This Love

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This Love Page 4

by Kelly Elliott

  His gaze dropped to the ground. “I like you, Maebh. I want to be friends.”

  And like that, everything felt cold. Where he’d been pressed against me earlier cooled instantly. The warm, aching feeling between me legs was gone.


  I wouldn’t sleep with him, so he wanted to be friends only.


  He frowned. “Okay…what?”

  “We can be friends, but you pushing your cock into me isn’t what friends do.”

  Cord took another step back and shook his head. “I better get back.”

  I moved toward him, ready to ask him to come upstairs. I wanted to tell him I liked him as more than friends. That he made me entire body come to life. But I couldn’t get the words out.

  “Cord,” I whispered. My voice sounded needy, and he noticed it, too. I dug me teeth into me lower lip and tried to figure out what I needed to say to make him understand I wanted him. In ways I’d never wanted a man before. I knew I should walk away. A guy like Cord Parker was bound to break me heart. He was a player, but damn it all to hell, the way he looked at me sometimes made me quiver with desire.

  “Yes, Maebh?” he asked, moving closer.

  I licked my lips slowly, a silent invitation for him to kiss me. When our eyes met, me unspoken words must have done the trick because he had me back against the door, his mouth covering mine. I moaned slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went up my skirt and for a moment, I almost stopped him, until he gripped me thighs and lifted me. Me dress rose high, and I wrapped my legs around his body.

  Christ almighty. I’d kissed men before, but never felt anything like this. He pressed his hard cock into my core and I groaned. I’d only ever had an orgasm at uni by me boyfriend’s hand and me own. I longed to feel what it would be like to have a man drag one out of me while he made love to me. But not just any man.

  Cord Parker.

  My fingers laced into his hair, and I gave it a gentle tug, pulling his mouth even closer to mine.

  Cord kissed me like his life depended on it. As if I was giving him air to breathe. It was magical. Intense. And so fecking sexy.

  “Cord,” I whispered when I pulled back for a much-needed air break.

  He leaned his forehead to mine, his eyes squeezed closed. “I’m sorry. I lost control. You make me so damn crazy. I can’t fucking think around you, Maebh.”

  He slowly put me down and slid me dress back where it was supposed to be. Then he took a few steps back and stared off into space.

  What in the hell did he mean he couldn’t think around me? I drove him crazy. He drove me insane.

  Without looking at me, he stepped all the way out of the small porch area.

  “Goodnight, Maebh. I’ll see you around.”

  Me legs nearly buckled from under me as I watched him walk away.

  Pressing me fingers to me lips, I held back the burning sting of tears that threatened to spill.

  After a few minutes of trying to catch me breath, I unlocked the door and rushed upstairs. When I saw me da sitting on the sofa, I nearly screamed. I wasn’t expecting him back from Ireland so soon. But seeing him here made me nearly break down into tears.

  “You go out, half pint?”

  I nodded. Afraid if I spoke he’d know something was wrong.

  “You look pretty.”

  “Thank you,” I managed to squeak out, making me way over to the bar and pouring meself a whiskey. “You’re back early,” I managed to say after I downed the hard liquor.

  “The plane was available, so I used it.”

  I nodded. My father owned a distillery back in Ireland, a very successful one. He had his own private plane for the business. It was always available to him.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  He looked up at me again and frowned. “Are you okay, darlin’?”

  The lump in me throat kept me from speaking, so I smiled and nodded.

  “I’m knackered. Off to shower and bed.”

  “Good night, sweet girl.”

  “Night, Da.”

  After a long hot shower where I broke down into a fit of tears, I slipped on panties, long yoga pants, and a tank top. Pulling the covers back, I slipped under them, pulled them to me chin and let meself cry once more. Then I’d be done. I wasn’t going to let a man make me feel this way…no matter how much his kiss burned.

  A week had passed since the kiss. The kiss that had consumed me every thought. Last minute things had to be done with the Aisling to get it ready for opening night. I was a nervous wreck and it felt like me da and me had switched places. He was newly calm about everything.

  “Calm yourself, Maebh. The place looks amazing. You’ve done a fine job.”

  “I need a shot of whiskey,” I mumbled.

  He chuckled and reached instead for a bottle of wine. “Sit down. Let’s have a glass.”

  I looked around again. “Maybe I should check the kitchen again.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Maebh, you’ve hired Eric to run the kitchen. The lad knows what he’s doing.”

  I sighed and sank into a chair. We opened in a few hours, and I knew me da was right. Eric Riley was one of the best culinary chefs in Europe. When I approached him about opening an Irish restaurant in America, he was all for it. Then I told him it was near the small town me ma had grown up in. The country. He laughed for about an hour, then finally said it was an adventure he wouldn’t turn down.

  “Jonathon did a good job, didn’t he?”

  I smiled. “He did. Waylynn’s very lucky to have him.”

  Me da grinned. “You’ve got some good friends, Maebh.”

  I’d become closer to Waylynn, Harley, Amelia, Paxton, and Corina. They were all amazing and so in love. A part of me was envious of them all. I wanted to find love. To have someone hold me when I drifted off to sleep and wish me a good morning when I woke up. Someone to share me dreams and fears.

  “Corina and Mitchell won’t be here tonight. They’ll be home with baby Merit.”

  Me da smiled. He loved babies, and I knew he was counting down the days for me to pop out one or two.

  “The poor thing. The last time I saw her she looked ready to pop.”

  I giggled. “The baby was a few weeks early, but they’re all doing fine. Merit’s a cute name.”

  He nodded.

  Eric walked out from the kitchen area and into the main dining room.

  “Are we good to go for tonight?” I asked, me fingers rubbing me temples.

  “Stop worrying that pretty little head of yours, Maebh.”

  I forced a smile. Eric was older than me by ten years. He was still single and if I had a dollar for the number of times he’d asked me out I’d be opening another restaurant next to this one.

  “You’ll let me know if there are any problems?” I asked.

  “Yes. Now stop worrying.” He turned to me da. “Aedin, make your daughter relax, will you?”

  “I’ve given her wine.”

  Eric shook his head. “Hell, give the lass a full bottle of whiskey. That’s what she needs.”

  Me da shook his head. “She needs to have a clear mind. Maebh, go take a hot bath and get ready. Before you know it, it’ll be time and you need to be relaxed and ready to go.”

  I wanted to argue, but instead I rolled me eyes and made me way up the stairs and through the door that led to me apartment. The third floor of the building held the main living, a bathroom, and a bedroom with a bath for me da. The fourth floor was me office, bedroom, and a beautiful spa-like bathroom that Jonathon had designed. Plus, I had a small staircase that led to the rooftop. There was also a staircase from the second story of Aisling that led to the roof that would someday host private parties, but for now it was all mine.

  I went to the bathroom and ran the hot water for a bath. When I slipped into the tub, I let out a contented sigh. This felt lovely. I closed me eyes and let meself completely relax. When the dream of Cord kissing me
jolted me awake, I groaned and scrubbed me hands over my face.

  “Shite,” I whispered.

  I got out of the now-cold bath and quickly set about getting meself ready for the grand opening. Me hands would shake each time I thought about it. Everyone would be there. Melanie told me Cord closed his bar and was planning on being there as well. I smiled thinking back to a few weeks ago when she asked me what was the best Irish butter to buy. I hadn’t thought much about it until this moment.

  Why is Melanie buying Irish butter?

  Shrugging, I pushed the silly question from me mind and made me way to the dress I had picked out for tonight. It was a Bien Savvy midi dress cut in embroidered lace. The pattern was a soft black and white floral and screamed romance which was the perfect attire for this evening with the ambience of Aisling. Aisling would soon be known as the romantic spot for dinner, as well a casual place for lunch.

  I dropped the robe and picked up the fitted dress. There would be no bra. Me silk thong panties would be the only other piece of clothing I’d be wearing. After I slipped on the dress, I stared at meself in the mirror. Me teeth chewed me lip as I let me gaze follow the V-dip in the front of the dress that showed just a hint of cleavage through the see-through lace. Me fingers found the zipper on the side of the dress and I slowly zipped it up. The silk stopped just below mid-thigh, but the lace went down below me knees. I loved the peek-a-boo affect it had as it showed me skin, but still made the dress look elegant.

  The knock on my bedroom door had me calling out for whomever it was to come in.


  I glanced over me shoulder to find Amelia.

  “Hi!” I made me way over to her. I took her hands and squeezed them. “How are you feeling?”

  She shrugged. “I’m okay.”

  “Are you going to tell your family?”

  She let out a sigh. “Wade thinks I should, but I’m nervous. I don’t want to jinx it. You’re the only other person who knows besides Wade.”

  “Amelia, your book is being made into a movie! You should be so damn happy.”

  “I am. Honest, I am. It’s just, we didn’t plan this and even though Wade is over the moon, I’m so worried he’s going to resent me.”

  Frowning, I pulled her over to the bed and we sat. “Why would the lad resent you?”

  She shrugged. “We talked about starting a family next year. I’m going to be so busy flying out to LA and getting ready for the release. A movie based on my book! How in the world will I even have time to start a family?”

  I chuckled. “Stop this. Everything is going to be grand. Nothing says you can’t have a baby when all this is going on. The worst part is over. They bought the book and now you can relax. I have one request though.”

  Amelia smiled. “If I can make it happen, I will.”

  “Scott Eastwood has to play the lead. That lad is some lash!”

  Her brows pulled together. “Some lash?”

  Rolling me eyes, I replied, “He’s good looking!”

  We fell into a giggle fit.

  “Come on, let me fix your hair. How do you want to wear it?”

  “I think half up, half down,” I said with a smile. I loved having Amelia here. She was becoming the sister I never had.

  She nodded. “I agree.”

  By the time Amelia had finished primping and spraying my hair, it was time to head down to Aisling.

  I took the stairs with a deep breath. Amelia reached for me hand and squeezed it. “I’m here and if you feel like you need to throw up, I’ll hold your hair back.”

  We stopped and turned to face each other. Me eyes filled with tears, and she held up her finger.

  “No! That is not waterproof mascara!”

  Me heart was full. Almost full. Something felt missing as I made me way around the Aisling. I welcomed everyone and made sure they had a drink in hand. We weren’t serving meals this evening, this was more for people to walk around and see what Aisling would have to offer. Eric adored giving tours of his kitchen. I overhead him telling someone that he had followed me to America in hopes of winning me heart. The woman sighed and said, “How romantic.”

  I groaned and walked in the opposite direction.

  “Maebh!” Bobby Hansen pulled his wife over to meet me. Bobby was on the city council and was the one person who had given me hell about renovating the historical building. I wanted to punch him square in the jaw, but instead, I plastered on a smile.

  “Oh dear, look at you!” Melanie’s voice echoed from behind me.

  Amelia leaned over and said, “Be worried.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “My mother is meddling in your love life.”

  I scoffed. “I have no love life.”

  Amelia laughed. “Oh, that’s what you think, my pretty Irish friend. My mother, on the other hand, has your love life all planned out and it includes my brother Cord.”

  I gasped. “W-what?”

  “Don’t worry, Waylynn and I have managed to hold her back from going full force.”

  My mouth gaped. “Full force with what?”

  Me new best friend winked. I turned me back for one second, and Amelia had abandoned me, leaving me wide open for Melanie.

  “Maebh, sweetheart. You look stunning!”

  “Thank you, Melanie.”

  She smiled big. “I love that precious little accent of yours.” She looked behind me. “Now, did you bring a date?”

  “A date? No. I didn’t bring a date. No time for that with all of the grand opening details.”

  An evil smile played across her face. And when I say evil, I mean a smile that made you know she was planning something. Something that would be giving me a headache no doubt.

  The air in the restaurant changed, and I knew Cord was here. It would be the first time I’d seen him since the kiss.

  The kiss.

  Lord, I made it sound like it was a crime. In a way, it was. Cord Parker had gotten me so worked up, if he had asked to take me on that porch I would have let him. And that wasn’t like me…at all.

  My eyes traveled the room until I saw him…with another woman. The girl from his bar. I think her name was Tammy. She had been peeking in the window a few weeks back, and I had given her a tour. I had no idea she was dating Cord. I gasped and turned, quickly walking into the kitchen and making my way to Eric’s office. I shut the door and leaned against it, taking in a long deep breath.

  He was here with a woman. My eyes squeezed shut.

  “You’re so stupid, Maebh. Stupid to think a lad like him would ever like you.”

  “What are you going on about?”

  Me eyes snapped open to see Jimmy, one of the waiters, sitting in a chair in the corner. He’d worked for me da before coming here to help start up the Aisling.

  The heat in my cheeks inflamed. “Nothing.”

  He dropped his book and raised a brow. “Ms. O’Sullivan, pardon me for speaking out of turn but you’re a beautiful woman. You shouldn’t be hiding in here. If you want the lad, go out there and pretend like you don’t care he’s with the girl.”

  Nodding, I dabbed at the corner of me eye. I went to open the office door when he cleared his throat once more.

  “And, miss?”

  Glancing over my shoulder at him, I asked, “Yes?”

  “When the bastard least expects it, give him a wink. It throws men off when a beautiful woman winks at them.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “Beats the hell out of me, but it works every single time.”

  Fifteen minutes earlier

  “You’re not going to the grand opening of Aisling?”

  I shot Tammy a look. “Why do you think I’m not going?”

  “Because you’re sitting here reading the newspaper. Who reads a newspaper anymore? It’s a beautiful place. Maebh gave me a sneak peek at it.”

  “First off, lots of people read actual newspapers, and are you friends with Maebh now?”

  Tammy, who
was third in command of my bar, smirked. “If I said yes, would that bother you?”

  I shrugged. “Why would I care?”

  Tammy sighed. “For fuck’s sake, Cord. The bar is closed tonight. Don’t act like you didn’t do it because you knew it was her big opening. Which, by the way, was a nice thing to do.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Make yourself look like an asshole when you don’t show up.”

  “I’m going! Fuck. Stop nagging.”

  A triumphant smile spread over her face. “Then come with me. I don’t want to walk in alone.”

  I was already wearing dress pants and a button-down shirt. I’d claimed earlier that I’d been dressed for a meeting, but secretly I had planned on making a quick appearance at the grand opening of Maebh’s new restaurant.

  “Fine,” I mumbled, grabbing my suit jacket and slipping it on.

  Ten minutes later, Tammy and I were walking into Aisling. I’d been in here a few short days ago when Jonathon gave me a tour. Maebh had gone into Austin, to look for a dress her father said, so I knew I wouldn’t run the risk of seeing her. I’d talked with her father some. Nice guy. Hard as fuck to understand, even harder than Maebh, but really nice.

  My eyes scanned the place. It was packed, and I could hear people making comments about how elegant it was and how this was just what Oak Springs needed. The twitch in the corner of my mouth made Tammy elbow me in the ribs.

  “You think it’s pretty amazing, don’t you? I see the smile tugging at your mouth.”

  I nodded. “I won’t deny the place is beautiful. I think she’s going to do really well.”

  Maebh was going to do better than really well. The place was packed.

  “I love the books! Look at the books, Cord!” Tammy said, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the sea of people. It was more of a reception this evening. It wasn’t a “sit down and enjoy the food” type of event but more of a get to know the staff, sample some of the menu, and drink. The rumors about the Irish were true; they certainly like to drink. I’d figured that out the other day when Aedin had asked me three times if I wanted more whiskey


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