
Home > Romance > Tease > Page 6
Tease Page 6

by Sapphire Knight

  “Fuck, Peppermint, don’t cry. Christ, I’m crazy about you.”

  “Good, cause my heart was hurting, and if it could feel that way after just one night, I’d be screwed if I stayed for more and you weren’t serious about me. I’m sorry you went through all of that and it was so unfair for that to happen to her, but I can’t live in her shadow and I won’t.”

  “I would never expect you to, but I don’t want her... I want you.”

  I nod and he leans in with a sweet kiss that consumes me like no other. It’s like he pours his heart into it, making me fall harder for him. It hits me like a ton of bricks that I could love him. A small part of me says that this is what falling in love feels like, but the logical side screams it’s too quick and I don’t have any idea what I’m doing. Sometimes, however, you don’t need to know, you only need to feel.

  He pulls away and I’m instantly chilled.

  “It’s fuckin’ cold, though, so let’s get the door back on.”

  “Wait, so you do think rationally sometimes, then?” I tease and he grins.

  “You’re cute, all smartassy and shit, but maybe you could use something in that mouth?”

  Rolling my eyes, I head to the kitchen to get us a few beers while he puts on the door he removed.


  “Wow, I’m impressed. Beer in the morning?”

  “It’s noon, and you’re a biker. You can’t honestly tell me that’s too early for you.”

  “Shit! I didn’t realize it was that late.” He takes a drink then drills the screws into the other hinge. “We should eat.”

  “Is that a formal request for a date?”

  “Only if you ride on the back of my bike.”

  “But I ride my own bike.”

  He takes a long pull off his beer. “Babe, I’m a biker, and while I have a great amount of respect for you riding, you need to be on my bike when we go places—like dates.”

  “Well, what if I want you to ride on the back of my bike?”

  “Woman, I have a dick. Ain’t happenin’.”

  Shrugging, I smirk. “It was worth a try.”

  He grumbles something under his breath as he stands up. I forgot how big he’s always been. His dad is on the leaner side, but Brently has an athlete’s build. I can understand how he would be valuable to an MC; he’s smart and his size commands attention.

  I know it won’t be long before he’s moving up in the club. It’s kind of scary to think of what he’ll be doing. I know they don’t follow all of the laws around here, but they also love their friends and family something fierce.

  “I’m going to show you why you ride on the back of the bike and not me,” he says suddenly and warmth fills my belly. He’s so fucking sexy when he acts all over-the-top alpha.

  Resting his hand on my lower back, he guides me back inside.

  “Oh really, and just how are you planning on doing that?”

  He stops me and turns my body toward him and paints his face with an evil grin. It’s the scary oh-my-god-fuck-me kind of look.

  “Patience my little Peppermint,” he rasps out, running his hands up the front of my thin shirt. His big palms smooth over my full breasts until he reaches my neck. His thumbs brush over the delicate front of my throat.

  He flashes me a quick smile, transforming his features before suddenly gripping the opening of my shirt and ripping it down the middle. He pulls, his eyes lighting up as the material shreds to pieces. My breath catches in my chest, as excitement floods through my veins at his eagerness.

  He just tore my fucking shirt open.

  “Ummm...” I start to say, but stop, because what more was there to say?

  I let the ruined material fall to the floor as he slides my yoga pants down my thighs.

  “Hell yes,” he groans when he discovers that I’m bare underneath.

  I don’t get a chance to respond as he shoves his face between my thighs, thoroughly working me over until I can barely remain standing. Snake parts my legs wider and I have to grip his thick shoulders to hold onto or lord help me; I’m going down at this rate.

  “I may not be able to stand much longer!” I gasp out.

  He hums approvingly and my pussy convulses at the magnificent sensations.

  “You don’t have to stand, Lydia. I’ll stand for you, baby.”

  He gets to his feet, freeing himself from his jeans and lifts me up against the wall. In one quick push he’s deep inside me, making me cry out in pleasure and tenderness.

  My back hits the wall with each new blissful drive, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Wait, you wanted me to ride behind you, wasn’t that right?”

  “Ummhmm.” I agree to whatever the fuck he’s saying. I don’t pay much attention as I concentrate on each pleasure-filled wave that hits me.

  My eyes shoot open as he sets me down and pulls free of me.

  “What just happened?” I protest and he chuckles. Snake wastes no time as he positions me over the back of my couch.

  I lean over holding onto a cushion.

  “The only time I’ll ride behind you, Peppermint,” he grits out as he thrusts deeply from behind.

  My head’s pulled back as he wraps my long bright red hair around each of his fists and yanks.

  “Holy fuck!”

  “I’m the man, baby. I fucking drive,” he growls and holy shit does he drive.

  “Yes!” I scream, and then let go. The feeling is surreal, letting him have control and taking all of the enjoyment I want. I feel almost selfish letting him do all of the work, but it’s too good for me to think twice about moving.

  One side of my hair is free and a sharp sting radiates over my ass cheek as he smacks it.

  “My God, Brently!”

  “Fucking cum!” he roars, holding himself back. He smacks my ass again and I explode into the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had. All I can do is squeeze my eyes closed and pant through it so I don’t black out.

  The intense pleasure cascades over my body in amazing waves for only moments, but I will remember this feeling for the rest of my life—the sweet surrender. This sort of thing doesn’t just happen with anyone; this happens with the one. At least that’s what I believe, and I’m damn sure not letting him go.

  After a moment he breaks the silence. “You good? I didn’t break you, did I?”

  “You can drrr…” I mumble into the pillow.

  “What was that?”

  Turning my face away from the pillow, I clearly say, “Drive. I said you can drive.”

  “Thought so.”

  We had a quiet lunch and Brently took me for a chilly ride close to the lake. My teeth were chattering the entire time, but I didn’t complain. How could I? I had pretty scenery to look at, a full belly, and my body molded against his—it was perfection. No over thinking stuff, just a smooth ride to clear my head before making it back to my place.

  We get settled and finally warmed up. When I start to turn on the TV, he stops me.

  “Wait a sec, Peppermint.”

  “Okay, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, but now that we’ve had time to chill and shit, we need to finish our discussion from earlier.”

  “Oh, I thought we did finish it. I let you drive, remember?”

  He chuckles, smiling at me like I’m adorable. “Yeah, trust me, I ain’t forgetting that shit for a long while. But I meant before that. I’m serious about wanting you, and I’m tired of being alone. You need to be in my life permanently.”

  “Like how permanent, exactly?”

  “Let’s take it slow, yeah? You be my bitch and all that?”

  “With a term like that, I better be the only one. I don’t do the whole sharing bullshit. You need to be completely sure this is what you want, ’cause I’ll cut a hoe if I catch you fucking around on me. I’m not like regular chicks.”

  “I know you’re not, baby. That’s one of the reasons why I have to have you. I give you my word I’ll be loyal, but s
ame goes for you. I catch anyone around my property and it’s fair game for me to fuck them up.”

  “I think that’s the most romantic thing anyone’s every said to me, Snake.”

  “Then we’re perfect for each other.”

  “Indeed we are.

  Corrupted Revelations

  A Russkaya Mafiya Happily Ever After

  I Will Find You

  5 Years Ago


  If another guest asks me to hold their drink, I may just tie them up. I’m security; it doesn’t automatically make me a waiter or man candy. My boss, the groom, is nowhere to be found at the moment and that’s stressful enough.

  A feminine voice from my side interrupts my perusal, “Excuse me, sir.”

  I shift, turning away from the latest cougar attempting to have me do something for them and spot Tate. He’s standing next to an enormous white tent-like structure, set up behind the cabin. It’s fairly perfect weather for the outdoor, beach wedding ceremony, and guests are fluttering around like they’ve never been to such an event before. Finally, someone who I can ask.

  Quickly, I make my way over to him, weaving between random people. Tate nods when he notices me approach him, “Spartak.”

  “Mr. Masterson.” Clearing my throat, I continue, “Sir, I’m attempting to locate your brother.”

  Tate chuckles. “Knowing Viktor, he’s probably bothering his fiancée. Those two seem glued to each other at this point.”

  “Right. Thank you.”

  He nods hurriedly, greeting the next guest approaching him.

  I head toward the massive barn that’s closer to the beach. The women deemed this building theirs since it has much more room to make preparations than the cabin does. This intimate wedding is turning into way more than what was originally planned.

  Knocking on the old door, I wait and get nothing.




  I knock a little harder against the giant door. The wood scrapes into my knuckles and pisses me off before the door slides open about three inches.

  Elaina peeks her sweet little face between the opening. “Hi Spar, is everything okay?” She peers at me worriedly with her sapphire-colored irises.

  “Yes, Miss Elaina, just checking if the Boss is in here.”

  “No, he’s actually behaved and hasn’t tried to lock me in any of the safe rooms yet.” She grins, sliding the door open a little more, and I step closer, blocking the opening to keep others from seeing her.

  “Wow, ma’am; he is going to be floored when he sees you.”

  “You like it?”

  I hear women laughing behind her; they must know how silly the question is. Elaina’s beyond beautiful. I nod, not sure what to say to her, without Viktor sinking me in the lake if he hears.

  “This is that new Vera Wang dress he had you and Lexei go pick up.”

  I swallow roughly as I skate over her in the delicate white lace, formfitting gown. It’s understated class and Elaina knows how to pull off every stitch of it. She touches lightly to the dainty, diamond-encrusted tiara resting in her long blonde, Cinderella hair. “This, umm, this was Mishka and Vivi’s; they wore it for their weddings.” She gazes at me, seeking my approval.

  “It’s very fitting. I’m really happy for you Elaina; you and the Boss deserve this.”

  She leans in, clutching onto my forearm and squeezes affectionately. Elaina’s eyes begin to crest with tears, full of happiness, as she whispers kindly, “Thank you, Spar. You helped keep us safe so we could have this day. I’m so happy you get to be a part of it.”

  I close my eyes briefly, thanking the Lord that my close friend can have this day and that she’s genuinely happy.

  I shoot her a sheepish grin. “I must go. Alexei is monitoring the guests on the beach and tent area. I need to find Mr. Masterson; I don’t like him being alone.” She smiles at me gratefully, backing up a few paces so I can slide the door closed again. At least I know Elaina’s surrounded by others and is protected.

  I make my way down the small grassy path, toward the shop building. It’s more of the guards’ building now, but it should be empty at the moment. I believe all the men are on assignment—either here or out handling business.

  I don’t quite make it to the shop when I hear Viktor arguing with someone. It sounds as if it’s coming from behind the building, so I head straight back there.

  Viktor glances up, a scowl adorning his flushed face when he sees me. I stay silent, standing in the shadow of the building in case he needs me.

  The other gentleman has his back to me, but by the voice. I recognize it as his Uncle Victor. I’m curious as to why he’s back here, considering he was not on the guest list.

  His uncle places his placating hand on Viktor’s shoulder, and Viktor glares in return as if he may head-butt the older man. “Look, Viktor, I apologize for barging in on your wedding day, but Sabrina Chestkolav was sold in a previous deal.”

  “She was traded to me, Uncle. I don’t care which ratty family thinks they have claim to her. I’ve warned you about selling women. I told you to stop; you are no longer in charge, and you are forcing my hand.”

  “I’m not here to step on your toes, nephew, only to collect for her betrothed.”

  Viktor grits angrily, “She’s going nowhere. Sabrina belongs to me now. Not only that, but she was obtained for Nikoli. You are aware how close Nikoli is to my brother?” Viktor’s voice turns to ice as he finishes, “You warn this interested family, that they will have every element of the Mafiya and my Bratva after them if they do not back off.”

  The older man huffs but keeps his words to himself.

  “Now, pack up and leave. You are not going to disrupt my Printsyessa’s day.”

  “This isn’t finished, Viktor.” The old man attempts to argue as Alexei appears.

  Viktor glanced from me to Alexei. “Lexei, you and I shall escort my uncle off the grounds. Spartak, you may go back to the main party.”

  Uncle Victor stares at me angrily, unaware I was privy to the conversation, and I swallow nervously. I know my boss is in charge of the Bratva now, but his uncle is still an extremely intimidating, powerful man.

  “Yes, sir,” I answer dutifully and watch as Alexei and Viktor lead his uncle to the cars.

  Before I turn around myself, someone grabs onto my shoulder, startling me, since I'm still on alert from the threatening conversation I just witnessed. I grip onto the person’s arm harshly, propelling them forward and bringing their back to my chest. I drop the knife resting in my jacket sleeve, sliding it carefully and swiftly down my wrist, digging it into their neck, just enough for them to stand still.

  I have to stop myself from gasping when I discover long brunette hair cascading over the feminine shoulder, enveloping me in a sweet smell.

  The woman stutters out in a whisper-soft voice, “Umm, umm.”

  I drop my arms, deftly stepping back and putting a few paces between us, “Forgive me,” I mumble as my heart beats frantically enough to feel as if it may pop out of my chest.

  She promptly spins around, and I'm met with dark, sinful eyes, wide with excitement. Her hand clutches her neck at the area my knife was just touching as she swallows nervously. Her chest is rapidly rising and falling with each labored breath.

  “I didn't mean to startle you. I was following you because you ignored me at the party.”

  Shit. I hadn’t even glanced at her face back there. Stupid Spartak. This woman could have stepped straight out of a fantasy, and yet she’s chasing me around.

  Clearing my throat, I tug on my jacket, attempting to fix the rumpled mess. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Did you need something?” I may as well go with being polite since I’ve already snubbed her once, and then almost impaled her with my blade.

  She grins mischievously, her irises gleaming with intent as she approaches. She stops about four inches from my face, and I lick my lips nervously, as I feel my throat get tight. I don’t
do well with people in my personal space, but her, well I want to pull even closer.

  “Yes, Spartak. I do need something.” My eyes widen with the way her smooth voice caresses over my name, surprised that she was behind me long enough to hear Viktor mention it.

  She grasps onto my suit lapels, pulling my body against hers, molding her plump breasts against my firm chest as she takes me for a kiss so powerful I’ve never felt anything like it in my life. With a few twists of her skilled tongue, my cock stands to attention, seeking something it hasn’t had in quite a while. I clutch tightly, onto her small biceps, probably bruising the lightly tanned skin as I kiss her back with everything I have. If this is some sort of attack plan, I’m screwed.

  After a few minutes, I pull back, panting, heavily turned on. “Fuck,” I gasp. She nods, her eyes dilated with heat.

  “I want more,” she orders as she deftly undoes the button on my slacks, backing me up to the shop’s back wall.

  “More? What’s your name?” Stupid, but it’s the only thing I can think of as she wraps her petite, soft hands around my throbbing member.

  “Victoria,” she murmurs hastily as she finishes pulling my boxer briefs down and pumping my cock a few times.

  I clear away the frog in my throat, twisting her body so that she’s the one pressed against the wall and hike her mid-length, plum colored dress up, around her waist. Then sliding her pair of tiny lace panties over so I can get to her sweet spot, I slip my finger in her deeply, watching for any signs of me going too far. I’ve never met this woman before, yet she seems keen on getting to know me. I don’t know what I’ve done in my previous life to deserve this sort of reward, but I’ll gladly accept.

  “Yessss,” she lowly groans out, as her head leans against the building, exposing the smooth skin on her neck. “Mooore.”

  Victoria laces her fingers behind my neck, raising her breasts a little higher and causing my gut to clench tightly with need. Slipping my fingers free from her center, I hike her leg up, lining my cock up where I want to be the most.

  I peer down at Victoria. “Are you sure?”

  “Damn it, do it already!” Her small hands cover my scruffy jaw as she pulls my face down, vigorously taking my mouth again.


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