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Tria Page 9

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Thomas smiled broadly. He loved hearing her beg. “Are you asking me to stop - ” He lifted his hand from her, holding it millimeters from her hot spot, “ – or continue?”

  Tria let out an anguished cry, after which every one waited with bated breath for her answer. “C- continue,” she ground out, barely, softly.

  “I didn’t hear you. Speak up, or I’ll take my belt off.”

  “Continue, continue,” she nearly yelled, not wanting to be punished in front of this seething crowd any more than she wanted to be forcibly orgasmed for their amusement.

  “Ask and ye shall receive,” Thomas murmured sotto voce. But before he resumed his delicate symphony, he did one more thing designed to show the men before him exactly how well trained she was in so short a time. He dunked his thumb into her melting honey pot, and showed it to the crowd, then proceeded to present it against her sphincter and work it all the way into her while she grunted and groaned, but, of course, acceded to his advance and swallowed him whole.

  To a loud chorus of exited “ahhhhs” and the occasional cry of male completion, he turned his hand slowly so that his fingers could get to their goal, and proceeded to stroke her wetly, fucking her furiously with his thumb all the while, making her wail and rock back and forth, riding his thumb unconsciously and panting heavily, until finally she had to scream with it as her entire body contracted around that offending digit and beneath the coaxing ones, as she heard and saw many of the males around her doing the exact same thing while watching her very public degradation.

  He wouldn’t let her off easy, either. He kept stroking and raping her vigorously until she’d cycled through her pleasure three times, each louder than the last. By that time, Thomas was sure there wasn’t a clean handkerchief – or hand for that matter – in the place, not that there had been one in the first place, however.

  He kept her there, bent over, until he’d cleaned himself and her up thoroughly. He wasn’t about to get up and go to the bathroom and leave her there, but as soon as he asked for a few warm, wet towels and some soap, twelve of them appeared at his side. He washed himself carefully and thoroughly first, then repeated the ritual on his well used and well behaved property, not allowing her to stand up until he was done, at which time he grabbed her hand and began to move them towards the door, to the cheers of the crowd. Every man wanted to pat him on the back for the wonderful job he’d done training his female. If they were willing to admit it, there wasn’t a man in the place whose female would have been quite as well behaved.

  They all followed the couple out to his horse, where he mounted then pulled her up in front of him and spurred his mount into a trot, draping his cape over her against the chill.

  The talk about what he’d done to her was all over town. Lima was scandalized for her – well, as scandalized as she could be. Their owner wasn’t as strict with her as he was with his new toy, but he could still swing an absolutely horrid paddle or cane, as evidenced by the almost constant condition of Tria’s hindquarters.

  Thomas was amused by the fuss. He was still getting congratulated by total strangers when he went into town several weeks later, and all that talk of that incident just served to give him a taste for her that needed to be sated. He fairly galloped back and hollered for her from outside, not wanting to dismount quite yet.

  She came running, as well she should have. Lima came to stand on the porch and wring her hands at them, but Thomas paid her no attention as he galloped off with his prized held tight against his chest.

  Tria had spent almost no time in the woods at all, and what time she had spent there was with him when he’d brought her home after purchasing her. She was curious about it, though, and looked avidly all around to see what she could see.

  Thomas had noted that Tria seemed to like animals, and she exclaimed over every one she saw as he took her deeper and deeper into the woods – the chipmunks and red squirrels, and the strangely mutated gray squirrels, which had come to more closely resemble house cats than the rodents they were. Actual domestic cats had not fared well during the plague, nor had dogs, although they were both very slowly making a comeback.

  He toyed with the idea of getting her a dog, and realized that it might well be a very good idea. If he or Rook wasn’t around, the dog could be trained to protect her, and there were so few of them around nowadays that most people were quite afraid of them.

  Having settled that in his mind, he chose a comfy looking spot with plenty of soft pine needles and dismounted, then reached up to tug her down. He’d had some necessities packed in his saddle bags for just such a situation, and took out several lengths of leather as well as a pair of clothes pins that he’d strung together with heavy chain links designed to exert constant pressure once the pins had been affixed to various particularly interesting parts of her anatomy.

  He threw the leather thongs down onto the ground, and undid his belt buckle. Tria bit her lip, knowing from those signs that her bottom was probably on the line. He walked over to her and prepared her nipples by forcing them into hard peaks, then rewarding their response by crushing them under the jaws of the modified clothes pins, then tugging them both at the same time using the chain until she cried out. They were well set and wouldn’t come off easily, which was what he was looking for. She obeyed instantly when he ordered, “Grab a piece of that tree.”

  It was much too big for her to even get her arms around, but she did the best she could, flinching as the cold bark dug into her already painful breasts, flattening the pins and forcing her nipples to stretch and bend in a way nature never intended.

  “Good girl.” Those words of praise went right to her heart. He almost never gave praise, only severe correction, so that made his compliment that much more precious to her.

  “I’m not going to bind you this time. We’ve been together long enough now that I expect that you know you’re not to resist me, and you know exactly what will happen if you do. I’m going to do whatever I want to do with you, and you, of course, have nothing to say about it, and that is as it should be.” She heard him unzipping his pants, then his hands began to roam over her body, down her flanks to cup her black and blue bottom and lift it, using her hips, to place her onto his already ragingly hard cock. Her weight did the rest, forcing her to take him inch by excruciatingly slow inch, until the rest of him dangled against her lips.

  Tria couldn’t believe that he was doing this out in the middle of the woods, where anyone could ride up on them. Granted, she knew that he owned all of the land around him for miles, but still. She was still having a hard time coping with what he did to her in front of Lima and Rook, and she was at least somewhat familiar with them now – and that somehow made it even worse that he had a tendency to reach over and press his fingers into her whenever he felt the urge, with no regard at all for who might be in the room with them. She had begun to realize that he often took her into the bedroom not out of any sense of decorum at all, but rather because that tended to be where all his equipment was. She was waiting for the day when he decided to mirror the whole house.

  He always managed to shock and amaze her with the things he came up with to do to her. Several weeks ago, he had been getting her ready to be bathed. He did that himself every other evening, and Tria adored it. It made her feel treasured and cared for, even though she knew she was just another possession to him, no more or less important to him than his horse. It was the biggest tub she’d ever seen in her life, sunken into the floor in an alcove of his palatial bathroom.

  The bathroom off the master bedroom was nearly as big as the bedroom itself, and most of it was tub. It was practically a swimming pool, which was something Tria had only ever heard about and never seen. Her baths were long and luxurious, a combination of a bath and a massage. He also used the occasion to examine her in detail with slick, soapy fingers that probed into areas they already knew extremely well, sliding in and out of her with practiced ease, all the while watching her face avidly as she clung to the edge of t
he tub with her outstretched arms as best she could, unable to keep herself from throwing her wet head back and wailing her pleasure for everyone to hear.

  But one night, he didn’t stop there, with just washing her inside and out in the most intimate of areas on her body. He sluiced her down with fresh, clear water, making sure one particular nook and cranny was clean and free of soap, then bent her over the edge of the tub with her head down and her butt well presented to him, and kissed the top of her bottom crack, licking at it with his tongue while his hands got themselves nice and soapy again. One of them ended up deep inside her as he stretched her open to receive three of his fingers – making himself a mental note at the time that he wanted to train her to take his fist sometime soon – in her pussy, while the other claimed that impudent, constantly turgid spot.

  It had taken every ounce of Tria’s submission to remain in place as that tongue traveled the short distance boldly down her crack to a place where she would have sworn no one would ever put their mouth. But there he was, poking at her with his stiff tongue, licking around and around that still tight opening.

  Thomas could feel how tight her muscles were clenched – all of them. He’d been very careful not to stretch her too much or too often. He didn’t want to wear her out in any way, so there were certain chunks of time when he left this part of her body alone, and he was always excruciatingly careful not to tear her or cause any other problems there. He intended to make full use of her body for decades to come, and he didn’t intend to cause it any irreparable damage along the way. He made her do exercises every night to keep herself tight, which he supervised very closely.

  This was something he had wanted to do for a while, knowing how it would scandalize her, and that it might lead to a punishment if she balked, which would only add to his own amusement. So he kept a close eye on her, but she stayed quite quiet as his washed her there with his tongue, slowly and scrupulously while his hands made sure she loved every minute of it, despite any reservations she might have.

  When he’d cleaned her intimately, he began to slowly stab into her, playfully at first, and then with much more intent and purpose, opening her just a little each time, making her squeal but not pull away, quickening the pace of how he was fucking her, in both places, and frigging her with his right hand furiously, until she uttered the words he had begun to require from her.

  “P- please, Sir, may I c-come?”

  His guttural “yes” had her convulsing wildly hard around his hand and his tongue within the next few seconds, then carrying her – still dripping wet in more than one way – to his bed to lay her down on her tummy and slick up his nearly spewing member, which he then presented to that spot he’d just defiled with his mouth.

  It was the first time he’d taken here there, preferring not to waste his seed, but he couldn’t deny himself. There was no reason to, he’d realized, when he could wake up in the middle of the night and press inside her. It wasn’t his preferred method of taking her, it was just something he intended to indulge himself in on occasion.

  She was still so tight that he could barely wedge his head against her opening, and he nearly lost control of himself right then and there. But he certainly wasn’t going to let her get the better of him. He’d slicked himself up well, and knew that he could probably ram himself up inside her without creating any sort of permanent problem, but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted her to feel every slow second of her subjugated body having to adjust around him as he fucked her in the ass.

  It took a tremendous amount of self-control on his part not to give in along the way, but he made sure that it took him a very long time just to get the head in, which was the smallest part of him. He wasn’t Guinness sized, but he wasn’t “point and laugh” sized, either. He was about eight and a half inches long fully erect, which seemed to be a constant state around her, but he was pretty thick, especially at the base, he was about two inches around, and completely, unforgivingly rock hard, and he could see himself disappearing into him as she whimpered and squeaked. She had a death grip on handfuls of comforter and was panting as she tried to accustom herself to this new invasion technique of his.

  But he didn’t want her to become accustomed to it. He wanted her to find it hard to get comfortable, so he withdrew before he’d seated himself even half way yet, then snapped himself back into her, just a little further than he’d been before, and then repeated the action over and over, enjoying the way she squealed and arched, almost as if she was trying to entice him to put it to her, but of course she wasn’t.

  And of course, he would. And did, riding her hard and fast and unmercifully towards his own goal, but immeasurably pleased when he felt and heard the explosion she couldn’t conceal from him.

  He hadn’t taken her that way since, or even touched her there much, wanting to give her time to recoup as he made her do her exercises every evening, some times three or four times before he’d let her drop off.

  And now, pressed against that tree, her breasts aching from the punishers he’d attached to her hardened nipples, the bark digging into her tender flesh all over, she knew that that was what he was going to do to her again.

  Tria had hated what he’d done – every bit of it, even though her body had loved it. It seemed like the worst thing he’d come up with to degrade and humiliate her, but she knew that she had no choice in the matter, that he owned her and could do anything he wanted to her at any time. But having his mouth there, on a place that was so . . . so much her own and absolutely no one else’s. He’d claimed her there from the beginning with his fingers, but somehow that wasn’t the same as feeling his lips and tongue with their hot wet kisses on that shameful part of her.

  She’d been thankful when he hadn’t wanted much to do with that part of her for a while; she’d needed some time to recover from being so grossly stretched, and she was painful there for a short time afterwards.

  But now she was perfectly fine, and as he took his position behind her, she knew exactly what he was going to do.

  This time, he was less gentle than he had been. Although he still slicked himself up like he had, he didn’t take as much time entering her as he had. Instead, he poked just the head of himself into her at first, then slid all the way in in one brutal stroke.

  Tria had nothing to grab onto, nothing to steady herself with, nothing to lean on to relieve the aching fullness he’d created. She was well and truly impaled, and felt as if he was going to split her in two, but then knowing that he wouldn’t, that this was something she was going to be subjected to and would have to learn to submit to at a moment’s notice, just like everything else he did to her. It was no different.

  But it was. She wanted him out of her in the worst way, but knew she couldn’t say or do anything that indicated it unless she wanted to end up with another blistering on top of the one she’d gotten last night for no particular reason.

  It didn’t even really hurt, after a while, not that he was giving her much of a chance to get used to it this time. In fact, she would have preferred if it had. It was worse than that, much worse. It felt good, and she didn’t want it to. She had to endure it, and that was mortifying enough. The fact that her body seemed to love it as much as every other degrading and humiliating thing he did to her was just that much more cause for shame as far as she was concerned. And she couldn’t seem to control her body and keep it from falling in love with every cruel, twisted thing he did to it, including this.

  Thomas was busying himself snapping his hips hard up against her with each thrust, drawing himself completely out every time, then driving back into her in an uneven rhythm that had her groaning and gulping with each plunge. He liked keeping her off balance like this, making sure she never knew what to expect from him.

  And he loved the fact that her body had taken to every little thing he’d done to it, even the harshest of punishments, or the most humiliating explorations of her person – like this. Taking her out in the open like this, on his land, forcin
g her to accept him in a very unnatural place on her person in the most natural of places he owned.

  As he was pumping in and out of her, literally lifting her off her feet every time, so that she hung there on his cock for long seconds, all of her body weight concentrated in that very sensitive area, they each heard the sounds of a horse galloping up to them.

  Tria wanted to stop, and Thomas knew it. Her seconds of hesitation would cost her later, and he knew he didn’t even have to say it as he just continued to fuck her, not quickening his pace in the least as the rider drew up under the tree where she was being raped.

  “You’re in the wrong hole,” the stranger man stated laconically.

  “I’m right where I want to be at the moment.”

  Tria knew she was being watched – could feel his eyes on her as he drove in and out of her. “Is that the best you can do?” he asked.

  She could feel Thomas glaring at him. “Did you come out here to criticize my technique?”

  “No. I’ll leave you to your feeble efforts. When you’re through with her, bring her to me.”

  When she heard those words, Tria’s blood ran cold. He was going to pass her around to some strange man. She would have sworn that he wouldn’t have done that, he was so possessive of her, but apparently she was wrong.

  He wasn’t through with her yet, though, and he wasn’t about to hurry on account of the stranger’s arrival, apparently. He made sure he brought them both to a screaming conclusion, and Tria was certain that the stranger hadn’t gotten far enough away by that point to not hear how he’d made her so crazy with pleasure that she lost complete control of herself.

  And she was going to have to see him again in a few minutes.

  Chapter Nine

  The man was waiting for them in the kitchen, having a cup of Lima’s chicory coffee. He and Sir embraced like old friends, patting each other on the back and settling into the living room. “Doc, you old codger. How’ve you been?”


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