Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1) Page 6

by Kincheloe, Allie

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Laney. Laney, wake up." A hand on my shoulder shook me. "Come on, honey. Wake up." I opened a swollen eye. Thumbs stuck in the belt of his robe, my dad stared down at me. "Go shower, so we can be at the hospital when the doctors come in this morning."

  Austin hadn't dropped me off until after one. So, I'd slept downstairs to make sure my parents knew I was home and didn't go to the hospital without me. A decision I regretted this morning. Waking them would have been less painful.

  Stiff muscles protested my stretch and the tightness drug a moan from my chest. This couch should be used for torture. If bad guys had to sleep on couches like this, there wouldn't be repeat offenders.

  A hot shower loosened some of the stiffness from my shoulders. There was still a lingering ache when I turned to the left though. I grabbed some ibuprofen and a bowl of cereal while my parents got ready.

  I hated hospitals. The cloying chemical smell that never quite covered the stench of death and urine overtook me when I walked in. Beeping monitors, sobbing family members, even a couple kids laughing despite their location assaulted my ears. I hated it. All of it.

  Two of my aunts huddled together under a flickering fluorescent light. Aunt Mary looked up as we walked over. In the ICU, only two visitors could be back at a time, so I joined my aunts to wait. They'd already seen Granny, but didn't want to go far in case there was news. Mom and Dad went first to see her. The chair sank as I sat. So well-used was the chair, the cushion remained ass-shaped.

  Heavy drops of rain plopped against the window. The sun dared not peek through the heavy clouds which added to the depression in the air. I clasped and unclasped my hands, anxious. The doctor hadn't been in yet, so there wasn't any news. We made a little small talk, but Aunt Mary and Aunt Lizzie never were my favorites. My favorite aunt and uncle were flying in the next morning, according to Aunt Lizzie. Aunt Mary commented that someone would have to go to the boutique before long to take over from the part time helper, Megan. That said, we ran out of topics of conversation and fell quiet. And still we waited. For news, for hope.

  I glanced over at the coffee station in the corner. Half drank paper cups, torn sugar packets, and empty creamers littered the table top. The coffee looked dark. I debated trying a cup when Dad came back to the waiting room, smiling. I let out a sigh of relief. He knew how much she meant to me, so he wouldn't smile if Granny was really bad.

  He led me back to the ICU. "She's awake. Doing okay this morning. But she's a little weak. She has a blockage, but it wasn’t actually a heart attack. They are probably going to move her to a regular room here soon." He squeezed my shoulder and turned back toward the waiting room. The nurse buzzed me in and I stepped behind curtain three.

  Granny looked so frail lying there in that hospital bed. Wires and IVs and monitors attached to her everywhere. Her half-eaten breakfast sat on a wheeled table over the foot of her bed. But when I walked in, she glanced up and her weak smile brought tears to my eyes.

  "Honey child, don't you cry over me. I'm gonna be just fine. No little heart issue is gonna get me down."

  Even her voice sounded frail.

  When my mom argued it wasn't a little issue, Granny glared at her. A bit weak, but a glare, nonetheless. There's my granny. Seeing that she hadn't lost her spunk made me smile.

  I took her hand in mine and sat down on the edge of her bed. I wanted to curl up beside her and never leave. No, I wanted her to be at home. To sit at her worn kitchen table, have a big cup of her famous hot chocolate, and have her tell me what to do about Jake and Austin.

  But I couldn't burden her with my guy problems while she lay in a hospital bed. I wasn't that selfish. Even if I wanted to be.

  "Susie, why don't you go make sure your sisters have eaten something this morning. I wanna have a little talk with Laney."

  Mom tried to argue, but Granny's still the commander in chief of this family. Her word was law, and Mom soon scurried out of the ICU to do as ordered. Funny how the whole family was afraid of a sixty-nine year old woman, not even five feet tall.

  "Now, as for you, young lady. What's this your mama's been telling me? About you running around with that sorry ass Austin's brother?"

  Sorry ass?

  "Granny, now's not the time for me. We will talk about that later. How are you doing?"

  "Aww hell, I'll be okay. Just gotta get my feet back under me. That's all. You didn't have to miss your classes to come up here and sit with me."

  I shook my head at her. Of course I did. She looked tired. Promising to come back in and have a chat about Jake and Austin later, I moved to go.

  "Stay with me, will ya, Laney? Don't rest well when I'm alone in these places. Just sit there and keep me company, if you don't mind."

  I nodded. Sitting down in the stiff backed chair, I picked up her hand and held it in my own. Granny soon settled into slumber. It didn't look particularly peaceful, but hopefully it was at least restoring. I didn't know what I would do if I lost her.

  I must have dozed off. The next thing I knew, my mom stood there shaking me and telling me to go back to the waiting room. My aunts wanted a turn to see Granny.

  I went back to the rundown waiting room with my mom. Dad read a Sports Illustrated that was missing half the cover and probably more than a few pages. None of the magazines looked current. I should have brought my bag. It was shaping up to be a long day. A sudden rush of emotion overwhelmed me and I needed to get away.

  I mumbled an excuse to my parents and rushed out of the waiting room. The automatic doors took their slow, sweet time and I crowded through the center before they completely opened. I spied a little garden to the side with a bench. I sat, put my head between my knees, and tried not to be sick. You'd think with how much I had cried, I'd have purged all the tears. But no. I sucked in a deep breath and struggled to stop this emotional outpour. I would not cry again. Not here. This week was just too much.

  It took a few minutes, but I composed myself enough to go back in the hospital. A detour to the gift shop got me some reading material for the day, and the change to grab a drink along the way. My mom smiled when I came back in. I thought I'd pulled off hiding my mini-breakdown until I met my dad's eyes. He didn't call me on it, but patted the seat next to him and pulled me in for a hug.

  I settled in for a long wait with my newly acquired novel. I tried to tune everything out. But squeaky shoes on the tiles, hushed whispers, and the discomfort of the chairs made it hard. Several times I found myself reading the same page twice, unable to focus.

  We took turns going back to visit Granny. The doctor said she's lucky. It could have been so much worse. She'd need a minor procedure in a few days, but that should take care of it. We didn't want her spirit to break at the monotony and despair within these walls so we sat with her. Even while she slept, so that she didn't have to be alone in the bleak hospital atmosphere.

  When Mom made motions of leaving to go to the boutique, I offered to go in her place. It would be better than sitting at the hospital for the rest of the day.

  Jake called while I was taking my mom's shift. Selling wedding gowns wasn't high on my priority list for the day, but someone had to be there. I'd had my phone on silent and missed his call. He left a message saying he'd head toward Free Will about seven thirty. Which meant it would be close to eleven before he got into town. I sent him a text and asked him to come stay with me. Regardless of what my parents thought, I needed Jake tonight.

  I visited Granny once more before heading home for the evening. And she felt better after sleeping most of the day. I walked in and the first thing she asked was about Jake. This time she wasn't taking no for an answer and turned that unrelenting glare on me. Sick or not, what else could I do? I spilled my guts, of course.

  All my insecurities poured out. Granny listened, her age-spotted hand patting my thigh as I told her my fears of not being enough to hold a man's interest. I couldn't hold Austin's, what's to say I was not just defective. The girl Aus
tin cheated with was nothing like me either. I barely had boobs, and hers were so big. Why wouldn't he want someone like that?

  "And what about this brother of his? Tell me about him. If you are defective, then why's he interested?"

  Tears filled my eyes and I shrugged. I didn't know why he was interested in me. I couldn't answer. I should have known Granny would get the whole story. If not from me, from someone. No one was ever able to keep a secret from her. Ever.

  "If he doesn't think you are wonderful, then you don't need him. And as for that damn Austin, well, he and I will have words when I lay eyes on him again." She shifted and winced uncomfortably.

  I lay my head against her hand and thought about what she said. She's right about Austin—I don't need him. Jake though, I really didn't know why he liked me. But he sure seemed to.

  Granny looked tired. Guilt poured over me. I shouldn't have burdened her with my troubles. I kissed her cheek and promised to come back first thing in the morning. She smiled softly and just closed her eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I tapped on the door to Laney's room just shy of eleven. She let me in and I kicked my shoes off at the door. Tears filled her eyes and she flung herself at me.

  "So, uh...what's the update?" I was nervous to ask, but the last news I'd been given was last night.

  She filled me in on her granny's condition and I let out a relieved breath when she said things were better than initially thought. She led me toward the bed. I stripped down to boxers and a T-shirt before climbing beneath the comforter.

  She slid right over against me and I wrapped my arms around her. With a sob, she started to cry. My T-shirt clung damply to my chest before she'd cleansed herself of the emotional backlog. I rubbed her back and murmured reassurances. When she stopped crying, I tugged the drenched shirt off, wiped her eyes with a dry spot and pulled her back to me. She fell asleep still sniffling against my side.

  The light streamed in the open curtains when I woke. Laney was trying to ease away from me and I groaned at the loss of her warmth.

  "I'm just going to get a shower." She brushed her lips against my cheek. The slight smile on her face didn't quite reach her tear-swollen eyes. I watched her walk into the bathroom. When the water turned on, I closed my eyes and pulled the comforter back over me.

  The door slammed open. I rolled that direction and Laney's dad jumped through the open doorway.

  "AAAHHHH!" he shouted, baseball bat raised high above his head. "Jake? What in the hell are you doing here?"

  "Jimmy, why do you have a bat?" I murmured, my voice still scratchy from sleep. The comforter bunched around my waist as I rose up on my elbows to look at Laney's dad. I must have dozed back off...

  "Sheila usually bunks with Laney. She brought her luggage up and came down squealing there was a man in Laney's bed. I didn't know you were here. Why are you here?"

  "I told Laney I'd come over after work. It was late when I got here."

  Jimmy held the bat in a defensive position. "I still don't get why you are in my daughter's bed."

  Damn, he wasn't going to whoop my ass over staying with Laney, was he? "Jimmy, can you put the bat down?"

  "I don't like you being in Laney's bed half-dressed." He lowered the bat but didn't put it down entirely.

  I rubbed a hand over my eyes, but didn't respond. What the hell could I say? I couldn't argue that. Them not fussing at us about dating was the best we could hope for. I certainly didn't expect them to be happy about it at this point.

  Susie came in behind Jimmy and started laughing. Some chick in a slutty dress followed behind her. Must be the Sheila who caused all this damn drama. She licked her lips and stared at me like I was a hot fudge sundae.

  "Had I known the man in the bed was that yummy, I wouldn't have been so afraid, Uncle Jimmy. I'd have just curled up next to him." She batted her giant fake eyelashes at me.

  Laney stomped out of the bathroom and over to the bed. She looked like she wanted to smack that look of hunger off Sheila's face.

  Was it a crime to rip someone's fake lashes off? Was that still considered assault? I had a feeling we would be finding out if Sheila kept batting her lashes at me. Laney sat on the edge of the bed and kissed me. Her kiss was sensual—a marking of territory in front of her slutty cousin.

  "She's not my type, Laney," I whispered.

  I glanced over at Sheila, who adjusted her cleavage to make her already big boobs look bigger. Bitch. "Sheila, was it?" I addressed her as I sat up and stretched. She nodded and smiled, trying to act all sweet and innocent... It didn't work. She just looked like a stupid whore. "I'm taken. So, you can stop flapping those wings at me, I'm not interested."

  That earned me a kiss. Laney seemed to like the idea of me belonging to her. Jimmy and Susie burst out laughing. Sheila put her hand on her hip and looked like she was about to say something else.

  "Well, why don't you two get dressed and come downstairs," Susie said from the doorway. Laney's parents left, but Sheila just stared.

  "What?" She was getting on my damn nerves!

  "Just wondering what happened to Austin? And how'd you get your mom and dad to not flip out about you having a half-naked man in your bed? My mom still won't let me have guys over and I'm twenty-three."

  Laney rolled her eyes and turned back to me. I smiled and asked if she wanted me to tell her. She snuggled into my embrace and let me tell Sheila about Austin cheating.

  "Well, cheating is what guys do. 'Specially young, hot guys like Austin."

  "Well, Sheila, not all men are like that. How 'bout you head out of here so we can get dressed?"

  "Well, she's... um... interesting." I laughed as Sheila flounced out the door.

  "Interesting? You think she's interesting?" Laney poked me in the ribs.

  "Not nearly as interesting as you." I pulled her under the comforter with me. Our lips met. I yanked the belt to her robe and it fell open. My arms slipped inside and bare skin met bare skin. One of us moaned, I'm not sure which. It might have been both. I moved closer and she wrapped one leg around my hip. Raising a knee, my bare thigh came up between her thighs. The moan that time was hers.

  Only the thin cotton of my boxers separated us. They needed to go. My hands moved to the waistband and nudged them down my hips. I wriggled free of them, quick to move back over her. My beard scratched the soft skin of her throat, my teeth nipping, tongue soothing, as I made my way down her body. She shoved me up to shrug free of the robe.

  The knock on the door caused us both to cuss. Her dad called through the door for us to hurry, so we could head to the hospital. Laney said something, but I'm not sure it was intelligible. I laughed and rolled away to stare in frustration at the ceiling.

  "I'm going to get dressed now before we get started again and Mom comes up. She won't knock like Daddy did," she whispered.

  I sat up and riffled through the sheets for my boxers. I watched Laney pull the robe around her, my eyes taking in every luscious inch of her perfect skin.

  "I gotta get a shower. A cold one," I muttered. When I stood, boxers in hand, hard as a rock, Laney's self-control seemed to vanish. She stepped over to me, unbelted her robe, and pressed her naked body against mine.

  I kissed her. Hard. Rough. And cussing myself for the stupidity, I shoved her away and stepped back.

  "You are going to drive me crazy."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Heat rose in me. Not embarrassment this time. No, this time, the heat was pure desire. I wanted to lock that door and throw my robe on the floor. I wanted to roll around in the sheets with Jake. Getting sweaty, getting satisfied. Oh God, did I want to be satisfied. By Jake.

  He clearly had more self-control than me. He hurried into the bathroom and slammed the door. My heart raced as I faced the closed door. I still wanted him more than anything.

  The shower cut off and I jerked out of my stupor. Grabbing the first decent outfit I laid hands on in the closet, I hurried to dress. I didn't want to be naked when he
walked in. Being naked when Jake came out of the bathroom would mean we'd end up back in the bed. Okay, so I did want to be naked. But we needed to get to the hospital to see Granny.

  We had a quick breakfast and when we finally made it to the hospital, my aunts and cousin had commandeered a corner of the waiting room. My aunts had cleaning supplies in hand and were scrubbing every hard surface. Only my family would clean a public place...

  When Jake and I walked in, Aunt Lisa wrapped her arms around me and nearly broke my back. She told me my parents were back visiting with Granny. I guess they were still only allowing two people back.

  So, I sat down on one of the uncomfortable little couches to talk to my aunt. Jake set up his laptop next to me and started on a project for work. He shot me an apologetic glance when he pulled the laptop out, but it didn't bother me he was working.

  We had only been seeing each other a few days. It wouldn't have upset me if he had stayed back in the city. It meant more to me than he would understand that he hadn't. But I would have understood.

  My mom and dad came out and said Granny was feisty this morning. And she wanted to see me and 'my young gentleman'. Granny feeling feisty set us all on edge on a good day...

  And now she wanted to talk to Jake.


  Was I ready for that? Ready to know if he wanted more than just sex. It's easy for a guy to pretend he cared. What if he didn't?

  My heart started breaking already.

  Jake took the news about meeting my grandmother calmly. When he heard she insisted they meet, he saved his work and closed his laptop. He followed me back to the ICU.

  Granny's eyes were sharp as razors when she looked Jake over. "Why are you here?"

  Well, that was blunt. Granny never beat around the bush when she could jump right in.

  "Jimmy and Susie said you wanted to meet me." Jake gestured for me to take the only chair, but I sat on the bed next to Granny and let him have the seat.


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