Sinner (Starlight Book 3)

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Sinner (Starlight Book 3) Page 6

by D. N. Hoxa

“He’s down lately. I don’t even think he sleeps anymore. Pretty messed up,” he said, nodding. “He never stops anymore. He’s either going from one corner of the Base to another to take care of some business, or he’s in the training room. Kinda reminds me of you.”

  I shouldn’t have asked him. I didn’t know what the hell to say to Aaron now that I knew how bad the situation really was.

  “And the others?” I asked because anything else he could tell me might help clear my head.

  “Great. They’re all asleep.”

  Not unexpected but it sucked that I had to wait until morning to see Ella. And Aaron.

  Soon, we were in front of the monster iron building, and Jack opened the iron door in the ground. Kyle and Arturo, who hadn’t said a single word yet, looked at its greatness with both panic and excitement.

  “Come on, guys. Hop in.” I waited for both of them to descend the stairs before I did with Jack in tow.

  “The Elders expect to see you in the morning,” he said as I surprised myself by having actually missed the miserable, light bulb-filled hallways of the Base.

  I nodded reluctantly and turned to Kyle and Arturo. “You guys get some sleep. We’ll get together in the morning and talk.”

  “I would like to see the security room,” Kyle said without missing a beat.

  “Kyle, first thing you’re going to learn here is discipline. You sleep at night, unless we have something urgent that can’t wait. You work during daylight. Now go. You’ll find the security room in the morning.”

  The boy frowned and looked ready to argue, but Jack beat him to it.

  “I’ll show you two to your rooms,” he said reluctantly and continued down the hallway on our left.

  Arturo didn’t follow them. Instead, he took my hand in his. I couldn’t hide the flinch. People were touching me a lot lately, and I just didn’t know how to deal with that yet.

  “I want to say thank you for this, bella.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “I am not ungrateful, but tomorrow after I meet the Elders, I am either one of you or not. But if I am, I want full disclosure on everything. I want to help. And most of all, I need you to trust me.”

  Fair enough. “If we all agree to be on the same page, I’ll tell you everything.”

  He smiled sadly, almost as if he didn’t believe me. “Goodnight, bella.”

  The way to my room had never been longer. I stripped even before I locked the door and jumped into the shower like it was my lifeline. I’d missed my room, too, which was weird because I hated it while I was there. But I had a feeling I was going to sleep well in my bed that night.

  I stepped out of the bathroom, and I almost dropped the towel I’d wrapped around me. I barely stopped a loud gasp, too.

  Aaron was sitting on the edge of my bed, watching me with a love storm in his ocean eyes that traveled from my bare legs and thighs and up to my face, excruciatingly slowly. My hair covered half my face because I hadn’t bothered to brush it while I was still in the bathroom, but he kept his eyes on me. My mouth was practically a desert by the time I reminded myself to breathe. I couldn't find anything to say so I just stood there, holding the towel around my body tightly and staring at him.

  Amazing how I was completely helpless in front of him when he looked at me that way. Like he was more dangerous than an entire army of vampires, which wouldn’t even scare me much.

  When the tension in the air became too much, I whispered a weak hi. Aaron smiled a little at the sound of my voice, and he stood up.

  “You’re back,” he said, as if he was reassuring himself.

  I nodded. “Jack outdid himself this time.” I didn’t think he ever delivered news faster than that.

  But Aaron shook his head in confusion. “I didn't see Jack.”

  “Then how’d you know I was here?” I asked and watched his face go slowly expressionless.

  He shrugged. “I don't know. Lucky guess?” Even he didn't believe that crap.

  Any other time, I would have immediately bombarded him with a thousand questions, but I didn't want to. I didn't want him to leave. I’d missed him too much and I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’ll…be right back.” For some reason, when I went back to the bathroom, I locked the door. Maybe because I was afraid he’d come in. Maybe I was afraid I’d let him.

  My heart beat in my ears, but a stupid smile wouldn’t let go of my lips as I quickly put my pajamas on. I didn’t have anything else with me in the bathroom. I checked myself in the mirror only to confirm that I looked like a freaking ghost. I brushed my hair, sure, but there was nothing I could do about the bags under my eyes or my pale skin. I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe and relax before I opened the door again.

  Until I saw him standing right where I’d left him, I feared that he’d left. Scared to meet his eyes, I sat on the bed next to him with my head down.

  “How are you?” I whispered because I wasn’t sure if it was okay to ask. He was not okay—that much was obvious. But Aaron nodded.

  “Good,” he said. “Better. You?”

  The second the word left his mouth, he dragged himself a little closer to me. My heart stopped altogether, and I turned to look at him in question. I shouldn’t have…

  “Does this bother you?” he asked, pointing at the very little space left in between us. I instinctively shook my head without even realizing.

  “No, it’s not that. Just that….” but I didn’t go on. I couldn’t go on.

  So naturally, Aaron came even closer.

  “You had me worried.” His whisper made me shiver.

  “I’m good,” I said, nodding my head way too many times because what the hell are you doing, Star?! “Good. I have lots of news.”

  “Let’s hear it,” he said. The smile never left his face, and honestly, that was by far the strangest thing. I hadn’t expected him to smile like that.

  The best way to distract myself from thoughts of how close he was—and how good it would have felt to touch him—was to speak, so that’s what I did.

  “Kyle found a video of the hotel where this conference called the Supernatural Keepers of Order is held. They’re this group of supernaturals that gather once a year and talk about what those in power do, trying to make sure that their rights aren't being violated or something,” I said, looking everywhere but at him.

  “And the supernaturals that were killed were at the conference last year?” He was a natural guesser.

  “Exactly. They had proof about something, too. They ended up dead just before the next conference. And Kyle’s here, by the way.”

  He didn't look surprised. “The thing you wanted to talk to him about?” Yep. Terribly good guesser.

  “Yeah. I offered him a job here at the Base. At least until the end of the year. He accepted, but that’s not the only ally. I also spoke to Samuel Belmont, who just so happens to be Kyle’s hero.”

  “You met Samuel?” This definitely surprised Aaron.

  “I did, but it’s a long story.”

  “I have time,” he said without missing a beat. “Unless you’re tired.”

  “No!” I said, a little too fast and a little too loud. “I’m not tired.” I was exhausted.

  But we weren’t doing anything wrong, were we? We were just two colleagues talking about…work, technically. Even though it was the middle of the night. And we were alone. In my room, sitting on my bed, with only the night lamp on.

  But it sounded much more suspicious than it actually was.

  At least that’s what I told myself.

  Still, I didn’t look at him at all while I spoke. And that was the best I could do for that night.


  A knock on my door woke me the next morning. I had slept like a dead person and I had had no dreams whatsoever. That put a smile on my face even before I opened my eyes.

  And when I did, I smiled even wider.

  Only for a second.

  Aaron’s clear, ocean-like eyes were lookin
g at me from way, way too close. I jumped and I think I screamed a little, but I’m not sure. He chuckled and I wanted to die. My hair was probably a mess!

  And what if I had snored? Or drooled on my pillow? Or worst, talked in my sleep?

  But wait.

  I’d slept with Aaron?

  “Good morning,” Aaron said with the sweetest, huskiest voice I’d ever heard, still smiling. His swollen eyes made him look even sexier than normal, and I realized I wanted nothing more than to wake up to that view every single day for the rest of eternity. It would never get old. Ever.

  A heavy weight landed in the pit of my stomach at the thought of Thomas.

  Someone knocked on the door again.

  “Star?” Ella called, and I miraculously made it to the door without tripping over my own feet.

  “Hey, Ells,” I said with a sigh and took my sister in a hug.

  “I need to breath, Star,” she complained after a second, giggling, so I had to let her go.

  I remembered then, but it was too late. Ella’s beautiful eyes found Aaron, and she immediately turned bright red.

  “Oh.” Oh. I knew that oh. It meant, oooh!


  “Morning, Ella.” Aaron waved at my sister, smiling brightly, and she barely returned it.

  “I…I’ll, uh…see you in the kitchen?” she said to me, and before I could even reply, she disappeared out the door. Not good. The knowing smile on her face was not good.

  “Sorry about that,” Aaron said, and he finally stood up. Thank God. He was fully dressed.

  “How the hell did we…” I had no idea how to even ask. What had happened that had me feeling like a schoolgirl?

  “I think you fell asleep while you were still talking. And then I laid you down on your pillow, but you said that I could stay if I wanted. And I…well, I did.” Aaron shrugged. “I don't really remember exactly…”

  “I’m sorry. You probably didn't sleep at all,” I said as I reproached myself for allowing something like that to happen.

  “Actually, I did. I slept better than I have in a long time.” Two red dots took over his stubble-covered cheeks. The words me, neither were at the tip of my tongue, but by some miracle, I managed to hold them in. “I should go.” But Aaron didn't move away. And again, things like stay wanted to come out of my mouth the same second, but I clenched my teeth to keep from speaking.

  A long second later, he realized I wasn’t going to say anything.

  “See you in the kitchen?”

  I simply nodded, not trusting myself with words. I didn’t trust my body, either. And when Aaron abruptly put his arms around me and hugged me, I forgot how to breathe.

  I was right not to trust myself because suddenly, I was hugging Aaron back, and I hadn’t even felt my arms moving. I hadn’t felt my lips stretching into a smile against his shoulder either.

  “I’m glad you’re back, Star,” he whispered against my hair, as he caressed it slowly. I smiled even wider. His eyes were the home I never had since my mother died, and I wanted to stay wrapped in them forever.

  But then I remembered Thomas. His face. His pleading. His desperation.

  What the hell was I doing? I had no right to be hugging Aaron.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed his scent of tangerine deeply for one last time, hoping to make it stick to my nostrils, before I reluctantly ordered my arms to unleash from his waist and stepped back. He was still smiling when I looked up, and he gave me a kiss on my forehead before he left me all alone.

  I’d made a promise to his father. His dead father. No matter how I felt about Aaron, that promise was all I was allowed to think about, especially in the situation we were in. So that’s what I did while I got dressed and ignored his face that popped in front of me everywhere I looked. I was going to remember the promise.

  When I made it to the kitchen, I found I’d even missed the stares everybody always gave me. It was like the Kentucky RR Base had already become a home for me, and I looked forward to seeing the familiar faces. Like Marie, the cook.

  She smiled as always when she saw me approaching, and it looked like the mug in her hands was coffee for me. I was so thankful and I said as much, but then she kept looking at me, the strangest expression on her face.

  “Are you okay?” I asked because there was nobody around us. And I’d been so used to seeing her smile all the time so I was legitimately concerned. With her lips pressed together, Marie suddenly waved me over to the other side of the counter. Surprised out of words, I did as she asked.

  “I want to talk to you about something. Ask something from you. Will you find me when you’re free?” she whispered. I nodded immediately because I was still too surprised to react any other way. She seemed so serious, nervous even, and I'd never seen her like that before.

  With a nod, Marie turned to the sink without another glance my way. Holy shit, that was weird. What would Marie want from me?

  “Tell me everything!” Ella said before I even made it to the table, still trying to figure out what was going on with Marie.

  “Tell you what?” I mumbled.

  “Come on, Star! You spent the night with Aaron!” Ella whispered in my ear, and blood rushed to my ears immediately. Holy hell, I’d slept with Aaron!

  “There are vampires in here!” I said to my sister as I got my shit together again. “And it wasn’t even like that.”

  A look around the room told me that everybody was busy with their food, and nobody was paying any attention to us.

  “Then what was it like?” Ella insisted.

  “We had a meeting last night and I told him what happened while I was away and then, we…kinda…well, we just fell asleep. Talking.” Oh, hell. I knew how suspicious my story sounded.

  “Yeah, right,” Ella said, a mischievous grin on her face.

  “Yeah. Trust me—that was it,” and before she could keep insisting I tell her everything, Jack appeared in front of us.

  “Morning, pretty ladies,” he said, just as Kate joined him with half a yawn and a weak morning. Aaron wasn’t too far behind, either.

  “Look at us, like one big, happy family,” Jack said, grinning and batting his eyelashes. “And it’s about to get bigger.”

  That’s when I noticed Kyle and Arturo, looking completely out of place in the middle of the kitchen. I grinned and Kyle saw me. He slapped Arturo’s arm, and they both headed toward us with their heads down. When they made it to the table, Kyle looked at me like he wanted me to drop dead right there. I didn’t blame him, though. I’d have been pissed at me, too.

  “Hey, guys. Come join us,” I said, just as Arturo grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, just like he had the night before.

  “Good morning, bella.”

  Silence. Nobody was even breathing, and Aaron had his mug halfway to his mouth when he froze. I smiled a plastic smile because I didn’t want to be rude, and I waited for someone to break the silence. Anybody.

  But nobody did.

  Introductions! I sighed in relief. God bless introductions in awkward moments of silence.

  “Guys, this is Arturo and Kyle. They’ll be staying here at the Base. And guys, you already know Aaron and Jack. This is Kate and this is Ella, my little sister.”

  “Ella,” Arturo said and walked over to take Ella’s hand in his next. “Such a pleasure to meet you.”

  My sister smiled politely and returned to her plate as fast as she could, while Kate stared at Arturo shamelessly with her eyes wide and her mouth open. She didn’t care that we could see her. At all.

  When she finally came to her senses, she actually stood up and offered her hand to Arturo. “A pleasure,” he said, but instead of kissing her hand, he only shook it. And Kyle…I could’ve been seeing things, but he had his wide eyes pinned to Ella’s face. Maybe not as intently as Kate watched Arturo, but he was watching my sister almost the same way.

  I raised my brow at him and shook my head. Don’t even think about it.

  He cleared his t
hroat before he offered a weak “hi” and went to sit on the other side, in the only empty chair left next to Aaron. The place where Nick sat whenever he joined us.

  Awkward silence again.

  “Okay…” I gave up. There was no hope that those guys were going to ever relax in the presence of each other. “Jack, schedule.”

  Both he and Aaron kept looking strangely at Arturo, but the vampire answered. “Elders first. Computer guy, second. Training, third. And Edison’ll be here today at four, and he wants to meet.”

  I raised my brows in surprise. The thought that the head-shifter had found something important immediately invaded my mind.

  “After that, we have a meeting. Without the Elders.”

  Curiouser and curiouser. Why would Jack want to meet without the Elders? Unfortunately, whatever it was, it had to wait. Everything at its own time. I’d have enough on my plate the whole day, so I stood up, ready to get going.

  “Star, what…” Kyle began to ask, but his voice trailed off as his cheeks caught fire. I smiled to try and encourage him, but I didn’t think it worked.

  “Get some breakfast. I’ll find you later.”

  The look of terror on his face almost made me laugh. But I didn't want to take him to meet the Elders. I wasn't sure he could handle it and to be honest, the way he looked, he didn't give the impression that he could do anything.

  “We’ll wait for you here,” Ella said and smiled a little at Kyle. I winked a thank you at her though Kyle didn’t look any better.

  “Arturo, you’re coming with me,” I said, and as if I’d said Aaron, Aaron stood up, too. Of course he was coming. He always came with.

  Without a word, we walked to my room, and as soon as Arturo closed the door, Aaron took out his golden coin. A blink later, the Base disappeared, and the Elders were in front of us.

  The smile on Grandmother’s face was as real as it had been the first time. Only now, it no longer fooled me. The words she said to Samayan were constantly repeating themselves in my mind.

  “Hello, Star,” she said with her sweet but powerful voice, and I nodded at all the Elders. Their eyes turned to Arturo in the next heartbeat. With a sigh, I explained.


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