Visionary New Years

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Visionary New Years Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Not all rich people are picky. Remember, I didn’t know I was a billionaire, and I’m not picky. It’s a washroom. If I have to pee in a hole, I’ll do it. As long as my ass is not touching something that will give me hepatitis or something.

  I flushed the toilet, washing my hands before I walked to the door – stopping when I heard a familiar voice.

  “We can’t be talking here!” The familiar voice hissed; the tone and Japanese accent matched the man I met in the hall.

  “I’m sorry sir, it’s urgent.” An older voice replied; hesitation laced his words as if he was trembling with fear.

  I looked at my phone, immediately turned it on silent mode before rushing into one of the stalls. I locked it – putting the lid down and sitting on it as quietly as I could, crossing my legs. I looked for the record button, pressing it on my phone as I waited patiently. I need to make this thing look like it’s out of order.

  I took a deep breath, feeling the water rushing down the pipes below.

  “Sacred water, I call for your aid. Spare me some of your grace to ensure no one suspects my presence.”

  I steadied myself as the lid lifted slightly; water leaked down the black tiled floor. It stopped right at the stall door. I smirked, sealing off my magic like Jaxson and the others had taught me. I made sure to cloak my aura, just in case those two were shifters so they wouldn’t recognize my presence.

  I heard the click of the door, footsteps followed as the door closed. I stayed as still as possible – focusing enough of my energy on cloaking myself.

  “What do you need, Arnold? We agreed to not meet in public until this business deal is set in stone. There’s security on this ship and more than half of them are shifters. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are from Paranormal INC. I can’t afford to be caught by them and neither can your ass.”

  “My apologies. I just need to confirm you truly have the Nephilim. I’m still new to working with that man, and I don’t want to be tortured to death.”

  “How is what your boss does for entertainment my problem? Maybe, if you followed the fucking rules, none of you would get put into those experiment facilities. We have your serum. You just need to walk around and act like you’re having a good time.”

  “I’m sorry, Daichi. It won’t happen again. I’ll make sure to tell his son, Leonardo.” The man finished.

  “Don’t use my name like we’re allies. I only serve one person. Now get back to playing the drunken rich man.” Daichi huffed. His menacing voice made me shiver.

  “Yes, Sir.” I could hear his footsteps as he walked to the door.

  “And Arnold.”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “Don’t you dare hit on that girl again. Understood?”

  I froze; my heart skipped a beat. Shit, he’s referring to me.

  “Ah. Sir, it wasn’t my fault. She’s hot and the energy around her is addictive. She’s like a walking battery. Just one taste would—”

  “She’s off limits. I have my eyes on her and so does my Queen. You don’t touch what is not yours, correct?”


  “Good. Just continue your role, and this will go very smoothly. Also, stay away from Akane. I shouldn’t have to explain myself when I tell you to stay away from someone correct?”

  “Correct sir! No explanations. Stay far away from the brunette and Akane Fukimiru. I know she has plenty of bodyguards, and it would cause eyes to be on me. I understand. I will see you again on the eve’s night at eleven.”

  “Excellent. Be gone.” Daichi concluded.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Arnold rushed off, the door swung open and shut.

  “Pathetic lizard shifters. Can’t even follow fucking instructions.” Daichi groaned; the sound of his zipper opening caught my attention – a solid stream followed as he sighed.

  I noticed my screen light up; MR. GREY calling. I declined, stopped the recording. I made sure it was saved; the flush of the urinal caught my attention.

  “Honestly, the piece of shit thought he could have a taste of that girl. He really is out of his mind. If only her boyfriend and that blonde chick would stop getting in my way. And Akane...ugh. I just for once, want something that’s mine. Yet, again, she’s getting in my way.”

  I flinched at the loud sound of shattered glass. He let out an exaggerated sigh before the tap switched on.

  “How is this even a luxury fucking cruise with a broken toilet? Can’t believe I had to pay for this shit. I deserve to be the boss, not in fucking first command. FUCK!” He shouted.

  I was tempted to move – to see if I could get a glimpse of what shifter he was, but any movement would give me away. I need to get out of here. I can’t hold up this cloak for much longer.

  “I’ll take over if necessary,” Aurora reassured me; her presence pressed against my mind. I nodded; my frantic heart only made it harder for me to concentrate. I just found key information, and I was stuck sitting on a toilet. Cece’s sick too, meaning I’m on my own on this one. He should leave soon...right?

  I waited and waited – minutes passed by and Daichi was still in the washroom. The longer I waited, the more frantic my heart got. I took a deep breath.

  Calm down, Scarlet. Yes, you hate closed spaces for a number of reasons, but you need to wait this one out or you’re screwed. This is a horrible self-talk. Dammit. It would have been nice if one of the guys were here. Michael would calm me with his gift, Ethan would whisper silly jokes in my ear, Jaxson would play with my hair, Junho would sing soft Korean melodies to me. And Christian would just kiss me. Dammit, I need to get out of here.

  I heard the phone ring – my eyes grew wide as I checked to see if it was mine; my shoulders relaxed at the realization it wasn’t.

  “Hello. Yes, your highness. Sure. When? Okay. Make them all lovey dovey and shit. She’d feel totally betrayed and leave his ass. Yes, I’ll make sure it’s done. Got it. It will be good payback. Yes. I’ll go for a stroll now. O wakare.” He finished the call in Japanese.

  I was ready to sigh in relief, but his footsteps stopped right in front of my stall. I froze – fear spiked through me. I clamped my hand over my mouth as the door dented in, thankfully not opening from the impact.

  “Fucking out of order piece of shit. I hate imperfections.” He mumbled. I heard the sound of his foot slide against the tile floor – my body grew tense as I waited for him to punch it open when the click of the door caught my attention.

  There was a moment of silence.

  “If it isn’t the punk star! You’re a star, right? Jeez, do you guys always have to damage everything?” Christian’s voice announced. Mother Starlight, Christian!

  “Tsk. Whatever, business boy. Maybe you should keep your eyes on that sexy prize of yours.” Daichi replied. I thought it would end there, but I heard a loud crash, I struggled to breathe.

  “I’ll say this once. Don’t go near MY girlfriend. You may hide what you are, but you can tell I’m a demon, and we hold grudges very easily. I may have let you off the hook for having your disgusting hands on my jewel, but trust me. I won’t be so forgiving. Now, save us both the trouble and get out of this washroom. I need to masturbate. Unless you want to watch, of course?”

  “Fuck you. Why do you need to masturbate?”

  “Why the fuck not? Can’t fuck my hot girlfriend in public, now can I? You see, every minute with her makes me so fucking horny. I know you don’t understand but maybe one day, when you have someone as delicate and addicting as her, you’d get it. Now, shoo.”

  “Watch it.”

  “Watch what? Me masturbate. I didn’t know you were gay? Gay porn is rather hot, either way.”

  “Fuck you.” He cursed and then the door opened and shut – silence followed. Talk about a good way to make someone feel awkward and flee.

  “Agreed.” Serenity replied.

  “That was so weird.” Aurora sighed.


  I stayed silent, unsure if it was really Christian
. I took a deep breath – the scent of cologne hit my nose. I sighed in relief; my hand landed on my chest as I let go of the cloak that hid my magic.

  “Babe, it’s safe. Which stall are you in?

  “The dented one.”

  “Hold on.”

  Christian mumbled something under his breath – the door began to straighten and morph back to its original form. It looked newer than before. I summoned the water to retreat back to where it came, the floor dry for me to step on.

  I unlocked the door, pulling it back to reveal Christian. I opened my mouth to say something, but his arms wrapped around me, pressing me against him. I relaxed; my head fell against his chest. I could hear the thumps of his heart beating rapidly against his chest.

  “Christian,” I whispered; my hands gripped his bare back.

  “You made me panic.” He whispered.

  “I followed your orders. I didn’t think I would get into trouble.”

  “You’re a magnet for trouble.” He replied, leaning back. I looked up at him, giving him a weak smile.


  “You did well with cloaking your power. You look tired.” He replied, pulling me into a kiss. I relaxed; my heart calmed as I enjoyed his lips. That was close.

  Those lips left mine – Christian pulled me back into another hug. I felt bad for worrying him to this extent. We’d had our share of near-death experiences, and I knew he tried to keep up his confident front. But deep within, I could sense his fear. I hoped there would come a time when they didn’t worry about me to such a degree.

  “I’m fine, Christian.” I whispered, tightening my hold on him. I listened closely as his once frantic heart, calmed. I slipped out of his embrace; my hand brushed against his cheek.

  “I know. The others and I trust that you can handle yourself, but with this case I’m still worried. It’s not like other cases where we can freely use our elements in the line of duty and have it covered up by PINC. Being undercover limits us and such restraint is making us anxious. We don’t want you getting hurt.” He whispered the last part, looking away.

  “I know you guys are trying to protect me. It’s become a role for all of you. But have a little more faith in me, too. Regardless, I did need your help this time, so thank you.” I finished, giving him a smile.

  He returned it, walking over to the door and relaxing against it. I gave him a curious look.

  “We have to wait a few minutes. The staff room is near here, and they’re doing a shift switch. It will give us some time to stay hidden just in case that guy is lurking around.”

  “His name is Daichi,” I revealed. Christian frowned.

  “How’d you get his name?”

  “Remember the guy who bumped into me? He was here before.” I began. I gave Christian a recap of the entire conversation.

  “I recorded everything on my phone. I wanted to do video, but it would put me at risk if I tried.” I admitted. He nodded.

  “Voice recording should be enough.” He leaned against the door, crossing his arms.

  “Doesn’t that mean we can end this before it escalates? We have the evidence.” I proposed.

  “I doubt the voice recording will be enough,” Christian revealed, lifting his head to look up at the ceiling.


  “Ethan’s been doing some research. Whoever these people are they have connections with the government, especially in the legal department. We could easily submit the voice recording and try to charge them. However, the information in their conversation doesn’t give enough evidence that they’re the drug dealers.” He began.

  “Ugh. You have a point...” I mumbled. I had been too hyped up to really concentrate on their conversation – afraid to be caught hiding. They hadn’t revealed who they worked for and what their plans were, simply that they couldn’t be seen together. It didn’t give us enough evidence as to who was the dealer versus buyer.

  “We’ll figure something out. We’ll inform the others tomorrow.” Christian replied. I crossed my arms, attempting to think of a strategy to find out Daichi’s plans.

  “You can seduce him?” Aurora suggested.

  “Please. Scar needs to be hella drunk to be believable.” Serenity confessed. Hey! I could if I wanted to!

  Sure, a drink or two would help me get loose, but it wouldn’t make me forget my boys enough to attempt to seduce Daichi. I didn’t know him, and sure, he was attractive but wasn’t my cup of tea.

  I looked up at Christian’s gaze – those amethyst orbs still held a level of relief. I walked up to him; my hands pressed onto his chest. I lifted on my tiptoes, kissing him lightly on the lips. He stilled as one wrong move would cause him to lose me forever.

  “Christian. Don’t look at me like I’m gonna disappear. I’m right here, safe and sound.” I whispered. He nodded.

  I need to change the subject...or distract him.

  I pressed myself against him; my hand slid from his chest to his crotch. His eyes went wide; confusion flickered in his purple eyes. I smirked.

  “Is it true that I’m so addicting that you need to come to the washroom and masturbate?” I teased, knowing he only said such words to get Daichi out of the washroom as fast as his legs could carry him.

  I could see his cheeks flush; he looked away for a moment as he debated my question before returning to lock his eyes on mine – his Adam’s apple moved up and down as he gulped.

  “Yes.” His voice was but a whisper. My smile widened.

  This will be fun.

  Chapter Eight


  “Is it true that I’m so addicting that you need to come to the washroom and masturbate?” Scarlet questioned. I stared at her luscious lips – the red tint made me want to devour them – my mouth craved to taste her, while my ears yearned for her moans.

  She didn’t understand what she did to me, to any of us for that matter. The way her body turned me on the moment she walked into the room. From those luscious curves, perfect set of plump breasts and striking orange hair that caught your attention from miles away, Scarlet was beyond perfect. I especially loved her eyes – the blue-green mixture with a hint of grey and gold. When her magic influenced her eyes appearance, it was fascinating to watch them flicker and change, especially when she used them.

  Even in her current disguise, Irina Locksworth, she was still perfect. I remembered the number of time I’d caught the males checking her out, while she focused only on me. She didn’t understand what she did to any male – both humans and shifters.

  Right now, with her body pressed against me and her hand on my crotch, I became hard instantly. I knew I couldn’t lie to her, but I’d never admitted the fact that I masturbated. It wasn’t as if I was ashamed of it. Everyone masturbated. It was simply the acknowledgment of those actions and revealing it to another individual that made me nervous.

  I looked away for a moment, trying to decide on what to do. I wouldn’t lie to her. She’d know, and my words were indeed, true.

  I returned her gaze, looking down into those mesmerizing eyes – swallowing the lump in my throat. She watched me intently; her eyes drifted to my neck momentarily before returning to meet my gaze.

  “Yes,” I replied; my voice so low, I debated if she even heard my admission.

  I’d meant every word when I’d come to the washroom. My body told me Scarlet was in danger, and I needed something that would be believable, just in case this Daichi guy was an angel shifter.

  I was already pissed that his hands even touched my Scar. It pissed me off even more, when he still continued to flirt with her after he knew she had a boyfriend, AKA me. He was lucky we were undercover or that situation would have been a lot different. Not to mention, he’d have to deal with four other jealous shifters.

  We stood in silence - Scar’s smile widened.

  “Interesting.” She hummed; the seductive look in her eyes made my body tingle with desire. My heart beat fast with immense anticipation, while my cock twi
tched, an image of Scar’s lips sucking me flickered in my mind. Damn, I’d love for that to become reality.

  “Scar...we should—” I began but trailed off; Scar’s hand unzipped my shorts.

  “Hmm?” She leaned up to kiss me, biting my lip lightly. Fuck, I love it when she does that.

  I groaned, unable to stop the sound from leaving me as I kissed her back. I lifted my hand to tangle in her hair as we continued – our mouths had minds of their own as they fought for dominance.

  I felt her other hand slide down my chest to my waist – unbuttoning my shorts. Two seconds later and the material was on the floor. We broke apart, our breathing ragged while we stared wildly at each other. Her hand was already on my hard length, sliding up and down in a slow movement.

  She lowered her lips to my neck. I moaned, enjoying the sensation of her hand sliding along my erect cock, and her lips sucked on my flesh.

  “Babe, we...should leave soon.” I tried to think clearly, knowing we couldn’t stay long in this washroom before someone interrupted us. Someone could walk in at any moment. Instead of making me anxious, the thought of being caught exhilarated me.

  “You wouldn’t leave midway if you were masturbating alone, now would you?” She replied; her mouth lowered to one of my nipples. Her tongue flicked it – circling around it before sucking it. I moaned; my head fell back. How can I think straight when she’s doing so well at pleasing me?

  She smirked against my flesh, enjoying my reaction. I looked down to see her lower herself to her knees; Her hand was still sliding up and down; the slow sensual movement made me want to beg her to move faster.

  I watched her open those addictive lips, taking my cock into her mouth. Within seconds, she was sucking, bobbing her head up and down my long length.

  “Yes, Scar. I like that. Fuck, keep at it.” I encouraged; my hand tangled in her hair, stabilizing her head as I began to move my hips. She continued to suck, taking as much of my length as she could without starting to gag.


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