Vet's Desire

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Vet's Desire Page 18

by Angela Verdenius

  “No way. You know what Marty’s like.”

  “Exactly. And I know what Clarke’s like. Let them sort it out.”

  “It’s none of Marty’s bloody business-”

  “He’s your brother. He’s protective. Let him be.” Alex steered her over to the cupboard.

  She tried unsuccessfully to pull her arm from his hand. “I’m tired of his attitude when he does the same to other girls.”

  Alex’s expression was mildly understanding. “He also knows Clarke’s reputation. Can you blame him for being a little concerned?”

  “Well, you don’t seem too concerned,” she retorted.

  “Marty’s handling it.” Getting out a saucepan, he put some water into it and set it on the stove. “Where’s the spaghetti?”

  “For God’s sake, Alex!”

  Her brother straightened, his eyes narrowing a little. “Tim’s a playboy. You’re our sister. Marty’s just having a talk to him, all right? Nothing is going to happen.”

  A muffled thump sounded from outside, followed by an oath and another thump. Something hit the door.

  Cindy closed her eyes and groaned.

  “See?” Alex said cheerfully. “Nothing wrong at all.”

  The door opened and Tim and Marty walked back inside. Tim was gingerly rubbing his jaw while Marty crossed over to the freezer, reached in, grabbed a packet of frozen peas and sat at the table with it held to his eye.

  Folding her arms, she looked angrily from Tim to Marty. “All sorted out?”

  “Absolutely.” Tim dropped a kiss on the top of her head before crossing to the kettle, checking the amount of water and turning it on.

  “Top notch.” Marty looked at her from his one good eye.

  Alex just stirred the mince.

  “I give up,” said Cindy.

  “Wise choice,” agreed Alex.

  Whatever had gone on between her brother and Tim, it had cleared the air, or so she presumed because who really knew how men thought? Marty was much friendlier and the mealtime was pleasant as they sat around the kitchen table eating Spaghetti Bolognese.

  More than aware of Tim sitting opposite her, however, Cindy found her gaze drifting towards him more often than not when she thought no one was watching. He sat so easily, eating spaghetti with a dexterity that she envied - really, how did he manage not to get it on his shirt? - and chatting with her brothers as though he hadn’t just given one a black eye.

  Both Alex and Marty were big of build, Marty from his love of the gym and Alex from his life as a soldier, and next to them Tim looked lean, yet his strength was there in his biceps that bunched as he lifted the fork and moved. Her gaze slid down a little lower to his t-shirt, and she knew from when he’d held her that his lean build was deceptive. Tim had muscles all right, lean and hard.

  It was enough to make her mouth a little dry.

  Lifting her gaze, she found Tim looking directly at her, his brown eyes kindling with heat, and he gave her a slow, seductive wink that had her blushing a little and sliding her gaze away. And feeling more than a little heat herself right at the junction of her thighs.

  Then she felt it, a slow slide of his sneakered foot up the outside of her calf, and she almost swallowed the mouthful of spaghetti she had without chewing it. She sent him a warning glare - good God, her brothers were at the table! - and he simply winked again and turned to answer Marty’s question.

  Relaxing a little, she continued eating, but less than a minute later she felt a bare toe trail up the inside of her calf. The man had the legs of a giraffe, long enough to reach her and tease her for his own amusement.

  If she cut him off from sex, it would serve him right. When he glanced at her, she mouthed it. No sex. His eyes brightened.

  Oh shit, he took that as a personal challenge and showed it by giving an impressive stretch that had his t-shirt pulling tight across his rather yummy chest and slouching down in his chair while pushing his empty plate away. Picking up the glass of apple juice, he continued speaking to Marty and Alex while running his toe up higher to play with the inside of her knee.

  Cindy nearly spilled her drink.

  Marty continued animatedly talking about cars while Alex slid her a shrewd glance but said nothing, a faint hint of humour in his usually sombre eyes.

  Shifting a little in her chair, she shot a glare at Tim. His toe retreated and she breathed a sigh of relief, but then it started to run up the outside of her leg. She aimed a kick in his direction but he was too fast, dodging her with ease.

  Marty wasn’t so lucky and he yelped.

  “Shit,” Cindy said,. “Sorry.”

  “Cripes,” Marty replied.

  Tim smirked at her. Time to change strategy.

  While he was occupied talking to Alex, Cindy shifted her legs aside subtly. When Tim shot a glance across the table, she just knew his intrusive big toe was searching for her again.

  Marty jumped and yelped again. “What the hell?”

  Tim jerked in his chair and sat upright.

  Alex just shook his head while Cindy smirked at Tim.

  “Hell, man,” Marty complained to Tim. “If you want to play footsies, do so with my sister.”

  “Oops,” said Tim.

  “You almost had a game of tennis going on there,” Marty added.


  “Yeah, you’d need your maker right now if you’d gone any higher, let me give you the tip.”

  This time Alex snickered.

  Cindy demurely peeked at Tim from beneath her fringe to find his cheeks a little flushed from his close encounter with her brother’s unmentionables. His gaze when it found her promised retribution.

  She couldn’t wait.

  The atmosphere between them was definitely getting a little sexually charged with anticipation, though the conversation remained light, skimming many topics, and by the time it was over and Alex and Marty were doing the dishes, everyone was relaxed.

  Al woke up and demanded his dinner, and Tim took charge of him.

  “Aw look,” Marty said as Tim attended to the kitten. “Dad’s got baby duty tonight.”

  “Jealous?” Tim drawled.

  “That’s my nephew you got there, Doc. Just treat him gentle.”

  Tim rolled his eyes.

  “We better get going.” Alex placed the tea towel on the rack. “Got an early morning call tomorrow.”

  “Oh?” She followed him to the door, Marty behind her.

  “Yeah. Marty thinks a gym jockie can beat soldier training when it comes to strength and stamina. I’m going to teach him who’s boss.”

  “Your first job will be dragging him out of bed.”

  “Ha ha.” Marty ruffled her hair as he passed. “We’ll see who’s boss after tomorrows little sweat session.”

  “I’m so sacred,” Alex murmured.

  Marty punched him in the shoulder as they walked down the steps.

  Alex punched him back, quit a lot harder, sending him staggering into some nearby bushes.

  “Shit,” said Marty. “That was hard.”

  “Just a tap, old boy, just a tap.” Unlocking the car door, Alex grinned. “A little taste of what you’re in for tomorrow.”

  “You better be able to back up your promises.” Marty got into the passenger side.

  “I always back up my promises.” Alex waved to Cindy as he got into the car and shut the door.

  Smiling, she waved back and watched as the tail lights disappeared down the winding drive and out of sight, then she turned and re-entered the house, locking the door behind her.

  Walking into the lounge, she saw Tim tickling Al's stomach while Al’s tiny paws batted at his finger.

  “Tough boy,” Tim observed. “He nearly sucked the bottle to death.”

  “Al loves his milk,” she agreed, kneeling down to watch as Al rolled on the fleece sheet between her and Tim.

  “He’s thriving.” Tim glanced up at her, his smile warm. “Thanks to you.”

  “TLC. It wor
ks wonders.”

  “So they say.” He tickled along Al’s back, but the kitten was too occupied trying to see around Cindy.

  “He’s a sticky beak.” Grinning, she smoothed under his chin, rewarded by the little purr that sputtered to life.

  They spent some time playing with Al, enjoying each others company.

  Every time Tim reached past her to pick up a wandering Al and bring him back to the safety of his fleecy sheet, Cindy caught a whiff of Tim’s cologne. Fresh, male, it was so him, and she breathed it in deep.

  Leaning forward on her hands to roll a small, soft ball for Al, she glanced up to see Tim’s gaze on her ample cleavage. That sent warmth roiling through her and she licked her suddenly dry lips.

  His gaze followed every flick of her tongue, his brown eyes darkening.

  Suddenly the atmosphere was turning from light and pleasant to something a lot more intense.

  “Maybe,” Tim suggested huskily, “It’s time to put the baby to bed.”

  Chapter Eight

  The pupils in Cindy’s blue eyes dilated and he watched in increasing desire as she sucked in a breath, causing her impressive bosom to swell.

  Jesus, he couldn’t wait to get her out of her clothes and have his hands and mouth all over those luscious breasts.

  “Are you sure,” she asked a trifle breathlessly, “That you don’t want another drink?”

  “Lady, the only drink I want is from you.” Satisfaction coursed through him as her round cheeks with the enchanting dimples in them flushed pink.

  Reaching out, Cindy scooped Al up carefully, bringing him to her mouth to nuzzle the top of his furry little head. “Come on, little fellow. Tim wants to go home to bed.”

  “Not quite what I had in mind,” he said.

  Her eyes were filled with heat, but they also twinkled with a touch of devilment as well. That was one of the things he found so fascinating about Cindy, she was a mixture of many things - all woman, confident, a touch of uncertainty now and again, mischief, a sense of fun, and with a blunt honesty that attracted him.

  Yeah, with Cindy Lawson, what you saw was what you got, and Tim liked what he saw.

  Standing, she started from the room. “I’ll put Al to bed in the kitten pen in my bedroom. I’ll be back soon.”

  Back? Tim straightened and stretched. If she thought he was leaving, she had another think coming. Tonight he was going to bed the luscious Cindy babe. Yep, he was going to bed her and make love to her until neither of them could think straight.

  Maybe he should have another drink to make sure he was well hydrated, shore up his reserves.

  Grinning, he had another glass of apple juice, checked that all the doors were locked, and then he went upstairs.

  Following the sound of Cindy’s voice, he went down the corridor and came to a stop at her bedroom door. She was talking to Al as she settled him for the night but even though Tim leaned against the wall just out of sight, he was disappointed that she didn’t at least mention his name to the furry baby.

  But the night was young. By the time he finished with her, she was going to be screaming his name.

  Grinning to himself, Tim brushed some of Al’s baby fur off his shirt. Nothing wrong with a little confidence in ones prowess.

  “Now go to sleep,” Cindy instructed the kitten. “I’ll be up in a couple of hours to feed you again.”

  Sure she’d be up, because Tim didn’t intend for her to actually go to sleep for quite awhile.

  Leaning one shoulder against the wall, he crossed his ankles and folded his arms, waiting for her to exit the bedroom.

  Cindy walked out, saw him so close and jumped. “Cripes!”

  “Hey,” he drawled with deceptive casualness.

  “Hey yourself.” She eyed him closely.

  She looked so damned yummy that he wanted to eat her up. Her dress came halfway down her thighs in total disregard for her plump legs which many large women would try and hide, but not his Cindy, no sir. She dressed how she pleased and that was a huge turn-on for him.

  But he just knew that even if she was shy about her weight, he’d still want her.

  Cindy being so confident just made seduction a lot more fun.

  “So.” His gaze ran leisurely over her generous curves. “There are a few issues we need to sort out.”

  “Oh?” Her expression was wary.

  “Yeah. Tonight you were a bad girl.”

  Her brows rose. “Really?”

  “Oh yeah. A very bad girl.”

  The corner of her lips twitched. “If this is your seduction technique, Clarke, you’re going to have to work harder.”

  It was his turn to raise his brows in mock surprise. “My, you do have a mouth on you, Lawson.”

  “All the better to suck you with, honey.”

  He nearly choked.

  She smirked. Hands on hips, one of those angled out cockily, she practically oozed daring.

  Recovering himself, Tim managed to maintain a stern expression. “Playing with your brother was not on my agenda.”

  “It was your toe, wasn’t it?”

  “Not meant for your brother.”

  “If it’s just your toe you meant for me, I’m disappointed.”

  “Oh, sugar.” He straightened up. “Trust me, it’s more than that I have planned for you.”

  “Good, otherwise I’d have to toss you out my door and go looking elsewhere for…” Moving closer to him, she ran one finger down his bicep, leaving a heated trail in her wake. “Satisfaction.”

  Hoo boy, she was burning him up. “Trust me, I’m gonna spoil you for anyone else.”

  “I hope so.” Eyes twinkling, she tapped his chest. “Because if you’re self promotion is anything like you, I’m going to be disappointed.”

  Tim looked down at his t-shirt. Yep, he had on his sad cartoon hound with Sad to the Bone printed around it. Not seduction material. Glancing up, he grinned crookedly. “I forgot to wear my ‘Hot to Trot’ shirt.”

  “Did you maybe think that coming to my door with your sad dog shirt might make me feel sorry for you?”

  “It wasn’t in the plan, but thinking about it now, would it have helped?”

  “Not at all.” Sliding her hand beneath the hem of his t-shirt, she hooked a finger in the waistband of his jeans. “So, Mr Discipline, got anything worth showing me?”

  Oh boy, did he just. Smiling darkly, he rested his hand on her hip and slid it around to her bottom, cupping and squeezing it before administering a light smack on the curve of one buttock.

  Her eyes darkened even more as she breathed, “Spanking, Mr Clarke? I suspected you might be little kinky, going by the rumours I’ve heard, but I had some doubts.”

  “And now?” He rubbed the just-smacked bottom with slow, firm sweeps of his hand.

  Thick, black lashes swept down to hide her eyes. “I’m having doubts about my doubts.”

  Dipping his head, he placed his mouth to her ear and inhaled deeply of her scent, closing his eyes as all sorts of warmth swept through his senses at just her closeness and scent combined. “So how far do you want to go, Cindy?”

  “How long do you want to play before we get hot and sweaty?”

  Seriously, he was going to come in his jeans any second. “Don’t you mean down and dirty?”

  “Dirty, down, hot, sweaty - why worry about words?” Turning her head, she brushed her lips along his, breathing hotly against the sensitive skin of his lips and making heat skitter through his veins. “I’m feeling a rather interesting bulge against my innocent little body. How long can you last?”

  Not much longer…not that he’d admit it. “As long as you need, sugar.”

  “Really?” A flick of her fingers had his jeans unsnapped. “Really, Clarke?” He angled his hips back enough to allow her fingers to glide the zip of the jeans open and had to clench his jaw against a groan when those dexterous fingers slid inside to cup his rigid length through his boxers. “I’m feeling a little wetness at the tip, Tim.�
� Her breath was hotly damp now, and she flicked her tongue along the seam of his lips. “Now what could that mean?” Her thumb brushed the tip of his shaft through his boxers.

  He nearly blew his load right then and there, but desperately maintaining control, he grabbed her wrist. “I think Mr Discipline should be in charge.”

  Her laugh was low, seductive and teasing. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. And I’ve decided that discipline can wait.” So saying, he grabbed her shoulders, whirling and pinning her to the wall as he pressed in against her, his lips taking hers.

  Those lush lips had beckoned to him from the second she’d moistened them with her tongue. He licked along the seam, feeling the texture of the silky skin before demanding entry, sweeping inside when she obeyed without hesitation. She was sweeter than honey and he had to have her essence, licking deep, demanding more with his mouth even as his hips thrust against hers, her every soft curve a perfect match for his harder, leaner body.

  Not enough. Never enough.

  Blood coursing through his veins in a hot rush, he turned her from the wall and used his body to crowd her back into the bedroom. A quick glance over her shoulder showed him where the big bed was, and now, with his course in mind, he traced the side of her neck with his mouth, nipping and sucking lightly, his hands already pulling the straps of the dress from her shoulders to lie at her elbows, her bodice following as he pulled it down quickly and expertly to lie around her waist.

  The bed at the backs of her knees brought them to a halt, and she shoved the t-shirt up and over his head. Tim obligingly raised his arms so that she could pull it free and toss it aside.

  Now he could get a good eyeful of her magnificent bosom in a lacy bra, reinforced with expertise to look both sexy while supporting the generous globes. Purple lace with a pink flowered pattern, no doubt bought from a top end lingerie shop overseas.

  God bless top end lingerie shops.

  He wondered if her panties matched, and just the thought of that lace cupping her delicious mystery of womanhood had his head swimming and his blood pounding in his ears.

  Hooking his thumbs in the dress, he slid it down over her hips to pool at her feet before stepping back to see if his little fantasy might be true.


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