated on him for some time, she had not realized even an unborn child would already show so much character. And she always got a clear feeling of masculinity from him, was that some foolish hunch of a pregnant woman, or did she really carry a boy-child who had a sense of self already?

  Tempted to see inside her own body and try to find out, she decided to not do it. It felt as if she was invading her child's space if she did that, he'd show himself to her soon enough.

  Lukas had used his talent to check on their baby a few times, to see if he was growing well, and feeling safe, and had been able to confirm both issues every time.

  It was very nice to be day-dreaming in a nice warm bed, with a warm shape against her, though he was a bit too bony to feel really snug. Suddenly John woke up with a shock, turning and rolling into a ball again. But this time he corrected himself as soon as he was well and truly awake, snuggling against her once more, and asking permission to feel her belly again.

  She was happy to give it to him, and he felt the baby move with obvious enjoyment.

  'Do you have any children, John?' she asked mildly.

  'Probably,' he answered dryly, 'I've loved so many women that undoubtedly some children resulted, but I've never really had a child in the sense that I raised one. Lukas had the advantage of me there even before I first met him. Thinking back, I was a despicable person even then.'

  Melissa couldn't believe that, and she told him why: 'I'm sure Lukas must

  have seen something in you to love, he always told us you treated him well enough to make him love you, despite missing his step-mother and child so much.'

  'Who doesn't Lukas love?' John retorted with a hint of sarcasm, 'he is so easy to please. Be nice to him and he loves you.'

  'Don't be sour, John, Lukas is not easy to please, people make more effort to please him because he is so loveable. He does not love people who don't deserve it.'

  Crestfallen, John retorted: 'That cannot be true, he loves me.'

  'If you think I crawl into bed with just any miserable looking fellow that crosses my path, and Paul lets me, think again. We trust you because Lukas sincerely loves you, and that means you must be worth something.'

  That silenced him, all right.

  But Melissa still had something to discuss with him, and she said: 'John, the people you are about to meet are not typical Victorians, they are used to sharing love like your people do.

  The lady of the house, Frances, will be very much attracted to you, your shyness and your slightness. If you do not want to share love with her will you please let her know very clearly, but nicely, so she does not feel hurt?

  She will not hold it against you in any way, you need not feel forced to share with her. But John, I think your body is very eager to make love again, and she would be very willing and very gentle with you.

  Her husband will not claim her, he will not hurt you in any way for sharing with her, he shares, too. It is the kind of marriage they have. And if you feel fear of any kind, find one of us, and we'll stay with you. Even Paul, he is very protective, and I think he has included you in his group of people that need to be protected. You will always be very safe with him.'

  John clearly needed some time to digest that information, he was not pleased with the idea that he might become prey to a high-born lady. But he did feel a strong need to make love again, he could not deny that at all. He was warm, he was well-fed, he felt loved and safe, and now his male needs made themselves very clear.

  He told Melissa: 'The very idea scares the hell out of me, but I do feel my need stirring. Is it all right if I see how things go? If I don't feel up to it I'll become frightened and she'll back off, that couldn't hurt her, could it? If you tell her I've had a hard time?'

  That was good enough for Melissa, and she promised him she would

  make it very clear to Frances that John had been through some things that could make him feel fear suddenly. But something in her was certain this would work out, John would get the love he needed, and Frances was in for the time of her life, and the heat and the vegetation in the hothouse would bring them together.

  Chapter 27

  They were just in time for lunch, or maybe the guys had been waiting for them, for the table was ready and waiting, with the guys at their first cup of coffee and tea waiting for Melissa and John. After lunch Melissa gathered the drawings and other stuff she needed for her work, and put on her solid shoes and her coat, and the rest did the same. Lukas lent John his beloved parka, and wore an extra jumper and his running coat himself.

  It didn't take long for the carriage to arrive, and they travelled swiftly despite the snow-cover.

  As they arrived, Frances was waiting for them, a bit apprehensively, for the build had taken away a lot of their privacy, even in winter, and she was eager for it to be finished so they would have their grounds back to themselves.

  If the frame measured up to Melissa's exacting standards today, that might be as soon as within a week, for that was how long it would take to put the glass panes in place, after which Paul and Lukas would take over, placing the ornaments and the heating system.

  Mr Jones had advised against waiting to place the ornaments, he argued that welding them in place would damage the glass, but of course Paul and Lukas were not planning to weld them with unsubtle equipment, they were going to use magic to make a really precise bond, not even coming close to the glass.

  They had thanked Mr Jones for the advice, and told him they would try to make it work, remembering his warning if something went wrong. But they knew it wouldn't, though they couldn't tell Mr Jones of course.

  For John, being met by just one person, and that person a woman, was a real relief, and as Lukas introduced him as his old friend, John, John could indeed see the interest in her eyes.

  Without falling into dramatic descriptions, Lukas explained to her that he had found John living in the streets in the cold, suffering from deprivation, but also from a kind of trauma, which might make him fearful of large and

  noisy men.

  With a sigh that spoke volumes, Frances had told him she didn't like them either, but that a building site by its very
nature was filled with them. She would be very pleased to leave her hard-working 'guests' to Melissa, Lukas and Paul for an hour, and show John around in her greenhouse.

  Melissa saw no sign of fear in the small man, and felt free to tell Frances:

  'John may sound very much a Londoner, Frances, but he speaks an excellent Greek.'

  Somehow, speaking Greek had turned into a euphemism for making love, in the household of the Nomes'. Melissa had resented their circumspect way of talking when she had first met the family, but by now she was used to their manners and thought them quite entertaining.

  Frances' face lightened up at the prospect of talking Greek again, and she asked Melissa: 'Do you want coffee first, or after work?'

  'After work please, Frances,' Melissa replied, 'I've had a nice nap and I'm ready for my task, if I start to get sleepy again I'll need the caffeine. You take John here to the greenhouse, he told me he hasn't seen real plants for six months.'

  Frances hugged her carefully, and said: 'Ilsa is starting to feel it, too, she still works but takes naps very often. I suppose you will also need some new maternity clothing soon, Ilsa has found a seamstress who can make it look almost fashionable, I bet you're dying to wear something nice again, too.'

  That was Frances, always a step ahead, always thinking of others.

  'Thank you so much, I do yearn for nice clothes again, will Ilsa be here today?'

  Melissa was very glad to hear Ilsa was expected that afternoon, so she kissed John and whispered 'Will you be all right?' in his ear, and when he answered 'She is sweet, I'm sure I will be,' she gave both Paul and Lukas an arm and left for the building site.

  Mr Jones was there for the important inspection, and he worried all the climbing would be too much for Melissa: 'Why didn't you let another inspector do it, dear girl, all this climbing, isn't that dangerous?'


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