Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1) Page 3

by Kincheloe, Allie

  Jake's exhale sounded loud and harsh in my ear. He tipped my face up until I looked at him. He brushed a soft kiss against my lips. "Don't you worry about anything I'm risking. Okay? I can handle my family. You just think about us."

  I nodded, but I was worried. We had so much to lose.

  Jake nuzzled my cheek. "We'll do this fling idea of Austin's. At the end of the two weeks, if you want him, I'll back off. But you won't want him back when I'm through."

  "I don't want to cause trouble with you and your family," I said with hesitation. His confidence was damn sexy though. Not a single shred of doubt colored his voice when he said I wouldn't want Austin back.

  "Laney, I know what I want. And my family can get on board or not. So unless you tell me you aren't interested, I'm here to stay. Tell Austin you pick me. Give me two weeks. That's all I need. Two weeks to show you how a woman is supposed to be treated." His body moved toward me and he brought his lips to mine once more.

  "And if I don't want Austin, then what?" Biting my lower lip, I peered up at him through my hair. I had to ask, because after I'd known the feeling of Jake's lips on mine, I couldn't go back to the sloppy wet mess of Austin's kisses.

  He smiled at me then. A big, broad smile, the kind that crinkled a person's eyes up. He tucked my hair back behind my ear. He tugged my lip free of my teeth with his thumb. My heart started pounding anew. I couldn't comprehend what Jake did to me.

  "That's what I'm counting on."

  God, he was so intense. He practically devoured me with his eyes. Austin had never looked at me like that once in all the time we had been together.

  "So, will you give me a chance then? Whatever this is between us, this doesn't come around often."

  I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder. "We have to talk to Austin, huh?"

  "Yeah. He mentioned going to hang out with some of his friends. You wanna go see if we can find him?"

  Jake drove us into town. We found Austin hanging out in the snack bar at the arcade with the redhead from yesterday and some of his friends.

  The redhead sat behind him and rubbed his shoulders. Jake glared at the guy lounged across from them until he moved. He nudged me toward the newly vacated seat. When I sat, he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  Austin looked over at us and snapped, "Didn't I say anyone but him?"

  "Did you let her pick for you?" Jake growled back at Austin. This was so awkward. The last thing I wanted was to come between them. Squeezing Jake's hand tight, I tried to get him to back down.

  The brothers glared at each other for a time and the group around us got quiet. My breathing became shallow as I watched them. The hammer of my pulse in my ears rang so loud I had trouble hearing. Finally, Austin backed down. Austin never backed down. But he did today. To Jake. His angry tone came out as a hiss when he spoke. "Fine. Laney, step over there so I can speak to you in private."

  Austin stomped over to an empty corner. I did not want to go over there, but knew I had to. When I walked up to him, Austin's glare softened as he looked down at me. "I guess this is it then? The fact that you're actually picking someone means you are done with me, doesn't it?"

  I nodded. I couldn't speak around the giant lump in my throat. He knew me well enough after three years together to know that this was it.

  With a deep sigh, Austin pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, Laney. We probably should have just called it quits a while ago, huh? Just... Could you not tell Jake we are done yet? Make him work for it if he wants you."

  I chuckled and he pushed me back toward Jake.

  He strode over to Jake, the glare back on his face, and snarled, "Easter Sunday is the end of it. That's two weeks. And when it is over, you better not even look at her again. And you hurt her, I hurt you."

  Jake nodded at him. Turning to me, Jake flashed this big brilliant smile at me and asked if I was ready to head back to the city. It's not like I could say no after all that.

  We stopped by the boutique where I whispered a teary goodbye and somehow managed to avoid another lecture from my mom. Jake helped me into his Jeep. He drove toward the interstate without saying a word. I didn't speak. What could I have said? I didn't want to leave home. Things were so... weird now. All kinds of weird. I wanted to stay in Free Will, curl up in my bed, and hide. Of course being home would just make me think about Jake.

  Kinda like being in his car did.

  I sighed. He shot me a quick glance and smiled before turning his attention back to the road. Taking my hand, he just held it. He didn't say anything, didn't try to tell me that it would be okay. Or any nonsense like that.

  Like it or not, my life would change in less than two weeks. Even if I ended up alone, I would know the beauty of Jake's lips on mine, the feel of his body against me.

  Lord, it got hot in that car. I had to stop thinking about his kisses. When I turned the air vent to blow straight in my face, he gave me one of those intense 'I want to kiss you' looks.

  'Cause yeah, that's gonna cool me off.

  When we got to my apartment, Jake walked me up, my pink bag thrown over his shoulder again. Could I get him in a pink shirt? He would look fan-friggin-tastic in pink. He's man enough to pull it off.

  I invited him in, of course. The moment the door shut behind us, he pinned me against it. His lips were hard and wet, his tongue gentle in contrast as he wrapped it around mine. My arms surrounded his neck and I melted into his kiss. Hot hands groped my ass, pulling me tight to his body.

  "Laney, is that—Oh my goodness!" Kelsey had to come out of her room at that exact moment. She and my parents must have some sort of sensor that went off, buzzing them to interrupt whenever Jake moved to kiss me.

  Slapping one hand on the door next to my head, Jake groaned in frustration. He stepped away from me and turned toward the devil, I mean, Kelsey.

  "Wow, I mean, I didn't... I'm sorry. I didn't know you were bringing someone home." Kelsey stuttered out an apology and covered her face with her hands. I was pretty damned embarrassed myself at getting caught making out with a guy she knew was not my boyfriend.

  He introduced himself and didn't look at all embarrassed. Not even the slightest bit. God, I would kill to have that kind of confidence

  "It's nice to meet you, Jake. I'm gonna go make myself scarce now." She winked at me and rushed back into her room. A moment later, the radio came on, loud. She clearly wanted to make sure she didn't hear anything if we continued what she'd interrupted.

  Jake wasted no time getting me back in his arms. He backed up to the couch and flopped down on it, pulling me on top of him. His hands tangled in my hair, guiding me down for another kiss. Slowly ending the kiss, I snuggled in next to him.

  "I don't want to leave," he whispered to me. "Ask me to stay."

  I didn't give a verbal response, but got up and led him down the hall to my room. He pulled his shirt over his head, kicked off his sneakers, and emptied his pockets before sitting down.

  Damn, he looked good on my bed.

  I sat next to him, and he kissed me. Soft and slow, not with the heated rush from earlier. I lay back and he followed. Lying beside me, his lips moved from my lips, down my throat.

  Groaning, he sat up and ran his hands through his hair. "You don't happen to have any condoms here, do you?"

  Shaking my head, I told him no. Kelsey probably had some. But I wasn't sure I was ready for that. We were so explosive together that it would be best to think ahead though. I planned to pick some up the next day.

  Yanking the comforter up over us, Jake snuggled in next to me. I could feel him, hard against my thigh. He didn't complain though. Austin would have complained and expected a blow job or something.

  "Quit comparing me to Austin. The more you wriggle, the longer I'm gonna stay hard. Go to sleep already," Jake mumbled at me.

  How he knew what I was thinking, I didn't know. But I settled in and dozed off with his warm arms around me thinking about how nice it was to just be held with no expect

  Chapter Nine

  Waking up in Jake's arms was definitely something I could make a habit of. My alarm hadn't went off yet, so I burrowed deeper into his embrace and tried to go back to sleep. That stupid alarm went off way too soon though. He slapped at my nightstand, trying to make the blaring stop. With half-opened bleary eyes, he blinked at me. His lips turned up in a slight smile.

  He looked drunk.

  I couldn't contain the burst of laughter that exploded out of me. Not just giggles, no, full-on laughing. Like, oh crap, I might pee myself laughing. I rolled over him and darted into the bathroom.

  When I came out, he sat up on the edge of my bed. Shirt still off. Hair standing up all over his head. The sexy five o'clock shadow I had been so fascinated with on the previous day could now be long enough to be considered a beard, I think. So damn sexy. I licked my lips and stared.

  He smiled sleepily up at me, reaching out for me. I didn't take much coaxing. Heck, any coaxing. Hugging me close, he whispered, "Good morning." He nuzzled his face against my throat and sighed.

  "So, what's your schedule like this week?"

  We made plans to meet for dinner. He released me and stood. With a gentle hand, he tucked my hair back and pulled me close again. His lips brushed my forehead and I tried to drag him down for a real kiss. He pulled away with a growl, telling me if he truly kissed me he wouldn't make it to work. He left quickly, mumbling about not getting to work on time.

  Kelsey waited in the living room as I stepped out of my room. Waiting for details. Dying for details. Details that I was not sure I wanted to share. "So? Who was that guy last night? He is Cu-ute! Where'd you meet him? I thought you was spending the weekend with Austin. Spill, girl!"

  Like I thought, she wanted details.

  She already knew Austin cheated on me, but I hadn't had a chance to tell her about his stupid free pass idea. She lost it when I said Jake was Austin's brother. Shaking with laughter, tears rolled down her face. "O-M-G. What a way to get back at him, sleeping with his brother! Girl, I never knew you had it in ya!"


  Everyone would think Jake was just a way to get revenge on Austin. And it's so not that at all. I glared at Kelsey until she got herself together so that I could talk to her. "I'm not seeing him just to get back at Austin. We have a real connection. I can't explain it."

  She gave me a look that said, 'I don't believe you. But nice try.'

  Screw her.

  I stomped out of our apartment and headed to class. Lit at eight am on Monday, why did I think that was a good idea? Professor Moore lectured about themes in literature, but instead of taking notes, I started to doodle. An hour and a half later, I had three pages of bubble letters and such, saying "Laney & Jake". What the hell was wrong with me? What was I, fifteen? For goodness sake! We'd been together for two days and I doodled I love him?


  I was in lust with him. That's all. Lust.

  My day flew by. My thoughts kept returning to Jake. How could I concentrate knowing I got to kiss him again in a few hours? I left my American History class and had no clue what the lecture was over.

  He'd asked me this morning to meet him at this little bistro downtown at six. I had a couple hours between history and when I needed to meet him, so I tried to get some study time in. A lot of the time, I stared blankly at my open text book with a sappy smile on my face, Jake in my thoughts. Wrapping my studying, okay non-studying, up with plenty of time to get ready for our first real date, I dressed up a little. Not too much since it's a pretty casual place, but I wanted to look nice.

  I decided to wear this dressy top I got earlier in the year paired with some jeans that fit like a glove. I even put on makeup, which was a big deal. My friends teased me about being a tomboy, about how on earth a girl who rarely wore makeup ever caught a guy like Austin. But honestly, I'd never tried with Austin to 'catch him'. Jake would be my first seduction.

  Twisting in front of the mirror, I even impressed myself. I looked nice. I just hoped Jake agreed.

  When I walked through the door at the bistro, I heard a groan. That intense hungry look on his face said he liked how I look alright. He pulled me into his arms, his lips on mine before he even greeted me.

  "You look amazing," he whispered, his breathing uneven as he came up for air before kissing me again.

  "You didn't shave," I said back, my hand brushing against the prickle of dark hair on his jaw. Why was facial hair such a turn-on now? But it was. I couldn't get enough!

  "I didn't have time. Someone made me run late this morning." He winked at me and my heart fluttered.

  "Don't shave. I kinda like it." God, did I like it.

  He nodded and pulled me closer. The hostess cleared her throat. She rolled her eyes when we finally acknowledged her and I cringed. She showed us to our table, clearly annoyed.

  He helped me into my seat and held my hand. The hungry look in his eyes didn't diminish a lick once our food arrived.

  We'd drove separate cars to the restaurant, so we had to leave separately too. He walked me to my car and reclined against it. Stepping between his legs, I leaned against his chest. The dark hair on his jawline begged me to kiss it. To feel its glorious texture beneath my lips.

  "You wanna come over?" I asked, my lips still traveling along his jaw. Was I too bold? I didn't want to scare him off.

  "Damn, I wish I could. I have that conference in Las Vegas, remember? My flight leaves at five am. I'm not going to get much sleep as it is."

  Crap. He had mentioned the advertising conference that was taking him away from me until Thursday. Disappointment, thy name was work. I sighed before pulling him down for a kiss. It was nice, him not being a whole foot taller than me. At about six feet, Jake didn't tower over me like Austin.

  Our lips met and I expected the Hallelujah Chorus. He gripped my hips, pulling me against him. I gasped when he tightened his grip. His tongue plunged into my mouth. The freshness of an after dinner mint mixed with what I'd come to think of as pure Jake. His taste intoxicated me and I couldn't get enough. I rose up on tiptoe, pressing against him. He tugged my shirt free of my jeans and slipped his hands underneath. The wind kicked up, whipping my hair and the light fabric of my shirt around us in a spirited dance.

  "Hey buddy, take it somewhere private," a man's voice called from somewhere on the right. We broke apart laughing.

  Jake waved at the guy and waited until he drove away before kissing me again. He kept the kisses light this time. Public place and all. But I could tell he wanted more, just as I did. It would not be long now. I wouldn't be able to resist him much longer. Oh, who was I kidding? If he would have come home with me tonight, I would've gotten him naked. And fast.

  We eventually had to say goodbye. Getting in that car, knowing I went home alone, damn that was hard. As I drove away, all I could think was, 'I hope Thursday gets here fast'.

  Chapter Ten

  I'd never hated my job until today. Graphic design gave me a creative outlet that spoke to my artist soul. Most days I loved my job. A few clients made me long for a break, but I'd never all out hated it.

  Until it took me away from Laney when I only had a limited time to win her over.

  They called for my boarding group and I got on the plane. I took my seat and waited. With a fake stumble, the woman who'd be in the seat next to me for the next two hours fell into my lap. She managed to get a good feel in before she got up and into her seat with a giggle.


  "I'm so sorry, honey. I just tipped right off my heels and couldn't catch myself in time."

  "It's fine." It's not, but I don't want to be an all-out dick.

  "I'm sure your wife wouldn't have been as forgiving, would she?" She blinked a lot.

  Did she have something in her eye or what?

  "My fiancée wouldn't like it, no."

  "Aww, that's too bad. All the good guys are taken." She poked her bright red lips out in a pout.

  And that'
s exactly why I said that even though I'm not engaged...I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window.

  Two weeks was such a short time. I had to make the most of it. With Laney's history with my brother, if I screwed this up, I'd never have another shot. I was damn lucky to have got this chance.

  Two weeks to convince the woman of my dreams that I was the man of hers.

  I was fucking screwed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Eyes still closed, I stretched lazily. No early class today. Jake was on a plane to Vegas for his conference. No reason at all for me to get out of my warm cozy bed.

  My phone buzzed from the nightstand and I fumbled for it.

  Austin: Breakfast? I miss your smile and licking your milk moustache.

  What a dork! A part of me had missed him... I wished things hadn't turned out the way they did. Austin used to be one of my very best friends. My fingers shook as I texted him back.

  Me: Twenty minutes.

  He replied back with a smiley face.

  Austin was waiting downstairs when I came out of my building. He opened the door for me and helped me sink down into his car. Where was this sweet guy before?

  Breakfast was awkward. Seemed neither of us knew what to say. I mean, we'd dated for years, and now I was seeing his brother. It was just weird. We both focused on our food and ate quickly. When we went to leave, Austin grabbed the check.

  "Austin, let me pay my half. It feels wrong letting you pay now." Maybe it's dumb, but I thought I should pay for my own since we broke up. He wouldn't let me though.

  When we got back to his car, he tried to kiss me. For real? No way, idiot. I might have somehow got half-roped into this free pass idea, but I was not going see both of them at the same time. It wouldn't be right! I shoved him away and it pissed him off.


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