Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 19

by G. K. DeRosa

  Magic danced along my skin, eager to break free. I was pretty certain I could do it, but I shrugged anyway. “I’d like to give it a try.”

  Talon smirked and lowered himself onto the leather arm of the couch. “Now this I’d love to see.”

  The words of the portal opening spell whirled across my mind. I repeated them as swirls of magic expanded in my core. I could feel the darkness of my demon powers twirling together with my mystical abilities. Together, they fueled the storm brewing inside. It churned like a tornado, whipping and whirling until it filled every inch of me.

  I threw my hands out and muttered the words of the spell as the power tore my insides apart, my voice barely recognizable as my own. I must have closed my eyes at some point because my long hair lashing across my face finally pried them open.

  The brilliant azure lights of the portal lit up the warden’s office, their shimmering glow mirrored off the three males’ shocked faces.

  “Shit, Azara.” Talon scrubbed his hand over his gaping jaw.

  “I need to strengthen these damned wards,” Logan hissed.

  Vander just stared at me, his lips forming a capital O.

  The heady powers surged through me, swelling my insides with raw power. I wish GG could see me now. “Let’s go, boys.” I strutted toward the spiraling winds and dove in headfirst.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Maybe I’d been a little overconfident.

  The crack of my chin against concrete smacked the arrogance right out of me. Lifting my head up, I pushed myself off the asphalt, grumbling with each move. Of course, Talon and Vander landed in perfect crouches on either side of me. Stupid agile shifters.

  The narrow alleyway was dark with only one working streetlamp at the opposite corner. Welcome to New York City. It had been years since I’d been. Mom and Dad had taken me to see Wicked on Broadway for my thirteenth birthday. It had been the best day ever.

  Today, we were nowhere near the shimmering lights of Broadway. I glanced up at the tilted street sign and cursed under my breath. We were thirty blocks north of where we were supposed to be on the Upper West Side.

  “I guess her portalling powers aren’t that damned good, huh?” Vander shot me a teasing wink, and I returned it with the middle finger salute.

  Talon rolled his eyes at his brother and ticked his head toward Amsterdam Avenue. “Come on, let’s get a move on.”

  “Can’t you dragon-out and give us a ride?” I asked.

  “Right, because a thirty-ton dragon wouldn’t be conspicuous in the middle of Manhattan…”

  “But it’s dark out. Couldn’t you fly over the clouds or something?”

  “No, Azara, I can’t. Now come on.” His hand wrapped around mine, and he dragged me down the street. “The nearest subway is two blocks away.”

  “The subway?” I screeched.

  “What’s the matter? Too human for you?” Talon groused.

  It simply lacked the magical flare I’d been going for. This was my first real mission. We were supposed to be making a grand entrance to save the guys and now my Fae cousin, Ella, would probably beat us to the punch.

  “Can’t I try to portal us there again?”

  “We can’t risk your portal appearing in the middle of a public area and outing us to the humans. You know inter-realm travel requires approval. And we don’t have that.”

  “Ugh,” I muttered.

  “I can shift and keep to Central Park without getting too much attention.” That ring of bright citrine illuminated Vander’s eyes.

  Talon shook his head. “Seems a little chancy. It’s not like your wolf can pass for some stray husky.”

  “Up to you, boss. It’ll definitely be quicker than the subway, especially at this time of night.”

  He was right. The subway ran on a reduced schedule overnight, and at this rate we’d never make it. “Just let him go, Talon. At least he can help the guys.”

  “Fine,” he growled. “But be careful.”

  “Will do.” Vander bent down and skimmed his lips over my cheek. “You be careful too.”

  Heat raced up my neck and fanned across my face at the sneak-attack kiss. What was that? Before I could say a word, he darted down the street, peeling his clothes off as he ran. Coward! How could he do something like that and leave me to suffer a surly dragon?

  Talon cleared his throat and released his hold on my hand, crossing his big arms over his chest. “Looks like you guys are getting along well.”

  “Just like you and Vessa,” I bit out.

  That was nothing. His voice echoed in my mind.

  Liar. I couldn’t help the retort from popping in my head.

  “What did you just say?” he asked.

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  Yes, you did.

  I stopped in my tracks and yanked on Talon’s arm. “Oh, my gods! I heard your thoughts and I think you heard mine. Did we just have a conversation in our heads?”

  “It’s not possible. I’m not in my dragon form and the bond is gone…”

  I could’ve sworn a hint of sadness laced his tone, but I couldn’t focus on that right now. “Think of something and don’t say it out loud.”

  This is stupid. His voice came through clear as day.

  No, you’re stupid! The thought flew by without my consent.

  Talon’s eyes bulged out of his head, like two glowing silver orbs. “I heard you. You responded to my thought and I heard you.”

  Now it was my turn to look like a crazy bug-eyed cartoon character. “We can hear each other?”

  “Let’s try it again,” he said. How old are you?

  Nineteen. How old are you?

  Talon raked his hand through his hair as he stared wide-eyed. Twenty-three. How is this happening?

  “I have no idea,” I blurted.

  “Even when the bond was between us, I could only project to you. How could it have become two-way now?”

  “No. Idea.”

  He stared down at me, his silver gaze boring into me, like he was trying to find the answers in my eyes.

  “I swear I don’t know, Talon. This isn’t like the other family secret stuff. I really have no idea.” Crap. My mind raced through the list of warlock powers – but GG didn’t have telepathic abilities. Did he?

  The crease between his brows deepened, and a vein popped in his forehead.

  “What are you doing?” I shouted when his face turned so red it looked like his head would pop.

  “I’m trying to read your mind like before.”

  Double crap. I was just thinking about warlock powers. Ack! There I go again. I pressed my hands to my temples to stop my rambling thoughts. “Did you hear anything?”

  “No. Nothing.”

  Phew. “It must only work when I initiate the conversation or something.”

  “Maybe.” He tapped his foot on the sidewalk, and his lips twisted into a pout. “We gotta go. We’ll have to figure this out later.”

  “Fine by me.”

  We took off at a jog until we reached the subway station on Amsterdam. Talon sped down the stairs, taking them three at a time as I struggled to keep up behind him. He jumped right over the turnstile as I searched my pocket for loose change. Oh right. I don’t have any because I’m a prisoner.

  “Just jump,” Talon called out as the rumble of the approaching subway vibrated the cracked tile beneath my feet.

  “I’m human. What if they track me down?” The last thing I needed was a fine for not paying for a subway ticket.

  The roar of the oncoming train grew louder, and my heart rammed against my ribs.

  “Jump!” he shouted.

  Son of a biscuit! I grabbed the railings and leapt over the turnstile just as the subway rolled into the station, the sharp keening sound of brakes ringing out across the platform. We darted through the doors and slid into an empty bench with my heart up my throat as the train lurched forward. I drew in a deep breath and got a mouthful of stale air and body odor. Bleh.
r />   The subway car was empty, which made sense given the pre-dawn hour. Ten stops, and we’d be there. I kept my fingers crossed that Dallas and Hayden would be okay. They’d become like family to me.

  “I thought you were eighteen.” Talon’s voice pulled me from my inner musings.

  “I was.” I shrugged. I’d never been much for birthdays, and this year mine had particularly sucked. “It was my birthday while I was unconscious in the infirmary. Didn’t even realize I’d missed it until a few days later. Hard to keep track of time behind bars.”

  His face grew serious, and I had to resist the urge to poke around in his mind. That was going to be tough. “I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to make up for that.” His hand reached for mine, but he pulled it back at the last second.

  I folded my arms over my chest and tucked my hands under my armpits, scooting over a tad for good measure. I hoped this subway ride would be over soon or I’d end up kissing or punching the dragon next to me.

  A sharp screech shattered the silence, and the train skidded to a halt. My hands flailed but despite my best efforts, I slid across the bench and glided onto Talon’s lap. Thick arms came around me like a flesh and blood seatbelt, securing me to his firm chest.

  “Are you okay?” His warm breath whipped through my hair.

  “Yeah, fine.” I grabbed onto the metal pole beside him and extricated myself from his hold. “What do you think that was?”

  Talon stood and moved to the end of the car, peering through the glass. “No idea.” I glanced through the window behind me, but all I could make out was a whole lot of black.

  The crackle of the intercom jerked my attention to the speaker overhead. “We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are experiencing a temporary delay. Please remain seated, and we will be on our way as soon as possible.”

  Talon raked his hands over his face and through his hair, tugging at the short dark strands. “I can’t believe this.”

  I couldn’t help myself, I opened my mind, trying to read his thoughts. Nothing. I closed my eyes, straining to visualize his brain.

  “Stop that!” Talon erased the space between us and squeezed my shoulders.

  I gave him my most innocent look. “Stop what?”

  “I can see what you’re trying to do. It’s not fair. You can’t go digging around my mind just because you can.”

  I wiggled free and slumped down on the bench. “It didn’t work if it makes you feel any better.”

  “It doesn’t,” he shouted.

  “Why? You have a lot of secrets you’re keeping from me?”

  He shook his head, his cheeks growing a dark shade of crimson. “I’ve only ever lied to you about one thing, Azara. And I had to, it was my job. You, on the other hand, have been keeping secrets from day one.”

  “To protect my family!”

  “Whatever,” he muttered as he began to pace.

  I stomped toward him, anger free flowing through my insides. “Fine, you want to know the truth so bad. I’ll effing tell you. My powers aren’t of the normal wicca variety.”

  “No shit,” he murmured.

  I jabbed my finger into his chest and snarled, “Do you want to hear it or don’t you?”

  “You have warlock blood running through your veins.”

  My jaw dropped, nearly scraping the dirty subway floor. “How—who---?”

  “No one told me, Azara. I figured it out. After spending the past few months with you, meeting your relatives, as unbelievable as it seems, I figured it out.”

  All the fire evaporated, and I sank down onto the hard, plastic seat. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  He shrugged and sat down beside me. “I was waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell me.”

  “I wanted to. If it were only my secret, I would have.”

  “Right.” He stared across the aisle into nothingness. “Is it from your mom?”

  I nodded. “Please don’t tell anyone, Talon. They’ve kept her secret, and now mine, hidden for over twenty years. If it gets out, I don’t know what would happen.”

  He reached for my shoulder, and I didn’t back away this time. He gave it a squeeze and offered me a reassuring smile. “I’ll take your secret to the grave, Azara.”

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t say anything for a while, his fingers still pressed against my skin. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t find comfort in them. “What exactly would happen if others found out?”

  “I’m not sure honestly. GG always said the Coven Council would go ballistic, and other supernaturals would fear my mom for her powers. Her abilities are crazy cool. She can skinwalk like my grandfather.”

  Talon’s brow lifted. “Have you ever tried?”


  “Maybe it’ll come eventually, like the portal-opening and telepathic abilities.”

  I didn’t want any more powers to be honest. Soul-sucking was enough to handle, skinwalking seemed like another creepy one like that. “Hopefully not.”

  Talon’s hand moved from my shoulder to my cheek, and his thumb grazed my skin. “Don’t be scared of your powers, Azara. That’s the worst thing you can do. Learn about them, understand them, and master them. Then you’ll be unstoppable.”

  His minty breath mingled with mine, and I swallowed hard. When had he gotten so close? My thigh brushed against his, and even through the denim, his heat soaked through. “Thank you,” I rasped out, my voice way breathier than it should’ve been.

  Molten silver orbs pierced mine, growing larger as Talon inched closer. I snagged my lower lip between my teeth as anticipation tightened my core. A deep growl vibrated his chest, and my eyes chased down to his tight black tee. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and forefinger, releasing my lip. “You’re driving me crazy with that,” he growled, his voice suddenly rough with need.

  I pressed my thighs together to keep the building heat at bay. “Sorry,” I squeaked.

  He leaned in, his mouth a hairsbreadth from mine and swept his tongue over his bottom lip. “Before you start sneaking around in my mind, I want to tell you something.”

  I swallowed hard, my mouth like the freakin’ Sahara. “What’s that?”

  “It wasn’t just the blood bond. It was easier for me to pretend it was, but there was something there from the start. I couldn’t allow myself to fall for you because of what you’d done. It was impossible—a constant battle I fought with myself. Then when the blood bond kicked in, I couldn’t deny it anymore. But when Vander returned, and I realized you were the one he’d been in love with all that time, things got more complicated.”

  Fall for me? Out of his whole speech, those words were all I could focus on. I pushed aside my mental ramblings and met those shimmering irises.

  “So you still have feelings for me?” I hated how my voice trembled.

  Talon’s lips crashed against mine, annihilating the minute space between us. His hand snaked behind my neck and pressed my mouth more firmly against his. Our tongues entwined in a heated dance, each stroke fueling the flourishing fire in my core.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Talon tugged my jacket off and revealed my thin Henley. His gaze chased down to the low-cut V-neck, and a ridiculous grin lit up his face. His hands clamped down on my hips and with one quick tug, I found myself straddling his muscular thighs. As his lips moved down my neck, I arched against him exposing the soft skin at my collarbone. His featherlight kisses sent a wave of goose bumps down my arms, coaxing a groan from my pressed lips.

  A sexy growl vibrated deep within his chest as I rocked against him. “You better not keep that up, Azara.”

  I smirked and ground my hips against his. I started slowly then picked up the tempo until the delicious friction alone threatened to push me over the edge. And I wanted it more than anything. I wanted to leap over the precipice entangled in Talon’s arms and legs and never look back.

  I slowed my pace and dipped my fingers beneath the waistband of his
jeans. Two blazing silver orbs locked on mine. I undid the top button, then scrambled for the zipper.

  “Azara…” Talon’s rough voice was so filled with desire, it made my insides clench.

  Ignoring his warning, I unzipped his jeans and began to coax them over his hips.

  His hands slid off my waist and moved up to my face. Cupping my cheeks, he speared me with those mesmerizing irises. “I don’t want our first time to be like this—not in a dirty subway car in the middle of a mission.”

  I shook my head and rested my hands on the groove of his neck. “I don’t care where we are or what we’re doing. These past few days without you were miserable. It made me realize what I felt for you was so much more than the bond. In case that wasn’t obvious. In all this craziness, I’m sure of one thing: I want you. I never would’ve survived Darkblood without you. I need to show you exactly what that means to me, and besides, who knows what could happen today?”

  “Don’t say that. Everything’s going to be fine.” His lips brushed over mine softly, gently and then with increasing urgency. Each caress of his tongue was a vow, a promise of so much more. He slid his hands under my shirt and tugged it over my head. A chill raced up my spine, inciting another wave of goose bumps.

  Talon swept his lips over my puckered skin until his warm breath chased them away. Tugging his own shirt over his head, he wrapped his strong arms around me. It was like being enveloped in my own private sauna.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered against my lips.

  “Yes. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” I snagged his lip between my teeth and gave it a nibble while my hands got to work on his jeans.

  He sucked in a sharp breath as my fingers grazed his hard length. After a few slow, tantalizing strokes, I freed him from his denim restraints. Talon lifted me off his lap and placed his shirt on the bench, then lay me down on top of it. Searching my eyes, he lowered himself so his body was flush with mine. I groaned as his hardness stroked my thigh.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Talon. I want you—I want this more than anything.” Not that I’d had that much experience with my two crappy boyfriends, but this… The way Talon looked at me, like I was the only person in the world for him, it undid me.


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