Gold Rush

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Gold Rush Page 7

by Clay Moore

  It was three o’clock in the morning. Brian came out under the house. He climbed the steps to the door. There was a cross brace lock barring the way. He stuck the blade of his knife under the wooden bar. He lifted the wooden bar He kept the tension on the bar, and it did not fall. He pushed open the door, and he slipped into the barracks. He urged the door shut and let the cross brace across the iron to hold the door locked. There were four beds, foot to foot ,with a gap between each foundation laid in the barrack. Brian took out his sub-assault rifle with the big silencer. He went to his first victim. At this range, it was easy to plug them in the head. The silencer made the sub-assault rifle nearly silent.

  He killed all four men. He looked at the carnage, and there was very little blood. He fired a round in each man’s chest. Now the blood was pooling nicely. He grabbed their submachine guns. Using the strap, he tied them together. He then carried the ammo bags. He exited the barrack by snapping off one of the clapboards. He rolled out of the house. He decided to bolt out of the area at a run. One of the guards saw him and fired a short burst. He hit the lip of the wall of the depression and clambered down. He ran to a clump of trees and shrubbery. There he dived and disappeared into the shadows. The guard followed him was stupid and got up on the lip of the wall of the depression. He was framed against the rising sun. The Children of the Wind guard fired a burst at the Goldmine guards. Brian looked and saw 3 scattered shots on the guard’s body at least one of them was fatal for the goldmine guard fell where he stood. No one followed that guard.

  “Jack,” said Brian just below the guard.

  “Rabbit,” said the guard. When Brian moved further into the light, the guard smiled.

  “Did you see the one I got?”

  “Yes, I did. You hit the Miner with all three bullets you fired. Good instinct. Show Todd these weapons. Issue them. I need 8 troopers within the hour. Three here and one more for the Saddleback guard post. I’ll be there. Good job, there. You saved my life.”

  You would have thought that Brian had named him the heir. Weary from the slow movement. Brian allowed himself to walk fast and work out the kinks. He felt the warmth of the sun. Brian looked and saw the sun showing just the barest a hint of a blue-white fingernail. He felt refreshed, not entirely rested. The two guards knew him, so they did not challenge them.

  “You’re going to get a man and an extra weapon.”

  “Will, that be you?”

  “Yes, partly. We will have four here. Remember fire three round Bursts. We are going for deaths. Fire if you are sure. Let me take long-range shots. Use this large rock. See if you can build up a rock wall here. More cover the better. Here’s our extra woman Meghan.”

  “Hullo, Meghan,” Brian said to her a little too fast for most women. They like to hear their name roll off of a man’s lips. She smiled at Der. That was a good sign. If he managed to bed Meghan, his name would be worshipped by men. Women would like to be Meghan. Brian just had to show Meghan that Der was worthy of her. He thought he had a simple way. Brian would have to check Der’s size before Brian used his plan. He knew how to do that too.

  The army strategists chose to call this the battle of Saddleback mountains. It would be studied as an excellent example of using regular people forces with one or two trained Soldiers. The Eridani Secret Service tried to get them to change the words in their training material.

  Brian went back for his helmet. He Put on his tactical helmet. He drew down the projector screen. His infrared showed him the advancing troops. There were guards and miners mixed in.

  Using the reticle assist in his tactical helmet he rested on the big rock. He touched the trigger. The bullet hit the target. The men and woman with him kept huddled behind their rock wall. The range was too high for their weapons. Brian settled on another target. This time he was going for guards. He stayed away from miners. They would remove themselves quite quickly after tomorrow.

  Finally, the gold miners curled in on the guard post. The three men now had plenty of targets for them to shoot. Brian directed fire more often than fired his weapon. Whether it was his presence or their training, the Children of the Wind guards kept to the three shot burst limit. By continuing to use the trained program, they tore the guts out of the Gold Miners.

  Brian raised his hands in victory. He shouted an ululation. He encouraged the ofter three men to do the same.

  “Men this calls for a victory piss. Will you piss with me in celebration? “ Meaghan wondered how she could piss with them. Brian made a motion for her to squat.

  All three men agreed. They unzipped when Brian unzipped. It was then he found the mate for Meghan. He shot well did Der. He would make an excellent hunter.

  Brian turned to this man and whispered some instructions into his ear. He took off running in the general direction of Carl Rogan’s tent. It was the time for truth. They ambled and were met by a gaggle of men and women. Meghan was prominent. At seeing her, he took out his fighting knife and cut the rope belt that kept up Der’s pants. They fell revealing his male glory to those who could appreciate it.

  Meghan found her way forward. She went behind Der and tied his rope belt together. Meghan and Der started to leave, but Brian called them back. He called for Todd to adjudicate something.

  Todd came forward, ”I’m here.”

  “You all know of the mystery surrounding the hunter’s death. The problem I had was that the Hunter possessed so old a rifle. This was something he was used to doing on a regular basis. It does not stand to reason that city folk, the guards are most definitely city folk, should be able to find a hunter who is trying his best to be invisible in the wild. They had to have help. Somebody from within the community gave the information that they would need to ambush the hunter. They paid this traitor with the rifle.”

  Brian reached out toward the man he sent to Rogan’s Tent. He came back with the ancient rifle. The Children passed up the gun very reverently. Brian took the gun and held it up for all to see.

  “The Hunter’s rifle. Three hundred and fifty years old and while in his keeping it was a weapon to hunt with. In possession of Carl Rogan, the traitor, it has deteriorated.”

  “YOU—”Meghan lost her ability to articulate words. She just grunted and flung her knuckles at Carl Rogan.


  The community stopped trying to hurt him and stepped back.

  “We are not savages. We have laws. You have an adjudicator in Todd. What say you, Lord Justice Meyer?”

  “There is no doubt that he is guilty of this crime.”

  “Guilt is shown,” said Brian. “I am the executioner. Say what manner of death for him.”

  “NOOOOOO! You have no right to pass judgment on me.”

  “We have every right,” said Todd. “The Emir granted me the title of Lord Justice for ten years until we have become a true community. I say in front of all of these witnesses that the proof against you is overwhelming. I say he dies. The manner of death is of our choosing.”

  Carl Rogan attempted to make a run for it. Brian was ready for it and just stuck out a leg. The Community fell upon him and bound his hands.

  “May I make a suggestion,” asked Brian. “Let’s hang him so that the Miner’s can see what the consequences are in this mission.”

  “Yes. Let’s hang him. We still have that light pole. Some people Dig a hole for the pole. Others get the pole. Others gather a rope and make a noose.”

  “No noose. Use this hardware. Run the end of the rope through this metal ring. Instant noose and one that won’t lose the knot.”

  The ring and the material to be used to fuse the ring to the end of the rope were taken from him. A few minutes later a line had been prepared with the ring. The light pole was brought out, and the to arms that held the light globes were tested to maintain a humans weight. When ten men working on something, it takes no time to complete the excavation work. The hole was dug. The pole was planted in the hole. Loose dirt filled around the pole. They compacted the soil. The rope
was thrown over the pole. One end of the line was tied to the cleats of the climbing ladder. The other end hung loosely swinging in the breeze.

  Brian walked over to Meghan. “I promised that he would die with his feet off the ground.”

  Meghan looked up adoring Brian but realizing that he could not stay. “Thank you for my man,” was all that she could say. It was all that he needed. He felt the ties that bind starting to loosen in regards to the Children.

  Todd called Brian over to the base of the gallows. “You are the executioner at times?”

  “I am.”

  “Will you carry out the sentence on Carl Rogan?”

  “I will.” Brian handed Todd his Slate. The execution form was on it. Todd filled it out and signed it. He returned the device back to Brian.

  Brian took the device and checked that the form was filled correctly. Then he sent it to the Emir’s office. It was returned automatically approved. He showed the Death warrant to Todd who showed it to five other men and women near him.

  “Brian, execute the order of the court and the Emir.”

  “I need three men and one man who knows knots.” The four followed Brian to the pole. They untied the rope about the pole. Then they stood by the line.

  The guards got Rogan to his feet. They escorted him to the base of the pole. Brian put the rope around Rogan’s neck. Brian brought up his Slate and opened to a verse that was very much to his heart. He read it.

  And the Lord said unto Nom when one of the community transgresses in such a way you will select twelve of the population or one who has such standing in the city. That Person or persons shall hear the case and determine the punishment. If the sentence is the end of life, let one man be separated from the others. Set that man apart. Let him carry weapons and train in the manner of violence. Use the sword, the knife, the rope or whatever style of weapons you have.

  “That is from the Book of Nom chapter thirteen verses 5 through 8. I am the man separated from the community of Eridani for the purpose to kill with the sword, knife, rope, or whatever weapon you may have. I have my charge, and it is legal.”

  He gave Todd his Slate to hold. He walked to the spot behind Rogan. He quickly put the noose around the neck and tightened it. Then he and the volunteers pulled on the rope until he stood three foot above the ground. He tried to move his hands, but the cable ties prevented that movement. He tried kicking, but that only made the loop tighter and tighter.

  “Let him remain for the twelve hours required,” said Brian.

  He walked towards Meghan’s house. She already had placed his briefcase and suitcase on the stoop. She had told him her verdict. She would rather have the man whole than to have him for a short period. He grabbed his suitcase and briefcase. He then looked around for a place to stay. Der came by carrying his clothes and tools.

  “You can use my old house. I have a better place to stay.”

  “I wish you the joy of Meghan.”

  Brian walked the remaining way to the house. Once inside he set up as best as he could. He just had to call Headquarters and ask for the Asteroids.


  The Art of Terror


  Brian sat on the bed leaning against the headboards. He picked up his Personal Com and dialed the particular number for Special Agents only. It was answered on the first ring.

  “Pendit Corporation“

  “Penda for the top.”

  “Affirm. Coming online now.”

  “Hello, my boy. Satellite recognizance has shown a goodly number of defectors.”

  “I want to give the whole show. That should cause the Mining Engineer to run like a hound dog.”

  “What is your final show going to be.”

  “I’d rather wait and show you images.”

  “Okay. You need anything?”

  “Yes, sir. You might want to voice transcribe.”

  “Wait a minute, and there. Go.”

  I want an early morning drop of four crates of Village-in-a-box pallets. I want an Autodoc ready for deployment. I want Action Squad three ready. I want a level two ammunition crate with thirty aught six ammunition and a thirty-eight caliber ball dart ammunition. Half and a half. I am signing over my Aponte to the Children. The leader is going to be paying a trip to the Emir he needs a vehicle that says flash.

  “Sounds like quite a wish list.”

  “Does the Village in a box come with a power generator?”

  “Yep along with 8 ceramacrete buildings to use as homes or whatever.”

  “That should do the Community. For the Action Squad, I would like Squad three if possible.”

  “I will have to check with Deputy Director. I’ll send you an encrypted. “

  “They can be prepositioned, but they are not to move in till my command.”

  “That will be easy. I’ll call you when I have all the knowledge.”

  The director broke off the line.. He leaned back and fell to sleep.


  It gave him chills every time he saw it. The pole with the silhouette if a human corpse. He knew about the public executions on Eridani. He knew that the law prescribed twelve hours to wait to bring the body down. It gave him the chills, and it gave everyone the chills. Suddenly the law of Eridani was close enough to touch them. They knew that what they were doing was a capital crime. They owed a life for aiding someone mining gold on Eridani or even in the system.

  “Let’s get away from that,” said Harry Witherspoon.

  The mining session had to be curtailed by the loss of personnel down to one small mining team. It was no matter because he did not pay wages to dead men. He spent it only to live men. He looked at Scott for a moment. Scott was going to cost him one hundred sixty thousand Alphacent marks. With the steadily increasing terror campaign by the person up there, he was hemorrhaging men. If the Agent tried one more terror act, he might well lose the lot of them. If that happened, he would surrender to the Eridani who played this game so well.

  “Scott do we have any of this squab left?”

  Scott got up and looked under the serving dish cover. There were four of the birds waiting for the hog sitting with him. Scott brought another of the baked Pigeons. He set it down on the table in front of the Mining Engineer.

  That was when he decided that he would surrender. He had never resigned before. There was time for everything including surrender. He had to quit before the Eridani came down once more. He might be trying for Scott. That would have to be at ten PM. He would have to come from a different direction Up their driveway off the highway 101. He would also bring them a boodle bag of nuggets. Scott sat back and put his boots on the table. He looked at the time six thirty-eight pm, beginning of twilight.


  It was Ten ten in the evening when the runner came for him. The runner burst into the room and nearly got shot for his temerity. The runner was looking down on the silenced barrel of the weapon. He expected to hear the soft whisper of the shot. Finally, Brian realized who it was breaking into his house.

  “Damn it, Galeb. Knock before entering. Don’t come bursting in like you own the place.”

  “Sorry Brian, but this big man came to sentry post one. He had some kind of card with a chip and saying the MBA would pay 50,000 crowns for his return. Is that correct.”

  “I knew there had to be a Mercenary behind the guards and maybe the miners. Tell the sentry I will be along shortly.”

  Brian picked up his weapons and put them on his belt. He decided to carry his main weapon. He trotted towards the Sentry Post. The man holding his hands up was huge. He looked like he liked to spend time in the gym. Brian walked the rest of the way. The dusky tone of his skin would make him a natural for covert ops. The question was could he flip Him.

  Brian approached the mercenary handing him his right hand after shifting the weapon to the left hand. The mercenary looked at the hand, and Brian remembered the protocol.

ry well. My name is Brian Butler, rank Special Agent. I am in military command of this community for the time being. What is your intention?”

  “I intend to surrender to you and give you information that might aid you in your struggle.”

  “Some might call that treason.”

  “They may, but the account where my money was to be is empty. The Mining Company showed me the money and then took it away.”

  “They’re not supposed to be able to do that. MBA owns those God damn accounts. I’ll see about it.”

  “I’d like a job here.”

  “Let’s find out some things. Who ran the guards in the beginning.”

  “I ran then in the beginning. Towards the end, a cat by the name of Harry Witherspoon.”

  “He goes by the Mining Engineer?”

  “Yeah, but if he—”

  “Not now. Would you come with me to Secret Service Headquarters and testify to the facts there?”

  “How will I be treated?”


  Scott relaxed.

  “Who has his card.”

  Brian knew that it had to be Dusty who had the card. He looked guilty as hell. Brian presented his right hand. For a moment Dusty looked like he was going to resist. Then The guard pulled the card out. He handed it over to Brian.

  “You all live in a commune. This will go to Todd in the morning. The term is Parole. By that I mean you will be disarmed. A guard will be assigned to protect you. Have Todd assign a guard to protect Scott Wilson.”

  “If you want to see what I do, stay here.” Brian squatted down. You should see it. Who is your number two.”

  “Shady Lumpkin. He is in Barracks 1, by himself. He’s not a mercenary.”

  Brian looked at the barrack building. It was the same size as the other barracks building.


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