Under the Stars

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Under the Stars Page 10

by Rebecca A. Rogers

  But it’s not the vivid circle in the glittering sky that captures my attention; it’s the guards at the front gate running to place themselves into formation. I poke my head further around the inner dividing wall to see what’s going on.

  “The King!” a footman yells.

  What? He’s here? Well, of course he’s here. But why is he here?

  And then he comes into view. He first glances left, then right. A playful grin fastens itself to his lips when he notices me.

  “You are a sight for sore eyes,” he exclaims.

  I glimpse at my clothes—holes, dirt and all. “I don’t know whether to take you seriously or not, Majesty.”

  “Where is your leader?”

  I point to the closed door behind me. “In there.”

  “I shall speak with him, and when I’m finished, I think I’ll enjoy a walk through the city.”

  Curtsying, I reply, “Of course, Majesty.”

  He brushes past me, disappearing past the door. Soon, Mama emerges. Her face is filled with the utmost confusion.

  “Andy, what’s going on?” she asks, staring back toward the building.

  “Um, that was King Zarek. Don’t ask me why he’s here.”

  Mama scoffs. “He kicked me out like a dog.”

  “Don’t feel bad. We’re all dogs to him.” Then I say, “I just hope he’s here to help.”

  “Me too.”

  Mama and I decide to walk to the housing area since we have no idea how long the conversation between Lazar and King Zarek will take. Mattie sits alone on the couch, in the dark.

  “Oh, forgive me. I forgot to light some candles before the meeting,” Mama says. She finds her way to the kitchen, where the moonlight streams through the grimy window.

  “Is Andy leaving?” Mattie asks.

  I take a seat, pulling him into my arms. “I don’t know yet. The King is here. We won’t know his decision for a little while longer.”

  He whimpers. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “Andrina will do as the King asks. Isn’t that right?” Mama nods at me for my response.

  “Of course,” I murmur. If I don’t, I’ll be the disappointment of Legora.

  For dinner, we third a chicken breast and tomato. I’ve completely lost my appetite. Maybe it’s due to stress or maybe it’s because the food here isn’t as grand as the meals in Valyad. With as much luxuries as I had there, I should be full until the end of the year. I’m being selfish, I know, so I slide my plate across the table to Mattie.


  “No, Mattie. You eat it. I’m not hungry.”

  His downcast expression is enough to break my heart, but he finally takes the plate and dumps its contents onto his.

  “I guess our food isn’t good enough for you anymore. That’s one reason you should enjoy going back, if not for the entertainment,” Mama says.

  “Entertainment? I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

  “Don’t play me for a fool, Andrina. I know the King holds over-the-top gatherings and feasts fit for someone of his status. Don’t tell me you didn’t attend anything of the sort.”

  “I did. But it wasn’t because I wanted to. It’s because I had no choice.”

  Mama chews another bite of chicken before standing from the table.

  “And I might not have to go back if they can work things out tonight. That means we can stay here. You should be excited,” I add.

  “I would’ve been more excited had my daughter returned with the supplies this town needs.”

  “Is that it? You’re upset because I didn’t win the King’s favor? What would you have had me do? Flaunt myself? Act like a fool?”

  “Now you’re just being silly.”

  “No, tell me, Mama. Tell me what I can do to make this better. Yes, I failed. Should I immediately call a town meeting and announce it to Legora? Would that help?”

  Mama’s lips squeeze into a tight line. “I just think you could’ve done better.”

  “Well, I’m sorry that I’m such a letdown. I’ll go wait outside the town hall and kiss the King’s feet, praying that the stars will grant me one wish—to return to Valyad. Excuse me.” I slip out of my chair, not bothering to look at Mama or Mattie. If I have to do what it takes for this town, then I will. As long as they don’t hate me for the rest of my life.

  Before I reach the bottom of the hill, Malik catches up with me.

  “I heard the King is speaking with Lazar,” he says.

  “He is.”

  “Is that where you’re going?”


  I don’t owe him an explanation, do I? He was the one who dragged me around town earlier, wanting me to leave again. Whatever happened to a nice hello, or maybe a hug?

  He tugs at my arm, stopping me. “Look, I’m sorry. My family is scared. They don’t want to trek through the desert again. And I know your family doesn’t either. You know how hard it was before.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “I keep asking myself what would happen if we moved on to Halgan. Would it be any better there? Probably not. My family and I want to find a place to permanently settle.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you or anybody else. If you think you can convince King Zarek, then be my guest.” I motion toward the inner city. “If not, stop blaming me for something I tried to fix.”

  There’s nothing else I want to say to him. Everyone’s against me. Only I can make this better. He’s just slowing me down.

  And it seems I’ve made it in time. King Zarek exits the town hall just as I show up.

  “Ah, Andrina. How about that walk you owe me?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Sure, I guess.”

  We stroll around the perimeter of Legora’s central city. For a long time neither of us speak. King Zarek makes one comment about how his dome seems to be working well at keeping out nighttime creatures. But that’s the extent of it.

  “I don’t mean to be audacious, but did you and Lazar work out a deal? This town is kind of depending on me to change your mind.”

  King Zarek smiles. “You are courageous, but that’s what I like about you. My power has no influence in your eyes. Most people would rather lose their nerve than lose their head.”

  “By now you’ve learned I’m not like most people.”

  “No, you aren’t. Which is why I have a proposal for you.” He halts, taking my hand in his.

  “And what is that?” My throat tightens, in fear. I have no clue what he’s about to offer.

  “I would like for you to come back to Valyad with me. Spend a few weeks there.”

  “What good will it do?” I try to pull my hand away, but he’s persistent on holding it.

  Mildly amused at my question, he replies, “We’ll discuss it more once you’re there and rested. But I’m leaving that decision up to you.”

  Nothing can describe the thoughts racing through my mind. I glance at the outer wall, how the mortar is crumbling. I notice how clammy the palms of my hands have become. And the number of holes in my shirt? Seven.


  I refocus on him.

  “…you don’t have to think about this right now. Think about it tonight. It’s been arranged that I stay here until morning. You can confer your choice then.”

  I make a noise that sounds like a mix between a nervous laugh and an over-the-top exhale. He hovers closer to my face than I like, and then plants a soft kiss on my cheek. When his back is turned, I try to remove the mark of his lips with my forearm. But it seems my skin has already soaked it up.


  Drafts of spicy desert air slip through a hole in the window above my bed while I think about what King Zarek offered. My thoughts are lucid. Crisp. They no more appear until they’re gone. Though I’m aware of everything, I can’t pin down the jumble of emotions writhing through my body. If I don’t go, this town will blame me.

  Mama needs me.

  Mattie needs me.

  They a
ll need me.


  Early the next morning, Mama leaves for work. Mattie snores in the bed beside mine. I have to make a decision, though. If King Zarek leaves today, then he’ll want to get a head start, and that means my answer will be required sooner rather than later.

  I slip outside while Mattie’s in his dream world. Chickens squawk in the road. Some children run after the annoying birds. An elderly woman hangs clothes out to dry, which happens quickly in this heat.

  Malik materializes at my side. “What’s this about you going back?”

  My nose scrunches. “Nobody can keep a secret around here, can they?”

  “No, not really. Especially when we’re depending on you.”

  “Thanks for the reminder. Like I haven’t heard that every thirty minutes since I’ve returned…”

  He blocks me. “Can you please just…look at these people? They’re hurting, Andy. Every single minute is spent hoping and praying things will turn out for the better.”

  I do glance around. I do see the pain. Like the light has been sucked from their faces.

  “I’m not blind, Malik, and I’m not stupid. The King requires a response before he leaves for Valyad, so I’m going to find him.”

  Malik eyes the lower part of my body, staring at both of my hands. “Where are your bags?”

  I snort, and then pat him on the arm, leaving him behind.

  “Wait!” He jogs to catch up with me. “Does this mean you’re not going?”

  “Have you ever experienced anything on a grand scale?”

  He shakes his head, which is the response I guessed he’d give.

  “They wouldn’t allow me to dress like this.” I tug at my threadbare shirt. “When I was in Valyad before, they gave me my own room filled with delicate items and frivolous clothing.”

  “So you’ll return?”

  “We’ll see.”

  Malik marches with me to the town hall, where King Zarek and his men are staying. Inside, the pews have been stacked against the walls and makeshift beds adorn the floor. Distant words fade in and out from somewhere toward the back of the building.

  “—so we’ve reached an agreement?” King Zarek’s voice booms through an open door.

  A whispered tone replies, but I can’t make out what is said.

  “Good! I’m glad this is finalized. Now if only we can—” He appears in the doorway. “Ah, Andrina. Just the person I was expecting.”

  I bow.

  “Who is your friend?”

  “This is Malik,” I respond.

  “Nice to meet you,” Malik says.

  I nudge him in the ribs and whisper, “You have to address him.”

  Malik clears his throat. “Um, Majesty.”

  “Tell me, Malik, does your family reside here or are they only stopping through?” King Zarek asks, approaching us with measured steps. Lazar peeks through the doorway, looking defeated, but then takes leave to his office.

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  King Zarek stops several feet away. “And how long have you and your family dwelled here?”

  “For a couple of weeks.”

  “I see. And, Andrina, how long has your family been in Legora?”

  “The same amount of time,” I say. “Malik and I met during our trip here. His people rescued my family and me.”

  King Zarek contemplates this for a moment before asking, “Malik, what would you say if I offered you a position in Valyad?”

  “With all due respect, Majesty, I can’t just leave my family,” Malik replies.

  “No, no, no. That wouldn’t be feasible.” He rubs the night’s scruff on his chin, his tone changing. “But you would make great money and be able to visit often. How is that for a bargain?”

  Something twinkles in the King’s eyes. I’m not sure what he means by all this, but I feel the need to find out.

  “I—I don’t know what to say.”

  “The polite thing to do would be to thank me and accept. After all, your family won’t make as much money in this lifetime as you’ll see while you’re in Valyad.”

  “I must admit that I can’t accept anything right away, but I would like to talk it over with my parents, if that’s all right,” says Malik.

  “And what work would you have him performing if he does move to your kingdom?” I ask.

  This seems to take the King by surprise. But the blow fades and is replaced by the slightest grin.

  “There are plenty of jobs available in my realm. Malik will be able to select what he sees fit. Although, he would be strong enough to join the ranks of my militia, if that’s what he chooses. But I must say this—you have very little time to decide. I’m leaving within the hour.”

  “Thank you, Majesty. I’ll immediately explain everything to my parents. Excuse me,” Malik says, bowing and taking off into the inner city.

  “And that leaves us to discuss,” King Zarek says. “Have you made your decision?”

  “I have,” I say. “But there are certain conditions which must be met if I’m going to leave with you.”


  I name them by using my fingers. “For one, I don’t want anymore talk of beggars. I’ve never been a beggar, and I don’t come from a line of beggars. My family was once prosperous, before my father disappeared.”

  He looks like he might burst into laughter, but he contains it. “Go on.”

  “Second, I need to know for certain that Legora will receive supplies if I go with you. That is the point of all this, right? I mean, I don’t want this to turn out like it did last time.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes, actually. I think gatherings should include all of your people, not just those of high authority. Your people work to provide for their families just like the people of Legora and every other city that remains. Can’t you, maybe once per year, show them a little appreciation? After all, if it weren’t for these people, Valyad wouldn’t be maintained. It might even cease to exist.”

  His face turns solemn. “Andrina, there are things—political things—that go on in my territory that women should never be able to speak of. This talk of keeping the peace between the people and me, well, it’s already there. My people adore me. Love me, even. If it weren’t for me they wouldn’t have a place to live.”

  “But you’re only seeing it from your side. Take it from someone who’s lived the same life as them.”

  “I promise I will take it under consideration. Now, we have more pressing issues. Will you be accompanying me to Valyad, or will this be the last time we ever meet?”

  The feelings, the emotions, swallow me like a tidal wave. Any second now I could lose what little food is in my stomach. But I knew this choice would come. I’ve been thinking about it since it was offered to me yesterday. I lost sleep, and for the first time in my life, I’ve never been as uncertain about something as I am now. Instead, I continue to ride on this never-ending rollercoaster of expectation.

  “I will go with you,” I say, having no idea what lies ahead.


  “Well, if you knew you’d leave with me, then where are your bags?” King Zarek asks.

  I stare at my hands absentmindedly. “I don’t have anything to bring.”

  “I’ll see to it you’re taken care of.” He snaps his fingers. “Guards!” Two footmen appear at his side. “See to it that Andrina is escorted to the horses. She’ll ride with me. We’re waiting to see if her friend is joining us. If he’s not back when the sun’s edge reaches the tip of the town’s temple, then we’re leaving.”

  “Can I at least say goodbye to my family?”

  A hearty laugh leaves his lips. “Of course you can. I’m not keeping you from them. Remember, this was your decision.”

  I race to the market, searching for Mama. Isn’t this what she wanted from me—to repair the damage done? She’ll be elated.

  Malik isn’t at his mother’s booth. Has he already been here and told Xara the news? He’s most likely packing hi
s bags this very moment.

  “Mama, I’m going back to Valyad. I’m pretty sure that, if I go, I can change things this time.”

  She steps out from behind her table and embraces me in a warm hug. “I knew you’d make the right choice.”

  “Don’t put all your hopes on me just yet. I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Either way, I’m proud of you. I know we haven’t seen eye to eye on this subject, but in the end you’ll learn that your family, your people, will remember you forever.”

  “We’ll see.”

  She plants a kiss on my forehead. “Malik just stopped by here and said he was going with you.”

  “The King persuaded Malik that he’ll be able to send money to his family and visit here more often. It didn’t take much to convince him.”

  “Well, he’s thinking about what’s best for his family. Andy, none of us want to move. I don’t. You don’t. Mattie doesn’t. We all have to think about our families. I believe this is a wise choice for Malik. Xara’s upset, which is to be expected, but she’s proud of her son and only wants the best for him.” Mama tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, watching me like I’ll evaporate and never return.

  I grasp her hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “You will come back, won’t you? Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy that you’re able to get out and see what’s left of our world, but I don’t want you corrupted by the politics of Valyad.”

  “Oh, Mama. Of course I’ll be back. You don’t think I’d honestly stay there, do you? I loved the lavish castle and being attended to by a maid, but—”

  “You had a maid?” she blurts.

  I giggle. “Yes. Her name was Daphne. I wish I knew what happened to her. She was dismissed before I could say goodbye.” What had become of her? It’s like they knew she wouldn’t be needed any longer. But it happened so quickly…

  “Whatever you do, don’t take any of it for granted. Ever.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Now, go say goodbye to your brother. This has been hard on him.” She wraps her arms around me yet again, squeezing firmly.

  Mattie will not be happy about me leaving, but I’ll do my best to explain that our separation won’t be for an eternity. At the house, he’s curled into a fetal position on his bed.


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