Vet's Desire

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Vet's Desire Page 9

by Angela Verdenius

  Taking something from his back pocket and tossing it onto the table beside her, he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down, his boxers following to bunch at his knees. Moving forward, he caught her mouth while taking her arms from his neck and positioning them back on the table, bending over her, crowding her backwards so that she rested on her elbows.

  He pushed her t-shirt up, exposing her bra, and without pause he flicked the clasp open, pushing the white lace aside so that her breasts were freed. Without hesitation he moved downward, taking one nipple in deep and sucking firmly, making her tip her head back and gasp for air as that delicious heat surged through her again.

  She couldn’t think, couldn’t manage anything except to feel him, his clean, male scent teasing her senses with every ragged breath she took, the calluses on his hands scraping languidly along her sides as he feasted on her breasts.

  And sweet mercy, his hard thighs between her own, spreading her legs further apart, his hardness pressed between them.

  Restlessly, caught up in carnal heat, she lifted her legs, rubbing her thighs against the outside of his, pressing herself unashamedly against him.

  His mouth was on her stomach, his tongue dipping into her belly button, and she shuddered, flying higher.

  As though sensing how close to the edge she was, Tim lifted his head, looking up the length of her body with hot eyes, and then he straightened, keeping one hand low on her belly as he did so. Reaching to the side, he picked up the object he’d tossed there earlier and brought it to his mouth, catching the edge of it between strong, white teeth and ripping it open. Taking the condom out, he rolled it over his shaft, and now she could see how thick he was, how long, and she wanted him in her - now.

  “Stay there,” he commanded huskily. “Right there.” One hand on her belly, one encircling his shaft, guiding him as he looked down to watch.

  Watched her as his shaft caressed her curls, saw her secrets as the thick head of his shaft parted her labia, pushing between the sensitive flesh to probe deeper. His cheeks were flushed with sexual heat, his eyes glittering as he looked up at her at the exact moment his shaft notched itself at the entrance to her body.

  He caught her gaze, held it, demanded she look at him as she lounged wantonly back on her elbows, her body spread for his pleasure, waiting for him to bring her to the heights of ecstasy she had no doubt he would do.

  “Cindy.” Her name was a throaty growl in the air.

  His hips flexed, drew back and then thrust forward, seating himself deep inside her, so deep that his groin was pressed against hers. He was so thick he had to push inside, and that made her shudder more as the muscles in her sheath spasmed and clamped tight around the invading shaft.

  His groan was low and blissful, and he bowed down over her, pushing and pushing, his hands on the table at her sides before he shifted, pulling out and pushing back in, his movements hard and demanding.

  It wasn’t enough and she wriggled, wanting more, wanting it fast, wanting it hard, wanting him. “Tim,” she moaned huskily, “Please.”

  Strong hands clamped onto her hips, fingers holding her tightly as he adjusted his stance, the movement with him still inside her making electric sparks shoot through her sheath and up into her lower abdomen.

  Tim started to move, his hips thrusting powerfully, the muscles in his arms flexing as he gripped her, holding her for his pleasure and hers, working inside her in a single-minded determination to reach ecstasy.

  Never having been taken in such a manner before, dominated, in fact, Cindy revelled in what he gave her, tremors inside her bubbling up to burst into erotic little volcanoes, sending her blood firing through her body, her very being straining upwards.

  Lifting her legs, she gripped his hips with her thighs, and his pleasure was there to see plainly on his face, his eyes glittering, and then he moved suddenly, releasing her hips to come over her, his hands sliding beneath her back to lift her up into a sitting position.

  He would have slid out of her with the sudden position change if he hadn’t manoeuvred her so expertly, sliding her even closer so that they were belly to belly, his shaft able to thrust deep as she balanced on the edge of the table, having to rely solely on his strength to keep her in place.

  The new position allowed him to take her mouth, and she couldn’t help it, sinking back onto one hand and having him follow her, his growl of displeasure only heightening her own senses, especially when he nipped her throat in punishment, only to lave it roughly with his tongue seconds lately.

  His hips pounded harder, deeper, dragging against her inner muscles which spasmed, seeking to hold on to him as he invaded her, plundering her body deeply and giving her such erotic pleasure she thought she’d surely explode with the concupiscence of it.

  One hand at her bottom clutching her tightly, the other in her hair as he kissed her hard, both hands holding her to his satisfaction as he fed their combined desire, the strength in his lean body more than she’d realised, the feel of his muscles flexing against her only adding to the eroticism of the moment.

  The desire welled up between them; she felt the tension coiling inside Tim’s body as he thrust harder, pounding into her faster, hips moving powerfully. Her body responded, her inner muscles clamping down, trying to milk him as he pushed her higher up the pinnacle, and then he shifted the angle of his body, his shaft rubbing over something deep inside her, and she shattered almost immediately.

  Every sensation she had welled up and burst forth, tossing her away in a splintering of fiery eroticism before rolling her under and back, only to throw her back out in another wild, fiery tide.

  The last thing she heard before sweet, blessed, delicious oblivion took her, was her name shouted out and Tim’s hips slamming against her, his stiffening, and the bite of his fingers on her bottom as he climaxed.

  Floating down in euphoria, Cindy smiled against Tim’s chest, her cheek pillowed on a surprisingly hard, yet comfortable pectoral muscle. She felt it flex under her cheek as he moved slightly.

  Mmmm, well, this had been a day for surprises.

  He shifted again and she felt his lips against her hair, nuzzling contentedly. Long fingers spread out on her bottom, the fingers of one hand grazing her bottom cleft.

  Oh shit. Her eyes popped open. She was half naked, in Tim’s arms, and he - what the hell had just happened?

  Her relaxed stance of leaning against him with her arms looped loosely around his neck changed as she stiffened, her arms sliding down.

  Oh shit. Oh shit shit shit! Oh, God, it had been - damned wonderful, in fact. More than that. He’d totally rocked her world.

  Probably rocked her kitchen table, too. She couldn’t stifle the sudden giggle that broke free.

  In response, Tim shifted and the nuzzling in her hair stopped. Abruptly he straightened, his hand disappearing from her bottom like lightening.

  He stepped back so fast that she almost fell off the table, mainly because it was only his body holding her balanced on it. Immediately he stepped forward again, cushioning her as she tipped over so that she landed hard against him. Only this time his arms didn’t lovingly curve around her, instead, he gripped her upper arms firmly.

  But definitely not a loving grip. Or a sexual one.

  Looking up, she met his shuttered gaze, but his bemusement was plain to observe.

  “Well.” She finally broke the silence that grew between them. “If this is your idea of a house call, I must say, I’m impressed.”

  He pulled her off the table so fast her head swam. Grabbing the table behind her to steady herself, she watched as he pulled the used condom off and yanked his boxers and jeans back into place.

  Pulling the zipper up, Tim glanced at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” She tugged her skirt down and it swirled around her knees.

  “This.” He gestured to the table behind her.

  “Don’t be.” She smiled. “I’d be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t enjoy it. And you didn’t force

  His gaze flicked over her, from the top of her mussed blonde hair, over her breasts which she was in the act of trying to get into her bra cups, down over her belly and lower, barely skimming her thighs before rising up again to study her face. “You’re not the kind of girl I have sex with.”

  The words made her flinch, but she wasn’t sure if he meant her type or girls her weight. “In what way do I not meet with your approval?”

  Stepping back, Tim sighed and flicked his fingers at her. “It’s not that, it’s just…you. You’re not the usual kind I have…intimate relations with.”

  “Intimate relations? That’s rather cold.”

  “Sex is meant to be just physical gratification.”

  “I didn’t gratify you?” A little angry now, not to mention hurt and, yes, a growing sense of embarrassment, Cindy snapped her bra closed and pulled her t-shirt down.

  “Sure you did. It was…nice.”


  “Different. Yes, a different experience.”

  “Because I’m not the usual skinny girl you date.”


  Her eyes narrowed.

  His widened a little as her meaning hit home. “I mean no!”

  “Yes or no? Though I rather think the second answer might be closer to the truth.”

  “I mean…” She could just see the wheels turning frantically inside his head. “I mean, no, it’s not because I date skinny girls. Slim girls. It’s just I don’t date your kind.”

  “That hole is getting deeper, arsehole. Keep digging and I’ll cover it up with you in it.”

  Obviously trying to regain control of the situation, Tim placed his hands on his lean hips and stood straighter. “You’re reading this the wrong way.”

  “Am I?” Placing her own hands on her ample hips, she glared at him.


  “Have you ever dated a big girl, Tim?”

  His jaw worked a little. “Um…”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “Okay, no.”

  “So your normal type is slim.”

  “Don’t forget rich and grasping.”

  “I’m rich.”

  “You’re not grasping.”

  “So wouldn’t that make me perfect for a quick shag?”


  “Why not?”

  Tim floundered for words, she could see his mind practically swelling under the strain of it. “You’re a nice girl.”

  “You think?”

  “I don’t have sex with nice girls.”

  “Apparently you just did. But I was a mistake.”

  “That’s right.” He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger. “I - Goddamn it, Cindy, stop twisting my words!”

  “I’m a mistake, I’m a different experience, and I’m not your normal type, which happens to be rich, grasping and slim. Let’s not forget the slim part.” Marching across to the door, she swung it open. “Get out.”

  “Now, Cindy-”

  “Don’t make me grab your ear, Clarke, because I swear if I have to use it to drag you from my house, I will.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “My foot is about three seconds from launching with your arse as the mark. Want to know how much I’m kidding, wait around and find out.” She could see the indecision on his face. “Or I’ll call the cops.”

  Tim frowned.

  “Your choice.”

  “Cindy, let’s talk about this.”

  “Oh right, because you wouldn’t talk about it with your usual type, would you? Take a hike, Clarke. Now.” When he hesitated, she marched across the room and picked up the phone, her finger hovering above the buttons. “I have the cops on speed dial.”

  Damn if he didn’t call her bluff.

  Stalking across the room, he grabbed the phone from her hand and placed it down on the hook with admirable restraint. Looking down at her, his eyes sparkling with fury, Tim opened his mouth to say something before thinking better of it and spinning around to stalk to the open door.

  Standing there a moment, he was obviously thinking, but before he could say anything or turn back, she was right behind him. Placing a hand on his back, she gave one hard shove and pushed him out the door, slamming it behind him and flicking the lock.

  Immediately he knocked on the door. “Cindy, open up.”

  She ignored him.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  He had that right.

  She stood by the door and waited. When silence greeted her, she looked out the window and saw no sign of him. Hurrying through into the lounge, she peeked through the curtains to see him getting into his car. Watching him drive away, she sagged in relief.

  Relief and embarrassment. Stepping back from the curtain, she hugged her arms around herself. It had been a long time since she’d last allowed herself to feel embarrassed about her weight. Okay, she wasn’t the ideal weight by society’s standards, but she was healthy and happy, and she was a good person.

  It seemed she didn’t meet Tim’s expectations, either. Okay, fair enough, she wasn’t his usual type, but to class her as a different experience, that was too close to an old wound from an affair that had long ago healed. But his words threatened to rip a new hole in it.

  Feeling that spiral of despair tugging at her, she sat down slowly in the armchair.

  She’d only had sex a couple of times since that ill-fated affair, and that was when she went to Italy and a man she met there liked ladies both large and slim. He became a good friend and a casual lover, but she hadn’t bothered to see him the last time she’d gone back to Italy for a holiday. Somehow, casual sex just didn’t seem worth it.

  Unlike Marty, who had to have sex at least four times a week or his dick, he said, would fall off from disuse. Personally, she thought it would fall off from an STD, but he laughed her remarks away.

  This latest episode with Tim just went to show that casual sex, whether planned or unplanned, just wasn’t worth it. Hell, she decided then and there that she wasn’t having sex again unless it was with that one special man. Bugger these useless jerks and their egos.

  At that moment Al woke up, his little meows filling the air as he lifted his head and sniffed for her, his little head turning to either side as he stretched up on his two little front legs.

  Smiling, she opened the lid of the carrier and scooped him up. Bring him to the side of her face, she nuzzled him and was rewarded in turn with his little nose bunting along her cheek, his little purr sputtering to life.

  “Forget that jerk,” she told herself. “He’s not worth it. If he can’t see past my weight or imperfections, that’s his loss, right Al?” A tiny paw tapped her cheek and she laughed. “Yeah, I don’t need him. I’ve got you, and you’re all the man I need in my life.”

  Getting up, she carried Al into the kitchen and started his feeding and toileting regime.

  Yeah, she thought to herself. She’d long ago gotten over the embarrassment of her weight, life was too short to worry about the jerks that dotted the horizon. Not all men were like Tim, Rick and Mike were testament to that. Maybe one day a man like that would come into her life, but meanwhile she had a great life, good friends, a wonderful family, the good fortune to do pretty much as she pleased, and a good attitude. And Al.

  That was all that mattered.

  And she’d just had great sex. The day wasn’t all bad.

  She couldn’t help but giggle at that last thought, but it wasn’t her usual happy giggle. Okay, it was going to take a more than a few minutes to get over Tim’s words, but get over it she would.

  Damn it, she was worth it.

  And really, did she want a relationship with an emotional retard like Tim? Not bloody likely. And why she’d even thought of Tim and a relationship in the first place was just weird.

  Which just went to prove that sex messed with the brain cells.


  That was the second time he’d been
kicked out of a woman’s house. Tim brooded as he drove to the clinic to check on the animals for the night. Unbelievable. Even more unbelievable, he’d had sex with Cindy Lawson.

  Hot sex.

  Hard sex.

  Mind numbing sex.

  Bloody shock to his system. How could he have made love - had sex - with Cindy Lawson? Worse, he’d gotten all tongue-tied when he’d realised what he’d done, she’d gotten defensive, things had gone to hell in a hand basket, and if Mike found out he’d nail Tim’s nuts to the wall.

  And he’d deserve it, too.

  Jesus, making love to Cindy Lawson. Of all the wrong type of women to have unplanned sex with, it had to be her. A nice girl, sweet, a little odd at times, annoying at others, but a nice girl. Not to mention her big bosom, ample hips, long blonde hair, lush lips, soft thighs, a voluptuous bottom, sweet scent, and blue eyes that darkened with passion. Just the memory was enough to make his loins tighten.

  But in true Tim fashion, he continued to torture himself with visions of making love with Cindy Lawson.

  God, the woman had been hot. So responsive, so uninhibited it made him want to turn the car around and go right back for another bout of mind-blowing sex.

  No, it didn’t. Tim hit the steering wheel in frustration. It was a one-off. A mistake. He winced at that particular thought. So not a cool thing to say to a woman after you’d been inside- deep inside - her body. Her voluptuous, delicious body.

  Not cool when he had the used condom mashed up in his pocket. Ick. But how could he possibly have disposed of it in a cool manner when she’d tossed him out? Where was the unshakeable, suave Tim Clarke, playboy vet, when she nearly had hysterics?

  Turning into the parking bay, he stopped the car.

  Okay, she hadn’t been hysterical. She’d been mad. Furious, in fact, those lush lips pressed together, those blue eyes flashing with fury, that mouth-watering bosom rising up and down in righteous indignation.

  Oh God, Cindy Lawson was hot.

  Rubbing his forehead, Tim closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Cindy Lawson was off limits. Stop thinking about her.

  Getting out of the car, he locked it and set the alarm, went into the clinic, turned the alarm off, fed, medicated and checked on patients, then went into the office. Grabbing an iced coffee from the’ fridge, he sat down and swung his sneakered feet up onto a corner of the desk. Opening the carton, he drank half of it in several deep, long swallows.


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