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Tease Page 3

by Sapphire Knight

  Yanking my phone free, I dial the one female I can always count on to have my back—London.

  “Hey, chica!”

  “Hey. Got room for one more for a little while?”

  “Oh shit, come on over. Jameson just fell asleep for his nap, and we’ll be able to talk.”

  “Thank you.” Holding my tears at bay, I grab 2 Piece’s spare truck key and head to London’s house.

  It wouldn’t be the first time that one of us took off with one of the guy’s vehicles, and it won’t be the last, either.

  “Those sandwiches were almost as good as Angel makes them.” Chuckling, I finish off the Coke I had with my lunch.

  “No way. She makes them way better. Speaking of that, we need to start taking care of her more. We should be fixin’ her lunches and shit, not the other way around.”

  “I’m not a cook; I’m a mechanic.”

  “Fine. I’ll make her lunch from now on, but don’t let her lift anything heavy or bend over a lot.”

  “Why can’t she bend over?” I’ve never heard any of the women say anything about it before.”

  “I don’t know.” 2 shrugs. “I just don’t want her to.”

  Rolling my eyes, I grin. “Brother, if you’re like this the entire pregnancy, she’s going to junk punch you. Don’t smother her; I want to keep her knocked up for the next few years.”

  “Yeah right; she won’t go for that. She’s like me. She enjoys being able to get up and go when she wants.”

  “Not anymore. We have a kid on the way. Time to lock that shit down—you included.”

  “She seems happy with us, and what needs to change with me?”

  “We need to get a decent house built on the property. With Prez losing his shit, I’m going to be getting voted up here pretty quick. I need to have y’all set up. I don’t want her worrying about shit when that baby comes along. With a house here, we can both be close whenever she needs us. I’m not trying to be here all day. I’d rather be at the house with you both and be able to come over here if the brothers need me.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “And as far as locking you down, I want you to get my ink.”

  “I already have the patch on my cut that shows I’m taken.”

  “My ink, Silas. I’m tired of waiting. Avery has it; now you.”

  He takes a deep breath, glancing at the table for a brief second, and then meets my gaze. “Bet, but it goes both ways. If Spin marks me up, he’s doing you too.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “You think we should bring Shorty some food anyway? She’s hella pregnant and needs to feed the kid.”

  Shrugging, I toss my paper plate in the trash. “She said no; let’s just leave her be. I don’t want her thinking we’re taking over everything already.”

  “But we are,” he states.

  “Yeah, but she doesn’t need to know that shit.”

  “You’re fuckin’ smart, A. So you think we outta be pushy, but pretend like we aren’t by not messin’ with the little shit?”


  “Bet.” He smiles and fist bumps my knuckles.

  “I need to take Lily out for a walk; I’m sure Angel’s napping and I don’t want her worrying about it.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “I’m not fucking you behind the shed again, 2. You want my cock, it’ll be after the pup gets some exercise.”

  “You said that last time too.” One of his dimples show up, effectively quieting any reply I may conjure up.

  Letting lose a huff, I leave the kitchen. Trekking through the long hall lined with multiple closed doors, I aim for one in particular: our room. 2 Piece silently follows along in case Avery’s asleep.

  She’s grouchy as fuck if she gets woken up. At least now we know why she likes her sleep so damn much. Bitch can fucking snore too. I’ll stop bugging her from now on. She needs the extra rest.

  The doc suggested increasing her sleep routine, so I’m going to do my best to make things easy on her. No more riding on the back of my bike for a while either, which blows, but her safety’s even more important now. I have to remain vigilant because I couldn’t imagine losing her. Or 2 Piece, for that matter.

  I’m still flipping my shit with my testosterone thundering through my veins from seeing my baby on the screen at the clinic today. Who knew a tiny dot could make you feel as if you’ve conquered the entire fucking world inside? That’s the best way for me to describe it, anyhow.

  I thought I loved her and 2 Piece before, but seeing the baby today, flat out stole my breath and put them on a whole new level with me. Seeing the grainy picture basically crushed my voice box, making anything that I could’ve possibly conjured up, just disappear in awe.

  Witnessing that blip, my son, in her belly, was so fucking life altering. I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. To be sharing it with both of them leaves me fucking speechless.

  London hugs me tighter against her huge boobs, listening to what happened and making me feel a little bit better. Just speaking to someone about it all is bringing a little peace to my heart. My body no longer feels like it’s being yanked in multiple directions; now, it’s more like pin pricks of anxiety all over.

  “Honestly, I can’t stop feeling this horrible weight in the pit of my stomach. Babies are supposed to be exciting and wonderful, yet I can’t stop my selfish thoughts and questions.”

  “You’re allowed to be selfish. I know when the baby finally arrives, you’ll take good care of it. While you’re pregnant, though, it’s the perfect time to think of yourself. You have every day of your life in the future to worry about other people.”

  “I’m not talking about eating a few extra muffins here, London. I’ve had it running through my head ever since I took the last test, that the guys will go off and be together without me. I’m such a jerk of a person to be wondering if my life would be better without this child in it. I’m going to suck ass as a mom.”

  “Honey, that doesn’t make you a shit mom. If anything, it makes you a good mom.”

  “How do you figure?” It comes out sounding a little manly in my ears, from my nose clogging up.

  “Because, you’re wondering if the baby would be better off someplace else and that you won’t be good enough. That’s already thinking like a good momma; you just don’t know it yet. You only just found out about this life altering event today. You need to give yourself a break and some time to digest it.”

  Her cell beeps again for like the thirtieth time, and she releases me to check it.

  Sitting back, I relax into the couch. “Am I keeping you from plans? I’m so sorry to rush over with hardly any notice.”

  “Oh no, this isn’t for me. Your men have been tearing that club apart for the past twenty minutes, going ballistic because no one can find you. I finally gave in and told Cain you were here and safe. He’s been updating me. He finally gave in a few minutes ago and told them where you are. This is him giving me a heads up that Ares and 2 Piece should be pulling in anytime.” She holds her phone up so I can see the message from her old man.

  “Oh shit,” I mumble, and she nods, smiling. London knows all about what it’s like to live with an alpha male. Even her son’s a baby alpha. Not only that, but he’s a cutey and a total terror.

  Taking a sip of water from the glass resting in front of me, we both sit silently for a few moments, waiting. Eighty-six seconds pass before the roar of their bikes can be heard, speeding down London’s road, sounding angry at the world.

  “I’ll meet them outside, so they don’t wake your son. Thank you for listening to me, London.”

  I stand, and she follows, pulling me into a big, quick hug. “Anytime, chick; I’m here for you.” Pulling back, I nod quietly.

  London walks me to the door, watching as I slide on my flip-flops. As I slip through the front door, she squeezes my arm softly, giving me a little boost of reassurance.

  I stand on the porch with my arms crossed, watchin
g as they pull up and quiet their bikes. They peel their helmets off and rest them on their bikes. 2 glances toward Ares, and when his face is turned, a deep reddish-purple bruise with a fresh cut decorates the side of his cheek.

  I swear to God, Ares better not have hurt him. Storming down the stairs, I come to a halt beside 2, waiting for him to say something.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “I knew Cain would know where you were, but he wouldn’t fess up. Ares wanted to throw shit around, so I hit Cain to get him to talk.”

  “But he’s like your best friend!”

  Shrugging, he continues. “He let me get one in. It was the second one that he decided to hit me back.”

  “He could’ve seriously hurt you! He fights for a living; you don’t.”

  “No, he wouldn’t have,” Ares grumbles, shaking his head, pissed off. “I wouldn’t let him hurt 2; you should know that.”

  My arm flails dramatically. “Ummm, his face is jacked up!”

  “Thanks,” 2 mutters.

  “Not like that; you know what I mean.”

  “He was in the wrong; I couldn’t not let Cain hit him. I’m in charge of the club, Angel. I have to keep shit fair, whether I love this idiot or not.”

  “Why were you guys so upset anyhow?” I ask, resting my hands on my hips.

  2 stares at me puzzled. “Prolly cause our Old Lady decided it was cute to pop smoke and not let anyone know ‘bout it.”

  “Well, what did you both expect after you planned to kick me out of our room? I wasn’t just sticking around to watch it happen.”

  “The fuck you talkin’ about?” Ares squints.

  “You said earlier that you’d build me and our kid a house. You never once mentioned that either one of you’d be joining me.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, woman,” he huffs. “You’re so damn smart, but sometimes I have to lay shit out or you freak.”

  “Did you just compliment me and insult my common sense all in the same sentence?”

  “Pretty much. I wasn’t being ugly about it, just statin’ facts and all.”

  Huffing, I blow it off since it’s true. “Okay, fine. I can get my own vehicle. I just need to find a job first.”

  “What?” 2 interrupts.

  “So you both can stay together in the room at the compound. I’ll find a job and an apartment. I get it; you both don’t want to deal with me and the baby around.” I sniff and Ares scowls.

  “Apparently, you don’t get shit. We want to build you a house to raise our family in. We—as in me an’ 2—want to help you with our kids and be a family with you. I already told you I want to keep you knocked up. We plan to be there living with you as much as possible to help and take care of you. We love you and plan to keep you.”

  Looking over at 2, he nods. “Yep. You’re flipping the hell out for nuthin’.”

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy inside to hear that proclamation. This must be what the doctor meant about pregnancy hormones making me feel crazy sometimes.

  “Now that we have that outta the way, let’s get back to the club. We didn’t get a chance to tell any of the brothers you’re pregnant before you went rogue.”

  Walking toward 2 Piece’s truck, he calls, “So, no kiss then, Shorty?”

  They both chuckle as I remain silent but flip them the bird. Just because I was overreacting earlier, I’m not going to make it that easy for them. I have to deal with both of them; they can handle a little bit of sass from me.

  Loading up in 2’s pickup, I mosey on back to the compound, not one mile per hour over the posted limit so they can’t lecture me about safety precautions again. I’ve heard that one a few times and I swear I fell asleep during the last. They can act like a bunch of overdramatic, protective asses when they want to.

  Shifting the vehicle into park, my door flies open with both guys staring at me eagerly. They remind me of kids on Christmas morning.

  “You remember the due date?”

  They nod.

  “Then I’m ready.”

  Ares kisses my forehead as I climb out of the truck and my feet hit the pavement.

  2 grabs my hand. “Let’s do this,” he mumbles, making Ares grin.

  When I first met Air, I didn’t think the man knew how to smile. Now, around us, he’s always grinning and snickering. Don’t get me wrong; he still has that scary, solemn look as well, but at least it’s counteracted with a smile here and there.

  Spin, Twist, and Cain are all sitting around a table having a drink. Cain rests an ice pack over one eye. I’m guessing that’s from 2 Piece hitting him earlier.

  “You found your runaway, brothers.” It’s statement, not a question since I’m obviously standing here.

  I roll my eyes and give the guys a short wave. The old me would’ve been mortified knowing that they got into it, but I’ve learned that the guys around here like to scrap, even with each other, so I don’t pay him any extra attention.

  “Got some news to share,” 2 announces, gaining their attention.

  Ares happily glanced at them. “We need some whiskey; we’re celebrating.”

  “We get a good run?” Twist guesses.

  “Nope,” Ares answers, looking toward the bar. “Shooter, bring us some whiskey.”

  “No problem,” he grumbles, bringing over a bottle and shot glasses for everyone. He sets them on the table, and Ares lifts two away.

  “I’ll take Angel’s. Our Old Lady’s pregnant.” He says it so nonchalantly the brothers just nod and grab their own glasses, filling them to the brim.

  Finally, 2 continues, “Yep, that’s right; we’re having a baby.”

  Spin chokes mid drink, coughing and sputtering, while Cain and Twist both shoot to their feet.

  “That’s fuckin’ outstandin’!” Twist comments, shaking Ares’ hand.

  Cain wraps 2 in a man hug, doing the loud pats on the back like men do, while hollering, “Hell yeah, brothers! So happy for ya! No wonder you hit me earlier. I’dda fucking strangled someone if it was my Sugar Tits and I couldn’t find her!”

  “Can’t wait to tell Sunshine.” Twist grins. “Did you tell her already, 2?”

  “No, I haven’t had a chance to call my sister.”

  “Can I text her really quick?”

  “Bet.” He nods and Twist eagerly pulls his phone out. He’s normally pretty quiet, but since he’s been with 2 Piece’s sister and they’ve had their own baby, he seems…I guess lighter would be the best way to describe him.

  Cain takes his seat again, turning to Ares. “We celebrating today?”

  “Hell yeah. We’re getting fucked up today; I’m celebrating this news right. I’m surrounded by the people who mean the most to me along with the woman, man, and club I love. Call the other brothers up. Hell, call up the fucking Nomads too, and let’s have some fun. Tonight we play, ‘cause tomorrow I have a house to build and a son to plan for.”

  2 Piece grabs mine and Ares’ hands, pulling us closer to him. “We have a house and a son to plan for—as a family.”

  Tears grace my eyes, and Ares grows silent with 2’s declaration hitting him as well. The guys all just smile and grin, happy for us that we’ve found a love worth fighting for.

  “Why did I let you talk me into this?” I grumble at my friend London. We recently reconnected; we were good friends in high school. I didn’t care much for her best friend at the time—Emily—so we grew apart and lost touch.

  “Because, chickadee, what better way to spend a Friday night than at a biker Christmas party?”

  Adjusting myself on the small bar stool, my leather pants dig into my stomach. No fretting though, a few drinks will easily cure that ache. London dragged me here, so the least she can do is let me crash on her couch if I can’t ride my bike home.

  Nodding, I keep quiet. Her old man—Cain—keeps swaggering by, laying kisses on her periodically like he’s in heat. I’ll admit it’s gotten me slightly turned on a few times.

  I’m kind of s
urprised I was allowed to come onto the Oath Keepers MC compound in the first place. They aren’t exactly known to be friendly. In fact, a few of the guys that roam through town wearing the colors have some pretty sketchy horror stories that accompany them.

  I’ve gone to enough little hole-in-the-wall bars to hear the stories. I’ve even been to one that a few of the NOMADS frequent. They are some scary motherfuckers. After all that, I still let London talk me into coming. I couldn’t help it, though. When she mentioned the Oath Keepers, my curiosity got the best of me. They may be mean, but I’ve seen their faces and the majority of them are hot as fuck.

  “Shots?” She makes it sound like a question, even though she’s already lining up three tequila shots in front of me. Fuck, this is going to hurt tomorrow.

  “Let’s do it!”

  Her bright blue eyes sparkle as she smiles widely, “To boats and hoes!”

  “Really? Another “Stepbrothers” toast?” She can quote that damn movie like it’s nothing.

  She giggles and shrugs.

  “To boats and hoes and weird-ass friends!”

  “Yes!” she replies, tinking my shot glass with hers and then it’s down the hatch.

  “Oh, the burn.” Fuck my life; tequila gives me heartburn.

  “Come on, Lydia, I thought you were a bad bitch. Suck it up, buttercup, and take another.”

  “You’re holding my fucking hair, that’s all I gotta say.”

  “Deal. Now next toast—to big dicks!” she shouts just as the music goes quiet and a bunch of the brothers chuckle. I’m sure they expect it coming from London. She’s like biker royalty around here being the Old Lady to the Enforcer.

  I’m not used to it, though, and I feel my face heat up. I’ll blame the alcohol; yep, good excuse to why my cheeks currently match my bright red hair.


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