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Tease Page 1

by Sapphire Knight

  By: International Bestselling Author



  [email protected]






  Copyright © 2018 by Sapphire Knight

  Cover Design by CT Cover Creations

  Editing by Mitzi Carroll

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  This novel includes graphic language and adult situations. It may be offensive to some readers and includes situations that may be hotspots for certain individuals. This book is intended for ages 18 and older due to some steamy spots. This work is fictional. The story is meant to entertain the reader and may not always be completely accurate. Any reproduction of these works without Author Sapphire Knight’s written consent is pirating and will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  Every reader who asks me for more. Thank you.

  Staring down at the little white stick, I blink and shake it again. This is not happening right now. Obviously, the test is wrong. I open the fifth box, removing a new white stick. These things are in sealed wrappers and containers; you’d think they’d be accurate. This one’s a different brand, so hopefully it works.

  Twisting the cap off my bottled water, I bring the beverage to my lips and chug another sixteen point nine ounces.

  All this water’s making me nauseous. I can’t believe I’m locked in the bathroom, peeing on plastic wands while the guys are busy in Church. It feels sneaky, but I couldn’t imagine taking pregnancy tests in front of Ares, let alone 2 Piece.

  If I tried to include them now, Ares would storm into the bar, beating on his chest like Tarzan, declaring he’s spread his seed. 2, on the other hand, would probably pack up his old black Jansport backpack, hit the highway, and never look back.

  God, what am I going to do? It doesn’t matter because the next test will show up negative. It’ll prove that they never needed to know about this little incident in the first place.

  Shit, I don’t have to pee again, and I have to hurry up. Church will be over soon, and I wouldn’t want the club seeing me in here taking multiple pregnancy tests. I couldn’t imagine both of my loves finding out about it so publicly like that.

  Twisting the faucet on the sink, I fill the water bottle up again, proceeding to gulp as much as I can. All the water’s bloating me and making my stomach feel like it’ll freaking burst.

  I better not puke again. That’s the whole reason why I’m in here taking multiple tests. Today makes day number four of retching up my stomach contents without any other flu-like symptoms to follow.

  Going back into the stall, I squat and close my eyes. Breathing out of my mouth, I concentrate on peeing enough to get some on the thin piece of plastic. Whoever designed these things are idiots. It had to be a man. At least this box had enough sense to include a wet wipe.

  After a few little tinkles, I place the test beside me on the paper towel I already have set up and finish my business. Hitting the timer on my phone, I stuff it into my back pocket and stare at the gray metal stall in front of me.

  The MC’s main bathroom has multiple stalls for parties, so it’s convenient. I figured it’d be smarter to come in here instead of leaving all the tests and trash in our private bathroom attached to our room. That makes me even sneakier. I hate that feeling.

  One reason why the relationship with the three of us works so well is because of how open we are as a unit. I can’t stand not talking to both guys about what I’m thinking right now. But, I know Ares. He’d want the facts before we’d even begin to be able to discuss it all.

  My phone beeps, alerting me that time’s up. Silencing it, I glance over at the test, my stomach aching at the possibility of it showing positive as well.

  The breath escapes me as I feel relief, seeing the two white spots for once. At the same time, I’m a little sad. My stomach was sick with worry, but my heart was fluttering with…what? Hope?

  No. It can’t happen for us. Two people have children together, not a relationship that consists of three. This is for the best. Shutting my eyes tightly, I take another deep breath and let the tears, that I was pretending weren’t there, fall over my cheeks. Once they’ve dropped from my chin, I open them back up.

  It’s happening.

  I don’t know if the test just needed that extra few seconds, or if moving it had helped activate it, but where the spot was blank seconds before, it’s now colored. A little pink line stands out stubbornly in the midst of the two white circles.

  That small mark is my future. The line’s the first indication of the rest of my life. I’ve taken enough pregnancy tests now, to know that this one’s not lying.

  A mother…I’m going to be a mother for the first time. A freaking mom. Me of all people. And the scariest part about it is that I don’t know who the father is.

  No matter if the dad is Ares or 2 Piece, though, someone’s going to end up getting hurt. One of us will be heartbroken, and it’ll end up being me. With this news, I’ll lose either Ares or 2, and I can’t stand the thought of that happening. It makes me ill inside, thinking of my life and not having both of them in it.

  One man will be happy, while the other will never forgive me. The question now is to figure out which one I’ll be relinquishing. What section from my heart will be savagely torn from my chest, leaving me with a giant hole the other can’t fill?

  I should call my best friend, Niko. I could use his help. Hell, I could use anyone’s help at this rate.

  At the sound of loud voices, I toss all the evidence into the trash bin. Ares’ booming voice has me skittering around the restroom, washing my hands at supersonic speed and practically racing out of the bathroom. I don’t want them thinking I was in here for a long time when truthfully it’s been around two hours. Taking a test, drinking water, and then peeing can be time-consuming. Thankfully they had a long Church session today, or things could’ve become awkward.

  Quickly shuffling down our hallway, I come to a halt as he calls for me. “Angel!” My heart flutters for an entirely different reason at the sound of his command. That’s exactly what it is too. I’ve learned the hard way that when Ares speaks, you listen, and you damn sure respond if it’s required.

  In a million years, I never would’ve imagined that I’d end up with not only one but two overbearing alpha males. That was fun to try and explain to my father. I’m pretty positive my mother passed out when he broke it to her.

  “Avery Marie.” 2 Piece seconds when I don’t respond to Ares.

  “Hi, you two.” I flap my hand in a dorky wave-thing and chuckle nervously. “I was just peeing. I need to call Niko; I missed his call. You guys should think of what you want for dinner.” I smile as I stammer out my explanation and bring up food. Sex and food work like magic when it comes to distracting either one of them.

  Ares rubs his black, T-shirt clad stomach while 2 stares at me curiously.

  “Any ideas?” I add.

  After a beat he shakes his head, glancing at Ares. “Wanna grill?”

  “Steak?” Ares asks, and I let out the breath that was trapped in my lungs.

  “That sounds great!” I interrupt. “I’m going to go call Nikoli, and then I’ll see if we need anything and come find y’all.”

  “All right, Shorty. Love you, baby.” 2 nods and I giggle nervously. Him saying ‘baby’ makes me all jittery inside.

  “Love you, 2; love you, Air.”

  Ares grunts and they turn toward the bar. I can hear him grumble to 2 about me talking to ‘Fucking Russians.’ It’s enough to give me a little piece of mind, knowing he’s thinking of that and not suspicious about anything else.

  I make it to our room and get the door closed before I’m assaulted with tears again; I hate hiding something so vital from the two men I love so dearly. Pulling my cell out, I dial my best friend.

  “Hi, Bean,” he answers cheerfully.

  “Niko, I’m scared.” A sob escapes.

  “What is it, Avery? I can be there in sixteen hours, sooner with Tate’s jet.”

  Niko knows me well enough that I wouldn’t call him like this if it weren’t a big deal and for him to offer to use his boss’s jet, it makes me love him even more. “N-no it’s nothing like that, but I love you for being so willing to come help me.”

  “Talk to me; tell me how to fix whatever’s wrong. Do I need to kill him?”

  Always so willing to protect me, and he’d had it out with 2 Piece already. It was horrible then, but now I can’t stop the small chuckle that escapes as I remember. I had no clue that bikers liked to fight things out; I thought my biker boyfriend and Mafia best friend were going to kill each other.

  “Niko...I’m pregnant.”

  “That is wonderful, bun in the oven!” His accent grows heavier as he rushes his words.

  “No,” I hiccup. “I do-don’t know who the father is.”

  “What did you just say? It’s not 2’s baby?”

  “It could be Ares’.” I haven’t updated Nikoli on my relationship status since the three of us made it all official to the club.

  “There are two bikers now? Fuck, Bean; this makes it harder for me to kill them.”

  “I love them both.”

  “Of course, you do. Now, do they hate each other?”

  “No, it’s complicated; they love me too. Can you come visit?” I know seeing him would make me feel so much better.

  “I’ll bring Sabrina and Vishna; I think they’ll like Texas.”

  I only want to see him—not his woman and sister—but I’ll take the visit anyway I can get it. “Thank you, Niko; I can always count on you.”

  “Yes. Always, Bean.”

  He hangs up just as there’s loud pounding, the door shaking and rattling as Ares beats on it and 2’s thunderous voice calls my name through the wood.

  Ho-ly shit; they sound pissed.

  A few minutes earlier…

  Ares whips his dick out to take a piss as I wash my hands.

  “What do you think?” he asks, and I grab some paper towels.

  “About Church?”


  “I think you did good.” Shrugging, I toss the towels into the garbage as I continue. “The brothers respect your opinions.”

  The handful of pregnancy tests are easy to catch, so I pause, making out a tiny pink line on one. “Shit.” Grumbling, I continue to stare into the bin as Ares strides over to the counter, washing his hands.

  “You all right? It’s that protein oatmeal shit from this morning, huh?”

  “What?” Glancing at him confused, I shake my head. “No, I’m good on the protein, A.” He nodded to the bin. “Our Ol’ Lady might not be feelin’ so hot, though.”

  “She puke again?” He grabs some paper towels, drying his hands and comes up beside me. He tosses his towel into the trash, only to reach down and yank it back out. “Oh shit.” Using his paper towel, he lifts one of the tests up so we can get a good look at it. “I’d bet the colored line means positive.”

  “Cain’s talked about his Ol’ Lady’s tests. That’s definitely fuckin’ positive.”

  “Angel wouldn’t hide this from us; she knows how we are.” Dropping the pregnancy results and damp white paper into the trash, his troubled gaze meets mine.

  “Well, Shorty might if she’s freakin’ out. Think about how she was just actin’ in the hall. Weird as fuck.”

  A growl leaves him and swiftly he’s storming out of the bathroom, powerfully striding down the hall toward our shared room.

  His fist hits the door so hard that, if there were anything on the walls, it’d be toast.

  Trying the knob, I find it locked and shout, “Shorty, open this goddamn door, right now!” I can hear her talking through the thick barrier. She’s probably still on the phone with that fucking Russian. He better mind his own damn business too; it’s not only me now, but Ares. And A don’t fuck around; he’ll beat Niko’s ass if needed.

  “Ummm!” She stalls and Ares slams his open palm on the wood.

  “Now!” he orders while staring down at me.

  “’Kay,” Avery squeaks, opening the door slowly.

  Ares shoves through it, gripping her by the bicep, hauling her into the middle of the room between us.

  “Got somethin’ to share, Avery Marie?” Her terrified eyes meet my serious gaze. I can tell her mind’s racing, trying to come up with something to say. “The truth, Shorty.”

  “The truth?” She laughs nervously. “What do you want me to talk about exactly?”

  I’m not used to seeing a frightened Avery. Usually, it’s my stubborn, carefree, sweet Shorty. She’s feisty and tends to go head-to-head when she’s challenged, but now, well, she’s damn near trembling being faced down by the two men who love her so much, we’d easily kill for her.

  Ares butts in, saving her from spitting the actual words out. “That my kid in your belly?”

  Nice. Of course, he gets to the brunt of it right away.

  “Oh, God.” Her lip trembles as the first onslaught of tears rain down her silky skin.

  “What’re you scared of, Shorty? We love you, babe,” I reassure her, hating to see her upset.

  “But one of you will hate me. I didn’t do this on purpose. I promise I was taking my birth control pills.”

  Ares grunts, drawing her into him and laying one helluva kiss on her juicy lips.

  Once he’s done calming her, I continue, “What makes you believe we’d both hate you, or even one of us? And for fuck’s sake, Shorty, you didn’t do this shit on your own; we’ve both been taking turns filling you up with our cum.”

  A few small steps and she’s in front of me in no time. “You mean yo-you aren’t going to leave me?” Her sad eyes gaze up at me.

  “Leave? Baby, where in the fuck would I go? You’re my Ol’ Lady and he’s my Ol’ Man.” I nod to Ares. “I fuckin’ love the hell out of both of you. I ain’t goin’ nowhere, ‘cept maybe to take you to a doctor appointment or somethin’.”

  At this point, I couldn’t possibly imagine my life without either of them. They’re mine, and I’m theirs. I can’t believe she thought we’d get pissed and pop smoke. No way in fuck am I going to miss witnessing her belly swell with our children, watch her hips grow wider and sexier over the years from having our kids.

  I love this bitch and Ares like no other.

  A child? What kind of father could I be to a baby? I don’t take care of myself well enough; now I’ve helped create a life that I’ll be partially responsible for. It is my kid in her stomach, though, right?

  Ah, hell it makes no difference who’s knocked her up. They all belong to me no matter what anyhow. I’m that fucking ‘cut your eyeballs out if you touch either of them’ kind of crazy when it comes to 2 and Angel…And now about our kid.

  “I love you, Angel.” It leaves my mouth suddenly, comforting her, as I meet 2’s excited irises. I’m betting mine match his at the moment, both of us elated about
becoming a father.

  Reaching for 2, I jerk his body to mine next. My mouth takes his, making him submit to me, as I show him with my tongue just how excited I am to be sharing all of this with him. His rough fingertips hold my face tightly, spurring me on, to the point of wanting to rip his fucking clothes off.

  A smaller hand runs up my back softly as Angel reminds me of her presence. Like I could ever forget her. I don’t think either of them realizes just how much they mean to me; they’re my everything.

  My fingers splay through 2 Piece’s hair, gripping it tightly as I pull away from his mouth, staying completely in control. My other hand grabs Avery’s locks, wrapping them around my large fist. Once they’re wound tightly, I tug her over toward me more, both of them bending slightly under my grip as their eyes—full of love and devotion—stare up at me.

  “You’re mine. I keep what’s mine,” I declare, waiting for someone to protest.

  “Yes, Air,” Angel replies as 2 nods, agreeing to his fate.

  “Listen good, beautiful. We want you pregnant. Why do you think we keep putting our seed inside you? You belong to us. You have our kids; you stay with us and love us. In return, we protect you, provide for you, and adore you. Got it?”

  Her eyes flick to 2 causing a growl to leave my chest. “You fuckin’ got it, Angel? Don’t look over at Silas; he belongs to me too.” Using 2 Piece’s real name, I drive it home. “He in charge here? Last I checked, you both love and obey me.”

  “I believe you. I shouldn’t have ever doubted you.”

  “You didn’t just doubt me. You questioned both of our love and loyalty to you. Never again. Now you both get to your knees. Knowing you’re having our baby is making me hard as fuck, and I want both of you sucking on my cock.”

  Shoving them to the carpet, I meet 2 Piece’s scorching gaze. “Pull my cock out and put it in your mouth. I want to hear you gag when you take me.”

  He does as he’s told, relaxing his jaw and taking me in as deeply as possible. It’s taken awhile to get him this comfortable in sucking my cock, and as it turns out, he’s the best I’ve ever had.


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