Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1) Page 1

by Kincheloe, Allie

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Allie Kincheloe

  Cover copyright © 2015 Allie Kincheloe

  Cover photo: Shutterstock

  Edited by Carolyn LaRoche

  FREE PASS by Allie Kincheloe

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews.

  This book wouldn't be possible without some awesome friends who helped (and pushed) me along the way. Thank you for struggling through early drafts. Thank you for not letting me give up on this one.

  And most of all, thank you for believing in me.


  Allie Kincheloe

  Chapter One

  Seeing Laney in Dad's study with tears in her eyes about did me in. How the hell was I supposed to walk away from that? Away from her? Still, I doubted she'd accept any comfort from me. I'm sure Austin was the cause of her tears. He didn't deserve her.

  But I do.

  I leaned my forehead against the door and blew out a deep breath. I couldn't think like that. I had to go tell my brother that she was looking for him.

  Walking through the house, I dodged my dad and grandparents to slip out the back door. Yup, my idiot brother was exactly where I'd seen him last. Over in the corner slow dancing with some redhead. She had her hands tucked in his back pockets and his hands were tangled in her hair.

  Fucking hell.

  Austin had a beautiful girl in the study crying over his stupid ass—a girl I'd kill for a chance with—and he was out here snuggled up to one of Dad's associate's slutty daughters.

  I ought to shake the shit out of him. But I restrained myself to just squeezing his shoulder. Hard. "Laney's looking for you."

  Austin pulled the girl closer and nuzzled his nose against her cheek and smirked at me. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

  "I can see you being a damn idiot. That girl in there loves you. Your girlfriend loves you. What the hell is wrong with you?" The urge to put my fist through his teeth rose up within me.

  Did he not realize what he could be throwing away just for a piece of ass?

  I tugged him away from the redhead and shoved him back. "Go in there and talk to Laney. She's in the study."

  "Chill out. I'll go talk to her. Geez." Austin backed away and threw his hands up in surrender.

  I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. Last thing I needed was to get into another brawl with Austin. Mom would fucking kill me if I ruined her anniversary party by blacking my brother's eye.

  When I opened my eyes, Austin whispered something to the redhead and turned away. I grabbed a beer and followed him as he stomped through the house. When he slammed the door to the study behind him, I hovered close. Raised voices carried through the closed door, but not enough that I could make out their words. Damn it.

  The yelling pretty well confirmed for me that Austin had done something to upset Laney. He hadn't been discreet about his interest in the girl outside. It could have been that.

  I sat on the stairs across from the study and waited.

  Chapter Two

  Taking several deep breaths, I steeled myself for the upcoming confrontation. This was not going to be pretty, but there's no way I could pretend I didn't know.

  I hated arguing. But Austin had me backed into a corner. My foot started twitching. I jumped up and paced the width of the small room.

  When the door opened again, I spun around to see Austin strolling in.

  "Jake said you wanted to see me. What's this about? We have guests, in case you missed it. I'm supposed to be socializing."

  I shook with nerves. I started to straighten up the notepad and pencil on the desk just to have something to do with my hands. I didn't look at him.

  "Well? I don't have time to just stand and stare at you." He stomped over impatiently and nudged me.

  The pencil in my hand gave a satisfying pop when it pierced Austin's bicep. He flinched away and the pencil slid out. Blood welled up in a tiny circle in its wake, the miniscule droplet anti-climactic compared to his reaction.

  "Fucking hell, Laney!"

  "Kelsey just sent me this." I whipped my phone out and shoved the picture in his face.

  The color drained from his cheeks and he looked like he might puke. "Where did you get that?"

  "A girl Kelsey works with snapped it in Destin. I trusted you, Austin. I trusted that our relationship meant something to you."

  "Laney, I ..."

  "You what? Your tongue just magically jumped down that bimbo's throat?"

  Austin looked down and stammered out an apology, but I kept going. "Were you mesmerized by the polka-dot bikini? Don't even try to deny that it was you. I would recognize you a mile away. If that stupid tattoo didn't give you away, your basketball jersey would have. Damn it, Austin."

  "I screwed up."

  I crossed my arms and glared at him. Screwed up? He did so much more than screw up. That was the best he had? I waited for him to continue speaking.

  "I didn't plan to start something with Kara. We just hit it off." He clutched his hand over the puncture wound. "I'm bleeding! Why the heck did you stab me?"

  You'd think I used a machete, not a #2. The cheating bastard deserved every minute ounce of pain I could inflict. Three years! I wasted three years on someone who couldn't keep his dick in his pants for two weeks.

  I didn't mean to stab him. My temper clawed its way free of my control. I'd only meant to hit him. To hurt him like he'd hurt me.

  He moved toward me, but stopped at my glare. "I never intended..." He tried once more to explain.

  "I don't need an explanation. Don't want an explanation." I stepped around the desk.

  I should rip his cheating face off.

  Austin took a few steps back and held his hands out in surrender.

  Yes, feel my wrath. "You two-timing asshole. Your face can still be detached. Maybe I'll poke your pretty blue eyes out."

  He stepped back and grabbed a tissue from the end table. He dabbed at the tiny hole in his arm. Was it still bleeding? I hoped so. His big hand blocked my view of the wound. I still held the pencil clutched in my fist, its tip broken. I hoped there was lead left in his arm and it would get infected.

  "I really didn't plan—"

  "I don't care whether it was planned or not. We've been together forever. How many other times have you cheated?" I flung the pencil at him, and it bounced off his chest and onto the floor. If it made a sound as it landed on the carpet, I didn't hear it. My blood pounded in my veins and drowned out even the music from the party.

  Austin kept his eyes on the pencil, the blank screen of his dad's computer, anything but my eyes. "I've never cheated before, I swear."

  Well, of course he'd say that. Don't most men when they are busted?

  "I did it for you, for us, I mean. I thought being with someone else might make things better between us," he mumbled, wiping at the drops of blood on his arm.

  I clearly misheard that. He did not just say he screwed some slut for me.

  "Excuse me? How's you nailing Ms. Boobs-as-Big-as-my-Head all over Destin helpful to me?"

  He frowned and focused on his arm. "Uh, well, you know. Things aren't exactly fireworks between us. Uh, in bed. I thought maybe if I got more experience, it would make things better."

  He wanted more experience to make sex between us better? Ouch! Fucking asshole.

  "You're so full of shit! I can't believe you! What the hell were you thinking? Cheati
ng on me and somehow thinking you could A) hide it from me, or B) say it is for my own good. Damn it, Austin. I'm not a complete friggin' idiot."

  "You should do it too."

  "Huh?" Well, that shut me up. How do you respond to that?

  Since my brain refused to connect to my mouth and I stood gaping like a fish, Austin blurted out his plan, "Be with another guy. Any guy you want. You can do anything with him for two weeks. I just want you to have the experience before we settle down." He pulled me against his chest and held me close. Stunned and dumbstruck after his little speech, I let him. "Look at it like a learning experience. No jealousy, no lying. Just pick someone, anyone, and have that experience. Just like I had."

  I shook my head, but nothing got clearer. Did he just tell me to cheat on him?

  "How's that going to help anything?"

  "Level the playing field, and maybe things will be better for us."

  I stared at him in disbelief. "I... Austin, how is that going to make things better?"

  "I just think it would be good for us to experience other people. Maybe learn a few things that could help spice things up."

  "You want me to sleep with someone else?"

  "Well, yeah. You know, Randy's pretty experienced. He could be a good option."

  "A good option if I wanted a man-whore who was prettier than me," I replied. While I professed a slight curiosity in regards to the man's sexual prowess, I'd rather not become a member of the Randy freaking Mason fan club.

  "Dave's always had a thing for you. Did you know that?"

  "Uh...yeah. The constant staring kinda gave him away. No thanks."

  He brushed his lips across my forehead and whispered, "Consider it."

  I nodded numbly. Even knowing he'd cheated on me, I couldn't hate him. What was wrong with me?

  "Um. Could you not kill me until after Mom and Dad's party at least?"

  I let out a hoarse laugh. Martha would murder me if I ruined her anniversary party. I pushed Austin away. I couldn't fathom how my life had come to ignoring a cheating boyfriend just to make his parents happy.

  Austin knew me well. He took my silence as a cue to leave and hurried out.

  Shaky legs no longer held me and I sank down onto the couch. Did that conversation just happen? The bloody, snapped pencil confirmed it did. But damned if I could make sense of it in my head. It replayed in my mind like a playlist on repeat.

  A free pass with any guy I wanted?

  Should I break up with him? Or give this crazy idea a chance? Being with one of his friends might increase the tension and teach him a bit more of a lesson... And Austin did have a couple super-hot friends.

  But being with someone else would just complicate this whole situation even more. What if I fell in love with the other guy? Things with Austin might not be fireworks, but they were comfortable. Well, except for the cheating. Asshole had to go and mess shit up...

  This was crazy. I'd tell him after the weekend that it's stupid. Was I breaking up with Austin then? Because otherwise, I was just letting him cheat on me, and that wasn't cool.

  Why the hell wasn't I enough?

  He'd picked the most un-me girl he could find too. It would have been impossible for him to choose a girl more my opposite than Kara. Even her name sounded sexier than mine. Elaine Rogers sounded like someone's grandmother. Going by Laney didn't help much. Kara sounded sexy and fun. And then there's the matter of her boobs. She had to be a DD if not bigger. I glanced down at my almost B cups and sighed. Did he want a big-boobed blonde?

  I hid out in the study for a bit longer. Until I was sure I wouldn't burst into tears if anyone looked at me... Until I thought I could sneak out without upsetting Martha and Scott...

  Chapter Three

  When the door opened, I tried to look casual. Staring down at the label on my beer, I didn't look up. I didn't want to look like I was out here waiting for them to emerge. Even though I was...

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  I looked up at Austin's question. "Just sitting here. Got a little crowded out there for me. Thought I'd sit here on the stairs where it was a little quieter."

  "Whatever, man. I know you just want to sniff around my girl." Austin glared at me. "Don't get any ideas. Laney is my girlfriend."

  I held his gaze until he shook his head and walked away. If he wants Laney so much, why was he all over what's-her-face?

  Laney didn't follow him out. The door was cracked and I didn't hear anything. Should I go in there and check on her? No, I'd wait her out.

  I sat back on the steps and thought about what I'd say when she finally did come out. Everything I thought of seemed desperate or just plain dumb. Talking to Laney was so damn hard.

  I buried my face in my hands. What the fuck was I doing?

  Chapter Four

  I had a plan. Run upstairs, get my bag from Austin's room, and hide out at my parents' house for the evening. I'd have to convince them to take me back to campus after church tomorrow. Not for the first time tonight, I cursed myself for riding with Austin. I darted out of the study and pulled up short when I saw Jake sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands.

  He'd come alone today, it seemed. I wondered what happened to his girlfriend... He looked up at me and I blurted out, "Hey, Jake."

  God, I was so lame. I had barely talked to the guy in months beyond a bit of small talk and asking if he'd seen Austin and "Hey Jake" was all I could get out. Shoot me.

  "Hey yourself. How you been, Laney?"

  Six words. Two sentences in that beautiful rumble. That's all it took for my tongue to tie itself in a giant knot. The kind a sailor would struggle to untie. When he smiled at me, I choked. I responded with something awesome, like "um". Yeah. Real smooth there, Laney, real smooth.

  I'd forgotten how fine Jake's voice was, nice and deep. He could read a cereal box, and I'd cling to every word just to feel the shivers that raced down my spine when he spoke.

  "Trouble in Paradise?" His drawl reached my ears as he leaned back on the stair behind him. That husky voice of his sent those anticipated shudders down my spine.


  Jake would get me thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts with no one to act them out with. Just what I needed today.

  "You could say that." I finally remembered how to talk. "Austin is probably back out there dancing with his slutty redhead. He's ignored me pretty much all day."

  I sank down on the stair next to Jake and sighed. I sounded jealous, but it wasn't that. More that Austin had humiliated me in front of half our hometown. And cheated on me... Moisture filled my eyes and I swiped at the tears, furious at myself for crying again. I'd cried too many tears for Austin already. I hated myself for being so weak. But, free pass or not, things were over between me and Austin.

  Sliding until he pressed against my side, Jake wrapped his arms around me in a firm hug. I leaned into his embrace. He may not be talking much, but at least he wasn't ignoring me entirely. He held me tight to his chest and kissed the top of my head.

  "My brother's a dick."

  A giggle escaped before I could clamp my amusement down. I was not normally a giggler. Maybe it's the stress of the day, or the tone of his voice, but that statement struck me as amusing.

  Jake grinned down at me and my sprinting heart skipped a beat. Or several. Shit. Why was he affecting me so much today? He'd always just been Austin's hot older brother. Someone to ogle at the pool, have a light-hearted conversation with just to hear that seductive voice, but never anything more. Today, Jake looked like all sorts of temptation.

  I looked down and brushed a piece of lint from his shirt. He grunted and I couldn't help but glance back up at him. The look that flickered across his face piqued my interest. Did I see a spark of desire? Or did I hallucinate that? He clutched my waist. His light caress on my side warmed me. He shifted and moved closer. No, I was pretty darn sure Jake found me attractive. Wow. Hadn't seen that one coming...

  I looked up into his wondrous
eyes and the thick desire there took my breath away. The intensity in his gaze sent my pulse on a marathon run. Holy hell, why had I never noticed how long Jake's perfect eyelashes were? A groan vibrated the firm muscles beneath my hands and he bent his head toward me.

  Austin came back and ruined the moment. "Not him, Laney. Anyone, but my brother. He. Is. Off. Limits."

  At Austin's words, I was certain my face brightened up like a fresh summer tomato. It was not possible to turn inside out from embarrassment. Believe me, I would have done so if it were. Jake's name never made my list, if I'd ever really had a list. Hell, I hadn't even thought of the fling since I walked out of that study. My only recent thought, to be honest, was, 'Holy crap, would Jake taste as good as he looked?'

  Jake's eyes flickered between Austin and me. His eyebrows raised in question, but he didn't ask. A shiver of desire passed over me when he slid his hand along the sliver of skin at the small of my back.

  Jake stood up with a stretch. "I think maybe you guys need to work this out on your own." He winked at me and jogged up the stairs.

  Oh dear God, that ass should be illegal.

  Austin slapped his hand on the wall above me. I jumped at the sudden noise, pulling my gaze away from Jake's delectable behind. Eyes narrowed, Austin glared down at me. "Not. Jake." His teeth clenched and the audible grinding was like music to my ears. Poor Austin, he'd need dental work after this weekend. Wasn't that horrible?

  I smiled sweetly up at him. Austin Davidson, you don't scare me.

  "One question, honey, did you let me pick for you?" I asked in the most syrupy tone I could manage. I ran my finger up the side of his arm like he hated. The flash of anger in his eyes told me that my arrow was a direct hit.

  "Laney, damn it. Anyone but my brother. I just... Not him, okay?"

  "Now is not the time for us to have this discussion. I'm going to spend the night at my parents' house. I just need to get my purse and I'll head out."


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