Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 9

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Oh gods, Azara,” he groaned. “We can’t keep going, or I won’t be able to stop.”

  Our earlier conversation about consummating our relationship jumped to the forefront of my mind. “Wait, we can’t.” I placed my hands on his chest and met his fiery gaze. “Wouldn’t we trigger the mate bond or whatever?”

  He blew out a frustrated breath. “It’s highly possible.”

  I squirmed out from under him, and Talon rolled onto his side. “We can’t then.” I gnawed on my lower lip as cold water doused the brewing flames. “Unless you want to be mated to a demon.” A nervous laugh spilled out.

  “Right. And no one wants that.” He gave me an uneasy half-smile.

  Why did it seem like we always ended up at the same place?

  Chapter Twelve

  I flipped through the old, yellowing pages of the spellcraft book GG sent over, and the dark words blurred across my vision. I’d been studying like crazy since the ancient tome arrived yesterday and to my surprise, it was working.

  I’d started with the basics: summoning objects, opening and closing doors, levitating small items, easy stuff like that and in only twenty-four hours I’d mastered an assortment of cool parlor tricks.

  I bumped Hayden’s elbow as I flipped another page. He looked up from his nineteen eighties copy of Hustler and grinned. “You almost done?”


  “Good because Happy Hour is almost over, and I gotta get you back to our cell before your keeper threatens my life again.”

  I couldn’t help the silly smile from splitting my lips. Talon had sent Hayden in his place to watch over me while I studied because I couldn’t focus when he was around. Now that we’d given into temptation, the blood bond demanded more. And since neither of us were too keen on the idea of becoming mates, we’d decided a little separation was necessary.

  Hayden waved his hand an inch from my face. “Hello? Where’d you go there, pumpkin?”

  I wiped the grin from my mouth and lowered my gaze to the book. “Just thinking about spells and stuff.”

  He smirked. “Yeah, right…” A knowing smile flashed across his face, and he leaned in closer. “I may not be able to read you yet, but my dragon buddy is another story. Whatever is going on between the two of you has him giddy as a faerie around the maypole.”

  Heat sprang up my neck and settled along my cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Then why are you redder than Dallas’s jumpsuit?”

  I fanned my face, hoping the crimson diffusing across my face would lighten. “I’m just hot.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I can’t argue with that.”

  I cuffed him on the back of the head and continued scouring the pages of the book, but at this point, I couldn’t focus. Talon and I wanted to keep whatever this was on the downlow for now. The blood bond could wear off at any moment, and where would that leave us? The idea made my chest tighten and lungs constrict.

  You are not falling for him, Azara. You are not falling for him. I repeated the mantra over and over, hoping my stupid heart would get it. I was playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette, and my heart was on the line.

  “What’s a demon doing dabbling in magic?” Flix appeared and quirked a light brow, tearing me from my dark thoughts.

  I slammed the ginormous text closed and leaned my arm across the cover. Stupid since he’d already seen it, but it made me feel slightly better. “Just something I picked up at the library to keep me entertained.”

  He glanced between my sprawled fingers at the title. “Doesn’t look like light reading to me.”

  “We thought learning a new craft could keep her out of trouble,” Hayden cut in.

  Flix shrugged and folded into the chair across for me. “So that’s where you’ve been? You haven’t been around at all lately.”

  Better that he thought I was learning magic than training to become an SIA agent. “Yup.” I had less than a week before I had to return to headquarters and prove to Maxim I was up for the task.

  He pulled the thick tome out from under my arm and scanned a few pages. “Any luck so far?”

  I hated lying to my friend, but it was better if no one knew about my magical propensity. Not all supernaturals could pick up magic and especially not after only a few days of training. Lesser Fae, like my pixie friend, didn’t have elemental magic like the noble Fae. But they did have wings, which I thought was pretty cool.

  Ooh maybe I could learn to fly… “Um, nope, not yet.” I pushed out my lower lip and gave him my best pout.

  “I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually, sweetie.”

  From over Flix’s shoulder, I caught sight of Valeria sauntering over. She waggled her fingers as she approached, a shy smile on her face. She was still in awe and possibly slightly afraid of the Triad brothers.

  I gave her a welcoming wave, and she proceeded more confidently. Before she reached us, I grabbed the book from Flix and shoved it under the table. If my pixie friend thought I was acting weird, he didn’t mention it.

  Valeria folded into the seat beside Flix, her mossy green eyes intent on the oblivious angel beside me. She finally tore her lusty gaze away from my handsome cellie to face me. “Where have you been, girl?”

  “Hiding out as usual.” I shot her a wink. If things panned out with the SIA, I hoped to be spending even less time around here in the future.

  “Because of Delacroix?” Her dainty hand clapped over her mouth as soon as she said the words.

  Hayden’s eyes leapt up from his magazine to drill into hers. “Why? Did you hear something?” he growled. The angel was always so chill I forgot how intimidating he could be.

  Valeria sat back, her frail wings flapping overtime. “No, I mean, well—”

  “Spit it out, girl.” Hayden leaned across the table, his large palms digging into the faux wood.

  “I just heard some chatter among the Fae that Delacroix’s losing his touch. Everyone’s been talking about how obsessed he is with Azara.”

  My eyes darted to Hayden’s, but his remained glued on the trembling pixie. “So nothing about retribution?”

  Her head whipped back and forth. “Not that I heard.”

  Hayden rose as a voice intruded into my thoughts. You okay?

  Dammit, a twinge of fear must have spilled through the blood bond. It was too bad it wasn’t a two-way connection. Being able to answer Talon would avoid a pissed off dragon from bursting into the rec room in three, two, one…

  The door burst open and Talon appeared in the threshold, silver flames blazing across his irises.

  “Sorry guys, we gotta go.” I grabbed my spell book from under the table and hurried to the door to meet my fuming bodyguard.

  From over my shoulder, I could hear Flix and Valeria mumbling about there definitely being something going on between us. So much for keeping this on the DL.

  When I reached Talon, his eyes raked over every inch of me. “I’m fine,” I muttered. Only after he finished his examination did the tense set of his jaw and shoulders relax. I could feel the anxiety leech off him as he drew in a breath.

  “What happened?”

  Hayden ticked his head at the table where Flix and Valeria still sat, matching curious expressions on their faces. “The female pixie heard something about Delacroix concerning our little pumpkin.”

  Again, a burst of anxiety rippled off Talon in a sultry wave.

  “It was nothing,” I added, running my hand down his abs. Oops.

  Hayden’s eyes widened as they focused on the accidental touch. His mouth opened, but Talon cut him off. Thank the gods.

  “Tell me everything,” he barked.

  When we reached the safety of our cozy little cell, I repeated exactly what Valeria had said which was pretty much nothing.

  Talon paced as I spoke and continued long after I’d finished. “There has to be more going on.” He turned to Hayden who was perched on the edge of his bed, crouching to avoid hitting the top
bunk. “We have to be extra vigilant in the next few days. Make sure Dallas knows too.”

  “Will do, boss.” Hayden saluted the trudging giant with a cheeky smirk.

  Risky considering the fury rolling off the Triad’s fearless leader. Only his BAFF could get away with a move like that.

  Talon shot him a narrowed glare, his pupils thinning to reptilian slits, and Hayden threw his hands up. “What? Don’t worry about it, T. We’ve got the little pumpkin covered, like always.” He cocked his head at his friend, and a mischievous grin curved his lips. “Unless there’s some new development that’s occurred that should make us extra careful with Azara?”

  Talon tossed his head back and forth, his lips pressing into a tight line.

  “Like a status change in your relationship? Perhaps the activation of a mate bond?”

  “No!” we both hissed in unison.

  He chuckled and slid back onto his bed, stretching out his long legs. “Ah, I see. Just want to make sure you keep a brother in the loop, that’s all I’m saying.”

  After a few minutes, I got tired of watching Talon’s never-ending pacing and folded down onto my own bed. Grabbing my grandfather’s book on spellcraft, I opened the hefty volume across my lap. At least I could get some more studying in before dinner.

  The end of the bed dipped, and the springs groaned, protesting the arrival of my large dragon bunkie. I glanced up from the book and met a pair of piercing orbs. His concern melted through the bond, dispelling any annoyance over his overprotectiveness. “Everything’s going to be fine, Talon. In a few days, I’ll have my magic under control, and I’ll be the SIA’s newest kickass agent.”

  The ghost of a smile upturned his lips, before he pursed them together once more. “Don’t underestimate Delacroix, one thirty-eight.”

  I scowled at the use of my less than complimentary nickname. “Don’t call me that.”

  “Sorry, habit. But that’s not the part of the sentence you should be focusing on.”

  “I know, I know. Delacroix’s bad. He wants to do horrible things to me for some unknown reason and yet, it’s been weeks and he still hasn’t made another move.”

  The crease between his brows deepened. “I know. Which doesn’t make sense. What is he waiting for?”

  I glanced over my shoulder at Hayden, and his quiet snores filtered in our direction. That angel could sleep through anything. Being this close to Talon and not being able to touch him was driving me nuts. Now I let my fingers trail over his forearm. “Maybe he’s scared of you. Maybe Dembrat went back to him with your latest threats, and he decided I wasn’t worth it.”

  His dark gaze chased to my fingers running up and down his arm, and a faint growl vibrated his throat. “Doubtful,” he muttered, his husky tone making my insides clench.

  “I heard you today.” I pointed at my temple with my free hand.

  “Good, I was hoping you would.” He paused, his brow furrowing. “You know, I was thinking that if this isn’t a blood bond thing, what if it’s a magical one?”

  Now I was the one doing the furrowing. “Mind reading isn’t an ability witches possess.”

  “Not witches but some warlocks.”

  I gulped, and my fingers slid off his arm.

  “Azara, I had a buddy of mine at the SIA do some research into demon-witch hybrids, and not one in the dozens of cases exhibited warlock powers.”

  I jumped back, a stab of betrayal jabbing at my insides. “You did what?”

  “I knew it.” He stood and started the manic pacing again. “You are hiding something.”

  My big fat lie must’ve been seeping through our stupid bond. “No, it’s my anger that you’re feeling for going behind my back. I told you my family history is complicated, and it’s important to keep it on the downlow.”

  “I didn’t mention you by name, Azara. How stupid do you think I am? I know you and Logan have been keeping things from me from the beginning. I’ve been more than patient. I don’t understand why, but I keep hoping you’ll finally tell me the truth.”

  “I can’t,” I hissed. “It’s not just about me. It would affect my whole family.”

  He bent down and captured my hands in his. “Azara, you don’t understand what this blood bond does to me. It makes me want to protect you with every fiber of my being. I’d lay down my life for you no questions asked. I’m a part of you now and you are an integral part of me. I would never do anything to place you or your family in harm’s way.”

  The fire in his eyes made me want to believe him. And I did believe him. I trusted him like family—like blood. “I know,” I whispered. “But I can’t. I promise I’ll tell you everything once I know my family is safe. Just please let it go for now.”

  His head dipped, and he released my hands. “Fine.” He rose and stalked toward his bed, the hurt ping-ponging its way across my gut. I hated upsetting him, but if the bond between us dissipated tomorrow or the week after, then what?

  What if his undying devotion vanished as quickly as it appeared?

  Chapter Thirteen

  A ball of blazing witchfire sparked to life in my palm, and I flung it at Dallas as he zipped across the training room. The vampire screeched, and the stench of burnt flesh wafted to my nostrils.

  “Got ya!” I pumped my fist in the air triumphantly as Dallas hurled curses in my direction.

  “What the hades, T?” he snarled. “How much longer do I have to keep doing this?” He ticked his head at Hayden who leaned against the far wall, a smile twitching his lips. “Why can’t she use the angel for target practice?”

  Talon waved his hand at his brother. “That’s enough for now. If Azara can manage a hit on you, she’s ready for the SIA.”

  A huge smile split my lips. I’d been practicing non-stop for the past week and thanks to GG’s spellcraft books and the unraveling binding spell, I’d made major advancements in my magical abilities. My gorgeous and demanding dragon trainer didn’t hurt either.

  “What time’s your appointment with the director?” Hayden asked, peeling his tall frame from the wall.

  “This evening, during dinner time,” Talon answered.

  “Woohoo,” I added drily.

  “Azara’s still got a long way to go, but I’m confident she’ll improve once she starts training with the squad.”

  Dallas choked on a laugh. “She’s going to train with Ella?”

  “Yes,” Talon answered.

  “Why’s that so funny?” My cute blonde Fae cousin came to mind along with her flirty ways.

  The big vamp crossed his arms over his chest. “Nothing, nothing at all.”

  “Dallas…” I grumbled.

  “Ella’s sort of an alpha female—as are you. I just hope you’ll be able to play nice.”

  “Of course they will,” Talon interjected.

  “Then there’s the way she looks at T.” Hayden moved beside Dallas and threw him a conspiratorial grin.

  “Oh yeah, there’s going to be trouble.” The smirking vampire doubled over in laughter, and I restrained the urge to wipe that smile off his face with another flaming ball of witchfire.

  “Enough,” Talon growled. He ticked his head at me and motioned toward the door. “Let’s grab a late lunch before we miss our window. I don’t want your rumbling stomach to distract you at the SIA.”

  My cheeks rosied, and the guys burst into another round of chuckles. I wasn’t sure if it was because of me or because of Talon’s way too personal comment. I flipped them the middle-finger salute and followed him out of the training room as their laughter echoed behind.

  As soon as we were out of earshot, I hurried to catch up with Talon’s long strides. “We’re not doing a very good job at keeping this on the downlow.”

  He shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s just my brothers; they know me too well.”

  I wondered if Logan had noticed. He’d stopped by for a few of my magical training sessions, but he’d never mentioned it. I wasn’t sure that he would. It would be he
lla awkward.

  When we reached ground level, Talon turned toward the mess hall, but I paused at the foot of the stairs. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and a chill skirted up my spine.

  She’s coming.

  Are you sure? I don’t hear anything.

  Two unfamiliar voices echoed through my mind, and I froze. That was not Talon. What the heck?

  My dragon bodyguard must have noticed I’d stopped following him because he whirled around. “What’s the matter?”

  I lifted my finger to my lips and scanned the empty hallway. Or not empty.

  Delacroix materialized from a cloud of dark smoke, Dembrat and two other guys surrounding him.

  What the eff? How did I just hear their thoughts? And how did Delacroix appear from thin air? Apparently, the Triad wasn’t the only one with unfettered access to their powers in here.

  “Ah, just the little lady I was hoping to meet,” Delacroix crooned.

  Talon leapt in front of me and tugged me behind his massive shoulders. “Were you hoping to meet me too?” he snarled. His talons burst through his fingertips, the white claws gleaming beneath the neon lights. “I see you’ve decided not to heed my warning? Perhaps you’d like to see what your insides look like spilled across the floor?”

  Delacroix raised his own clawed hand. “Relax, dragon. I merely want to talk to the girl.”

  I shoved past Talon’s bulky frame despite his best efforts to keep me behind him. “What do you want?”

  “I believe we have a mutual friend…”

  Talon tensed beside me, his shoulder tight against mine.

  “Who’s that?” I asked, lacing my voice with as much steel as I could manage.

  “Thax.” He waved a nonchalant meaty paw. “I believe he’s your cousin, if I’m not mistaken.”


  I could feel Talon’s burning gaze boring into the side of my face, but I refused to meet it. Not yet anyway. Not until I found out where Delacroix was going with this. If he knew Thax was my cousin, he knew Lucifer was my grandfather, but what else did he know about my family?


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