Wooing His Mate

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Wooing His Mate Page 13

by M. L. Briers

When he stroked his fingers down her sides she didn’t know whether to moan as goose bumps covered her skin, or to groan with frustration. “Really, really, need you too…”He shifted again and his breath was against her backside, his lips brushed over her skin before his teeth nipped, but it was the hand that was travelling up her inner thigh that made her want to sing out.

  His fingers entered her as his thumb found the sensitive nub and she tried to push up, but his chest was against her back, his lips back against her neck…

  “Going somewhere, sweetheart?”His fingers were taking her knuckle deep as his thumb spun against her…

  “Looking for you…”She tried to turn, she wanted to touch him, tease him into submission…

  “Surrender to the feelings, Macy. Surrender to my touch, to me…”He brushed his cheek against hers, and then his lips were back on her neck and he was nipping and soothing with his tongue as he nuzzled against her.

  His tongue travelled down over her shoulder as his fingers moved inside her, against her. His chest rubbed against her back and his free hand fisted her hair, easing her head over as he pressed blunt teeth into her shoulder.

  The growl that rumbled through his chest and into her was oddly exciting, but at the same time it gave her such peace. The frustration within her seemed to evaporate as her body focused solely on his touch, his nearness, his sheer presence.

  He could feel the tension within her ease as she stopped squirming beneath him, accepting what he was doing to her without the need to look for more.

  He released the pressed of his teeth and his tongue soothed her skin as her mind and body concentrated solely on the pleasure his fingers were creating within her.

  “Come for me, Macy…”He growled gently against her neck and then she felt him move again. The rush of cold air swooped over her back as he took away his warmth, but then he slowly lifted her hips from the bed until she was on her knees. His fingers pulled out of her and she felt his breath against her sex, hot and panting, and then his tongue found her and she moaned out into the covers as he devoured her.

  He thrust his tongue into her channel, rimming the inside and lapping her flesh on the way out as he growled long and hard, revealing in the taste of her over his tongue, knowing her body.

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf was hungry to claim their mate, hungry for the taste of her blood, and he was half crazed with the need to press inside her, but he wanted to taste her sweet juices, and he needed her more than just wet to take him. With each thrust of his tongue she moaned louder, fisted the covers tighter in her hands, and when he stroked his tongue over the sensitive nub of her flesh, nipped the hooded nerves and then sucked hard, she all but convulsed. Her body tightened, her muscles stiffened as she drew nearer to her release.

  He thrust his tongue into her, fast and hard, his fingers working over her nub until her inner muscles clamped tight and she cried out. Her cream flowed down her channel and he lapped eagerly against her, tasting her very essence as he growled out his need for her.

  Rudd reared up onto his knees and pressed just the tip of his erection inside her. The wet heat of her muscles were still throbbing as his fingers kept her orgasm flowing, but the natural instincts within her made her press back against him, taking more of him into her as she moaned her need for him.

  Inch by inch he pressed inside her. The throbbing walls of her channel opening for the thickness of his shaft, squeezing around him as he took her in one long, slow push from the tip of his hardness to the hilt, stretching her around him until she was so full, sheathing him so tightly that he was reluctant to move for fear he would hurt her.

  “Tell me when you’re ready, sweetheart.”He breathed against her ear, his body had come over her back and his hands were either side of her, caging her within his large frame.

  “About twenty minutes ago…”Macy breathed out, rocking forwards on her knees, feeling him slide out of her.

  “I’m not going to risk hurting you…”

  “I have no such qualms, and if you don’t move I’m going to…”He stroked back to the hilt within her and she moaned against the pleasure, silencing her words. And she’d been worried about taking the length of him, the thickness, he filled her to the limit but it was as if he was made to measure, or she was made just for him…

  “Be nice, Macy. I only want to give you pleasure…”He chuckled against her neck, before his wicked tongue drew patterns against her skin and she closed her eyes and concentrated on just him.

  His arms came around her body and he pulled her up with him, bringing her back against his chest as he stroked inside her. Macy reached up and fisted his hair as his teeth nipped her neck. He captured her nipple between his finger and thumb, rolling it over his skin, back and forth until she moaned, taking her deeper as his other hand ran between her inner thighs, finding the sensitive nub and moving against it.

  He pulled back to the tip of his erection, moving his hips faster against her backside, taking her in short strokes, rubbing the head back and forth over her sweet spot until she held her breath, concentrating on only the pleasure he was giving her, and then he stroked in deep, taking her to the hilt and causing her inner muscles to convulse around his shaft, gripping him as if she were sucking him hard with her mouth.

  “You feel too damn good…”He growled against her ear. Over and over, he took her fast and then stroked deep within her until she didn’t know if she was going to scream or explode with the pleasure that was building within her.

  “Rudd, I can’t…”Her breathing was laboured and he could feel her whole body starting to tense with the need for release. His fingers worked faster over the swollen nub. His other hand fisted her hair and moved her head to one side as his tongue prepared her shoulder for his mark. When his fangs descended, his wolf yipped in anticipation.


  “Mine.” He growled against her flesh.

  This time she wouldn’t get a reprieve, this time he was going to take her until she came undone. His hips moved faster, taking her to the edge of sanity until she held her breath in anticipation, and he thrust deep inside her, taking her to the hilt and forcing the orgasm to rip through her entire body as she moaned out, lost in waves of sensation that had her muscles squeezing hard around him.

  He pressed his fangs into her flesh and felt her tense, a whimper escaped her lips, but her body was still caught up in her own pleasure as he tasted her blood against his tongue.

  Releasing his fangs and relishing the last of her essence that he needed to truly know her, he snaked his tongue over her small puncture wounds, cleaning and sealing the skin with care.

  He fought his inner beast for dominance, pushing the wolf back inside him as his fangs receded into his gums. His body ached for his own release. He moved her on the bed, pulling out of her to turn her on her back as she fought to come back to him. He lifted her hips and pressed back into her, gently taking her to the hilt as her swollen walls stretched back around him as he nestled between her thighs.

  “You bit me...”She breathed out, regaining some part of her brain, which part she wasn’t entirely sure.

  “You taste like heaven on my tongue…”He teased and winced when she chuckled. “Please don’t laugh, you get tighter around me when you do that, its torture…”


  “Pleasurable to the point of pain…”The deep growl of desire rolled through him as his hips pulled back and he took her to the hilt.

  “Show me that kind of pleasure.”Her words sent an almost fevered reaction through his body. He had to have her, take her, and she was willing…

  Rudd found her hands and pushed them up the bed, “Are you sure?” His growl was so primal that she was sure her uterus actually back flipped within her.

  “I bloody well am now.”She breathed out as she tried to bring her hips up towards his, but found herself pinned beneath him again. “You have control issues don’t you?”She teased and saw the wolfish grin spread across his face.

“You’d better believe it.”He growled down at her, pulling out to the very tip before he thrust deep into her, moving slowly at first, making sure she could take him, that she was ready for him, and then when he was certain he wasn’t hurting her, he pulled himself up against her.

  His knees lifted her backside until her lower body was open for his thrusts. Taking her deeper each time, over and over until he could feel her body starting to tense. He released her hands and gripped her hips, bringing her body up with him off the bed, thrusting hard and fast into her.

  Pleasure to the point of pain. He was taking her harder, deeper than she had ever been taken before, stretched around him until she didn’t know where she ended and he began. His body was devouring hers, claiming her for his own, and there wasn’t a part of her that objected. She tried to keep her eyes on him, taking in the movement of his hard muscles as he took her so thoroughly, thrusting her into her next orgasm and her lids snapped shut just as he reared up and tossed his head back on his neck.

  Rudd roared as her inner muscles clenched and released in tight, hard waves around him, pulling the very seed from his body and into hers as he buried himself deeply against her womb and spilled into her, over and over until he never thought it would end, until he had nothing left to give.

  Rudd collapsed onto his elbows over his mate’s body. He could hear her laboured breathing, could hear her heart pounding within her chest, and knew that she was lost in the completion of their passion.

  He forced his body to regain the strength it was lacking, knowing he needed to sooth his mate, care for her, and as he came back to her he lifted her against his chest and rolled them together in the bed, bringing her head against his chest so she could hear his heartbeat, soothing her with his hands and whispered words until she came back to him.

  “Easy, love. I have you, rest now…”He ran his hand down her back and she moved against him, naturally trying to get closer to her mate, responding to his touch.

  “For a while…”She breathed out. Not even bothering to try to open her eyes and look at him, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was more she knew she didn’t stand a hope in hell’s chance of it happening.

  “For a while.”He echoed and she gave a half yawn, it was all she had the energy for.

  “Then we do that again…”She gave a half grin before it disappeared as sleep claimed her.

  Link had been sitting on Jack’s front porch for almost half an hour. He could have gone back to the main cabin and gone to bed, but the thought of leaving his mate put him on edge. Besides he kind of liked sitting there listening to her pottering around inside, taking a shower and imagining her naked body under the stream of water, dressing, putting the coffee on…

  The sound of the front door swinging open made him smile internally. The smell of coffee that followed her out onto the porch made him smile externally and he opened his eyes on a wing and a prayer that she was in a sharing mood, and not just the coffee…

  “Your reward for giving me the kill.”She held out a steaming mug of the black stuff and he accepted it.

  “I didn’t give you the kill, you took it.”He offered, knowing full well that wasn’t exactly true.

  “Fine, give me my coffee back then.”Jack rested her backside against the wooden railing and stared down at him. Her words might have sounded harsh to his ears but the look in her eye said something different. This was Jack in a playful mood.

  “I’ll go to the toilet before I leave and deposit it for you, good enough?”He smirked before sampling the brew, nodding accordingly as he delighted in the fact that she made the perfect cup.

  “You’re strange…”She looked off into the woods rather than meet his eye.

  “I’m a vampire that gives me a head start in the strange department.”

  “No, you’re strange, even for a vampire.”Jack shrugged one shoulder, but she still didn’t meet his eye. She could try to ignore him visually all she wanted, but that wouldn’t stop her body from being drawn to his presence. The mating pull was getting stronger, almost by the minute, and she knew that there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it, except try to deny him and go rogue.

  “I’m old.”He didn’t feel the need to elaborate on that statement.

  “And sarcastic…”Jack offered, her eyes flicked towards him and back again. It seemed even though she tried to ignore the sight of him, she couldn’t quite manage it.

  “Don’t knock sarcasm, without it life would be a very dull existence.”Link pulled himself up to his full height. “Thanks for the coffee.”He held out the cup to her and she had no choice but to bring her full attention back towards him, even if she didn’t lift her eyes any further than the cup he offered.

  “Going somewhere?”

  “Are you going to miss me, Jacqueline?”He teased and this time her eyes flicked up to him and he could see the annoyance in her stare.

  “You know I am, not that I have any choice in the matter.”She admitted. The way her body was reacting to his presence it was a foregone conclusion that it would mourn his loss as soon as he was out of her physical sphere, and personally she was coming to like the old guy.

  “I need a shower and you need sleep…”Not that she’d get much sleep without his presence, they both knew that…

  “Guess you’d better come in then.”She pushed away from the railing, ignoring the cup in his hand and walked into her cabin without a backwards look to see if he’d follow her, she knew he would. “Towels are in the bathroom.”She added over her shoulder as she walked straight over to the counter and put the cups down on the side.

  She heard the click of the front door and felt his presence close by, but she didn’t turn back towards him.

  “Go get some sleep, I feel the need for a very long shower.”And every minute under the spray he would be imagining what he wanted to do to her body when she finally gave into the attraction between them.

  He saw her hesitate for only an instant, knowing that she was fighting the urge to turn back towards him, maybe even to get under the shower with him, and he couldn’t help but grin to himself. Then she set off for the bedroom without a backwards glance, but he did notice the way her hands were fisted at her sides and the stiffness in her back. His mate was still fighting the urges within her body and mind to claim him as her, but it wouldn’t be that much longer.

  Rick was sitting in the chair by the bedroom window watching Alma sleep off the punishing changes her body had been through for the last three nights. Each change would become easier for her, but her body would never change as fluidly as a Lycan could into their beast.

  A Fae Werewolf. Now that was an unusual beast. He knew that a Fae who had been turned into a Vampire couldn’t keep her powers, but he’d never given a thought to what would happen if one was changed into a Werewolf, maybe because he’d never heard of it happening before. It must have done somewhere, at some time, but it was never spoken of in Lycan legend.

  She was restless, and every time she moved or made a sound his eyes narrowed on her, watching intently as her subconscious mind processed what her body had gone through.

  He imagined that in some ways it would be worse for her, being able to remember the Were part of herself, but then he would rather know what he did as his beast rather than wake to find himself human again and have no clue as to what he had done in his wolf persona.

  Just how far could she control her beast? From what he had seen she seemed pretty much in control of it, but had she killed? Had she bitten and turned anyone? How much of a danger was she to his pack? Those weren’t just questions that he needed an answer too, those were questions his Alpha and his pack would need to know as well.

  One Luna month until the change would take her again. They had one month to come to a decision about her fate. If she could control the beast within with her magic, perhaps there was a way to stop the change from happening completely, but then what kind of damage would that do to her body and her psyche. The beast was strong and it w
ould push through eventually, or perhaps drive her insane as they struggled internally for control…

  He saw her flinch, saw her hand tighten against the covers and a whimper left her lips, and he was at her side in an instant, crouching next to the bed, his hand over hers as he tried to sooth her.

  “No!”She bit out; coming only half awake from whatever nightmare marred her sleep. One hand pulled away from his touch as the other hand shot outwards towards him. He heard a muttered word just at the instant before he was taken off his feet with a powerful blow to his chest.

  Hurtling backwards across the room, propelled by magic, his back took the full force of the impact against the wall and the pain shot through him. His beast acted on instinct to protect him, claws lengthened, fangs descended and he was back on his feet in a heartbeat as she dragged herself up in the bed.


  Ricks low growl of warning met her ears as her mind became fully aware of where she was and who she was with. Her eyes fixed on him in the half light that the drawn curtains allowed, and she gasped in a breath on the realisation of what she had done.

  “I didn’t mean…”Alma shook her head as she tried to clear her thoughts. She’d been dreaming of her sire, even dead the bastard still haunted her thoughts.

  “I know…”Rick offered, stilling his beast within him and pushing back on the wolf’s need to shift and protect them from a perceived danger. His stance changed in a heartbeat, and he crossed the room back towards the bed as his claws and fangs retracted.

  “Sorry.”She bit out. It certainly wasn’t him that she wanted to kill. She didn’t need to defend herself from him either; at least, she didn’t believe that she did. His Alpha maybe, his pack, probably, but he had already proven that he couldn’t end her when he had the chance.

  “Go back to sleep.”Rick growled down at her, wanting to reach out to sooth her, but unsure as to how she would react.

  “I don’t like to sleep anymore. I don’t like to dream anymore.”She looked away from him nervously, as if she’d shared too much of herself with him. He maybe her mate but she didn’t know him.


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