
Home > Romance > Tease > Page 12
Tease Page 12

by Sapphire Knight

  “Nice fight tonight, Ripper.” One of the guys manning the door nods to me.

  I’m so anxious; I almost can’t talk. Aria pinches the shit out of the inside of my arm, so I nod back at the guy, acknowledging him. I swear, sometimes I think she can read my mind.

  The doors open and we’re surrounded by opulent beauty. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chandelier that big and the smells no doubt coming from the catering company or whoever’s cooking smells phenomenal. My Boo wasn’t kidding about needing a snack; I could eat an entire cow right about now. My adrenaline’s wearing thin, and that Gatorade I chugged after the fight will only get me so far before I need to inhale some serious food.

  We’re immediately intercepted by JT and a few other suits, cutting our gawking at the venue short.

  “Gavin, tonight was exactly what MGM needed to keep up ticket sales this next year. They’ve already contacted me about booking you to fight here again.”


  “Let me introduce you to the CEO of the Corporation and the President of the hotel.” He turns slightly, bringing the other two into our conversation. “Mr. Maxwell and Mrs. Hastings, Meet Gavin The Ripper, you saw fight tonight.”

  I swear the older woman—Mrs. Hastings—orgasms when I shake her hand, and the other—Mr. Maxwell—weakly shakes back..

  Definitely a fucking rich tart.

  “Nice to meet you both,” I respond politely. JT starts to ramble on about something else, but I cut him short, as my stomach growls hungrily.

  “We’ll catch back up with you. I need to keep up with my eating schedule.”

  “But you’ve just won, relax and have some fun!” He grins.

  “Thanks, we’ll catch you later.”

  Head of the UFC or not, I don’t care about snubbing him. I’m not here to make friends; I’m here to fight. Plus he failed to greet and introduce Aria. You’re rude to my woman; then you’re rude to me.

  “Gav! He’s in charge of everything; you should be a little kinder to him.”

  “I’m not gonna jack the guy off, so he’ll sign my check, Boo. I’m starving, and I know you are too. Let’s go find Jace.”

  She giggles at my answer but treks along beside me. Following my nose, we find an enormous room filled with round tables dressed in bright white linen and fancy crystal ware. Jace is off to the side of the room, standing at the cash bar when we walk in.

  “Come on, baby.” I kiss Aria’s forehead and lead us toward my friend.

  “Congrats, bro!” Jace exclaims, pulling me in for a man hug.

  “Thanks, man.” I pat his back hard, three times, so it stays manly. “You know where we’re sitting?”

  “Yeah, right up front. You got here with perfect timing; they were just announcing that they’re bringing out the dishes in ten minutes. Figured that was code for getting a drink at the bar.”

  “Good idea, I’ll get us one too.”

  “I got it.” He grins and turns back toward the bartender, ordering me a Bud light and Aria a Fru-Fru drink.

  “Thanks, I would’ve paid for it.”

  “Nah, I have to get you the first celebratory drink. I was expecting y’all to be here a little later, though.”

  Aria laughs, piping up, “He helped me with the wardrobe change, so we shaved some time off.”

  “I bet he did.” He chuckles and I roll my eyes. Fucker was the same way after his fight; he knows exactly what I was doing. “Oh, by the way, your dad called and told me his flight was delayed again.”

  “Fuck! He missed it then.”

  “Yeah, he was pretty pissed about it.”

  “I bet that conversation was colorful.”

  “Yeah, I can tell your dad was in the service when he gets pissed. I think he said a few choice things that I’d never even heard before.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me, they have their own insults. Even being retired my dad’s never forgotten any.”

  “Clearly.” He snickers.

  Jace hands me the drinks, and I carry Arias’ for her. The wardrobe people have her in some sky-high heels; the last thing I want is my baby trying to carry anything. She looks fantastic, but I worry for her twisting an ankle or something.

  My friend wasn’t kidding about us being up front. We’re directly in front of the stage. I’m assuming because of the awards, but it could work out perfectly with my plan also.

  “Are you excited, Aria?” Jace asks after we take a seat at each of our spots designated by fancy nametags. “Uh!” He grunts as my foot meets his leg underneath the table. He needs to zip it with questions like that.

  Thankfully, she doesn’t expect anything, and she nods, “Yep, I’m so hungry and whatever we’re eating smells delicious!”

  “The menu says we have lamb or salmon. I guess everyone’s different based on what they’ve prepaid for.” Jace holds up a small piece of cardstock with more fancy writing.

  “I ordered a steak,” I respond absently. More people filter into the room, the seats filling up quickly.

  “Me too; I think so anyway. Hopefully, they cook it good,” Boo says while watching a major Hollywood movie producer and his date sit at the table next to us.

  Ours has six chairs, each space marked with place cards naming myself, Aria, Jace, Viktor, Tate, and JT. Maybe we have more openings since none of them brought dates and since Sin won’t be joining us? Sucks he had to fly back home tonight. Regardless, I’m happy with the extra elbow room, it’ll mean less talking I have to do, and I won’t have to censor myself as much around our tablemates.

  A pleasant voice comes over the sound system announcing that plates will go out in five minutes and for all guests wishing to eat to please take their places.

  I’d assume they’d want to eat. The table tickets were outrageous with dinner plates starting at one hundred dollars per dish. I’m not paying for my meal, so I said fuck it and ordered the steak. I don’t drink wine either, but I ordered a glass of the most expensive type listed to have with my meal. Sucks I won’t be drinking it. I was doing it at first to be a dick, but now I’d say it’s payback for making my woman squeeze into that dress.

  Tate and Viktor come in together and take their seats, greeting us all. They’re my sponsors, so I’m assuming that’s how they got the seats they have. JT still isn’t here, but I’m guessing he’s schmoozing with the two he introduced me to earlier.

  Viktor places a flute of champagne down in front of him while his younger brother Tate sets three rocks tumblers down that are damn near filled to the brim with what appears to be bourbon.

  “You good, bro?” Jace gestures to Tate’s mini bar he has going on.

  “We’re in Vegas and my wife had to stay back in Tennessee. I figure if I can’t be with her on New Year’s, then it’s pointless to even remember it.”

  Viktor rolls his eyes but stays quiet. He’s older and calmer than his younger brother. From what I’ve noticed, they’re opposites.

  “I get it,” Jace responds, being a hothead himself.

  The catering people start placing dishes in front of everyone, and the room begins to swirl with even more delectable scents. Once mine’s set down, I don’t even taste it. I think inhale’s more appropriate for my eating techniques.

  Aria’s not too far behind me, munching away happily on her well-done steak.

  “Good, Boo?”

  She nods, still chewing.

  “If you weren’t going to taste it, you should’ve ordered the salmon,” Viktor comments and takes a bite of his lamb.

  With a shrug, I push my plate forward. “Eh, doesn’t matter. I didn’t pay for it.”

  Tate laughs and Viktor nods, “I know. As your sponsor, I did. The cook nearly threw your ticket out. Luckily I’ve met them, and they thought to call me. The preorder box you checked is where people are to put allergies and special requests—such as no salt. It’s not a section where you make up your own dish.” Viktor grins.

  I almost choke. I had no idea he’d get the tab. I can’
t believe he got the chef to make me and Aria steaks instead of serving us that stuff everyone else was eating.

  “Shit, Mr. Masterson; I had no clue. I would’ve gotten something cheaper like a salad. Here, drink my wine. I hate the stuff, and it was expensive.” Carefully, I push the wine glass toward him, making sure not to tip it over. That’d be all I need right now.

  Everyone chuckles and I feel my chest heat up. I’m a dick, plain and simple.

  With nearly everyone finished and a small bit of adrenaline still in my system, I must do what I came here for. Aria deserves her moment.

  Standing, I push my chair back, startling everyone but Jace. Aria glances up at me, questions filtering through her worried gaze. “You okay, Gav?”

  “I’m good. They’re going to start the announcements soon, so I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh, okay. You want me to come with you?” she asks and my smile grows.

  “In a minute, baby,” I say and push in my chair. She stares at me—puzzled—trying to figure out what I mean as I start toward the stage.



  I have no idea what that was about, but I hope he’s okay. The guys at the table all smile at me like they know something I don’t. I hate that feeling, but there’s nothing I can do at the moment.

  JT finally arrives at our table, sitting down and pushing his plate of food out of the way.

  “Where’s Gavin going?” he questions.

  Jace perks up. “It’s time for that announcement he was talking about earlier today.”

  “Oh right. This’ll be good,” he responds, glancing at me.

  I’m just about to ask what the hell’s going on when Gav’s voice comes over the speakers from earlier.

  “Hey, everyone. Can I have your attention for a minute?”

  Someone from one of the tables shouts, “Heeey it’s the Ripper! You kicked some ass tonight!” I think it’s one of the rocker guys; they’re pretty loud.

  Gav chuckles, nodding and smiling in the direction the shout came from. “Thanks. But I’m not up here to talk about the fight, even though it was pretty awesome. There’s something really important I need to do that I should’ve done a long time ago.”

  We all wait, watching him silently. I’m holding my breath. I doubt others are, but I’m freaking out inside for him. I know his anxiety has to be through the roof right now. It just shows how if you want something bad enough, you can do it. He begins to speak again, and I finally release my breath.

  “You see I have this amazing support system—a badass best friend and a woman I love with my entire heart. The fact that all three of those things are compiled into one person means I shouldn’t be wasting her time any longer.”

  I don’t know what’s happening right now, but I swear to God if this man breaks up with me tonight, in front of these people, I may start throwing fine china at the stage.

  “Aria—Boo—I love you. Thank you for standing next to me and shining so brightly. I can only hope this diamond will add to your sparkle.” He pulls a small box free from his jacket. Jace must’ve had it until we were at the bar. I wasn’t even paying attention to them.

  Opening the box, he shows it to me and the crowd, the light reflecting off what has to be a huge rock. “Baby, will you do me the honor and be my partner—my wife—for life?”

  I can’t speak. I’m pretty sure, I’m about to cry or pass out. I can’t believe he’s doing this in front of everyone. There are so many people here, and he’s on a stage, asking me to marry him. Three years of struggling of growing of loving, and now he’s going to be mine forever.

  My champion. My friend. My Gav.

  Standing, I quickly push the chair in and make my way to the stage. It’s harder being all choked up inside and wearing this obnoxious outfit, but I make it.

  His gaze meets mine as I get closer to him; he’s excited, as am I. Everyone in the crowd’s watching. I think they’re finally holding their breath, waiting to see what I’ll do. Once I get to Gav, I lean in close to the microphone and whisper into it, “Yes!”

  I don’t get a chance to utter another word, as he spins me, bringing me to him and kissing me like I’ve just given him the world. But I know deep inside that it’s him who’s given me his heart, his devotion—his everything. With a kiss like this, I know I’ll be cherished for life, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Oath Keepers MC Series




  Forsaken Control



  Sweet Surrender – free short story




  Russkaya Mafiya Series



  Unwanted Sacrifices

  Undercover Intentions

  Russian Roulette



  Unexpected Forfeit

  1st Time Love

  3 Times the Heat

  My husband - I love you more than words can express. Thank you for the support you’ve shown me. Somedays you drive me crazy, other days I just want to kiss your face off. Who knew this would turn out to be our life, but in this journey, I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. Thanks for falling for my brand of crazy. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans. I love you, I’m thankful for you, I can’t say it enough.

  My boys - You are my whole world. I love you both. This never changes, and you better not be reading these books until you’re thirty and tell yourself your momma did not write them! I can never express how grateful I am for your support. You are quick to tell me that my career makes you proud, that I make you proud. As far as mom wins go; that one takes the cake. I love you with every beat of my heart and I will forever.

  Editor Mitzi Carroll – You’re one of the most dedicated, kindest people I’ve come across in this industry. I will forever be grateful for your hard work.

  Cover Designer CT Cover Creations – I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful work you’ve done for me and the amazing friendship you’ve offered. Your support truly means so much!

  Photographer Eric Battershell - Thank you so much for the amazing support you’ve been kind enough to show me. I look forward to future collaborations and our friendship for years to come!

  Model Eric TenBrink – Thank you for being on my cover.

  My Blogger Friends –YOU ARE AMAZING! I LOVE YOU! No really, I do!!! You take a new chance on me with each book, and, in return, share my passion with the world. You never truly get enough credit, and I’m forever grateful!

  My Readers – I love you. You make my life possible, thank you. I can’t wait to meet many of you this year and in the future!




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