Cami's Decision

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Cami's Decision Page 22

by Valenciya Lyons

Rob had a feeling that Diane would reject him, but it was a chance that he had to take. He missed his family and was homeless since his mistress had kicked him to the curb. But he didn’t love her. She was just a mere play thing for his amusement.

  He had met her while she was standing outside of his office one late afternoon. They went out for drinks at a local bar and a few hours later he found himself sleeping with her in an upscale hotel room. He continued seeing her while hoping that Diane would never find out about them.

  Although he loved his wife, he loved the sex, material things, and money that he could get from his mistress. He tried to be as discrete as possible. Before his wife would return home from work, he would shower and delete text messages and phone calls.

  Despite all of that Diane began to suspect that something was going on. She had noticed that he was acting strange. Whenever she tried to make love to him, he would act as if he wasn’t interested. She did not want to believe that her husband of thirteen years could be having an affair, but she knew that something was wrong.

  Late one night she followed him to the most expensive restaurant in town. She couldn’t make out who the woman was but she got a good look at the man who seemed as if he couldn’t get enough of this other woman—her husband. She watched them enter and exit the restaurant. He was grinning from ear to ear and looking happier than she had seen him in months. It stung her heart to see the man that she loved lock lips with the other woman. Her emotions wanted to display themselves, but she fought back the tears, swallowed hard, and forced herself to watch her cheating husband’s every move. The cheating twosome got into the woman’s vehicle and made their way to her apartment. Diane watched as Rob and the home wrecker made their way into the apartment. Rob grabbed the woman’s butt and fondled her breasts before she had even unlocked the door. He did not make it home to his family that night.

  After witnessing all of this with her own eyes, she knew that her marriage was over. She had told Rob countless times that if he ever cheated it would be over, and she refused to go back on her word. Counseling wouldn’t be of any help; she didn’t want someone telling her to give a cheater another chance because she had made up her mind.

  Less than twenty four hours later, she went to the court house and filed for divorce. Diane confronted Rob about the affair and he denied it at first. After she showed him the pictures that she had taken of him and the other woman together, he finally confessed. She shoved the divorce papers in his face and told him to sign it. Initially, he didn’t want to sign the divorce papers, but after several weeks of listening to Diane constantly yell at him about being a cheater and how she didn’t trust him anymore, he had convinced himself that maybe it would be better if they were no longer together.

  After the divorce, his daughters sided with their mother and showed their disapproval of him choosing his mistress over them. Cami avoided him, and Kaci had told him that he was no longer her father and that she didn’t want to have anything to do with him.

  Before the affair, Rob was not father of the year, but in his eyes he did the best that he could do for his daughters. He had his own business selling medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. His business was very successful but it required him to spend a great deal of time away from his family.

  When the girls were young, he missed out on many precious moments with them. Diane was really the one who cared for their growing daughters while he was away on business.

  After the divorce was final, he discovered that his business partner had stolen money from the business. Without enough money to fund operations, he closed his business and became penniless. He hadn’t saved much money, and the little money that he had saved, he spent it trying to impress his mistress. After losing his only job, he relied on her to support him, but he could tell that she was slowly but surely growing bored of him. Now that they were living together, there wasn’t any need to hide their relationship from his wife. Their sex life also took a dramatic hit. It wasn’t as spontaneous as it once was. She wasn’t even home most of the time because she was always away on what she called “business trips.” Rob had a sneaky suspicion that these were a little more than business trips. She only stayed at the apartment once or twice a week. Before his divorce, she was with him more often than she was away on business so he knew that something was going on.

  Eight months later he found himself regretting the decision that he had made. Meeting this woman, who he blamed for breaking his family up, was one of the worst things that had ever happened to him. He wished that he had never met her. He wanted to be back in the king sized bed that he had once shared with Diane. He missed waking up to feeling her in his arms each morning. The feeling of her soft, velvety skin against his was enough to make him feel like a happy school boy inside. He wanted to spend more time with his daughters. His sweet, first born daughter, Cami was sensitive yet had a good heart, and his youngest, Kaci was stubborn yet more caring than she led on. He missed attending their birthday parties and spending the holidays with them.

  He sighed deeply while gazing up at the starless sky. He wanted his old life back instead of this new hell on earth that he had created for himself.

  Rob reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. This was all the money that he had left and it would have to go into the gas tank. He had lost his family, home, career, and money. There was nothing else for him to lose. He was sure about one thing: his ex-mistress had another thing coming if she thought that she would just leave him penniless. Because of her, he had lost everything that he ever loved and the least she could do was repay him back all of the money he had spent on her.

  He took one more look at his former home before driving to the home wrecker’s apartment. With his hands planted firmly on the steering wheel, his mind formulated a plan. He knew exactly what he needed to do.

  As he continued to make his way down the road she lived on, he noticed two figures inside of her car. The windows were fogged up so he couldn’t tell if it was really her or not but he knew that it was. She was a wild woman who loved to have sex anywhere and anytime. No place was off limits for her. The sight of this made him angry. What if she had been seeing this other guy all along? He beat the steering wheel with his fists without sounding the horn. How could he have been so stupid?

  The affair wasn’t worth losing his family over but now it was too late. The only thing of value that he had to his name was his black Mercedes and luckily he had paid it off while he was living on top of the world. However, he still needed a job to pay for the car insurance each month not to mention a place to live.

  His red eyes fell onto her car once again. He could now hear moans coming from inside.

  He knew that his plan was not the best one, but he did not want to live in his car. This was such a far cry from the millions he once made. He closed his eyes and imagined himself at home with his family but the sound of his ex and her new lover’s loud moans found their way into his ears.

  He knew that what he was about to do wasn’t right but he decided to do it away. While she was occupied, he quietly walked past her vehicle and towards her apartment door. He had given her the key when she asked for it, but she didn’t know that he had a spare key made.

  He looked over his shoulder to see if they were still inside her vehicle. They were. Then, he tried to insert the key into the door but it wouldn’t fit. The locks had been changed. He glanced over his shoulder once more. The lovers were still occupied. Then he turned the knob and hoped that the door was unlocked. It was and he quickly made his way inside. He was in luck, and he knew that he would have to make this trip count.

  It was time to do what he came here for.

  Chapter 22


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