Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter

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Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-487-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Romance on the Go

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “Kimmy, we’re going out now. We’ll be gone all weekend. Are you sure you don’t mind staying home alone?”

  Kimberly Aston stared at her mother and laughed. “Mom, I’m twenty. Don’t you think calling me Kimmy is a little old? And I can look after myself.” She’d been to college for one year and was heading back in a couple of weeks after her summer break. Her parents needed the time alone, and the only way to convince them to go was for her to stay and house-sit. Kimberly didn’t mind the responsibility. She just wished her parents would trust her. She’d never caused them any trouble growing up. Through school she’d excelled and gotten into a great college. When she finished college she’d be training to be a nurse. Everything was going great for her.

  “I keep forgetting how grown up you’ve become.” Her mom hugged her one final time before heading out the front door.

  She heard her father clear his throat, and she turned to smile at him. “What, Dad?” she asked, folding her arms.

  “You know me, Kimmy. I don’t like leaving you.”

  Her relationship with her dad had always been a fantastic one. She loved him and knew no matter what he’d always be there for her. Closing the distance between them she wrapped her arms around him. His comforting scent surrounded her, and once again she was a little girl in his arms.

  “You and Mom need this. I don’t mind house sitting.”

  Well, Mr. Reynolds is next door if you need him, and call us if you’re scared or anything.” Kimberly rolled her eyes trying not to show too much interest in Mr. Reynolds being next door. Her father was a strict man, and if he knew she had a crush on Mr. Reynolds he’d take her with him.

  Luke Reynolds was the street’s playboy. Her father liked him but didn’t agree with the man’s lifestyle. He would often tell Kimberly to find a man who wanted to marry her before settling for a guy who wanted to get into her panties. Luke loved to play and chase women like there was no tomorrow. She’d heard many rumors over the years and had been living next door from him since she was sixteen. The instant she had seen him she’d had the biggest crush. He was gorgeous with a body to die for. His hard muscles had left her drooling a time or two. Luke had hair down to his neck, and the long brown length called to her to brush her fingers through every time she saw him. His eyes were a dark brown, and his smile lit up his whole face. She loved to watch him smile.

  A few times in the last year she’d noticed him watching her. She didn’t know if it was her imagination or whether Luke was attracted to her or not. He never went out of his way to speak to her, and when he did it was to talk about college. Even if he tried to talk to her about something important, she doubted she’d be able to converse all that well with him.

  “Okay, wish me luck.”

  She waved her parents off and only shut the door when she could no longer see the car.

  Kimberly moved away from the front door to go straight out to the garden. When she was twelve years old her parents had built a pool in the backyard for her birthday present. They got the pool cleaned regularly, and she loved spending most of her summers in it.

  Grabbing her sunscreen, e-reader, and towel she made her way to the lounge chair beside the pool. She intended to spend the weekend swimming and sunbathing, with, she hoped, minimal fantasies about her older next door neighbor. With her full curves she only ever dared to wear a full piece swimming costume. A bikini exposed way too much, and she refused to show off her rounded stomach. Throwing the blanket over the chair she sat down, rubbed lotion on her skin, and sat back to read.

  The sun was high in the sky, and Kimberly was so engrossed in her book that when the dark silhouette moved over her body blocking the sun she cried out. Dropping the reader onto her chest, Kimberly covered her forehead in an attempt to see the intruder.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Luke said. Her handsome neighbor stood looking down at her with a wicked smile on his face. Her heart went from racing in fear to racing in desire. Luke only wore a pair of shorts. His chest and feet were bare of anything. He was tanned with not a single strand of hair on his body. Luke was a walking, talking wet dream, or at least he was to her.

  Licking her lips, she checked to make sure she hadn’t broken her reader and turned toward him. “No, I was reading. I didn’t even hear you open the gate or anything.”

  He’s so fucking sexy.

  She tried to cut her thoughts off, but with him standing over her there was nothing she could do other than drool while she stared at him. Why was he here?

  “No problem, Blondie. Where’s your dad?” he asked, looking toward the house. Luke had been calling her Blondie for as long as she could remember. She wasn’t surprised. Her blonde locks were natural and hadn’t come out of a jar. Self-conscious of his stare, Kimberly ran her fingers through the strands.

  “Dad’s gone away for the weekend with Mom. They needed to get away. It’s only me for the weekend,” she said.

  If Dad knew what I thought of you he’d have never gone.

  She should get points for being able to have a coherent thought around him.

  “He never mentioned going away. I was going to invite him over for some steaks. I bought some good meat from the butcher, and he loves my barbeque.”

  Kimberly smiled. Luke’s barbeques were legendary. For most of the folks in their small town it was down to ability to grill, but to her it was something else entirely. One of his barbeques, before she left for college, she’d stumbled on him fucking one of his women. There hadn’t been anything nice or gentle in what she witnessed. She’d stood there the whole time watching until he’d finished. His girlfriend at the time hadn’t lasted longer than that weekend, but the memory was forever seared onto her mind. From that day on she’d done some experimenting of her own.

  She wasn’t a virgin, and she loved sex. The guys at college, though, couldn’t bring her to orgasm. The only way she could get to orgasm was by her own hand.

  “Sorry, nothing I can do. They’re gone.”

  Luke stared at her for several seconds. “Would you like to come over? I don’t want good meat to go to waste.”

  Kimberly was about to refuse when her stomach chose that moment to growl. Luke chuckled. “You can hold back your refusal. You’re hungry, and I’ll feed you. Come on,” he said. He reached down grabbing her hand.

  “Stop, I need to go and put some clothes on,” she said, trying to cover her costume.

  He frowned. “You’re already dressed. There is nothing wrong with the way you are. Leave it, Blondie.” He tugged on her hand until she had no choice but to follow him out of her back yard. She closed the gate, and he still held onto her hand. On the inside she was cheering from the touch.


  Luke should have left her alone. He shouldn’t be dragging her back to his place, but the sound of her growling
stomach had opened up an opportunity he couldn’t refuse. If her father knew what he was doing he’d kill Luke. Kimberly Aston had sure grown into a beautiful woman. She was only twenty, and he shouldn’t be looking at her. He was ten years older than she and had been with his fair share of women. Luke also knew her father’s thoughts with regards to his daughter. No one was good enough for his little girl, and Luke doubted he’d be seen as good enough.

  He wasn’t the type of man to settle down, but the instant Kimberly turned her grey eyes on him Luke was lost. Her sweet smile stayed with him, and she invaded his thoughts all the time whereas he’d forgotten all about the other women he’d been with. When he was around Kimberly she became the only person who mattered. The last year she’d been away to college had been a nightmare to him. His only chance of seeing her occurred when she visited with her parents.

  Befriending her parents was his only chance of seeing her again, and he felt like a fucking fool. Only teenage boys would go to these lengths to be near a girl. He was a full grown man acting like a horny teenager.

  If Kimberly was any other woman he’d have her in his bed and fucking her until he could no longer think of her. Even now he was tempted to seduce her and try to get her out of his system. Stopping, Luke turned toward her, but her grey gaze trapped him. No matter how much he tried he couldn’t do that to Kimberly. She wasn’t like his other women. Kimberly didn’t know the score. She may not be a virgin anymore, but she was still innocent with regards to men like him, the type of man who fucked a woman and then discarded her when he was done.

  Never in all of his life had he struggled with his feelings. He didn’t do commitment, and he enjoyed being on his own. Settling down with a family was not in the cards for him.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” Opening his gate, Luke kept hold of her hand until they were both standing on his patio. He’d fired up the barbeque before going over to the Aston’s place.

  “Wow, that’s what you call a grill,” Kimberly said, smiling.

  “I had no choice. My other grill packed in.” He let go of her hand to grab the cool box where he’d packed the drinks. “Do you want a drink?” he asked.

  “A water will do.” She reached in and grabbed a bottle of water. As she leaned forward he got a look at her rounded breasts. Luke cleared his throat, trying to distract himself. He was a full grown man of thirty and couldn’t handle a quick flash of breast. Shaking his head, he started putting the steaks on the grill.

  He watched as Kimberly took a seat at the table. She crossed her legs and started caressing her thighs. Did she even know what she was doing? Her nipples were rock hard underneath her costume. He’d never seen the appeal of a costume before. Bikinis were far easier to get a woman out of. Staring at how the material molded to her curves, Luke quickly changed his mind. Costumes were much better. Kimberly was twenty, but her full figure belonged on a woman older than she.

  The unfairness of his situation hit him square in the chest. He was lusting after the neighbors’ daughter, and he couldn’t handle it. Luke couldn’t help feeling like a pervert. His feelings were not entirely sexual. He cared about Kimberly, and he wanted to protect her. Both feelings scared the shit out of him. No other woman ever hit him this hard.

  “So you dragged me over here and are treating me as if I don’t exist. Should I be insulted?” Kimberly asked.

  “No, sorry, I’m a little distracted.” Finding no other reason not to turn back to her, Luke took a seat opposite her. He prayed she didn’t see his erection. Grabbing his bottle of beer he took a quick sip. “How’s college?” he asked.


  He could imagine. The last time she’d been home over three months ago he’d heard her confessing to her girlfriends about losing her virginity. He’d been shocked by the instant lick of jealousy that coursed through him. Another man had touched what was his. He didn’t know when Kimberly started to become his, but she had; and he hated the thought of another man touching her.

  “And you’re going to be a nurse when it’s all done?”

  “I think so. I love helping people, and being a nurse has always been a dream.”

  “Why?” He really wanted to know more about her.

  Kimberly took a sip of her water. He held back a groan as she licked her lips. They were so plump and inviting. Luke wanted to kiss them until they were red and swollen.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  He nodded. When it came to Blondie he wanted to know everything about her.

  “When I was young I fell out of a tree. I ended up breaking my leg, and unlike most kids in the hospital I watched the nurses and saw what they did. I knew that I wanted to help little kids who fell out of trees. It probably sounds lame,” she said.

  “It’s not lame. It’s good to follow your dream.”

  “What was your dream growing up?” she asked.

  “You make me sound old asking me that.”

  “I don’t think you’re old.” Kimberly reached out to touch his knee. His cock jumped to attention. The electricity from the small touch threatened to make him react to her. He was in trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Kimberly had seen the tent inside his shorts. Luke wanted her, and she didn’t know whether to make a run for it or to explore it. Touching his knee she finally made up her mind. Her crush on this man needed to stop. No one was around, and he didn’t have a girlfriend. She’d not made any promises to the guys at college. They were both free, and her parents were gone for the weekend. There was no chance of either of them getting caught.

  “Do I make you nervous, Luke?” she asked.

  He stared down at her hand. The nervous look flitted across his face and then was gone. He covered her hand with his own. “What are you trying to do, Blondie?”

  “What makes you think I’m trying to do anything?”

  Luke turned her hand over looking at her palm. In one swift move he yanked her onto his lap. She cried out startled by his actions. “I know a woman on the prowl when I see one.”

  “And I know a man trying to hide his hard-on when I see one,” she said.

  They stared at each other. Kimberly couldn’t look away. He ran his fingers up her arm until he cupped her cheek. She moaned, trying not to close her eyes.

  “You’re twenty, Kimberly. What are you hoping to achieve?”

  “My age doesn’t mean anything.” Running her hand down his chest she cupped his rock hard dick through his shorts. “My age is no problem here.”

  She saw his jaw tense, but he didn’t look away from her. “Again, what are you hoping to achieve?” he asked. “What would your father say if he knew?”

  “My father is not here, and this has nothing to do with him.”

  Kimberly wondered if she could pretend to be some powerful woman in control of her own desires. The truth of it was she’d never been so nervous in her whole life. Her hands were shaking with nerves, and her stomach was in knots. Coming onto Luke was a big mistake. She’d had sex with a guy at college, but he was the one to initiate. She simply didn’t refuse his advances. The sex had been good, but the guy wasn’t who she wanted.

  “I’m not trying to achieve anything.” Kimberly withdrew her hand. Tucking some curls behind her ear she stared at his chest rather than meet his gaze. “I wasn’t thinking. I think it’s best I go back home.”

  She made to leave. Luke stopped her. He still cupped her cheek, and his other arm was banded around her waist.

  “Why won’t you let me go?” she asked.

  “Because you and I both know you’ve got a crush on me. You’ve had your little crush since we first met. I also know you watched me fucking my girlfriend.”

  She gasped. Kimberly hadn’t known he was watching. How did he see her?

  “You also know I want you.” His hand moved down to her breast stroking her nipple through the fabric of her costume.

  “How did you know I was there?”

“You’re the only woman I know who wears that perfume. The scent follows you, Kimberly. I knew it was you when you looked at me. I’ve seen the heat in your eyes. When I heard you’d been fucked at college I figured you moved on. I see now you haven’t moved on.” His hand moved up to the strap of her costume. He lowered the strap achingly slowly. Kimberly knew he was giving her time to stop him. She didn’t want to stop him. “Tell me, Kimberly, were you thinking of me when you were with your other man?”

  The strap went below her breast. He started with the next, and within seconds her chest was exposed. His gaze didn’t leave hers. “I asked you a question.”

  “Yes.” She whispered the word afraid of him laughing at her.

  Kimberly closed her eyes waiting for him to laugh at her. “I can promise you, Blondie, the guys in college are a poor substitute for the real thing.” He circled her nipple with a finger. Opening her eyes she saw he stared at her chest. “You’ve got such lovely, responsive tits.” He closed the distance taking one hard bud between his lips.

  She moaned, sinking her fingers into his hair. What else was she supposed to do? Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine being in his arms let alone having him suckle her breasts. He moved on to her other nipple licking the bud.

  Luke broke away from her breast and stared up at her. “Straddle me.”

  Obeying his command, she stood and eased onto his lap. Her covered pussy rested on his hard cock. She gripped the back of his chair, holding herself. Luke gripped her hips in his firm hands.

  “Tell me, Kimberly, have any of the guys ever given you an orgasm?” he asked.

  “There was only one guy, and no, he didn’t.” Her blush must be making her look like a ripened strawberry. She didn’t know what else to say or do. Luke was taking her completely by surprise.

  “Then I’m going to rectify that little problem.” He tapped her thigh. “Stand up.”


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