Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 4

by G. K. DeRosa

“The Gargoyle Guardian Council is working on the connection, and the guys and I are assisting where we can from the inside.”

  “Good.” He pointed his thick finger at Talon. “Maintaining your cover is of the utmost importance. Don’t you forget that. We’ve come too far to start over now.”

  “Yes, sir.” Talon folded his arms across his chest, and I had to suppress the urge to lean into him. My legs felt like jelly after the dragon flight, and this guy hadn’t even offered us a seat.

  “You mentioned you believed Azara was innocent of the crimes charged against her?”

  Talon nodded, his eyes glued to the floor.

  He really thinks I’m innocent? That was news.

  “Very well, Talon. I’ll take your word on it and hope your gut is correct. One more thing before we submit Azara through the preliminary interview.”

  Interview? I gulped, and my fingernails dug into my palms.

  “What’s that?”

  “I heard about Vander, of course.”

  Talon tensed beside me. The tendon in his jaw locked, and every muscle in his body tightened. Not only could I feel it, but I could actually see the strain in his neck and shoulders. “Yes, great news,” he mumbled.

  He leaned against the desk and steepled his fingers, sitting forward. “I know how close you two are, and I can only imagine your desire to see him back home safe. However, I trust you will follow the appropriate protocols and not jeopardize everything we’ve worked for in one rash moment.”

  “Of course not, sir,” he gritted out.

  “Good.” Maxim straightened and pivoted his dark gaze to me. “Now, little demon, let’s see what we can do with you.”

  “How’d it go?” Talon sat on a bench outside the interrogation room when I finished. Luckily, scary AF Maxim hadn’t conducted the interview. Some other mousey SIA agent had asked me a couple questions, but it was all very informal. Too easy, if you asked me. All that practicing of Garrix’s spell seemed to be for nothing.

  “It was fine. The girl said we could go and that the director would be in touch for the next step.”

  He rose and pointed me in the direction of what I assumed was the exit. “Good. Like I said, this was preliminary. They’ll probably run a background check since you grew up in the human world. That’ll be easy enough.”

  “Right.” Thanks to Garrix for fudging my identity. “Thank you for standing up for me back there with the director. I guess I haven’t said it, but I do appreciate what you’re doing and for finally believing in me.”

  His brows furrowed, and his gaze dipped to the floor. “Azara, I said those things because I don’t believe you belong behind bars, but don’t misunderstand me, I still don’t trust you.”

  A stab pierced my heart and my throat tightened, a huge lump blocking my airway.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “I want to be honest with you. You deserve at least that.”

  I hated that he could likely feel the hurt coursing through my insides. That he knew the effect his words had on me. We passed a door marked restroom, and I ducked inside. “Bathroom,” I shouted over my shoulder as hot tears filled my eyes.

  Dragon dickhead! I stared at my miserable reflection in the mirror and dragged a hand through my hair. I couldn’t believe I actually thanked him. Just when I thought he was being decent, he’d do something like this. That was it. I was done with Talon. Screw the blood bond.

  When I emerged from the ladies’ room a few minutes later, Talon was leaning against the wall talking to a blonde female. One of the biggest smiles I’d ever seen split the irritable dragon’s lips. The girl had her back to me and was giggling away, her platinum head bobbing back and forth. Judging by her long legs, lithe frame, and pointy ears, she was definitely a noble Fae, unlike my cute lesser Fae friend, Flix.

  I cleared my throat and stomped toward the overly friendly pair, but neither batted an eye in my direction. “Ready when you are,” I called out a little too cheerily.

  The blonde finally turned, and my jaw almost hit the floor.

  “Azara?” Her eyes were as wide as mine must have been.

  What in the world was my Fae cousin doing at SIA headquarters? She could not be the Ella whose clothes I was currently wearing, could she?

  Talon glanced over at Ella, and with his attention diverted, I shook my head like a madwoman at my cousin. “You know my prisoner?” he asked.

  The look of shock which surely mirrored my own vanished, and an expressionless mask slipped in its place. “No, of course not. You must have mentioned her name or maybe the director did.”

  Talon’s dark brows furrowed as he glanced back and forth between the two of us. My gaze dropped to the floor, hoping to evade those scrutinizing silver orbs.

  I’d only met Ella once when we’d visited my mom’s half-sisters who ruled Spring Court like ten years ago. But thanks to social media between the realms, I’d recognize her anywhere. Still, what was she doing here?

  My cousin eyed me, her unusual lilac eyes skimming over me. “I’m glad the clothes fit.”

  “Oh, right. Thanks for that.” I stretched my hand out and forced what I hoped was a convincing smile. “Ella, right?”

  She nodded but avoided my out-stretched hand. “Talon’s told me a lot about you. I’m eager to see your powers in action.”

  “All good things, I hope.”

  Talon quirked a brow, and I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him. I slipped my hand in my pocket, and my fingers grazed the cold metal of my prison cuff. Perfect. “Um, Talon. I think I left my cuff in the interrogation room. Can you go check?”

  “I’m not your maid, one thir—Azara . We can go together to look for it.”

  Ella’s hand lifted to Talon’s shoulder and glided down his arm. An unexpected pang of jealousy lit up my insides. “I’ll watch her, T. It’ll be faster if you go alone so you can avoid the security checks again.”

  “I guess.” He jabbed a thick finger into my chest. “Stay put and behave, got it?”

  I shot him a good eye roll. “I’m not some disobedient child.”

  He grunted and rolled his eyes right back at me. “Ella, you have my permission to zap her with your magic if she tries anything.”

  “I got it, no worries, T.”

  Talon’s earlier conversation with the SIA director flitted back to the surface. He’d told Maxim he thought my powers were greater than Ella’s. Interesting. My cousin’s mom was Garrix’s daughter so Ella must have inherited some of his abilities. Maybe not his warlock ones though… And her father was the Winter Court prince before he married into Spring. King Drake and my mom had gone to Darkhen Academy together too. Sometimes my family tree was too convoluted for even me to untangle.

  Talon turned away, one eye on me until he disappeared behind a door marked Administration. I waited a few more seconds to make sure he didn’t return before grabbing my cousin’s hands.

  “Wait,” she muttered under her breath. Wrapping her fingers around my palm, she dragged me down the corridor to another door. She swiped her badge over the reader and pulled me inside. A stairwell. She scanned the walls and then nodded. “No cameras in here.”

  “Oh…thank you.” I inhaled a breath and spat it out. “Ella, you can’t tell anyone who I am or that I’m here.” I hoped the desperation tingeing my tone didn’t come off too whiney.

  “Before I promise anything you have to answer a few questions. For starters, what are you doing here, Azara? Talon told me you’re his cellmate at Darkblood Prison. I know we haven’t seen each other in a while, but what the Fae happened?”

  “It’s kind of a long story,” I grumbled.

  “Well, you better make it quick because Talon will be back in about five minutes when he doesn’t find the cuff you obviously didn’t lose.”

  “Okay, okay. So I’ve been living in the Nether Lands the last two years because my demon powers got a little out of control. I’d been doing much better so to celebrate I went to a new club at Winter Court. T
he next thing I know, I’m at Darkblood Prison and they’re saying I soul-sucked an entire Fae village.”

  “And Talon’s best friend, Vander?” She clapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes gigantic pools of lilac. “Oh my gods, Azara, that was you?”

  I shook my head. “That’s the thing, I don’t remember any of it. And now some prison mob boss is trying to kill me, and an Underworld warlord is after me, but I have no idea why. I was set up that night, and we’re trying to figure it all out.”

  “That’s crazy. So why is Talon helping you if you killed his best friend?”

  “You didn’t hear? Vander’s alive. He’s being held in the Underworld, and we’re going to get him out.”

  “We?” Her perfectly plucked blonde brow arched.

  “Yeah, me and the Triad.”

  She giggled. “Right…”

  “Anyway, my parents have no idea what happened, and I have to keep it that way until I can clear my name. I don’t want anyone at the SIA knowing who I am because of Dad. He was a legend here.”

  “Yeah, he was. All the males want to be him, and all the females want to be with him—even now that he’s old.”

  Eew. I knew my dad was good-looking, but I didn’t need the reminder. “What are you doing here?”

  “I joined the SIA when I turned eighteen a few months ago. I was tired of the Fae court B.S. and with my powers, my dad thought it would be good training for me. A princess has to know how to kick some ass after all.”

  “Agreed.” I stared at the Fae royal in a navy uniform, her blonde hair pulled up in a tight ponytail, and I was impressed. When I’d met her when we were kids, she seemed like a spoiled brat. I guess I’d been wrong. She could’ve been sitting on a gilded throne eating bonbons all day, but instead she was here fighting bad guys. “Promise to keep my secret?”

  “I won’t volunteer the information to anyone here, but if I’m questioned I won’t lose everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve for you.”

  I nodded. “Fair enough.”

  She grabbed my hand and tugged me to the door. “We better get back before Talon does. We don’t want him to get suspicious. He’s like a dog with a bone—an incredibly hot one.”

  Oh, barf, my cousin totally wants Talon. “So I’ve heard.”

  As we emerged from the stairwell, the pounding of familiar heavy footfalls echoed from the opposite end of the corridor. We jogged the last few yards on tiptoes to meet Talon where he’d left us.

  “Thank you,” I mouthed to Ella as the burly dragon appeared over my shoulder.

  “Dammit, Azara. It’s not back there. Do you know how expensive that cuff is? If you lost it—”

  I flashed him my wrist with the sleek device back in place. “I found it. Sorry. I guess it slipped out of my pocket in the bathroom. Agent Ella helped me find it.”

  “Thank you, Ella.” He gave my cousin a sweet smile, and my insides soured.

  Was there something going on between them? I shoved down the unwanted burst of jealousy again. Stupid blood bond. I’d considered telling Ella that little tidbit but something about it felt wrong. Like it was something private that shouldn’t be shared with just anyone.

  “Ready to head back, Azara?”

  “Not really,” I grumbled. As stressful as this day had been, it beat life in Darkblood a hundred times over.

  His fingers curled around my bicep, and my tattoo blazed to life. The purple hue lit up the spaces between his fingers and both he and Ella stared at the mystical light.

  My cousin’s nostrils flared, and for a moment I wondered if she could sense our grandfather’s magic. From what Mom had said, GG wasn’t very close to his Fae daughters or their children. “That’s a neat trick,” she finally whispered.

  I hadn’t exactly had time to tell her about my bound powers, but maybe I didn’t have to tell her everything just yet.


  “See you, Ella. Good luck with your training.”

  “Thanks, T. We miss you around here. Hopefully, you’ll be back soon.”

  Talon tugged me forward, and I waved at Ella over my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go before your magic accidentally slips out and something bad happens.”

  “Always so negative.” I shook my head at my grumpy bodyguard, and his lip twitched, but he schooled it back into a frown before it had the chance to reveal that ridiculously cute dimple.

  Chapter Six

  “Congratulations, you passed.”

  I stared up at Talon and rubbed my eyes, trying to chase the sleep away. “Passed what?” I tugged at the strap of my thin tank top and couldn’t help but think about the luxurious fabric I’d worn only three days ago. It wasn’t fair that I was back in prison scrubs again.

  “The SIA preliminary background check,” huffed Talon as if it were so obvious. Now I knew where he’d been all day yesterday.

  The past few days had been completely uneventful and with my dragon shadow gone, way too boring. Which I hated admitting. Our playful-slash-hateful banter at least provided some distraction and entertainment. “So now what?” I pushed the blanket back and hopped out of bed.

  Hayden’s rumbling snores filled the back of the room. That angel could sleep through anything. So much for keeping an eye on me while my bodyguard was gone.

  Talon folded his massive body onto my mattress, dwarfing the small frame. “Now you have to pass a series of physical tests, a written one and a week-long training session.”

  “That doesn’t seem so bad.” Unless my warlock powers decide to make a cameo.

  “I’m sure you’ll do fine after training with me.”

  “Geez, conceited much?”

  He barked out a laugh, and I nearly died of shock. I couldn’t believe I’d coaxed a chuckle from the stoic dragon. “I was being serious, actually. My training methods are the same as the ones you’ll encounter at the SIA.”

  Heat rushed my cheeks. “Oh…” That made sense. “So, maybe we should get in a training session today?” Now that Talon was back a nervous energy surged through my insides. It was definitely because of the bond but annoying, nonetheless.

  “Not today, one thirty-eight.”

  Oh great, we were back to that.

  “Why not?”

  He shrugged. “I’m tired. I spent the last two days training with Ella, and she worked me pretty good.”

  A burst of jealousy ignited in my core, and the mad rush of my own blood roared across my eardrums. What the hell? I inhaled a deep breath and tried to tamp down on the fiery sensations.

  I glanced up, and a knowing smile tipped Talon’s lips.

  No, no, no. So embarrassing!

  “I wasn’t—it wasn’t because of you…”

  He shook his head and waved his hand nonchalantly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  At least he wasn’t going to rub my insane jealousy in my face. I released a breath, and my cheeks cooled. I drew in another long gulp of air and stifled the churning in my gut.

  “Are you and Ella close?” The stupid words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  “I trained her when she first arrived at headquarters, so yeah. I take a personal interest in all my trainees.” An indecipherable flash of emotion streaked across his eyes. He lowered his gaze and pushed himself off my bed. “Anyway, you start tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I squeaked.

  “The sooner you’re out of here the better, right?”

  “True.” I wrapped my arms around myself as anxiety squeezed my lungs.

  “Anyway, like I said, I’m pretty tired so I’m going to hit the hay.”

  “Oh, okay.” My shoulders deflated, and I convinced myself it was only because I was desperate for company. Maybe Hayden would wake up soon. At least I could watch him do push-ups. If there was one thing the angel was good for, it was eye candy.

  Talon must have noticed the whiney twinge in my voice because before he hopped onto the top bunk, he turned back. “I’m sure I’ll feel bett
er by tonight. If you want, we can go a quick round then.”

  I suppressed the excitement in my tone and sank down on my bed. “Okay, cool, if you’re up to it.”

  Valeria’s wings fluttered nervously behind her seat as her gaze remained trained on the large vampire at my side.

  “Go fish,” said Dallas.

  I grabbed a card from the stack in the center and whooped in triumph.

  “I don’t understand this stupid human game,” Flix grumbled. He sat beside Valeria, the four of us taking up our own table in the rec room. Talon had been asleep all day, he’d even missed dinner. I didn’t have high hopes we’d get in our workout session like he’d promised.

  “What’s the matter, precious? You look like your favorite hell hound just died.”

  I shot my substitute bodyguard the finger and collected my candy winnings. “Nothing. I guess I’m bored.”

  “Bored?” Flix’s lips curved into a pout. “How could you say such a thing?”

  Dallas flicked his wrist at my pixie friend. “Don’t mind her, she’s just grumpy because Talon didn’t come out to play.” He burst into a chuckle, and I jabbed my elbow into his side. He didn’t even flinch.

  “I am not,” I muttered.

  Valeria leaned forward, propping her elbows on the table. “Spill, girl, is there something going on with you and that delicious dragon?”

  “No,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  Flix and Valeria arched matching skeptical brows in freakishly perfect unison. “Fine, sweetie, if you want to keep your torrid love affair a secret, that’s okay by me. For now.” He winked and started to shuffle the cards. “Now it’s time to play one of my favorite games—Winter King.”

  “Ugh. You’re going to have to explain the rules again. I did not get them the first time we tried.”

  “Oh, Azara, don’t be such a spoil sport,” said Dallas. “If you can figure out how to wrangle Talon, this game should be cake.” A mischievous grin split his full lips, and I resisted the urge to punch him. Only because the guard was peering in through the window in the rec room door. Talon insisted I had to be on my best behavior if I wanted this SIA thing to pan out.


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