Mark (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 2)

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Mark (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 2) Page 70

by Becca Fanning

  The Shifter part of me could sense something. A scent. A marker, clear as day. There were Shifters here. A lot of Shifters. The smell was both an invitation and a warning.

  “A Shifter nightclub?” I said.

  “A place more in touch with our sensibilities,” Sven said.

  “You’re not afraid, are you? It’s important you not be afraid in this kind of place,” Helmut said. “Things can get out of hand.”

  “The only thing I’m afraid of is Sven’s dancing,” I said. I reached for the handle and pulled the door open. I was getting myself pumped. As soon as I opened the door I felt deep thrums of bass flow through me from somewhere down below.

  A dimly lit stairway went down into the darkness. The three of us descended, and down at the bottom I could see light coming from around a corner. We got to the bottom and three Shifters stood in front of another steel door. One was comically shorter than the other two, and he was the one who spoke.

  “Helmut. Sven,” he said, looking us over. “Is this your new Grace?”

  “Yes, Donno. Clarissa, meet the,” Helmut said. “He and his brothers here own The Canopy.”

  “I can’t wait to see it,” I said.

  “Soon enough, lass. But first, the unpleasantries.” He snapped his fingers and his two brothers began patting Helmut and Sven down.

  “Be my guest, Lugo,” Sven told the man who was inches from his face.

  Helmut just held his arms out with a bored expression on his face.

  Lugo finished with Sven and turned towards me. Sven’s big hand landed on his shoulder and he spun around.

  “I think the lady’s ok,” Sven said, inching closer to Lugo.

  Lugo’s eyes flicked to Donno, who gave a little nod. The tension dissipated and the third brother held the door open for us. A thunderous happy hardcore track hit us, the bass reverberating in my chest.

  “Have a great time,” Donno said.

  We entered into what must have been an underground parking garage. A massive open space, with huge concrete support columns interspersed. It was somewhere between nightclub and illegal warehouse rave.

  And there were Shifters everywhere. Clusters of golden eyes looked at us as we walked through and made our way to the bar. The damp concrete trapped all the scents down here, the air a heady mix of sexual tension, excitement and bravado.

  “Busy night,” Helmut said, eyeing the different clusters of Shifters. His eyes landed on one in particular. “Shit.”

  I looked over and saw a handful of women, big hair and horrible spray on tans. They were almost a hundred feet from us, but I could sense the menace. “Who are they?”

  “Sore losers. Ignore them,” Sven said as we reached the bar. “Olmen, you ugly son of a bitch,” he called out to the bartender as they clasped forearms.

  “Sven, you stinky bastard! How have you been? It’s been a while. Helmut, it’s always a pleasure to see you,” he said, looking past them at me. “And who is this forest vixen you’ve brought? My dear, you could do so much better than your present company.”

  “I’m Clarissa,” I said, giggling like a schoolgirl. “It’s nice to meet you Olmen.”

  “Quite a few Packs here tonight,” Helmut said.

  Olmen was putting down napkins for our drinks, and he paused a second at that. “Are there? What can I get you?”

  “Bombay martini. Dirty,” Sven said, knocking the bar with his fist in tune to the music.

  “Old fashioned,” Helmut said. “Why are so many Packs here, Olmen?”

  “And for the lady?” Olmen said, not looking at Helmut.

  “I’ll take a Vodka Redbull,” I said. If I was going to dance, I’d need my dancing fuel. I’d never admit it out loud, but I was sad when they banned Four Loko.

  I took my drink in hand and took a long sip. The vodka was top shelf and went down smooth, hidden behind the rancid taste of the Redbull. “Yow!” I hollered, sauntering towards the dance floor.

  I was lost in a throng of sweaty nubile bodies. The DJ was spinning some deep drop dubstep, and the crowd was into it. I closed my eyes and swayed with the beat, letting my hips lead the way. I could smell the truth of the moment, the pre-mating ritual that was the dance. The muskiness of male excitement and female lubrication. I danced harder, spinning wildly.

  I collided with a big strong body. My eyes closed, I smelled this man and smiled.

  Helmut pressed in close, his hands encompassing my waist as he danced with me. He snuck playful nips against my ear and neck. I could hear his pulse quicken, his excitement growing.

  I looped my arms around his neck, my body pressed flat against him. My nipples grew hard, jabbing into his chest. I spun around, arching my back and grinding my ass against his crotch. I opened my eyes, reveling in the spectacle. I wanted to show the whole world that this was my man, my Alpha.

  A gaggle of Shifter women walked up. It was the same orange faced harpies from earlier. Their hairspray was overwhelming, and they were all wearing obnoxiously loud neon leggings. One of them walked up to Helmut and I with a smirk on her face. “It’s nice to see you again Helmut.”

  “What do you want, Gini?” Helmut said, his voice all business.

  “Oh, just wanted to see for myself if the rumors were true,” she said as she looked me in the eyes. “Sadly, they are.”

  “Excuse me?” I said, my arms releasing Helmut. “What’s your problem? I have no idea who you are.”

  Helmut leaned forward and whispered, “It’s better if you don’t get involved, Clarissa,” he said.

  “I’m already fucking involved,” I said, the vodka swirling around in my head, clouding my better judgment. “Now who the hell is this?”

  “Remember how Sven and I were looking for months for a Grace? Gini was one of the women we…considered,” he said.

  Something about the way he said that struck me. “What do you mean, considered?”

  “It doesn’t matter. It was before we met you,” he said. “There was no chemistry, it didn’t work out.”

  “Chemistry?” I said, jabbing him in the chest. “Did you fuck her?”

  “Ha! You didn’t even tell her?” Gini said from behind me. “Poor little smetleren whore. Yes, girl, I laid with your men. You probably smelled me on them your first ni-“ she said.

  I spun around in a blur, my open hand slicing through the air. It connected with the side of her face in such a satisfying way. My hand screeched in pain, but the adrenaline and liquor suppressed it. I was all amped up, and this bitch was going to pay.

  Gini’s head rocked backwards, her hair moving with it like a glued on wig. She opened her mouth in rage, her teeth bared. I could see her canines growing longer, her nose extending.

  Everything slowed down. I could sense the bodies around us backing up. Helmut’s hands grabbed my arms from behind, but I shook him off with a power I didn’t know I had. I was completely focused on Gini, her hurtful words and the shameful indictment.

  I was changing. My body was getting lower to the ground, my arms extending and growing dark with black fur. My senses intensified, my nose extending out in front of me.

  Gini was Shifting as well, her eyes pits of golden fire as she snarled at me. Her fur was white with black spots, her tail long and shaggy. A single cursing bark from her was followed by her lunging for me.

  I responded in kind, leaping towards her. We joined in the air, a violent frenzied dance. Her teeth grazed my neck but couldn’t find a grip. My teeth sank into her cheek and I thrashed my head left and right. The taste of her blood in my mouth sent me further into a frenzy. Her scent changed from dominance to fear, and that rippled through the Shifters that stood around us.

  I felt hands wrap around my rear legs, pulling me backwards. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a big fist coming down on my face. I saw stars and released Gini from my jaws. The man who had struck me pulled his hand back for another punch.

  His face took on a surprised look as another hand shot up around him and grabbed him
by the throat. Sven choke slammed the man down onto the hard concrete and jumped back up. “Time to go!” he shouted and barreled through the crowd, making a passage.

  I was Shifted back into human form and was being carried by Helmut. My head rolled loosely to look behind us and I saw a Pack of Shifters picking up Gini and the guy. They then all began chasing us.

  We barged through the steel security door, Sven uttering apologies to Donno’s brothers as he knocked them over. Helmut launched up the stairs three at a time with me in his arms. We emerged into the night air and ran down the alley. Howls and shouts from behind us told us they were hot on our heels.

  We finally made it into the truck, and Helmut sped off down the dimly lit Bergen streets. I breathed in and out, my legs shaking. What had I just done? I wiped at my face and my hand came away covered in blood. That woman’s blood.

  “Holy shit!” Sven said, looking behind us.

  “Where the hell were you?” Helmut said. He looked over at Sven, his face red with anger.

  Sven held his hands up, “What? Our Grace handled herself just fine. It won’t be the first time she gets challenged,” he said. “I bet Gini will remember that the next time she thinks about starting trouble.”

  “And the rest of her Pack? What about them, Sven?” Helmut said. “As if we don’t have enough shit to deal with, now this.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s mine,” Helmut said. “I didn’t like the feel of the place when we first walked in. I should’ve had us leave when I saw who was there.”

  “When you saw your ex,” I said, wiping my face.

  “She’s not my ex!” Helmut said. “With her it was going to be more like a business arrangement. Right, Sven?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Sven said, still getting over Helmut’s scolding.

  “I didn’t like that back there. What I did. I hurt that woman. I didn’t even know her, and I…” I stared out the window of the truck as we sped out through the forests surrounding Bergen.

  “What you did was foolish, Clarissa,” Helmut said, “but what she did was dangerous. Shifting to fight because of a slap. That’s uncalled for, and I’m glad it ended how it did.”

  “Something else is bothering you,” I said.

  “Why were so many Packs in town? Why wouldn’t Olmen answer me?” Helmut said, drumming his thumbs against the steering wheel.

  “What does it matter? Sometimes Packs congregate,” Sven said.

  “Pull over,” I said. “I’m going to be sick.”

  “Ok, Clarissa,” I said, pulling the truck over to the side of the dark forest road. I had to swallow my frustration at what happened tonight. Nothing had gone how I wanted it to.

  The truck idled, headlights casting a bright yellow glow on the road ahead. I rolled the window down, sniffing the air. There was a brewery out here somewhere, the smell of yeast was so strong.

  Clarissa ambled out of the truck and walked over to the tree line. She put a hand out onto a tree trunk to steady herself. I got out of the truck with a bottle of water and walked over to her.

  “Here,” I said, pouring water onto a bandana. “If it’s any consolation, she deserved much worse.” I wiped the blood from her face, stroking her cheek.

  “He speaks true, my Grace,” Sven said, joining us. “She was born into luxury and it turned her wicked. She seeks conflict when she should find peace.” Sven sighed. “There’s not enough peace these days.”

  Clarissa took a sip of the water. “Thanks,” she said, her beautiful golden glittering in the moonlight. “I guess I’m still trying to figure this all out.”

  “That’s the trick of it, my Grace,” I said. “We never figure it out. We just flounder and fail, again and again.”

  “Then what’s the point?” she said, leaning into me. The press of her body against mine awoke something inside me.

  “It’s life,” I whispered. “Messy, awkward and no matter your best plans, they don’t matter.” I lifted her chin softly and saw her lips part invitingly. “But as long as I have you and Sven, I’ll be happy to fail everyday.” I bent down and kissed her.

  Her petite arms came up to wrap around my neck, her fingernails scratching the back of my head. Her tongue was hot and wet, slithering around her mouth and pushing forcefully against mine. Her scent had peaked with unease and fear, but it was now being overridden by her need for her Alpha.

  I inhaled deeply, taking in her musk. Her flower had unfolded, getting wet and eager for me. Her hair still smelled of the club and the tinge of adrenaline from the fight. These scents of danger and intensity just got me more excited. My cock began to engorge inside my pants, growing hot and thick as it ran down my pant leg.

  Sven walked up next to us and he began to kiss Clarissa’s neck from behind. His hands wrapped around her front and he squeezed her breasts. I could smell his eagerness as well, his blood on the rise.

  She moaned into my mouth as he rolled her nipples in his hands. She broke off our kiss and leaned her head back against Sven, her mouth seeking his. Her obliged, and I got the wonderful view of their tongues dueling in each others mouths. Her crotch was now grinding away against my thigh, and I flexed my quadricep to watch the pleasure ripple through her body.

  “I think our Grace is in heat again,” I growled.

  “Your Grace is always in heat,” she said, breaking off the kiss to look back at me. “I told you that satisfying me would not be easy. Right now I need my Alpha’s tongue.”

  She turned away from me and bent forward, her ass right in front of my face. The act of prostration, of her presenting herself to me, always filled me with a bestial urge to mount her, to sink into her until I could go no further. To slam into her until my balls surged and I filled her with my seed. My wolf mind screamed for it, to mate her until neither of us could move.

  But my Grace has her needs as well. My sore cock threatened to tear itself from my pants, but I knelt in the soft mossy ground. I reached up inside her dress, my fingertips lightly dancing over the backs of her calves and thighs.

  “Mmmm,” Clarissa moaned, her hands frantically unbuckling Sven’s fly. She reached in and pulled him out, long and pale in the blue moonlight. I could sense the heat coming off his throbbing cock, and could smell the pre-cum oozing from the tip..

  My fingertips went up further, brushing up against the delicious curve of her ass. That first crevice where her legs become her ass was a place of wonder. Right above that, I curled my fingers around my silky prize.

  Clarissa gasped as I pulled straight down, her panties peeling from her damp sex. Her eyes went half lidded with lust as she bent down to take Sven in her mouth.

  Sven held up his shirt, his hard abs flexing as Clarissa’s mouth worked him. He put a big hand on the back of her head, guiding her mouth up and down his shaft. He’d look down at her, then look away, the agony of denying his orgasm plain on his face.

  “You suck him so well, Clarissa. Look up at him,” I said. “His balls want release so bad.”

  “Mmmmfffmmmm,” Clarissa mumbled around his cock, her hand cupping and massaging his ball sack.

  I lifted Clarissa’s dress slowly, enjoying the sight of her legs coming into view. I could smell her heat, her body beginning to sweat. Further and further I pulled up her dress, until her sweet shaved sex came into view. Her pouty lips lay open, swollen with neglect and red with frustration. Glistening with her juices, the assault on my wolf mind was incredible.

  It took all of my willpower to control myself, to take my time. My cock screamed for the relief of her body, a hot rod that could only be quenched in her tight little pussy. I knew I would have her, in every way I wanted to have her, for as long as I wanted. Until my balls were dry and I couldn’t move, I would have her tonight. But even knowing this didn’t make it easier.

  I sniffed delicately at her flower. “Clarissa, you smell so wonderful. You have no idea how badly I need you right now.”

  Over her should
er, I caught a sultry glance, Sven’s cock still in her mouth.

  With a growl I launched my mouth at her inviting slit.

  I moaned around Sven’s cock as Helmut’s mouth clamped down on my wet pussy. Having the attention of these two gorgeous Shifter studs on the side of the road like this was too much. I didn’t know if I could handle it.

  Helmut’s tongue lapped at me, faithfully attending to the knot of hot need in my belly. His hands dug into the front of my thighs, pinning me in place. The end of his tongue would forcefully push against my clit, sending lightning bolts through my body.


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