Texas Tornado

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Texas Tornado Page 22

by Lani Lynn Vale

  “I love you, too.” I told him.

  “I know. You’ve shown it.” His voice sounded dead.

  He’d been fighting again. He also smelled like a brewery. Which also explained where my dad and Sebastian were. If James was at their place, then they wouldn’t have left him there. At least not while he’d been drinking.

  I climbed the steps slowly. His head was level with my stomach when I finally came to a stop two steps below him. “What’s wrong, J?”

  “Fucking everything.” He sighed, letting his head drop.

  My hands raised to touch him, but his harsh voice stopped me in my tracks. “Don’t touch me.”

  Freezing in place, I asked, “Why not?”

  He’d never told me I couldn’t touch him. In fact, he’d gone out of his way to do little things like bring my hand to his cheek. Run his fingers through my hair. Touching was a large part of how he communicated.

  “What’s going on?” He laughed darkly. “My daughter’s sick fuck of a mother’s been letting strange guys talk to her, while I’ve sat around with my thumb up my ass. I knew she was acting strange. Not once, in four years, had she tried to get Janie, and then all of a fucking sudden, she wants to be a part of her life again. Where’s she getting the money to fight for custody? How’s she able to live in the richest goddamn neighborhood in Longview. Those houses cost a mint. All these questions have been rolling around in my brain, but I let it slide. Tried to fight her with the letter of the law on my side. Well fuck that. Not anymore. I’m not above blackmail and manipulation.”

  “What’d you do?” I asked hesitantly.

  “What I had to do. She won’t be seeing my girl again. Ever.”

  The sadness in his voice made my heart feel heavy. “That’s okay. As long as it doesn’t take you away from her.”

  His face hardened into a deep slash. “We’ll see.”

  The no touching thing wasn’t working for me anymore. “What do you mean, we’ll see?” I snapped as I yanked his head up by his hair.

  His eyes were hard and dark. “Not in the mood to deal with your shit right now, Shiloh.”

  “Yeah?” I taunted, holding his hair a little tighter.

  “Yeah,” he seethed.

  “What’re you going to do? Spank me?” I goaded.

  “I’m warning you, Shiloh. I’m not in the fucking mood. I’m more than a little drunk, I’m pissed, and I’ve been fighting all night. I’m on edge, and I don’t want to hurt you.” He said between clenched teeth.

  His body was vibrating, but not with anger like he’d like. No, it was need. Desire. He needed some sort of release.

  He’d tried to fight. That hadn’t worked, so he’d turned to drinking. And when that still hadn’t gotten him where he needed to be, he’d come to me. I had what he needed, and I wanted to give it to him just as much as he wanted to take it.

  “Stop being a titty baby, and take me.” I snapped.

  Something in him tore loose at my statement, and he launched himself off the steps, scooping me up in his arms as he went, tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

  The door to the basement slammed open, and he marched with deliberate steps to his bedroom, closing the door with care, which completely contradicted his haste to get me in his room.

  A wave of weightlessness overcame me as he tossed me from his shoulder. My back hit the mattress with a bounce. My abdominal muscles tightened, and I placed my hands down at my sides, watching as he ripped the clothes from his body.

  “Get naked. On your knees.” He snapped.

  The harsh overhead light snapped on, enabling me to see the perfect line of his body. In all the time we’d been together, we’d never actually been with each other like this in the light. Everything we’d done always happened late at night, with the lights minimal at best.

  His body was luscious.

  Although scars of all sorts were evident on his body, not in any way did it detract from the perfectness. His arms were large and defined. His pectorals sculpted and firm, dog tags nestled in between the valley of his chest, leading down to his ridged abdomen.

  His pants were the last to go, and as he slid the pants down, his cock bobbed out from its confinement, angry and throbbing. The veins on his length were numerous, drawing my eye as they throbbed, pulsing harder and harder with each frantic beat of his heart.

  His balls hung low between two muscled thighs, and swung as he took a step towards me.

  “Guess since you can’t listen, we’ll do this the hard way.” He said, stooping down, grabbing something, and then coming towards me.

  The gleam of metal in my periphery tore my eyes from his pulsating erection, making me turn. In his left hand, he’d grabbed a pocketknife.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Well, figured this would be the fastest way to get those clothes off you.”

  I wasted no time after that to shed off my t-shirt and yoga pants. Then turning over and waiting for him.

  The clatter of the knife hitting the nightstand, and then falling off the side didn’t deter him from his goal. No, not James. He had his plan in mind, and he wouldn’t be deviating from it.

  The hot lash of his tongue startled me, momentarily making me pull away. The sharp sting of his hand slapping my ass surprised me, and he pulled me back towards him with his hands on my hips.

  “Don’t move.” He growled against the soft, sensitive skin of my thigh.

  Then I couldn’t speak. I had no words for what he did next. He didn’t either, which is why he showed me.

  His tongue parted my folds, licking from the tip of my clit to the top of my ass. He got me nice and slick, my juices mixed with his saliva, creating a hot, slippery mess. His face had to be covered as he assaulted my clit, flicking it back and forth, and thrust his hot tongue into my pulsing sheath.

  Each deft movement of his tongue brought me closer and closer to the pinnacle, but just as I was about to roll over, he abruptly stopped and pulled himself up until he was kneeling directly behind me.

  The hot hardness of his cock slid up my inner thigh, and the head knocked against my clit, nearly sending me over as well, before he pulled back and lined his cock up with my weeping core.

  Both of his hands found my hips, and he slammed himself inside of me, allowing his hard cock to tunnel inside, finding a home deep within my body. What was different this time was that he didn’t control his movements. Normally, he’d stop, not willing to go too far into me because of his size. This time, he didn’t.

  “I’ve been dying to go this deep.” James rasped, before sliding back out, and slamming back inside.

  I couldn’t say this was a bad feeling, just something totally new. Entirely foreign. Each snap of his hips had him bottoming out, running the engorged head of his cock horribly deep. Deliciously deep.

  “Lean down and put your face flat against the bed.” He commanded.

  I went down to my elbows and put my face against the soft comforter. And not once did he stop pounding into me with deep, steady strokes. Still not in the desired position, he put his hand in the middle of my back, applying pressure until I dropped down flat, with my shoulders on the mattress.

  His hand wiggled in between my body and the mattress, thumb grazing the pebbled bead of my nipple. Somehow, my nipple found a home between the two knuckles of his middle and pointer finger. Once in the desired position, he pulled out, keeping his fisted hand on the mattress, allowing a sharp pinching sensation to radiate through my beaded nipple, shooting a hot burst of pleasure straight to my core.

  He repeated the process on the other side, until both of my nipples were held tightly in his grasp. Then he started fucking me. Hard. Much harder than he’d ever done before. Each push of his hips had my knees rising off the bed, which in turn tugged deliciously on my nipples that were still held in his unyielding grip.

  To stifle my cries of pleasure, I buried my face into James’ pillow. Breathing in his scent, while he tunn
eled inside of me, it somehow loosened what little control he had left.

  Everything happened at once. My cry of release burst free of my lips, he yanked the pillow away from my grasp, and left with no other way to stifle my screams. I turned my head and bit down on his forearm, staunching my cries of pleasure.

  At my own loss of control, he pulled free of me abruptly. My convulsing core cried out at the loss of his thick length. My eyes squeezed tight as I thrust my hands down between the bed and my body, thrusting my fingers into my body to relieve the emptiness he’d left me with.

  However, I understood why he’d done it moments later when I felt the hot jet of his semen burst free of his cock and land in wet splashes against my ass, dripping down until it reached my fingers that were still working inside of me with furious pushes.

  Once his semen hit my fingers, and our juices combined, another orgasm burst free of me, launching me to the place that I only ever accomplished when I was with James. His cock returned to me, pushing past the two fingers that were still buried deep, and stopped when he hit the end of me.

  Leveling himself up, he turned us until we were both on our sides, him still buried inside of me.

  When I started to pull my fingers free, he stopped me with his hand, and held us together until his cock softened and slipped free. He removed my fingers, tangling them with his own, and curled them in tight to my body, pulling me closer until no space was left between us.

  It was close to five minutes later before my body and mind finally reconnected. “I need to shower.” I said finally.

  “In the morning.” He said in a sleep tinged voice.

  “It is the morning.” I argued.

  “Shiloh.” He sighed.


  He tightened his arm, effectually stifling my protests.

  “Tomorrow. Go to sleep.” He demanded.

  “Fine.” I huffed.

  Sleep came easily after that. My body was exhausted, and with the one glance at the clock before I nodded off, it didn’t really surprise me. It was going on five in the morning. Tomorrow should be fun.

  Chapter 21

  You had me at, “I hate that bitch, too.”



  I looked across the room one more time at Shiloh’s sleeping form before closing the door softly, and heading into the kitchen. The sound of my mother’s and Janie’s voices woke me around four hours after I’d fallen asleep, and I felt like I’d been run over by a freight train.

  My head pounded, my eyes burned, but one thing I couldn’t complain about was my satiety. I was so goddamned sated that I could fucking breath again. Oh, the anger was still there, but the furious recklessness wasn’t. I still would go forward with my plan, but I wouldn’t be stupid about making the plan become reality. Something huge was happening right under my nose. I planned to find out exactly what it was. Today.

  “Hi, daddy. I can’t find Shiloh.” Janie said as she saw me.

  I smiled. “She’s asleep in daddy’s bed. Mom, could you give me and Janie a minute?”

  She smiled her mother’s smile at me, and patted me on the head before leaving the room.

  “Janie, I need to talk to you about something.” I started.

  “Are you going to marry ‘Loh?” She questioned.

  No bullshitting with my girl. She had too much of me in her to deal with shit she didn’t need to. Straightforward was how I liked to deal with everything, and my girl was the same way.

  “Yes, baby. I’m going to ask her. I just wanted to make sure you understood what that meant.” I replied.

  She looked at me. Those big eyes staring at me. Her blonde hair was in a sideways ponytail and braided. She was wearing tight skinny jeans, her black cowboy boots with the lime green fringe, and a black tank top that said heart breaker on it.

  She was nothing like her mother. Didn’t even look like her. For which I was very thankful for. One day Janie might decide that she wanted to know more about her mother, and when that day came, I didn’t want her to have a reminder that a part of her life would forever be missing. Something that was so integral in how she came to be.

  “Can I call her mommy?” She finally asked.

  My heart stalled, and started galloping full force. “Well, I don’t mind. But I think that’s something you need to make sure is alright with Shiloh first. Okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, daddy. Where were you last night?” She raised her brow. That move was so much like Cheyenne that I wanted to laugh.

  “Mom!” I called, knowing she wouldn’t be far away.

  My mother entered a few moments later. I was surprised to see that Todd was with her. Even though I’d known that they were together, I still hadn’t been faced with the fact that my mother was now intimately involved with someone. However, one look at Todd’s possessive hand at the small of my mother’s back made me hyperaware.

  My father died when I was really young, and not once had I seen my mother with someone in all those years. I was happy that she was moving on after all this time. She deserved to be happy.

  I stood and walked over to Todd, holding out my hand. He shook it, nodding his head at me in acknowledgement. Yes, he knew I was okay with him and my mom being together. The flash of relief in his eyes showed that he wasn’t sure how I’d react, which made me smile.

  “So, Todd. I was about to tell my mother that I was marrying Shiloh. When will you be making an honest woman of my mama?” I joked.

  His eyes narrowed. “Well, we haven’t really gotten that far. She told me I have to ask permission before we discuss dates.”

  No bullshitting. Just what I liked.

  “You have it. Now, what’s for breakfast?” I said, raising my eyebrows at my mom in question.

  Silence echoed through the room at my abrupt change in subject. Then my mom finally came unglued, and disentangled herself from Todd’s arms. Then proceeded to make breakfast.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to wake Shiloh before we get started.” I said, heading out of the kitchen and walking towards my room.

  No, strike that. Our room. She wouldn’t be leaving.

  The shower was running when I crossed the threshold, and I stopped, took a breath, willing my cock to get under control, and stepped into the bathroom. The shower turned off just as I was opening the door, and my breath halted in my chest as I saw Shiloh step out of the shower, dripping wet.

  I swallowed convulsively, letting my eyes wander down her body, but forced myself to remain still. I didn’t have time. There were people waiting downstairs. I had to go meet with Sam and Max. I had to go Christmas shopping. Ring shopping.

  My eyes followed Shiloh’s gaze to my forearm where a perfect set of teeth were outlined prominently on the meaty part of my arm. Then my eyes found the tips of her nipples, slightly reddened from last night’s activities, and all the excuses abruptly flew out the fucking window.

  Twenty minutes later, Shiloh proceeded me into the kitchen, and then promptly flushed bright red when my mother’s disapproving eyes, and Todd’s humor filled ones, landed on us. Pancakes were half eaten, as well as eggs, sausage, and slightly cold coffee.

  I pulled Shiloh’s chair out for her, and she sat, placing a napkin in her lap. I took the chair at the head of the table with Janie on my right and Shiloh on the left.

  It was after we finished breakfast, and Shiloh loaded the dishes in the washer that I dropped the bomb. “Shiloh, you won’t be taking Janie to see Anna any longer. I filed a suit for full custody, and I’m getting Anna’s visitation revoked. We’re going to beat her at her own game.”


  “Did you find anything else?” I asked Jack as he typed away at the computer.

  “Not much. What I did find was enough for now. It’ll get the custody suit dropped on her end. Ever heard of a Sloan Lerng? That’s the name that keeps popping up every time you trace Anna’s calls on the days she has Janie. He’s got no history, and I mean none. He doesn’t exist. Which
means it’s an alias.” Jack recapped to the group.

  Well that much was obvious. I could’ve told you that before I even looked it up. Although, my guess was that it was a burner phone, not that it was actually registered to someone. Which begged me to wonder....why?

  Let’s say that he did, indeed, use a burner. That would mean that the burner wouldn’t be registered to anyone in specific. That would mean, if Janie had told the truth, which she did, that it would be the word of a child’s against an adult’s word. And that adult, Anna, could pretty much say she didn’t know what on earth Janie was talking about.

  However, by having the phone actually registered to someone meant that he wanted to be found. Which, even if we found out who it was an alias for, didn’t mean we could pin it on that individual.

  Whoever it was thought he was smart. Too smart to be caught. What he didn’t know was that he’d already made a mistake. He’d messed with the wrong little girl. That little girl not only had a very protective father with an extensive military background, but also the love of five other men, who also had extensive military backgrounds. Not to mention the love of every single member of the SWAT team, who also had extensive military backgrounds.

  Whoever this person was, had already signed his own death warrant. He was already standing with one foot in the grave. He just didn’t know it yet.

  I watched Jack’s fingers as they typed away at the computer, never looking back at us while he spoke of what he’d found. I watched for the reaction I knew was coming as soon as the words fell from my mouth. I knew he wouldn’t want to do it, and hell, under any other circumstance, I would’ve never even thought to ask this of him. I knew how much they’d suffered, yet I couldn’t not do it. This was my baby. My Janie, and I would use ever resource I had at my exposal.

  “Jack,” I started. “Can you ask Winter to help?”

  Jack’s body froze, and the door behind me opened. I didn’t turn. I watched Jack as the muscles in his shoulders, forearms, and back flexed and then relaxed, as if he was fighting an inner demon.


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